





Dear Sir£¬

How are you? As a exchange student£¬I am writing to tell you I would prefer to move into a single room in next term£¬

as I find that inconvenient to share a room with others. My roommate often held parties at night, made much noise.

Besides, his friends are always visiting him, that disturb me a lot. So I hope to draw your attentions to this problem. If

you think in my position£¬I am sure he will agree that the only solution for me is get a room of my own£¬one not in the

same building but as near to the school campus as possible. I would be gratefully if you could do me the favor.

Best wishes.

Yours sincerely£¬

Li Ming

















 Making ÕâÀïÊÇ°éËæ×´ÓmakeÓëmy classmate¹¹³ÉÖ÷¶¯¹Øϵ£¬Ê¹ÓÃÏÖÔڷִʵÄÐÎʽ¡£










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Many years ago, I was travelling in the northwest of Indian. One evening, after hunting in the


forest all day, I was returning alone to the place which I had put up my tent. It was growing dark


but I was walking along a narrow path. On my right was a wide river, and on my left , thick dark


forest. Suddenly, I saw two eyes looking at me from among the trees. A tiger was about to jump


on me. What should I do? Should I jump into the river and hoped to save my life by swimming?


I looked to the right. In the river there was a huge crocodile waited to welcome me with its


mouth widely open. I was so frightened that I closed my eyes. When I opened it, what do you


think was happened? The tiger had jumped right over me and was now in the mouth of the


crocodile. Believe or not!











¡¡¡¡Mr.and Mrs.Jones went to see a film.They could leave their two - years old son at home alone,so they had to take him with them.When they walked for the cinema nearby,a attendant said to them loudly."You'll have to go out unless your little son cries,but you can go to the booking office for your full refund(È«¶îÍË¿î)." Half an hour ago,the husband said with his wife,"What do you think of the film?" "I've never seen such boring movie."said the wife. "What do you say about the film?" "I don't think much of it,too,"said the husband."Wake the child up but let him cry!"


Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
