
It is commonly believed that school is where people go to get education.  21 , it has been said that today children  22 their education to go to school. The   23 between schooling and education suggested by this is important.
Education is   24 , compared with schooling. Education has no  25 . It can take place  26 , whether in the shower or on the bus, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the  27 learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of learning out of class.
  28 the experience of schooling can be known in advance, education quite often produces  29 . A chance talk with a   30  may lead to a person to discover how  31 he knows of another country. People obtain education from  32 on. Education,  33 ,is a very  34 and unlimited term. It is lifelong experience that starts long  35 the start of school, and one that should be a necessary part of one’s entire life.
Schooling, on the other hand, is a   36 experience, whose style changes  37 from one way to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at the same time, take  38 seats, use similar textbooks, do homework ,and    39 ,and so on. Schooling has usually been  40 by the edges of the subjects being taught.
A.ThenB.HoweverC.Thus D.Therefore
A.anywhereB.anywhere elseC.some whereD.somewhere else
A.wonderfullyB.wellC.greatly D.little
A.that B.whenC.afterD.before
A.take examsB.hold examsC.mark papersD.read papers

小题1:.  B          
小题1:.B However但是。本文开头指人们普遍认为学校是受教育的地方,但是现在诸多人不以为然。
小题1:.D 人们现在认为孩子们是中断(interrupt)了教育而去上学。
小题1:.A 上学与教育二者之间有较大的差异(difference)。
小题1:.B 教育相对上学来说是无止尽的(endless)。
小题1:.C edges边缘,边界。教育是无界限的。
小题1:.A 教育可以在任何地方(anywhere)发生。
小题1:.C 它既包括学校里受到的正规(standard)学习也包括校外学习。
小题1:.D Though尽管。“事先对所传授的知识”与“教育常常产生惊奇(surprises)”之间是转折关系。
小题1:.B surprises惊奇。见上题解析。
小题1:.C foreigner外国人。同老外交谈。
小题1:.D 同老外谈过之后,才发现他对那个国家知之甚少(little)。
小题1:.A 从婴儿(babies)时代,人们就开始获得教育。
小题1:.C then然后。上下文有顺承关系。
小题1:.B “宽广的(broad)”与“无限的”之间是并列关系。
小题1:.D 上学(所受到的教育)比人生所受的教育要迟得多。
小题1:.C little很少。上学受教育的模式几乎是一成不变的。
小题1:.C 同时上学,坐固定的(fixed)位子,用同样的教科书。
小题1:.A take exams参加考试。并共同参加考试。
小题1:.B 并且所受的教育受教科书的范围限制(limited)。
He drove after drinking alcohol, having a severe accident and had to get his arms removed.Since then, he has had to __31__ on his younger brother, who became his shadow, never leaving him alone for years. Except for writing with his toes, he was totally unable to do __32__ else. As the two brothers grew up together, they had their own problems and would often __33__. Finally, his younger brother went away and lived __34__, leaving him heartbroken and at a loss what to do.
__35__, a misfortune befell(降临)a girl. One night she was preparing dinner when the kerosene light on the stove was overturned, __36__ in a fire which took her hands away. Having decidedly __37__ her sister’s willingness to help her, she determined to be thoroughly __38__. At school, she always studied hard.Most of all she learned to be self-reliant. “I am lucky. Though my __39__ are broken, my heart can still fly.” she wrote in her blog.
One day, the young man and the girl were both invited to a(n)__40__ programme. The boy told the television hostess about his __41__ future, whereas the girl was full of __42__ for her life. They were both asked to write something on a piece of paper with their __43__. The boy: My younger brother’s arms are my arms. The girl: Broken wings, flying heart.
They had both gone through the same ordeal(痛苦经历), but their different __44__   determined the nature of their lives. As seems the case, __45__ disasters can strike our life at any time. How you handle the __46__ when faced with it is the true __47__  of your character. If you choose to __48__ or escape from the ordeal, it will follow you wherever you go. But if you decide to be strong, the __49__ will turn out to be a fortune on which new __50__will arise.



