2008年9月25日,中国成功地将三人小组送入太空,其中航天员翟志刚在太空首次行走,这是我国自2003年以来最具有挑战性的太空任务.请简单介绍此次 “神舟七号”的有关情况.内容包括:
注意:载人飞船manned spaceship/spacecraft;出舱活动an extra-vehicular activity;空间站space station
Shenzhou-Ⅶ, which was shot up into space on September 25,returned to Earth three days later, having completed its historic mission.
It is the country’s most challenging space mission since 2003.The main mission is to carry out the space walk, known as an extra-vehicular activity, or EVA, which is expected to help China master the technology to create its first space station in the next few years. During the traveling, Zhai Zhigang, one of the three astronauts on board Shenzhou-Ⅶ,stepped out of the capsule and conducted the historic space walk. Most importantly, all along China has relied heavily on homegrown technology. The Shenzhou-7 mission marks a historic breakthrough in China’s manned space program. It represents the comprehensive strength of our nation.