
     For long, a little boy was wondering why his deskmate could rank 1st in the class whenever he wanted to,
while he himself failed to: he only ranked 21st.
     At home, he asked his Mom, "Mom, am I more   1   than others? I feel I am obedient and as careful as him,
but   2   I always fall behind?" Hearing the words, Mom was aware that her son began to   3   the sense of self-
respect, which was now being injured by the ranking system.   4   at him, she went wordless, not knowing   5  
 to explain.
     In another test, the son ranked 17th, while his deskmate remained 1st. Back home he   6   the same question.
Mom really wanted to inform his son that   7   differs, which means that students ranking 1st are supposed to
be cleverer than normal ones.   8  , was this discouraging answer the one that her son was constantly   9   about?
Thank goodness she did not open her mouth.
     How to answer her son's question? There were times when she felt an urge to say, "You are too lazy. You
are not as hard-working as others…" but she stopped  10  imagining her son suffering from the pains of
unsatisfied grades and rankings. She thought it  11  to put any additional burden on his son and was trying to
find out a perfect answer.
     Time passing swiftly, the son  12  primary school. Despite studying harder and better, he was still unable to
keep up with his deskmate. To show her pride of him, mom decided to  13  him to the sea. During the trip, she
managed to give an answer.
     Now, the son no longer worries about his  14 , and there are no boring guys who would inquire his grades
in primary school, because,  15  the 1st ranking, he is admitted to Tsinghua University. Back home in winter
vacation, he was invited to  16  the students and parents in his high school, In the speech, he mentioned a valuable
experience in his childhood,"…When my mother and I were lying on the  17 , she pointed to the front and said,
"Do you see the seabirds struggling for food over there? When the waves come near, little birds can rise 18  
while awkward seagulls would take more time to complete the process. However, have you noticed birds that
finally fly  19  the endless ocean are none other than the awkward seagulls?" The speech  20  many mothers
present to tears, including his mother.

(     )1. A. considerate  
(     )2. A. what if       
(     )3. A. lose       
(     )4. A. Shouting     
(     )5. A. which       
(     )6. A. raised     
(     )7. A. intelligence 
(     )8. A. Therefore    
(     )9. A. enthusiastic
(     )10. A. if          
(     )11. A. cruel      
(     )12. A. attended
(     )13. A. guide      
(     )14. A. homework              
(     )15. A. in          
(     )16. A. teach       
(     )17. A. floor       
(     )18. A. quickly     
(     )19. A. into      
(     )20. A. made        

B. careless  
B. how come    
B. have          
B. Glaring       
B. why         
B. met               
B. right       
B. Still         
B. curious    
B. before           
B. important    
B. started      
B. take      
B. belongings             
B. by          
B. deliver        
B. road        
B. suddenly     
B. through     
B. moved       

C. stupid        
C. how about             
C. win                  
C. Staring            
C. when                   
C. answered                 
C. knowledge           
C. Thus                    
C. crazy                 
C. unless                    
C. disappointed          
C. finished             
C. bring                
C. health                 
C. with                  
C. address                
C. bank                
C. slowly                
C. across             
C. impressed           

D. clever  
D. what for     
D. beat          
D. Pointing        
D. how             
D. got               
D. strength        
D. However         
D. clear          
D. when       
D. necessary                 
D. entered        
D. push          
D. rankings           
D. on                
D. face          
D. beach             
D. sharply         
D. throughout    
D. inspired         
1-5 CBBCD  6-10 AADBD  11-15 ACBDC  16-20 CDACB