A.turned toB.turned downC.turned offD.turned against
Most of us long for relationships in which we are loved and accepted. Our hearts’ desire is to give and receive love in relationships that make us feel that even if others disagree with what we do or say, they still love us, accept us, and appreciate what we give to the world. While it would be wonderful to have these types of relationships with all people, we know that’s hard to do. However, we can have such relationships with some others, but only when we first have them with ourselves—and, strangely, this is often the hardest relationship of all.
Do you love yourself? You may think you do, but do you really? There’s only one way to find out— by taking a close look at what you think, say, and do. You may not like some of what you find, but if you are serious about really loving yourself, you can use this insight to do some positive inner work. Here’re three ways for gaining greater personal insight for deeper love:
Listen Closely to Your Thoughts
Your thoughts will determine your actions. One thing helping you to listen to your thoughts is keeping a journal. It is not necessary for you to write in it every day, but it helps to record various insights you gain as you go about your life. Instead of using a big notebook, you might use a small notepad that you can keep in your pocket for easy access to record your thoughts as they occur to you. Whichever method you choose, what’s most important is that you write your thoughts down. It will help you know what’s in your heart.
Be Honest with Yourself
To do this, you should pay attention to your actions. Actions speak louder than words, and they always tell the truth. If you say you love your job, but your actions say otherwise, which do you think is more reliable? On the other hand, if you say you’re not good at a certain job, but your actions say otherwise, that’s also important. What do you do with this insight? You can use it to make more positive choices in your life. By being honest with yourself, you will act according to truth instead of just what you tell yourself.
Take Quiet Time to Listen to Your Inner Voice
This is similar to the first point, but it takes a step further— beyond the natural mind to the heart that cannot be seen. You may want to use your quiet time to think deeply. However you use this time, the key is to shut out all of the noise around you by focusing deep within yourself. Breathing deeply during quiet time will also help you focus. I know it’s hard to find quiet time during a particularly busy day, but it’s so important— even if it’s just 10 minutes a day and you have to hide somewhere to get it. Quiet time can really make a difference in your life.
Despite what your mind may be telling you, you can have love with no limits. The key is to unconditionally love yourself first.
小题1:. By looking deep into what we think, say, and do, we can         .
A.know whether we really love ourselves
B.appreciate what we give to the world
C.realize what type of relationship we long for
D.know whether we are loved and accepted by others
小题2:.An important way for gaining personal insight is to         .
A.do some positive inner work
B.keep a journal wherever you go
C.look closely at what others say about us
D.pay attention to our thoughts
小题3:.The insight we gain from our actions can help us         .
A.focus our attention on our jobs
B.make more positive choices in our life
C.act according to the truth
D.tell the differences between our words and our actions
小题4:.It can be learned from the passage that if we want to have love without limits, we must first of all          .
A.be honest with ourselves anytime
B.give our love to others generously
C.love ourselves unconditionally
D.take quiet time and think deeply
There was a park near my home. But I didn’t go there very often. Many people said there was nothing special. One afternoon I went into the park and found it was really small. I walked quickly because there wasn’t much to see. I walked for some time and found myself standing in front of two paths. 71  I found that the two paths were different from each other.
The left one was wide and clean. There were lots of flowers on both sides of the path. Though the flowers weren’t very beautiful, they made me feel good. I decided to take this path. But wait! I looked at the right one. The path didn’t look nice.  72  Grass grew everywhere. For a long time I couldn’t make up my mind.
  73  It wasn’t nice , but I didn’t want to give up. At last, I came to the end of the path. Ah! There was a small garden there. It was beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful garden I had ever seen.  74  
Many people told me that there was nothing much to see in the park. Now I’d like to tell them that if they had followed the right way, they would have felt differently. But when I told them about what I had seen in the park, they just smiled at me without saying a word. I knew they didn’t believe me. They couldn’t even remember that path because it was so small.
