
House chores are often on the bottom of everyone’s to-do list, so when a disabled family member or friend needs assistance, we often prefer. To let someone else help out with the housework since we usually have enough of our own, but cleaning, washing and sweeping need not be heavy tasks. In fact, you probably get a lot done in a short amount of time if you work efficiently.
If you are visiting a disabled person on a regular hasis, ask which day would be best for you to come, probably for no more than an hour or so. Then find out what type of supplies or equipment you will need to carry out a few clean-up chores. Make a list and take those things with you so you will be ready to get into action when the time comes. Don’t plan to do too much or you will end up spending too much time on chores and perhaps make your host feel guilty. Don’t leave cleaning supplies or equipment in places where your disabled friend might trip over them later. Be cheerful and enjoy your visit either before or after your housework..
Even though you have a better way of handling things, remember that this is your host’s house, and things should be done according to his or her wishes. Of course, if the person’s preferences are vastly different from yours or if you are unable to do things as he or she wishes, let that task go to someone else to do.
Helping someone by assisting with housework is a great way to show friendliness and support. Set reasonable limitations on your time and effort and be flexible about doing whatever your host most wants to be done. Both of you can then benefit from this interactive experience.
67.People usually would rather others help out with a disabled person’s housework probably because _________ .
A.doing house chores is an important task for everyone
B.they have a lot of house work of their own at home
C.they don’t want to spend too much time on unimportant things
D.doing house chores can be a really time-consuming task
68.If you want to help a disabled person with his or her housework, the first thing you should do it to _________ .
A.get all kinds of supplies and equipment ready
B.list the things that can’t be tonched in advance
C.ask him or her which day would be best
D.invite some of your friends to do it with you
69.If you are not able to do what your friend wishes, you’d better_________ .
A.do some practice before
B.ask your parents or someboby else tor advice
C.let someone else deal with it
D.do it under an expert’s instruction
70.According to the passage, doing too many house chores for a disabled person may ________ .
A.have a great effect on your own life
B.affect the disabled person’s life
C.cause some misunderstandings
D.make the disabled person feel guilty

67---70   BCCD         



Ice cream can’t cure cancer or bring back a lost love, but it can make one feel better for a while.

A bout 18 months ago, my father was in hospital recovering from a major lung operation. My mother had recently  36  , and my father had taken the loss of his partner of 55 years very hard and had lost interest in   37  . Trying to get him to  38  each day was quite a chore as he didn’t want anything. The one thing,  39  , that he would ask us to bring him was ice-cream.

One evening, to our   40  , he refused to eat the ice-cream,  41   I placed it in a staffroom freezer. A little while later, my son decided he wanted it, so I   42   it for him.  

As I passed another ward(病房), a   43  asked, “Are there more where that came from?” When I explained the   44  , she apologized. She then said that she had cancer and could eat very little,  45    the occasional ??ice-cream.

The next evening, I decided to buy two ice-creams. On the way to Dad’s room, I stopped in at the   46   woman’s room, and   47   her the ice-cream I’d bought for her. She was   48  stunned that I had thought of her, and   49   the gift with tears in her eyes. I spoke with her for a few minutes,  50   what was happening in my family and listened to her   51   story of pain and suffering. It was apparent that she did not   52   many visitors, and the ice-cream and our short chat meant a great deal to her.

I   53   the gesture a few days later, and this time was  54  with a huge hug.

I never even thought to ask her name, and never saw her again, but it made me realize that an act of   55   can be more rewarding when you give it, rather than receive it.

