
Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV on a weekend? Now you  36 do both at the same time. Home shopping television networks(网络) have become a  37 for many people to shop without  38 having to leave their homes.
Some shoppers are  39 of department stores and supermarkets—40 the crowds, waiting in long lines, and sometimes   41 of finding anything they want to buy. They’d rather sit quietly at home in front of the TV set and   42  a friendly announcer describe a product   43  a model shows it. And they can   44  around the clock, buying something   45  by making a phone call.
Department stores and even mail-under companies are   46  to join in the success of home shopping. Large department stores are busy  47 their own TV channels(频道)to encourage TV shopping in the future.  48 can ask questions about products and place   49  , all through their TV sets.
Will shopping by television   50  take the place of shopping in stores? Some industry managers think so.  51  many people find shopping at a   52  store a great enjoyment. And for many shoppers, it is still important to   53  or try on dresses they want to buy. That’s   54  specialists say that in the future, home shopping will   55  together with store shopping but will never entirely replace(取代) it.
A.putting upB.making upC.setting upD.looking up
小题20:A. exist               B. practice         D. follow           D. appear

It would be very exciting to be a reporter on a newspaper.As soon as a reporter’s boss gives him a story to write,the reporter is on the job.He keeps his mind on what he is going to do.He does not begin writing the story until he knows what he should find out.He must know why he should write the story.
At times a reporter must search hard to find all of the facts he needs for a story.The facts may not be right under his nose.To find the facts,he has to recognize important details.While gathering information for a story,he asks himself questions:Should I use this information? Is this an important fact?
A reporter writes the story as fast as he can,so it can go right away into the newspaper.The story also needs a headline,which tells very quickly what the news story is about and is printed bigger and blacker than the rest of the news story.
Every big newspaper has many reporters,because many stories are needed in the newspaper.Would you like to be one?
小题1:A reporter writes the story as fast as possible because       .
A.he wants it to go into the newspaper quickly
B.people prefer to buy today’s newspaper
C.he wants to have a rest
D.he is good at writing it
小题2:Which statement is true according to the passage?
A.Being a reporter is a tiring job.
B.It is easy for a reporter to find the facts.
C.The headline must tell the details of the news story.
D.A reporter begins to write when knowing what he should find out.
小题3:Which is the writer’s opinion?
A.A reporters boss is usually very hard to his men.
B.The job of a newspaper reporter is exciting but not easy.
C.Everyone can write a good news story.
D.No one likes to be a reporter.
小题4:The passage is about       .
A.the job of a news reporter
B.big newspapers in the world
C.how to write the headline of all article
D.how to gather information for a news story
Like all other mothers who have small children, I, too, have to steal time-from my own children at home and from the children who know me as their teacher-just to put a few words down on paper. Many times I’ve wanted to write for myself, for other women, for my parents, for my husband, and especially for my children. I would have liked to leave a legacy (遗产) of words explaining what it has meant to have twins. One reason that there is not a great deal written about being a mother of a new baby is that there is seldom a moment to think of anything else but the baby’s needs.
With twins, I did not have a spare hand to write with.
Before my twins were born, my days were long and I had nothing to write about. After the twins’ birth I did have something to write about, but I found myself facing not a pen and paper but milk bottles.
Some nights, friends would visit. They would leave at 11 p.m., heading for bed, and for us the night was only just beginning. With twins, there is really no night. Each feeding lasts a long time. At 1:00 a.m., each of them would begin crying from hunger. At 4:00am, when I finally put them down, I felt exhausted.
Two years have passed since then and we’ve managed to live through it all. My days are still very full and even now there isn’t one evening when I put the twins down for the night that I don’t have a break. At last a little time for myself.
小题1:When did the writer have time but she didn’t feel like writing anything?
A.Before the birth of her twins.
B.When she faced bottles of milk.
C.After her friends visited her home.
D.When she had to think about the babies’ needs.
小题2:What does the writer mainly write about?
A.Her role as a wife. B.Her work as a writer.
C.Her experience as a mother. D.Her feeling as a woman.
小题3:Why did the writer say the night was just beginning (in the 4th paragraph)?
A.Because her friends left her house too late.
B.Because she started to take care of the twins even at night.
C.Because her babies often cried and she woke up.
D.Because she could not sleep till four in the morning.
小题4: This passage is probably from a(n) _________.
A.blog B.newspaper C.guidebook D.advertisement
小题5: What can we learn from the passage?