The following is a true story. It shows that potential discovered may lead to success. A young, man traveled by train. As it was running across a  _36_ passengers looked out of the_37_  idly and aimlessly.When the train came near a bend it _38_ and then an unadorned (简陋的)house came into _39_ .It was so obvious _40_ the deserted landscape that everybody on the train began to “ _41_ ” it with their eyes wide open.Some passengers  _42_ began a discussion about it.
The young man was also _43_ by the scene.On his return he  _44_ the train at the nearest station and found his _45_ to the house.Its _46_ told him that troubled by the _47_ of the train he wanted to sell the house but  _48__would buy it.
Soon after the young man __49__three thousand dollars for the house, regarding it as a _50_ site for advertisement.It was facing the railway _51_ where the train had to slow down and the _52_ passengers would cast their eyes at the house to _53_ themselves.He managed to get  _54_ to big companies and tried his best to convince them of the advantage of the place for  _55_ .Finally the Coca Cola Company took a lease on(租用) it to put up promotion signs.The young man was paid 180 thousand for a three - year rent.
36.A.city          B.station         C.tunnel         D.wilderness
37.A.windows     B.houses         C.rooms          D.planes            
38.A.broke down     B.turned down     C.slowed down   D.put down
39.A.being              B.view           C.use           D.effect
40.A.against        B.on            C.for           D.to           
41.A.enjoy          B.hear         C.inspect         D.see
42.A.ever         B.even           C.still          D.yet   
43.A.excited        B.expressed     C.shocked       D.impressed
44.A.got in          B.got out        C.got off        D.put off 
45.A.way          B.path         C.road        D.means
46.A.loser         B.employer     C.boss         D.owner
47.A.sound          B.noise          C.voice         D.saying
48.A.nobody       B.none         C.nothing        D.someone
49.A.cost          B.paid         C.spent          D.took 
50.A.favorable      B.wrong         C.best          D.just         
51.A.station         B.track         C.carriage      D.bend
52.A.tired           B.excited        C.moved         D.delighted
53.A.express        B.enjoy         C.refresh        D.seat
54.A.close         B.access         C.down         D.up           
55.A.promotion          B.production          C.sale          D.advertisement

When Winsion Chruchill was a young man, his father concluded that Churchill was “unfit for a career in law or politics” because he did so badly in school.
When Charles Darwin was getting ready to  36  on his five-year expedition on The Beagle, his father was extremely  37  . he thought his son was falling into a life of sin and idleness.
Gorge Washington’s mother was a complaining,   38  woman by all accounts. She thought little of Washington’s achievements and didn’t   39  at either of his presidential inaugurations(就职典礼). She was always  40  that her children overlooked her and she was especially angry when her son George ran off to  41  the army for the American Revolution. She   42  believed it was his duty to stay home and take care of her.
In his youth, the  43  Leonard Bernstein, one of the most talented and successful composers in American history, was continually pressured by his father to  44  his music and do something worthwhile, like help out in his family’s beauty-supply business. After Leonard became  45  , his father was asked about that, and he answered, “Well, how was I supposed to know he was the Leonard Bernstein?”
People may criticize you or make fun of your ideas or actively try to  46  you. Often their efforts are only attempts to protect you from  47  . But obviously failure is only a possibility if you stop. If you keep  48  , a “failure” is just another learning  49  . Besides, giving up on a heartfelt goal is worse than failing. “Many people die”, said Wendell Holmes, “with their  50  still in them.” That’s true tragedy.
So listen  51  to the worries and criticisms of your friends and family, and do your best to put their minds  52  , but then carry on. Listen last to your own heart. You   53  yourself better than anyone on earth. Make sure your song is  54  .
Listen to your own heart. Don’t let your music   55  with you.
36.A.set sail         B.take charge      C.make progress  D.set examples
37.A.excited        B.pleased        C.disappointed     D.affected
38.A.self-confident   B.self-centered    C.kind-hearted     D.cold-blooded
39.A.show off      B.show up       C.pick out       D.pick up
40.A.claiming      B.expecting     C.complaining     D.declaring
41.A.fight         B.beat          C.attend          D.command
42.A.foolishly      B.secretly        C.bravely        D.honestly
43.A.late          B.latter         C.former         D.later
44.A.take up        B.give up        C.pick up        D.bring up
45.A.proud          B.diligent        C.professional     D.famous
46.A. advise        B.suggest        C.stop          D.keep
47.A.failure        B.success        C.stop          D.keep
48.A.stopping      B.starting        C.going              D.coming
49.A.method        B.experiment       C.approach      D.experience
50.A.music          B.article          C.movie          D.poem
51.A.politely       B.rudely         C.responsibly      D.actively
52.A.in order       B.at case         C.in use          D.at war
53.A.trust         B.believe        C.know         D.doubt
54.A.finished       B.completed     C.written        D.sung
55.A.live          B.die           C.sound          D.play



Back in the 15th century, in a tiny village in Germany, lived a family with eighteen children.Eighteen! In order  36   to keep food on the table, the father, a goldsmith by  37  , worked almost eighteen hours a day at his trade.Despite their seemingly   38   condition, two of the eldest children had a dream.They both wanted to pursue their talent for art,  39   they knew well that their father would never be able to  40   either of them to study at the Academy.

