
【题目】根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项。

Most of you love watching movies. They can be funny, sad, imaginative, inspiring, and so much more! There are so many possibilities and so many great movies to watch!

The making of a movie usually begins with a script (剧本). 【1】 The producer is the person who is responsible for coordinating(协调) aspects of the film like budget and scheduling. The producer plans out how the project will be carried out and he usually starts by hiring a director!

2 The director will usually identify themes or feelings that he or she wants the movie to convey to its audience and will then assemble(聚集) all the other people who will be needed, such as costume-designers, makeup artists, special effects crew, stuntmen, cameramen, and, of course, actors!

Next, shooting begins! 3 Often a director will want to get several “takes” (versions) of a scene or moment and usually only a few minutes of the movie are finished in one day’s work. 4 So once filming is completed, the director must then work with editors to piece them all together, deciding which takes to use and adding in any special effects or touch-ups.

The entire process from acquiring the script to editing the scenes generally takes months or even years! Once it’s ready, the finished movie is then distributed to movie theatres. 5

A. Scenes are also usually not shot in order.

B. The actual filming can be a slow process.

C. The way that movies are made has changed a lot over time.

D. It gets bought by a movie studio or a producer.

E. The producer plays a very important role in making a movie.

F. In movies, the director’s job is to bring the script to life on camera.

G. People can watch and enjoy it in the theatre.









【1】C根据前文The making of a movie usually begins with a script (剧本).电影最开始需要一个剧本,然后制片人把剧本买过来才可以拍摄。故选C。


【3】B根据前后文Next, shooting begins!... usually only a few minutes of the movie are finished in one day’s work.接着,电影的拍摄开始了,有几分钟的内容需要一整天的拍摄,所以电影拍摄是一个漫长的过程。故选B。

【4】A根据后文the director must then work with editors to piece them all together, deciding which takes to use and adding in any special effects or touch-ups.电影拍摄之后要进行剪辑,说明电影在拍摄时并不是按顺序拍摄的。故选A。



分析篇章结构,把握全篇文脉是阅读填空题解题的关键,英语的语篇(discourse)通常是由句子和语段(sentence group)构成的,语段是句子和语篇之间的中间层次,句子虽然能够单独地表达相对完整的思想,但是它不能表达多方面的、比较复杂的思想,只有把几个句子结合为较大的言语片段,才能表达一个相对独立的层意,所谓的“积句而成章,积章而成篇。”就是这个道理。


语篇与段落是有区别的,语段是篇章结构的中间层次,是由句子到篇的一种过渡形式,段落(paragraph)是在某些语体(如记叙文、议论文)中比语段更大的意义单位,较小的段落可以只包括一个语段或一个句子,一般来说,一个段落通常由几个语段构成。构成语段的方式有两种,一是靠句际间意义的结合,二是靠句际间的关联词,逻辑性插入语来连接,在分析语段层次时,可以借助句际间的连接词语作出判断,但最主要的还是要真正体会句际间的意义关系,把握作者的思路,从语序上去发现断续点,理清层次,好文章的层次非常清晰,只有层层入手,才能真正理解文章。【2】F根据后文可知,The director will usually identify themes or feelings that he or she wants the movie to convey to its audience and…第三段主要讲的是导演在一部电影拍摄中的作用,贯彻电影拍摄的始终,故F最符合




1______ People traveled in search of food and shelter or in order to flee from their enemies.Sometimes they were looking for gold or silver in order to become rich.On other occasions they were searching for rich farmland.

This is not to say that no one ever traveled just for fun.Even in ancient times,some pleasure travel occurred.During a typical season,700,000 tourists would crowd into the ancient city of Rome,where animals performed and magicians entertained them.2______

3______ International tourist arrivals alone reached as many as 546 million in 1994 and are forecast to rise to 937 million in 2010,according to the World Trade Organization.

4______ Probably the most common reason for traveling is related to our physical wellbeing.Actually,traveling to sports events is one of the fastest growing types of travel.In our fast developing society where stress has become part of people's life,people can rest and relax by having a change of environment and activities.

