
The “24 solar terms” originated and was firstly used in China. It was created thousands years ago on the basis of practical needs of agriculture. Ancient Chinese people used it to guide agriculture production, special climate signs and even healthy living tips. Last year, the 24 solar terms was added to UNESCO's world intangible cultural heritage list. Now, it has been brought to life thanks to a creative designer from Southwest China's Guizhou province.

On the eve of this year's Qingming Festival, Shi Changhong released his version of re-produced and pack-aged characters for each solar term in the form of “moving art” of gifs. Since their initial release on Zcool on March 29, the gifs have won great acclaim among the general public and quickly engulfed social media with millions of hits during the festival period.
To maximize publicity, Shi released his work in three forms: video, animation and picture, while, the background sounds add to the brilliance.
“When I watch the short video, I can strongly feel the Chinese-style elements hidden in them. And it is really cool to rejuvenate Chinese traditional culture in such a unique way.” WeChat user Xiao Feifei said.
“It is really a comfort to me to see so many people like my latest work. To be honest, it would really surprise me if the work does not arouse a sensation among Chinese people. The 24 solar items is a deeply mooted concept that encapsulates the essence of Chinese wisdom. However, only a small portion of people know all the names or the correct order of those terms. My intention is to increase Chinese people's self awareness to learn more about our traditional fine culture. Actually, the 24 solar items work is only a part of my whole design program ‘Charm China', which I started over a year ago.” Shi told China Daily.
(1)What do you think the underlined word “Zcool” refer to?
C.Radio Broadcast.
(2)What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To introduce a creative designer.
B.To introduce the origin of the 24 solar terms.
C.To introduce a design program “Charm China”.
D.To introduce the 24 solar items work.
(3)Which of the following statement is true according to text?
A.The 24 solar items work designed by Shi Changhong was added to UNESCO's heritage list.
B.The background sounds of the work make the video more attractive.
C.It really surprised Shi Changhong to see so many people like his latest work.
D.Most old people know all the names of the correct order of the 24 solar terms
(4)Which part of the newspaper does the text probably belong to?


(1)词义猜测题。由四个选项可知,单词应该是表示某个传播媒介,而从"Shi released his work in three forms: video, animation and picture."四个选项中符合能用音频,动画和图片三种形式的传播媒介,只能是网站。因此选A。


(3)细节理解题。A选项错误,应该是24节气被纳入文化遗产;C选项错误,由"To be honest, it would really surprise me if the work does not arouse a sensation."可知,Shi Changhong对于很多人喜欢他的作品并不感到意外;D选项错误,由"only a small portion of people know all the names or the correct order of those terms."文中只说一小部分人知道所有24节气名称,没有说许多老年人知道。B 选项正确。



【题目】 Throughout Europe golf has been popular for many years. A recent report says that in Great Britain alone, 700 new golf courses (球场) will have to be built over the next ten years to satisfy people’s demand.

This is all good news for golf lovers, but it worries those who want to protect the environment. Their argument is that the new courses are disturbing the balance of nature. Woods, ponds and fields are being dug up to make way for the courses. The birds and animals that used to live there are being killed or forced to leave. The amount of water that a club uses to keep its course in good condition is reducing the amount of water available for industrial and other uses. The chemicals used to control insects are sinking into the underground water.

There may be some truth in this, but it is not the whole truth. The days are long past when building of any kind was allowed in beautiful places with no thought for the environment. Planning permission, nowadays, is as strict for golf courses as it is for any other type of development. Before any such project is given the go-ahead, many factors are studied. It is only when it is clear that no harm will be done to the area that the builders are allowed to move in.

A strong case can even be made that golf courses are actually good for the areas where they are built. Courses are built in areas which are not areas of natural beauty. The new courses often make the area livelier. To make holes more difficult, trees are planted and lakes are filled in around greens. Not surprisingly perhaps, it is not unusual to find that, within months of a course being completed, a whole variety of animals and birds have moved in.

Obviously, careful thought has to go into the design of the new courses. As few changes as possible should be made to the natural environment. The wild-life and woods should also be protected. But this can be, and is being, done. There is no reason why golfers and nature cannot live peacefully together.

1What is TRUE about building a new golf course nowadays?

A.It takes up too much land.

B.A lot of trees have to be cut down.

C.It is easy to get planning taken into consideration.

D.Many things will be taken into consideration.

2What can we infer from Paragraph 4?

A.That a whole variety of animals and birds have moved in the courses is uncommon.

B.Only when it is clear that no harm will be done to the area, are the builders allowed to move in.

C.Golf courses could make local areas look beautiful.

D.Golf courses’ construction wastes too much water and money.

3Which of the following shows the structure (结构) of the text? (P=paragraph)



【题目】Before a new type of airplane goes into service, every part of it is tested again and again. But there are two tests that are more important than all the others.

The first is called the “tank test”. A modern airplane must fly very high in the sky. Air must be pumped into the plane so that the passengers can breathe. The metal structure (结构) of the plane has to be very strong for this reason. When the plane is filled with air, the air presses against the skin of the plane inside. The pressure (压力) on a small window is like a huge foot that is trying to get out. If a small part of the plane were to fail, the plane would explode in the sky. To test the structure of the plane, the plane is lowered into a huge tank or container of water. Then it is filled with air. The pressure inside the plane is greater than it ever will be when it is high up in the air. Finally, there is an explosion. This does not cause so much damage inside the water tank as it would anywhere else. Engineers can discover which part of the plane has broken. Then that part is made stronger,

The most dangerous test happens when the new plane is going through test flights in the air. The test pilot must find out exactly what happens when the engines (发动机) are all shut off at once. The plane begins to fall like a stone. It is the pilot’s job to find out how he can get control of the plane again. These two tests are examples of how planes are made safe before they ever carry passengers.

1By doing the “tank test”, the engineers can find out ________.

A.the power of the airplane enginesB.the amount of air in the plane

C.the strength of the plane structureD.the pressure inside and outside the plane

2What will happen to the plane under the “tank test”?

A.It will be tested by pilots.B.It will be broken.

C.It will be made stronger.D.It will be filled with water.

3According to the text. why are test flights most dangerous?

A.Too much air may get into the plane.B.The plane may explode in the air.

C.The pilot may lose control of the plane.D.The engines may be damaged.

4What might be the most suitable title for the text?

A.How Airplanes Are Made and TestedB.Two Important Tests on Airplanes

C.The Importance of Flying SafelyD.The Danger of Testing Airplanes

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