
【小题1】To our surprise , he made no ____________(解释)of his absence.
【小题2】Tibet is a  ____________(多山的) province .
【小题3】U______________, my computer system broke down again .
【小题4】The learner of a second language has many difficulties to ___________(克服)
【小题5】His experiment ended in _______(失败).
【小题6】He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone else’s________(占领).
【小题7】At that time, hunger was a ______ problem in many countries.(令人不安的)。
【小题8】He has made a________(总结)of the main points in the professor’s speech.
【小题9】He made some ________(评论)about my dress,and then carried on reading his book.
【小题10】Though he is young, he is s_________ to support a large family. (努力)


解析【小题1】make no explanation of“不解释”,句意是:使我们惊讶的是,他对自己的缺席没有做出解释。
【小题2】“多山的”是mountainous; 它是由mountain变来的,句意是:西藏是个多山的省份。
【小题5】“失败”名词是failure ,动词是fail,end in failure是以失败告终。
【小题6】“占领”occupation ,under one’s occupation是“被…占领”。句意是:他回到巴黎,发现他的办公室被占领了。
【小题7】“令人不安的”是disturbing ,句意是:当时,饥饿是让人不安的难题。
【小题8】made a summary of 是“总结”,句意是:他对教授演讲中的重点进行了总结。
【小题9】made some comments about 是“对…做评论”,句意是:他评价了我的衣服,然后继续读书。


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