A.The writer was unhappy because of no time for writing.
B.The writer cared about her babies more than her own interests.
C.The writer hated to be a mother of twins.
D.The writer could steal a little time at night.
In Western countries people have been using the installment (分期付款) plan since the first half of the twentieth century. Today, a large number of families in Great Britain buy furniture, household goods and cars by installments. In the U.S.A.,the figure is much higher than in Great Britain, and people there spend over 10 percent of their income on the installment plan.
The price of an article bought on installments is always higher than the price that would be paid by cash. There is a charge for interest. The buyer pays one quarter or one third of the price as a down payment (预付定金) when the goods are delivered to him. He then makes regular payments, weekly or monthly, until the full price is paid up. The legal ownership of the goods remains with the seller until the final payment has been made.
Installment buying has advantages and disadvantages. It can help couples with small incomes to furnish their homes and start housekeeping. It increases the demand for goods, and in this way helps business and employment,There is,
however, the danger that when business is bad, installment buying may end suddenly, making business much worse. This may result in a great increase in unemployment.
If the people on the installment plan lose their jobs, they will probably not be able to make their payments. If great numbers of people are not able to pay their installment debts, there is a possibility that businessmen cannot collect their debts and will therefore lose money. If businessmen lose money or fail to make a satisfactory profit,it becomes more likely to have a depression (萧条). This is why, in some countries,the government controls the installment plan by fixing the amount of the down payment and installments to discourage people from buying more than they can pay for on the installment plan.
小题1: Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the installment plan?
A.A lot of British families use the installment plan. "
B.More than 10 percent of American families buy things on installments.
C.Americans depend more on installment than British people do.
D.Americans spend one tenth of their income on installment buying.
小题2: Goods bought on installments are more expensive than goods bought by cash because_______.
A.the buyer has to pay extra money as interest
B.the delivery of the goods charges extra money
C.the buyer has to pay adown payment
D.the service offered by installment plan charged extra money
小题3: What will happen to a buyer if he fails to make the full payment for an item bought on installments?
A.He might lose his job.
B.He will stop owning the item he has bought.
C.He will have to setl what he has bought.
D.He will go into debt.
小题4: The advantage of installment buying might include all the following EXCEPT that________.
A.purchasing power is strengthened
B.employment might be increased
C.people develop a good habit of saving money
D.young couples are able to furnish their homes
小题5:In some countries, the governments control the installment plan to_______.
A.increase employment
B.avoid depressions
C.ensure that businesses make good profits
D.ensure that people can pay for what they buy
In this modern world, we rush around all day, doing things, talking, sending and reading messages. We are always on, always connected, always thinking, always talking. There is no 36 for stillness.
And when we are 37 to be still because we’re in line for something, or waiting at a doctor’s appointment, or on a bus or train, we often  38 something to do. Some will play with mobile devices, other will read something. Being still isn’t something we’re 39.
This comes at a   40 : we lose that time for  41 , for observing and listening. We lose peace.
And   42 yet: sometimes too much action is worse than no action at all. You can run around crazily, but get  43 done.
Take a moment to think about  44 you spend your days. Are you constantly rushing around? Are you constantly reading and answering  45 checking on the news and the latest stream of information? Are you always  46 through your schedule?
Is this how you want to spend your  47 ? If so, peace be with you. If not, take a moment to be   48 . Don’t think about what you have to do, or what you’ve done already.   49 be in the moment.
Then after a minute or two of doing that, consider your life, and how you’d  50 it to be. See your life with less move anent, less doing, less rushing. See it with more stillness, more consideration, more  51 .
Then be that vision.
It’s pretty simple: all you have to do is sit still for a little bit each day.   52 you’re gotten used to that, try doing less each day. Breathe when you feel yourself moving too  53 . slow down. Be present. Find happiness now, in this moment, instead of   54 for it.
A.familiar withB.curious aboutC.used toD.interested in
A.everythingB.anythingC.nothing D.something
A.walkingB.rushingC.stepping D.going
A company advertised in the newspaper for a sales position. Details of the requirements, salary and benefits were given. It was also clearly stated that applicants needed to take an aptitude test (能力倾向测试) and an interview. However, looking at the whole advertisement, one could not find any contact information of the company.
