
【题目】All meeting participants stressed the need to _____ efforts and resources to strengthen epidemic control in Hubei and its capital.




考查动词词义辨析。 句意:与会人员强调,要集中力量和资源,加强湖北和省会的疫情防控。A. advocate拥护,提倡,主张;B. promote促进,助长;晋升;促销;C. concentrate集中,专注于,整合,全神贯注;D. allocate分配;指派。根据句意,所有与会者都强调,为加强对于湖北及其省会的疫情控制,需要集中(concentrate)力量和资源。故选C


【题目】 This may look like an ordinary plastic straw (吸管), but it is not made of plastic. Cameron Ross started the Celise Bio-products company, to produce single-use plastic alternatives from plant materials like these. They are made of poly lactic acid (聚乳酸) known as PLA from com starches (淀粉).

Cameron Ross said, "We work with food service providers, mainly larger brands, to help them get quality sustainable and cost-effective solutions, made from plants to start getting rid of single-use plastics." Single-use plastics such as bottles or straws are major cause of pollution. When we throw these away, they end up in a landfill or in the water like rivers. According to researchers, it could take up to more than 500 years for them to properly break down.

Ross says he wasn't always so environmentally conscious himself. But ever since the hiking trip in West Virginia, when he spent more time picking up trash than enjoying nature, his priorities changed. That meant making biodegradable products that can break down in only a few years.

While many cafes and restaurants are choosing paper products to be more eco-conscious, it isn’t cheap. Paper straws can cost about eight times more than plastic straws. But bio-plastic straws cost less a penny a straw, not even double the price of plastic ones.

Another problem with paper straws is that they get soft and wet. You don't want to be sipping (啜饮) something that alters your drink, or starts to melt while you're drinking and then you have to get which creates more wastes than needed. Ross hopes his Washington DC-based company will provide an eco-friendly solution for food service providers.

1Which aspect is NOT the focus of the Celise Bio-products?



2What inspired Ross to start the Bio-products company?

A.High profits.B.Requests from food service providers.

C.Lower cost.D.His changed environmental awareness.

3What can we learn about the new straws?

A.They are widely used in cafes and restaurants.

B.They cost less than paper ones.

C.They may soften or even melt while carrying water.

D.They produce more waste.

4What's the author's purpose of writing the passage?

A.To persuade more food service providers to work with Ross.

B.To explain the development of straws.

C.To introduce a new eco-friendly straw.

D.To compare different straws.

【题目】 Bombardier beetles are known for their skillful response to predators (捕食性动物).If they are about to be eaten, the insects spray their predators with boiling-hot chemicals. If they get swallowed anyway, they have plan B: Blast (爆炸) their way out from the inside.

In an experiment, scientists watched as a Japanese stream toad readily swallowed an Asian bombardier beetle. But 44 minutes later, the toad vomited (呕吐) the contents of its stomach. The insect ran away, physically unharmed.

“The vomited beetle was alive and active,” study authors Shinji Sugiura and Takuya Sato of Kobe University in Japan reported in the journal Biology Letters. Why, the researchers wondered, does luck always favor the escape artists? To find out, they needed more of them, and they needed to feed them to more toads. Scientists gathered 15 species of ground beetles, including the bombardier beetle. They also collected Japanese common toads, which are natural bombardier beetle predators, and Japanese stream toads, which do not live in the same place as the insect.

Sugiura and Sato hypothesized (假设) that over years of exposure, the common toad species developed a greater tolerance to the bombardier beetle's poisonous chemicals than the stream toads had. The bombardier beetles were divided into two groups. Some were poked () with special tools, which caused them to release all their poisonous chemical spray. Other beetles were left alone. Then they were fed to the toads.

The toads that swallowed a fully loaded bombardier beetle were in for a surprise. “An explosion was heard inside each toad, which indicates that the bombardier beetle sent up a chemical spray after being swallowed, the authors wrote. The common toads vomited their prey 35 percent of the time. The stream toads vomited their prey 57 percent of the time. That confirmed their hypothesis about the toads' evolutionary adaptation. All 16 of the vomited insects were “alive and active” 20 minutes later. Almost all the beetles that released their defensive chemicals before meeting the toads were “successfully digested”. The test told the researchers that the beetles' boiling chemical spray was indeed their ticket to freedom.

1When Bombardier beetles are in danger, they can ______.

A.have relevant ways to escapeB.bring up the content of stomach

C.cause damage to their enemiesD.make no response to outside attack

2What was the scientists’ assumption before the experiment?

A.Bombardier beetles were always lucky to escape.

B.Japanese common toads were natural predators.

C.Common toads had the ability to resist the poison.

D.Bombardier beetles could release poison constantly.

3What do we know about Sugiura and Sato’s test?

A.It showed the process of the insects’ evolution.

B.It demonstrated the harm of explosion in the toads.

C.It stressed the importance of a balanced ecosystem.

D.It provided convincing evidence for their assumption.



I woke at 5:30 A.M. after a restless night’s sleep. I slowly unzipped the tent door to inspect the new day. Just like yesterday, the wind had dropped. It was another beautiful Arctic day. I crawled out of my sleeping bag unwillingly. I am normally a morning person but the intense cold outside made that morning most unappealing. Anyhow, it was time to greet Charlie and start the day.

My dog Charlie was up and it was bouncing up and down at the end of his chain looking well rested. I poured what looked like a pound of dog food into his bowl.

Stepping out of the tent, I looked around for bears or tracks and saw none. It would never be a good thing to meet a polar bear. An Inuit (因纽特人) once told me that I should watch out for polar bears. He said that if I met a polar bear, I should keep the following rules in mind. First, keep eye contact, move sideways or slightly forward, never backward, stay calm. Do not show fear and stand beside a large object to make myself appear as large as possible. Weapons like flare gun(信号枪) are necessary, but do not shoot unless forced to. Don’t wound a bear, or you'll make it even more dangerous, and never run.

It was only six o’clock, so I decided to have a leisurely breakfast of a bowl of milk powder, coconut flakes, and butter mixed with warm water. I sat on my sled(雪橇) to enjoy my first breakfast of the expedition only to find that after the third spoonful it was frozen. So much for leisurely breakfasts! I added more warm water and ate the rest as fast as possible.

Suddenly I heard a deep, long growl coming from Charlie’s throat. In a flash I looked at him and then in the direction in which he was staring. It was a female polar bear followed by two cubs(幼崽) slowly, purposefully, toward me. They were two hundred yards away.

Paragraph 1:

With my heart quickening, I grabbed my loaded flare gun and carefully walked sideways a few steps to Charlie.


Paragraph 2:

The whole event lasted fifteen minutes but seemed years long.


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