
(1)We are collecting money for families need.
(2)She stick her foot and tripped him over.
(3)I came some interesting books in the room.
(4)When you go to a new country, you must adapt yourself new manners and customs.
(5)I am not sure if she is really up that job.
(6)The sun will soon dry the roads.
(7)These comments are not directly relevant this enquiry.
(8)I'm looking forward to hearing you.
(9)My daughter is dying a piano.
(10)She didn't participate the discussion.

【解析】(1)考查介词。句意:我们正在为有困难的家庭募捐。in need固定短语,“需要”,故填in。
(2)考查副词。句意:她伸出她的脚,将他绊倒。stick out固定短语“伸出”,故填out。
(3)考查介词。句意:在房间里我遇到了一些有趣的书。come across固定短语,“偶然遇见”,故填across。
(5)考查介词。句意:我不确定她是否真的是胜任这工作。be up to固定短语,“胜任”,故填to。
(6)考查副词。句意:太阳很快就会把道路晒干的。dry up固定短语,“使.....干燥”,故填up。
(7)考查介词。句意:这些评论和这次调查没有直接的关系。 be relevant to固定短语,“与......有关系”,故填to。
(8)考查介词。句意:我一直盼着收到你的来信。hear from固定短语,“收到某人的来信”,故填from。
(9)考查介词。句意:我的女儿想要一架钢琴。die for固定短语“渴望,迫切想要”,故填for。
(10)考查介词。句意:她没有参与这个讨论。 participate in固定短语,“参与”,故填in。


【题目】Every one complains. Even if you argue that you are the happiest person in the world you still complain sometimes. Sometimes you complain: without even realizing it, but rarely is it ever helpful.1Here are some tips to stop complaining and give up the negative thoughts:


When you find yourself thinking or saying a negative comment about something or someone stop and force yourself to say something positive instead. Seek the help of a cheerful friend to change you when you complain and help you to see the positive in the situation

Make a list of things we are grateful for.

We often complain about the things we don't have without noticing those things we already have Be grateful for what we have in our life because we are lucky simply for being ourselves.3

Learn to adapt to the changes.

There are many things we can't change.4Aiways find the positive side of each situation regardless of however difficult the situation is With parents' and friends' support we cansurvive any life changes

Al low yourself to vent(发泄)your feelings every once in a while.

Constantly ignored negative thoughts could add up If you are really going through a rough time don't be afraid to share your feelings with a close friend or family member or see a therapist

Find what makes you happy.

5 Maybe it is time to make the hard decision to move on to another job or career. Uncover what your biggest complaints are about and see if you can change the situation to make you happy. Choose happiness, focus on the positive and be kind always!

A. Change the way you think

B. Make positive people friends

C. Sometimes this list can be easy full of hobbies you enjoy

D. Are you constantly complaining about your present job?

E. The best and only thing we can do is to accept them

F. So how can you manage to force yourselves to end complaining?

G.Set down things we are thankful for and we'll see that we don't have any reason to complain.

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