After many long discussions at night in their  41   bed, the two boys finally worked out a pact.They would toss (掷) a coin.The   42   would go down into the nearby mines and, with his earnings,   43   his winning brother for the academy.Then, in four years, he would support the Other one.Then Albrecht Durer won the toss and  44  to Nuremberg.Albert went down into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years,   45  his brother, whose work at the academy was almost an immediate sensation.By the time he graduated, he was beginning to   46  considerable fees for himself.

When the young artist   47   home and said to his brother, "And now, Albert, blessed brother of mine, now it is your   48   . Now you can go to the Academy to pursue your dream, and I will  49   you."

Albert rose and wiped the  50   from his cheeks."No, brother.I cannot go to Nuremberg.It is too  51   for me.Look…look what four years in the mines have done to my 52   ! I cannot even hold a glass, much less make delicate lines on canvas   53   a pen or a brush."

More than 450 years have  54 .By now, among Albrecht Durer's hundreds of masterful portraits, "The Praying Hands" is one  55   creation that can catch the world's hearts.

1.A.merely     B.fully                    C.completely    D.entirely

2..A.heart    B.method                   C.profession    D.words

3..A.demanding  B.promising       C.hopeless      D.careless

4..A.so       B.and                       C.however      D.but

5..A.study      B.send                   C.give         D.offer

6..A.separated    B.crowded               C.new          D.unusual

7..A.winner       B.loser                 C.old          D.younger       

8..A.support      B.advertise      C.expect       D.require              

9..A.flew away        B.went off   C.set aside    D.left behind

10..A.deserved     B.desired        C.financed     D.envied

11..A.spend    B.save                     C.draw          D.earn

12..A.arrived      B.regained             C.returned       D.got

13..A.turn      B.time                   C.top            D.fate

14..A.take charge of  B.make up for C.make use of          D.take care of

15..A.smiles     B.sweats         C.tears                    D.hints

16..A.late       B.nervous                C.tiring          D.tense

17..A.eyes       B.hands                  C.pictures        D.mines

18..A.in         B.of                     C.upon            D.with

19..A.passed    B.kept                    C.remembered       D.changed

20.A.strange     B.touching               C.wonderful      D.mysterious




When a person is curious about something, it means he is interested in it and wishes to know something about it. There is   16   wrong with curiosity in itself. Whether it is good or bad   17  on what people are curious about.

   Curiosity  18  can be foolish or wrong. Some people with nothing to do are  19  of curiosity about what their neighbors are doing. They have a strong wish to know what they are   20  home or taking outside, or why they have come home so  21  or late. To be interested in these things is silly because it is none of their 22   to know what their neighbors do or are doing. Such curiosity is not only foolish but also 23  . For most probably, it may lead to a small talk  24  often brings harm, loss of honor or disrespect to others, and thus  25  their feelings.

  On the other hand, there is a  26  curiosity- the curiosity of wise men, who  27  at all the great things and try to find out all they  28  learn about them. Columbus could  29  have found America if he had not been  30 . James Walt would not have made the steam engine  31   his curiosity about the rising of the kettle lid. All the  32  in human history have been made as a  33  of curiosity, 34   the clever curiosity is never about unimportant things which have  35  or nothing to do with the happiness of the public.

1.A. anything           B. everything           C. nothing      D. something

2. A. keeps             B. puts             C. takes            D. depends

3. A. always                B. sometimes            C. unusually        D. seldom

4. A. full              B. certain              C. proud            D. careful

5.A. taking             B. bringing         C. going            D. coming

6. A. quickly               B. hurriedly            C. early            D. happily

7.A. business           B. task             C. duty         D. work

8. A. instructive           B. useful               C. harmful      D. proper

9. A. who               B. which                C. when         D. where

10.A. hurts             B. injures              C. breaks           D. destroys

11.A. terrible              B. sudden           C. strange      D. clever

12. A. expect               B. like             C. wonder       D. doubt

13.A. need              B. must             C. may          D. can

14. A. never                B. certainly            C. surely           D. probably

15.A. famous                B. careful              C. curious      D. hard

16. A. for                  B. without          C. with         D. in

17. A. products         B. goods                C. discoveries      D. machines

18. A. profit               B. product          C. fruit            D. result

19. A. but                  B. however          C. so           D. or

20.A. little                B. few              C. some         D. any



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