
Statistically, air travel is by far the safest way to travel, and you can make flying even safer, just by following these simple rules. As your chances of being involved in an air accident are practically nil(零), many of these tips concern what you should and shouldn't do to make your journey safer when you are airborne(升空的).

● Fly on non-stop routes

Most accidents occur during the takeoff, climb, descent and landing phases of a flight, so flying non-stop reduces your exposure to these complex procedures.

● Choose larger aircraft.

Although small aircraft have very good safety records, those with more than 30 passenger seats are designed to comply(遵守)with much stricter regulations and are tested more regularly to make sure they still comply. Also, in the unlikely event of a serious accident, larger aircraft provide a better opportunity for passenger survival.

● Pay attention to the pre-flight safety briefing

The information may seem repetitious(重复的), but it's worth listening to the flight attendants. And even if you’ve flown before, it doesn’t mean you know everything about the aircraft you're on, such as the location of the closest emergency exit.

● Store things safely

Never put very heavy articles in the overhead storage bins. They may fall out when someone opens the bin and cause injury. Also, the bin may not be able to hold heavier objects during turbulence(气流).

● Keep our seat belt fastened while you are seated

Cabin crew always tell you this, but it’s important. You would be seriously injured if the plane hits unexpected turbulence. Always fasten your seat belt if you are told to. The general rule of flying is this: If you are told to do something, do it first and ask questions later.

● Let the flight attendant pour your hot drinks

Flight attendants are trained to handle hot drinks like coffee or tea in a crowded aisle on a moving aircraft, so allow them to pour the drink and hand it to you. Never ask to take a coffee pot from one of them.

What is the overall reason for these air safety tips?

A. What to do in the event of a crash.

B. How to avoid turbulence.

C. How to improve safety while you are flying.

D. How to avoid injury.

The underlined word “those” in the second tip refers to ____

A. smaller planes         B. passengers

C. larger aircraft  D. safety records

The underlined phrase “The general rule” in the fifth tip refers to ____.

A. anything the flight staff tell you to do  B. general safety advice

C. walking around the plane              D. pouring hot drinks

Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Larger planes have more safety checks and are safer in an accident.

B. Take-offs are safer on non-stop flights than landings.

C. Every aircraft is different, so the safety procedures may be different.

D. Seat belts should be worn to protect against turbulence.

The best title of the passage should be____.

A. The Safest Way to Travel       B. Air Safety Tips

C. Non-stop Routes              D. How to Fly a Plane









In the early 1800’s, a boy named John lived in an orphanage (孤儿院) with several other children.Every day was   36   working and Christmas was the one day of the year   37   the children did not work and received a gift — an orange.The children   38   it so much that they kept it for weeks, and even   39  — smelling it,   40   it and loving it.Usually they tried to preserve it for so   41  that it often went bad before they ate it.

This year John knew he would soon be   42   enough to leave.He would save the orange until his birthday in July.If he preserved it   43  , he might be able to eat it on his birthday.

Christmas day finally came.The children were so   44   as they entered the dining hall.In his excitement, John knocked over something, causing a big    45 .Immediately the master shouted, “John, leave the hall and there will be no orange for you.” John's heart   46  .He turned and ran back to the   47   room so that the children wouldn’t see his tears.

Then he heard the door open and the children entered.Little Elizabeth with a  48    on her face held out her small hands.“Here John,” she said, “this is for you.” As John   49   his head, he saw a big juicy   50   all peeled and quartered … Each child had sacrificed(舍弃) their own orange by   51   a quarter and had created a big, beautiful orange for him

John never forgot the sharing, love and personal   52   his friends had shown him that Christmas day.  53   that day, after he became rich, every year he   54  send oranges all over the world to children everywhere.His   55  was that no child would ever spend Christmas without a special Christmas fruit! 

A.forced        B.wasted          C.taken        D.spent

A.that               B.when         C.while         D.which

A.needed       B.wanted         C.valued          D.liked

A.months      B.days          C.years           D.seasons

A.tasting       B.watching       C.pressing         D.touching

A.much         B.soon          C.long          D.far

A.old           B.strong           C.tall            D.experienced

A.seriously    B.carefully       C.secretly         D.softly

A.nervous      B.excited         C.pleasant        D.eager

A.cry          B.disappointment C.surprise        D.noise

A.jumped     B.stopped         C.broke               D.settled

A.cold         B.small         C.old            D.lonely

A.look         B.tear           C.surprise        D.smile

A.shook       B.lifted         C.put            D.turned

A.gift          B.surprise        C.orange          D.wonder

A.sharing      B.breaking       C.eating           D.taking

A.feelings    B.affairs          C.relation         D.sacrifice

A.In return for       B.In case of      C.In memory of   D.In search of

A.must        B.would           C.might           D.should

A.desire       B.idea           C.care           D.thought

假设你叫李华,做了几天上海世博会(Shanghai World Exposition)的志愿者volunteer,请你用英语给美国的笔友Tom写一封信,谈谈你当志愿者的心得体会,并鼓励其也做一名志愿者。要点如下:






Dear Tom,

How is everything going on?                                                   





Li hua


Some people have the feeling that nothing can be done about their poor reading ability. They feel hopeless about it. Can you learn to read better, or must you agree that nothing can be done about it?

To be sure, people are different. You cannot expect to do everything as well as certain other people do. If all the students in a class tried out for basketball, some would be very good players; others would be very poor; and many would be in between. But even the very poor players can become much better players if they are guided in the right way, and with plenty of practice. It is the same with reading. Some seem to enjoy reading and to read well without any special help. Others find reading a slow and tiring job. In between, there are all degrees of reading ability.

Many experiments have shown that just about every poor reader can improve his reading ability. In these experiments, the poor readers were given tests of reading ability. After some of the causes of their reading were discovered, they were given special instruction and practice in reading. After a few months, another test of the same kind was given. In nearly all cases, these people had raised their reading scores.

61. With the example of basketball players, the author shows ________.

A. why certain people are poor readers       

B. that there are differences in people’s abilities (能力)

C. why some people are good basketball players

D. that good basketball players can be good readers

62. To improve their reading ability, people should ________.

A. work long and hard                                    B. take different forms of tests

C. have special help and practice                 D. try different reading materials

63. The experiments mentioned in the text show that ________.

A. good readers seem to enjoy reading        

B. almost all poor readers can make progress

C. causes of poor reading were difficult to find out

D. tests help people improve their reading ability

64. What does the underlined sentence “many would be in between” mean?

A. It means that many are the best basket players.

B. It means that many are the worst basket players.

C. It means that many are standing in the middle of the line.

D. It means that there are several levels of players in many students.

65. What’s the purpose of the author’s writing this passage?

A. To encourage people to improve their reading ability.

B. To suggest that readers should do practice only in reading.

C. To tell us that readers can’t improve their reading ability without special help.

D. To tell us that to be a good reader, one should be guided in the right way.

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