

Time flies! This is a third year that I have been in this school.In the past two and a half years, our school had organized many activities.What impressed me best was an activity called “Learning to Farm”.In an autumn afternoon, we were sent to a farm which we learned to plant potatoes.Having been in the city for so a long time, we were so happy to go to the countryside.After divided into 3 groups, we started to work.Some students cut potatoes into pieces; some dug holes, and the others put the pieces into the hole, put the earth back and pushed them down hard.We continued doing that until all the work was done.Although we were exhausted, but we felt happy on our way back home.


There is a technology that may someday be widely used as way to identify people.An American doctor can plant a computer chip under his skin which can send personal information to a scanner.The chip gives off information which will be scanned by a hand-held reader.

The chip is similar to that planted in more than 1 million dogs,cats and other pets in recent years to track and identify them. The doctor decided to test the chip himself after the World Trade Center disaster.He though the dead in the disaster could have been identified if their names and other important information had been chipped .

Officials of the company said they hope to sell the chips to patients with man-made arms or legs. The idea is that the chip will provide immediate and correct medical information when it is needed.

The information can contain name,telephone number and other information.Or it can send out a message that ,when connected to a computer can call up records.The scanner can read it through clothes from over a meter away .The new product also could be used to control prisoners .Workplaces of great importance may want to use the chips for employees,too.Some parents may consider planting chips in young children or elderly relatives who may be unable to say their names,addresses or telephone numbers.

Some medical and technology specialists said the product raises new questions about the relationship between humans and computer technology and could cause problems if it is used against someone's wishes,or if your personal information is read by those who should not see it.

1.In the text,computer chips have already been used to

A.catch escaped prisoners B. find missing children

C. treat sick people D. follow lost animals

2.The doctor decided to test the chips himself because

A. nobody would dare to try it

B. the chip could be used for identification purposes

C. the chip had been proved successful on animals

D. his patients expected him to experience it first

3.We can learn from the passage that

A. the chip has been proven to be very successful.

B.The use of this chip will be favored by everybody

C. doctors will make a lot of money by using chips.

D.There will be a great market for chip planting in humans.

4.What problem may be caused by planting chips in the human bodies?

A. Personal information may be used improperly

B.Chips can be the cause of diseases

C. Computers could send out wrong information

D.Sick people will be controlled by computers.

Many kids don't drink enough water daily, according to a new study. The study's lead author, Erica Kenney, at first planned to look into the amount of sugary drinks kids were drinking in schools. However, during her research she found that many kids were simply not drinking enough water.

Kenney and her team examined data from a group of 4,000 children, aged 6 to19, between the years of 2009 and 2012. The data was taken from the National Health and Nutrition Survey,a study on the health of children in the United States conducted each year by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention..

While looking through the survey results, she noticed that more than half of the kids who took part in the study were dehydrated (脱水的). Of' that group, boys were 76% more likely than girls not to have enough water in their system. Nearly one quarter of the kids in the survey reported drinking no plain water at all.

“These findings highlight(突出) a possible health issue that wasn't given a lot of attention in the past," Kenney said in a statement. “Even though for most of these kids this is not an immediate and great health threat, this is an issue that could really be reducing quality of life and well-being for many children and youth."

The United States-National Agriculture Library says average kids need between 10 to 14 cups of water every day. This water can come from a mix of drinks and foods that contain high amounts of water, such as celery, melons or tomatoes. It is also recommended that fluids(液体)come from water instead of sugary drinks that are high in calories and can lead to weight problems.

1.What was Erica Kenney's purpose in doing the study?

A. To study if kids drink enough water daily :

B. To prove that sugary drinks are harmful to kids

C. To show what kind of sugary drinks kids love.

D. To find out how many sugary drinks kids drink at school.

2.According to the findings of Erica Kenney's study, we know that ________.

A. school kids cannot find drinkable water easily

B. boys are more likely to get dehydrated than girls

C. sugary drinks are very popular with school kids

D. most kids know the importance of drinking plain water .

3.From the last paragraph we learn that kids________.

A. should drink plain water to lose weight

B. can try to take in water from sugary drinks .

C. can eat celery, melons and tomatoes for water .

D. should drink no more than 10 cups of water every day

4.The text mainly tells us that many kids_____________

A. don ' t like drinking water

B. prefer sugary drinks to water

C. are at risk of health problems

D. don ' t drink enough water daily

Of all the things that will make life entirely happy, the greatest is the possession of friendship. One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives. Friends are very rare jewels, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed.

On the first Sunday in August, it’s time to recognize your friends and their contribution to your life. The first Sunday in August was fixed as National Friendship Day by the U.S. Congress in 1935, and remains a tradition in many countries and cultures. In 1997, the United Nations named Winnie the Pooh as the world’s Ambassador of Friendship.

Obviously, there are several friendship holidays, all of which fall on fixed dates.

National Friendship Day is on the first Sunday in August

Women’s Friendship Day is on the third Sunday in September

International Friendship Month is February

Old Friends, New Friends Week is the third week of May

People show their appreciation for friendship in various ways. Some expressions may be practical ones, such as flowers, particularly the pink friendship roses, cookies, chocolates, souvenirs from their vacations, a tape of favorite songs, farewell dinners, and welcome balloons.

Recipe for Friendship 2 cups of patience, 1 heart full of love, 2 handfuls of generosity, 2 cups of loyalty, 1 cup of understanding, with some laughter. Mix them all well. Spray (喷洒) generously over a lifetime and serve everyone you meet.