Most interested applicants thought that it was the company’s HR department’s carelessness or a printing error. They therefore waited patiently for the newspaper to publish an amendment(订正). But instead of waiting for the newspaper to publish the company details, another three applicants took the initiative(主动性) to find out the company’s contact information themselves.
Tim did a search on the Internet. By typing the company’s name, he easily obtained all the information including its contact number. Lisa called up the local telephone number search service and found out the company’s office number. She called up the office and got the required contact information. Donna put in a greater effort in her search. She remembered seeing a poster by the same company in the city so she drove all the way down and made a few rounds to search for it. She finally found it together with the company’s contact information.
Three days after that advertisement was published in the newspaper, most interested applicants were still waiting eagerly for an amendment. On the other hand, the application letters and resumes of Tim, Lisa and Donna had already reached the hands of the company’s HR manager. They were then called up for an interview. During the interview, all went well and immediately they were hired. The three of them were a little surprised at how fast things went on. They were expecting for an aptitude test as stated in the advertisement. The HR director answered them, smiling, “Our test is hidden in the advertisement itself. To be a good salesperson in this age, he or she has to be broad-minded and very importantly, does not follow rigid (死板的) steps or rules. You are all clever. In a short time, you’ve managed to find ways of contacting us. It shows clearly that you have passed the test with flying colors!”
The fools sit around waiting for their chances whereas the wise actively take actions with great initiative.
小题1:According to the passage the company wanted to test the applicants’ ______.
A.sales skillsB.carefulnessC.attitudeD.initiative
小题2: Whose search skill is the easiest of all?
小题3:What can we infer from the passage?
A.The HR manager of the company made a mistake.
B.The company meant to omit (遗漏) its contact information.
C.The HR manager of the company was unfit for his / her job.
D.A printing error occurred in the advertisement in the newspaper.
小题4:Which of the statements is NOT correct according to the passage?
A.Many applicants thought the company made a mistake.
B.The advertisement was very special to many applicants.
C.Whoever found the company’s contact information didn’t need to have an interview.
D.The company needed broad-minded and clever salespersons.
小题5:The writer wants to tell us through this passage that ______.
A.no contact information seen in an advertisement might not be the company’s mistake
B.applicants should be careful not to be fooled by the company’s advertisement
C.opportunity always belongs to whoever is active and broad-minded
D.there are many successful chances to be found in this age
On a BA flight from Johannesburg, a middle-aged South African lady found herself sitting next to a black man. She called the cabin crew attendant over to complain about her seating.
“What seems to be the problem, Madam?” Asked the attendant.
“Can’t you see?” She said, “You’ve sat me next to a black. I can’t possibly sit next to this dirty disgusting human. Find me another seat!”
“Please calm down, Madam,” the attendant replied, “The flight is very full today, but I’ll tell you what I’ll do—I’ll go and check to see if we have any seats available in club or first class.”
A few minutes later, the attendant returned with the good news, which she delivered to the lady, who cannot help but look at the people around her with a smug and self-satisfied grin.
“Madam, unfortunately, as I guessed, economy is full. I’ve spoken to the cabin services director, and club is also full. However, we do have one seat in first class.”
Before the lady had a chance to answer, the attendant continued.
“It’s most extraordinary to make this kind of upgrade, however, and I have had to get special permission from the captain. But, according to this special situation, the captain felt that it was unbelievable that someone should be forced to sit next to such an obnoxious(讨厌的) person.”
Having said that, the attendant turned to the black man sitting next to the lady, and said, “So if you’d like to get your things, sir, I have your seat ready for you.”
At that moment, the surrounding passengers stood and gave a long-lasting ovation (欢呼) while the black man walked up to the front of the plane…
小题1:What made the white South African lady angry?
A.She had to find the attendant to complain.
B.She couldn’t find another seat to sit down.
C.The passenger next to her is dirty.
D.She sat next to a black man.
小题2:Who will fly in first class?
A.The attendant. B.The white woman. C.The black man. D.The captain.
小题3:How many types of seats are there in the plane?
小题4: What was the “special situation” that the attendant mentioned in Paragraph 8?
A.The woman was obnoxious.
B.The black man was obnoxious.
C.The white woman can’t sit next to a black man.
D.The passengers around can’t stand the woman any longer.
小题5:From the passage, we can make a conclusion that __________.
A.people don’t like those who look down on others
B.the attendant aboard is unfriendly
C.the white lady was refused to go on the plane at last
D.many passengers aboard don’t like to sit next to the black man.