  75  Don’t be afraid to choose a different path. You may get a big surprise!
A.There is nothing that I want to see.
B.It looked like it had not been cleaned for months.
C.After a while a strange feeling made me follow the dirty path.
D.“ Which way should I go?” I asked myself. I looked at one way, then the other.
E. I told them what happened.
F. My trip to the park that day made me understand something about life.
G. There were trees, flowers and chairs. I thought it was the nicest part of the park.
 In the eyes of dog lovers, the dog is man’s best friend. But for much wildlife, loose dogs may be a dangerous enemy, according to a study by a biologist from Utah State University in the US.
Based on much existing research and their own case studies, Julie Young of Utah State University and four other scientists conclude that loose dogs may represent a huge danger to wildlife, especially endangered species, by hunting down or worrying them and by spreading diseases. They also found that dogs, their worldwide numbers around 500 million, can cause more damage to wildlife and livestock(牲畜) than wolves and other enemies of these animals.
Young gave examples from the US state of Idaho, where research showed the presence of dogs reducing some deer populations. On the Navajo American Indians’ reservation in northeastern Arizona, packs of loose dogs are chasing livestock. They have killed populations of small animals such as rabbits and act as a disease carrier for rabies(狂犬病) among people and other animals, she said. Loose dogs also were to blame for distemper outbreak leading to a die-off of endangered black-footed ferrets in northwestern Wyoming in the 1980s.
The phenomenon is not just limited to US; it’s a global problen. Julie Young once studied three endangered species in central Asia: wild sheep, gazelles and antelope. The rate of injury and death to these animals by loose dogs was very high. In another case, Young found that dogs, not wolves, as originally suspected, were responsible for a large number of livestock killings in the mountainous Basque country between Spain and France.
Authors of the new study said the problem is likely to worsen as communities expand. Then how to deal with it?
Indeed, in many countries, leash(拴狗的皮带) laws permit punishment of dog owners whose pets chase wildlife. But lawbreakers are rarely punished because the police lack both people and money.
Young has low-cost solutions to the problem for dog lovers, though. They include public dog-training programs and vaccinating (预防接种) dogs against rabies and other illnesses.
小题1:. What is the main point of Julie Young’s study?
A.Many species are endangered because they are killed by loose dogs.
B.Wild dogs are immune to many diseases.
C.Wolves are still the greatest enemy of livestock.
D.Loose dogs pose a great danger to wildlife.
小题2:. Which of the following statements about loose dogs is TRUE according to the research?
A.There are around 500 million loose dogs around the world.
B.The black-footed ferrets in northwestern Wyoming were once the main food source of local loose dogs.
C.The problem caused by loose dogs is the most serious in the US.
D.People used to think that wolves, rather than loose dogs killed livestock in the Basque country.
小题3:. Which of the following is among Julie Young’s solutions to the trouble caused by loose dogs?
A.More strict leash laws
B.Public dog-training programs.
C.Vaccinating people against rabies and other illnesses.
D.More support from the police.
小题4:. What is the main point of the article?
A.A global disaster caused by loose dogs.
B.What makes the dog man’s greatest friend.
C.The problem of loose dogs and the possible solutions.
D.The danger of the increasing numbers of dogs.
It is the first report that home-grown food has been contaminated by radioactivity, largely Iodine(碘)-131, since the ministry ordered radiation( powerful and harmful rays that are sent out from radioactive substances) tests on food and water at the end of March in 14 mainland regions including Beijing, Tianjin, and some coastal provinces.
Sample inspections conducted on Tuesday found low levels of radioactive iodine in spinach( a kind of green vegetables) planted in Beijing, Tianjin and Henan province --- about 1-3 becquerels per kilogram (Bq/kg), the statement said.