5______ No one seems to doubt that travel broadens the mind.In 18th century Europe,young men would go on a Grand Tour to various countries in order to complete their education.Today the desire to travel to different countries is encouraged by modern mass media.People who travel to other countries can at the same time learn more about their own country and culture.

A.Throughout history,most travel was not for pleasure.

B.But why do people like traveling so much?

C.So they travel to a lake for a swim or a park for a bike.

D.The improvement in transportation has also encouraged people to travel.

E.Wealthy Romans made trips to Greece to take part in the Olympic Games.

F.The growth of tourism has become a modern phenomenon experienced by all countries in the world.

G.Another important reason for traveling is to satisfy our curiosity about different places and cultures.


You already know that you should wake up early to become more productive, and perhaps you have also heard that you shouldn’t check your email first in the morning. While this advice is good and well-documented, there is also another kind of productivity advice that is as effective as well. 1

1. Work when there is a distraction(分心) around

Your environment doesn’t have to be 100% quiet if you want to get work done. Let’s say that you are working from home and you have kids. Let’s also assume that you don’t have a quiet workspace in your home to do your work. Naturally, you could decide to do work during the quiet hours. 2 .

2. Drink coffee before taking a nap

3 Then take a caffeine nap. Combining coffee and napping time can have a big improvement in one’s personal productivity. Drink a cup of coffee, take a 20-minute nap right afterward and wake-up refreshed.

3. 4

It’s so funny to think that the places that seem like the last ones in which to get anything done are the best for productivity. I’m talking about trains and when I travel alone, I look forward to getting work done there. In fact, I have done a lot of work during my trips when I’m moving from one place to another.

4. Close the curtains

Closing the curtains can improve your productivity. I might do some work at the dining table where there is a window to the left of me. Since I can see the nearby parking space through the window (and the people and moving cars as well), the movement might catch my attention, so the simplest way to prevent the distraction is to close the curtains.5

A. Work in a train.

B. Focus on one thing at a time.

C. Have a mobile Internet access with you.

D. But not all of the tasks have to be done then.

E. Try these tips and see how they work for you.

F. Want to improve your afternoon productivity?

G. That way I can put all of my attention to my work.

【题目】The film stars out as a normal day at a typical American high school. Friends chat in the dining room and boys play football. But there's big surprise when the movie ends with two students going crazy in the school-shooting and killing people.

This is Elephant. It stars real school kids. American director Gus Van Sant had no ready-made lines. The student actors made up their own dialogue, with Van Sant asking them to base their characters on their own lives.

Although it may not sound very high quality, the film won the Palme d'Or (金棕奖) for Best Film and the award for Best Director at the Cannes film festival.

The film is based on the shootings at a high school in the US, where two boys killed 13 people and then themselves in 1999.

The title of the movie refers to the old expression about a problem that's as hard to ignore as an elephant in the house.

The film takes a close look at a few hours in the lives of the victims and the killers. It shows how high school is a different experience for everyone---fun and friendly, or hard and lonely.

In many ways, the two boys, who carry out the shooting, act like ordinary kids. They joke around with one boy's mother as she serves them cakes and play the piano.

But there're hints of the anger they feel inside. One of the boys is bullied (欺负) at school. The other plays violent video games. But Van Sant isn't blaming their killings on either bullying or violent games. In fact, the film doesn't offer any reason for why school violence happens.

"I didn't want to explain anything. It's up to the audience to draw its own conclusions," said the 51-year-old director.

【1】The lines of the film were ________.

A. given by the director

B. created by student actors

C. thought out by the director during the acting

D. carefully designed by professional people

【2】 The film doesn't tell why school shootings happen________.

A. so as to leave room for the audience to think and judge

B. because life itself is the problem maker

C. because the mental problems of students are hard to explain

D. but there are some hints of the reasons

【3】The film is named Elephant because ________.

A. an elephant is always gentle and never causes trouble

B. an elephant is a symbol of big problems in American schools

C. elephant is used to suggest that the school crime is a big problem

D. the two boys liked elephants when alive

【4】What’s the passage mainly about?

A. It shows American school life.

B. It introduces the film Elephant.

C. It tells people to be careful while in peace.

D. It reports a school killing in a US school.

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