Where we live, on the eastern shore of Maryland, the gentle waters run in and out like fingers slimming at the tips.
The Canada geese know this place, as do the white swans and ducks. In the autumn, they come home for the winter. Once or twice each year, snow and frozen rain move into the area. When this happens, if the river is at its narrowest, there is a freeze which hardens the water to the ice.
One morning, a friend of mine set the breakfast table beside the huge window, which overlooked the Tred Avon River. Suddenly she leaned forward and cried out, “There is a goose out
We saw the figure of a large Canada goose, very iii, its wings folded tight to its sides, its feet frozen to the ice.
Then from the dark sky, she saw a line of swans. They floated from the top of the sky downward and at last landed on the ice. My friend was on her feet now, with one unbelieving hand against her mouth. As the swans surrounded the frozen goose, she feared what life it still had might be pecked(啄)out by those great swan beaks.
Instead, those beaks began to work on the ice. The long necks were lifted and curved down, again and again. It went on for a long time. At last, the goose’s head lifted. Its body pulled. Then the goose was free and standing on the ice. And the swans stood in the air watching. Then, as if it had cried, “I cannot fly,” four of the swans came down around it. Their powerful beaks chipped off the ice and held in the feathers. Slowly, the goose spread its wings as far as they could go, and moved slowly into the sky.
This is a true story. I just think of it in the bad moments, and from it comes only one hopeful question:“ If so for birds, why not for man?”
小题1:What happened to the Canada goose?
A.It was deserted by other geese.B.It was stuck in the ice.
C.It was wounded and couldn’t fly.D.It was lost in the water.
小题2: At first the author’s friend was worried that ________.
A.the swans would not help the Canada goose
B.the swans would have the same fate with the Canada goose
C.the Canada goose wouldn’t identify with the swans
D.the swans would peck the Canada goose to death
小题3:What did the swans do when they saw the Canada goose couldn’t fly?
A.They chipped off the ice held in its feathers.
B.They waited patiently for the ice held in its feathers to melt.
C.They came down and lifted it up to the sky together.
D.They stayed with it and protected it.
小题4:What would probably happen to the author’s friend in the end?
A.She stood there, watching attentively, still feeling a bit worried.
B.She was on her feet, laughing at the swans and the Canada goose.
C.She was embarrassed and went on with her breakfast silently.
D.She stood there quietly, not realizing tears had come down her cheeks.
Long before they became doctors, lawyers, CEO’s or real estate developers, they played in garage bands and maybe even dreamed of becoming rock stars. That’s why they signed up for Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy Camp.
For nearly a week, the mostly middle-aged “campers” had practiced in the West 54th Street studios. They came from as far away as London and Tokyo and as close as Long Island and downtown New York to prepare for their moment of onstage glory.
“I feel like I’m 18 again,” said Jerry Goldberg, a 60-year-old investment banker and guitar player, whose family was in the audience.” I admit that I felt a little uncertain when I first got here, but this has turned out to be a wonderful experience, one of the greatest of my life.”
Everybody has two businesses, their own business and show business. This can be a life-changing experience for them. Mr. Daltrey, who has appeared at several fantasy camps, was asked why he keeps coming back.
“I’ve had people tell me that I shouldn’t be doing this, that it's bad for my image,” he acknowledged. “But that’s rubbish. Look, it’s all so positive, and everybody is having so much fun. So what’s bad about that?”
Jeff Munger, a drummer and rancher(农场主) said. “I’m at a point in my life where I’m going to spend my money on things I’m passionate about, and I’m absolutely crazy about music.”
Most of the campers are successful executives or professionals: a founder of the Oracle Computer Company, a businessman whose father invented the Big Mac, a plastic surgeon, presidents of health care and seafood companies.
小题1:This text is mainly about________.
A.a music course for the elderly people
B.a pop club for professional musicians
C.a rock music camp for music lovers
D.a studio for wealthy businessmen
小题2:What do the middle aged campers have in common?
A.They are all interested in charity.
B.They are all passionate about music.
C.They are all retired business people.
D.They were all rock stars when they were young.
小题3:According to the text, Mr. Daltrey ________.
A.once played in a garage band
B.has come with his family
C.has joined in the camp a couple of times
D.is very careful about his image
小题4:We can infer from the text that the campers _________.
A.enjoy their regular jobsB.come from different countries
C.do part-time jobsD.have a great many fans

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