"The contamination level detected is too low to be harmful to public health," it said.
According to health experts, radioactive iodine can accumulate in humans once ingested in high concentrations and increases the risk of thyroid cancer. But it decays naturally within weeks.
Leafy vegetables grown in the open like spinach, lettuce and leek are among the first foods to be tainted by radioactive deposits.
Raw milk is also susceptible to radioactive contamination as livestock feed on grass.
Tests carried out in March showed spinach and milk taken from farms near Japan's nuclear-stricken area had exceeded(go beyond) government-set safety limits for radiation.
No cases of tainted water or milk have been reported in China but the ministry vowed to further strengthen monitoring.
Wang Zhongwen, a researcher at the China Institute of Atomic Energy's radiation safety department, told China Daily on Wednesday that currently China only had the means to conduct food radiation tests in a few regions.
The statement also said that recent rain in Beijing and Tianjin meant radioactive substances could have fallen on vegetables.
Chen Jicang, a vegetable dealer in Beijing, said on Wednesday that concerns are growing among consumers, businesses and governments across the world.
"We have yet to see any impact on our business from the radiation, but we will keep a close eye on how the issue develops," he said.
He added that most vegetables consumed in Beijing are produced locally, and he might switch to other varieties if spinach sales suffer.
Yang Guoshan, a researcher of radiation medical science at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, said people could safely eat products that contain low levels of Iodine-131.
"The radiation level is so low that residents don't need to spend any extra effort on cleaning them," he said.
Gao Jie, a 52-year-old resident in Tianjin said she is deeply worried because spinach is a staple part of her family's diet.
"If spinach is radioactive, is there any possibility that other types of vegetables are safe?"
Trace levels of radioactive isotope cesium-137 and -134 were detected in the air in 21 provinces and regions on Wednesday, up from 17 on Tuesday, according to China's National Nuclear Emergency Coordination Committee.
小题1: What does the underlined word mean in para 1?
A.protectedB.containedC.polluted by dangerous substancesD.tested
小题2:Why are the spinach and milk taken from nuclear-stricken area not safe?
A.Because tests have been carried out there.
B.Raw milk is sensitive to radioactive contamination as livestock(家畜)feed on grass.
C.The amount of radioactive substances goes beyond the safe limits for radiation.
D.Japan is a nuclear-stricken area.
小题3: Where do you think this passage comes from?
A.a magazineB.CCTV newsC.a journalD.a novel
小题4: What is not mentioned in the passage?
A.Consumers became concerned about the safety of vegetables.
B.People need to clean vegetables completely before cooking because of radiation.
C.Food and water have to be tested since the end of March in 14 mainland regions
D.Low levels of radioactive iodine has been found in spinach in Tianjin
小题5: What do you think is mainly talked about in the passage?
A.How the radioactivity came into being
B.What we should do in face of radioactivity.
C.Radioactivity has no side effect on human being.
D.Home-grown food has been affected by radioactivity.
Maybe you have ever seen a cross. A cross can be a piece of jewelry or an image in
a painting. But do you know the cross is a very popular symbol for Christmas?
It came from the story of Jesus’ death on the cross two thousand years ago in Jerusalem. Jesus was Jewish,and at that time Jewish people were under Roman rule. Jesus was badly punished because he declared to be the Son of God and the King of Jews. Surely,the Son of God could have saved himself from the death!But the Bible says that Jesus had a reason to die that day. It was in God’s purpose that it would happen.
Christians call the day that Jesus died “Good Friday”.At first,it is hard to understand how a terrible day could ever be called good. Well,the story does not end there. Jesus died and he was buried. But three days later,Jesus was alive,and the whole world was changed.