Friendship helps to bring peace and positive things to the globe, another great reason to celebrate! Although our friends certainly deserve thanks on more than just one day of the year, what better day to honor them than Friendship Day!!

1.Which of the following proverbs supports the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Friendship cannot stand always on one side.

B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C. A friend without faults will never be found.

D. A life without a friend is a life without a sun.

2.Which of the holidays happens first in a year?

A. National Friendship Day.

B. Women’s Friendship Day.

C. International Friendship Month.

D. Old Friends, New Friends Week.

3.What is most needed to make friendship grow, develop and last?

A. Inviting your friends over for a party.

B. Looking on your friends as relatives.

C. Honoring your friends on Friendship Day.

D. Being loyal and generous to your friends.

4.“Recipe for Friendship” here actually means ______________.

A. a prescription (处方) for curing friends

B. a method of keeping a friendship

C. the pleasure of having friends

D. the importance of friendship


In many countries,people eat rice every day. they eat it two or three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and supper.They can it, fry(煎)it or it into rice noodles.They usually eat it meat,fish and vegetables.

Some people do not eat some kind of . Muslins,for example,do not eat pork,and Hindus do not eat beef.

The Japanese eat a lot of fish.Japan is an island and its go all over the Pacific

looking for fish to .The Japanese sometimes eat uncooked fish, and they also eat a lot of rice.

In such as Britain,Australia and the United States,the most important food is or potatoes.People there usually make their bread from wheat flour.They potatoes in different ways.They can boil them,fry them and roast(烤)them.

In Africa,maize(玉米)is the most important food. rice and wheat,maize is a kind of cereal(谷物).African people make the maize flour.From this flour they make .kinds of bread and cakes.Many Africans are very 14 and they can’t afford to eat much with their cereal.

Cereals are a very important kind of food we also need plenty of vegetables and lots of fresh

Some people eat fruit and vegetables.They do not eat meat or fish or that comes from animals.They eat only food from .Some people say that food from plants is better for us than meat.

1.A.Sometime B.Sometimes C.Some time D.Some times

2.A.drink B.boil C.have D.eat

3.A.change B.turn C.make D.eat

4.A.as B.like C.together D.with

5.A.meat B.fish C.apples D.vegetables

6.A.trains B.planes C.life boats D.fishing boats

7.A.buy B.catch C.hold D.weigh

8.A.the world B.countries C.the east D.developing countries

9.A.bread B.cake C.flour D.vegetables

10.A.cook B.eat C.make D.take

11.A.With B.As C.Being D.Like

12.A.of B.from C.into D.up to

13.A.the same B.every C.different D.each

14.A.rich B.weak C.strong D.poor

15.A.meat B.maize C.bread D.flour

16.A.so B.as C.but D.because

17.A.fruit B.cakes C.rice D.potatoes

18.A.only B.not only C.besides D.except

19.A.something B.pork C.anything D.beef

20.A.fish B.apples C.pigs D.plants



I am the only person who has reached senior middle school in my family. So, I am the “best educated”. But I also used to be the most ________ because I never thought about my manners. As a busy ________ , I always come home from school late. When I get home at ________ , it is time for my meal. After eating, I go to school again. But one day, when I was ready to go to school after lunch as usual, Dad stopped me. “Could you ________ me some time?” he asked, “just one ________ .” I looked at the time and found I didn’t have much time left. “OK, Dad, but please make it ________ .” “All right, I know you are ________ , so I will just ask you two questions. Could you ________ how many things you have done for our ________ ? And, could you tell me how often you say hello to your family members when you get home?”

That day, when I was at ________ , I thought about the questions without understanding why Dad had ________asked them. Then, my friend, a girl from a rich family, asked me what was ________ me. I told her. After listening, she laughed. “Hey! That’s nothing ________ ! You know, I never do anything or say hello to anybody when I am at home, either.” Then she added, “As far as I know, 90 percent of our ________ have never done these things.” Really? At that moment, I ________ why my dad had asked me those questions. It was because it is good ________ to say hello to your family. However, most of us students don’t know, or even ________ this. How sad we are! I finally realized how I should answer my dad’s questions. First, I would do all those things that are called good manners. Second, I would ________ my classmates to be aware of their manners as soon as possible. That night I told these things to Dad. “Good,” he said, “Better late than never.” The next afternoon, when I got home, I saw Mum in the kitchen cooking. “Hi, Mum, I’m ________ ,” I said. She looked at me and gave me a big ________ .

1.A. shy B. impolite C. angry D. anxious

2.A. senior student B. shop assistant C. school teacher D. housewife

3.A. time B. night C. noon D. spare time

4.A. spend B. take C. spare D. lend

5.A. thing B. hour C. question D. minute

6.A. easy B. happy C. quick D. simple

7.A. impolite B. polite C. patient D. busy

8.A. look about B. make sure C. find out D. take out

9.A. family B. members C. house D. promise

10.A. bed B. school C. table D. home

11.A. suddenly B. obviously C. clearly D. simply

12.A. surprising B. paining C. puzzling D. delighting

13.A. dangerous B. normal C. valuable D. important

14.A. family B. class C. neighbor D. town

15.A. wondered B. understood C. knew D. noticed

16.A. way B. exercise C. chance D. manners

17.A. think about B. care about C. call for D. hunt for

18.A. force B. remind C. allow D. ask

19.A. home B. late C. sorry D. hungry

20.A. cake B. suggestion C. smile D. chance

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