Today,Christians everywhere remember this important time. They celebrate Easter. Easter is the day that Jesus rose from the dead. After his death on the cross,Jesus’ body was placed in a tomb. On the third day from then,God raised him from the dead. Jesus stayed on earth physically for several weeks. Many people saw him. Easter is the happiest time of year for Christians because they believe that Jesus had victory over death and evil and that now he lives with God the Father in heaven. But before celebrating Easter, Good Friday should be remembered. Jesus died a horrible and painful death. He suffered, though he did noting wrong. Christian believe that Jesus was God’s substitute(代表) for humans, because humans all do wrong. He died because of humans and he died for humans.
Christians often wear crossed around their necks of hang them in their homes because they believe it is a very important sign. The cross helps them remember how much God loves them. It helps them remember how much his Son had to suffer. Seeing a cross always makes them think of Jesus’ death, and what it means.
小题1:According to the bible, why Jesus could not save himself from death that day?
A.Jesus was not afraid of deathB.God arrange Jesus’ death for certain purpose
C.Jesus should die without a reasonD.Jesus was not God’s Son at all
小题2:Which is the right order of the events given in the passage?
a. Jesus was sentenced to death on the cross by the Romans
b Christians began to celebrate Easter
c Jesus declared himself the Son of God and the King of the Jews
d Three days later,Jesus came to life
e. “Good Friday” came into being
小题3:In Christians’ belief, for what reason did God want Jesus to die?
A.God loved humans despite human’s wrong—doing,so he asked his beloved Son to die in human’s place
B.Jesus did something wrong by acclaiming himself the Son of God
C.God wanted His Son Jesus to live with him in heaven
D.God wanted “Good Friday” and “Easter”mainly to be remembered by humans
小题4:.It can be inferred from the passage that____________
A.a cross is a piece of jewelry or an image in a painting for Christians
B.Christians call the day that Jesus died “Good Friday”mainly to reduce their pain for the loss of Jesus
C.if Jesus hadn’t returned to life, people would often wear crosses around their necks or hang them in their homes
D.Christians like crosses because crosses always remind them of God’s love and Jesus’ death
小题5: The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to___________
A.introduce a symbol for Christian---- the cross
B.tell an interesting Christian story
C.describe the rebirth of Jesus
D.inform the origin of two Christian festiva
If you want to fully enjoy your vacation, then you’d better check the Durban City Tours! This is actually one of the best choices in South Africa today.
There is nothing more relaxing than to think about it that there is a place to go and relax, right? City life is stressful, but you can escape this situation and be in the place where there is noting but fun. Here in Durban you will get to see all the amazing tourist attractions. If you love animals and want to see some elephants wandering around the streets, then Durban is the place to go. You can even get to ride one if you want!
Here you will also get to taste all the delicious South African food. You can choose from Italian cooking to its native dishes. Durban is a great place to tour with your friends and family. You will learn a lot about its history through the landmarks you will see down the streets. Tourists and even the local villagers just can’t get enough of these treats!
However, it is important that you make the necessary arrangements. There are actually lots of tour guides that will help you as you make your journey along the streets of Durban. But if you prefer the best tour guides here in Durban, then you’d better settle for the Street Scene Tours. Their staff are all well-trained and professional. They will certainly make your stay here an unforgettable one. No wonder tourists prefer the Street Scene Tours when it comes to Durban City Tours.
小题1:What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?
A.Durban is a relaxing city.
B.City life means high pressure.
C.It is good to have a place to relax.
D.One can have fun riding elephants.
小题2: If you walk in the street of Durban, what will impress you most?
A.Tourists from all over the world.
B.The buildings and many kinds of animals.
C.The streets and some wandering elephants.
D.The friendly local people and the scenery.
小题3:. What does the last sentence in Paragraph 3 show?
A.The food can’t satisfy them.
B.They are bored with the streets.
C.They are treated very well here.
D.They never get tired of the sights.
小题4: The author wrote the last paragraph mainly to      .
A.attract tourists to Durban
B.help readers make arrangement
C.introduce the tour guides in Durban
D.persuade tourists to choose the Street Scene Tours

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