A.passed away        B.gone out   C.come back           D.calmed down

A.work             B.life        C.studies          D.games

A.speak              B.laugh       C.drink          D.eat

A.though            B.however   C.instead              D.therefore

A.joy               B.satisfactionC.surprise        D.relief

A.if                 B.unless       C.so            D.because

A.borrowed         B.bought      C.made           D.fetched

A.woman          B.granny      C.girl             D.child

A.question           B.situation   C.process         D.decision

A.better than.       B.more than C.rather than      D.other than

A.pretty '            B.honest      C.sick           D.shy

A.offered            B.told .     C.sold            D.charged

A.hardly            B.finally      C.gradually        D.totally

A.accepted         B.stored       C.exchanged      D.gave

A.remembering       B.denying    C.explaining       D.forgetting

A.ordinary '          B.similar      C.interesting       D.i'great

A.have              B.like       C.expect          D.J attract

A.reported           B.expressed  C.noticed         D.^repeated

A.covered           B.connected C.rewarded        D.filled

A.politeness          B.kindness   C.selflessness       D.willingness

As nanny(保姆), cook, cleaner, shopper, driver, and gardener, she has one of the most demanding jobs in Britain today. And paying someone else to do the chores(家务活) which take the average housewife 71 hours a week would cost ?349.

    At over ?18,000 a year that’s more than the earnings of 70 percent of the population, including train drivers, firemen, prison officers, and social worker. Looking after a baby less than a year old takes a housewife into a even higher pay league. According to a study, she earns ?457 a week – at nearly ?24,000 a year, the same as teachers, engineers, and chemists.

     Researchers put a price on each chore, then tried to find out how long the average person takes doing them. They found housewives spend an average 70.7 hours a week on housework – with looking after the children (17.9hours) and cooking and cleaning (12.9 hours each) the most time-consuming(费时).

     A wife with a part-time job still works and average of 59 hours a week at home. Those in full-time employment put in longer hours at home than in the workplace. The good news is that these hours sharply decrease as children get older. While the average mother with child under one puts in 90 hours weekly, the figure drops to 80 hours from one to four and to 66 hours from five to ten.

     Mother-of-four Karen Williams from London said, “Paying the housewives may not be practical, but the government should recognize the value of housework, perhaps through the tax. Running a house takes a lot of time and most husbands don’t understand this. For example, my husband only puts a shelf up now and again. He never cleans the kitchen – that’s the real test.”

Who earns most according to the text?

   A. A social worker.    B. A fireman.   C. A gardener.   D. A teacher.

We lean from the text that looking after children ______.

  A. takes more time than doing any other housework

B. means more duties than being a teacher

  C. requires the mother to be well-educated

  D. prevents the mother from working outside

According to the text, a housewife with a baby less than one year old may work _____.

  A. 66 hours a week    B. 71 hours a week    C. 80 hours a week    D. 90 hours a week

By mentioning her husband, Karen Williams wants to show that ______.

   A. housework is no easy job                B. her husband has no time to clean the kitchen

   C. a housewife needs to be paid for cleaning   D. the kitchen is hard to clean

Some families live quite far in the UK.Visiting them can either be an adventure or a chore(麻烦事).It depends on how much family members like each other.
If all goes well,kids have an exciting time.Your relatives will plan different fun activities and make you happy.Taking you to visit relatives gives your parents a chance to rest.It gives older relatives a good chance to relive the time when they had young kids.If they do not have children of their own,they get to play parent for a while.
I remember that Blackpool Pleasure Beach was the place I liked to go with my grandparents
It is an amusement park on the northwest coast.It is packed with roller coasters(过山车)and candy stalls(糖果摊).You could race small boats on a lake or scare yourself into death riding the ghost train.I had good memories of my time there.
As you get older,you suddenly become the one who must help your relatives with their kids.I have four COUSINS aged between one and eleven.They are fantastic and I really enjoy seeing them.However,it is very tiring,as they get so excited and energetic(充满活力).I fall asleep hoping they will remember our good times when they get older.
【小题1】If all goes well,visiting relatives far away can be _____for kids.

A.dangerous B.exciting C.boringD.hard
【小题2】By saying “relive the time”,the author means the old relatives enjoy______.
A.sharing old memoriesB.eating lots of food
C.watching old movies D.going out together
【小题3】The author feel tired after playing with his cousins because_________.
A.his cousins are funnyB.he enjoys playing with them
C.he doesn’t like childrenD.his cousins have too much energy
【小题4】The best title for this passage is      
A.My Favorite Amusement ParkB.Fun Playing with Cousins
C.Visiting Relatives in the UK D.Childhood Memories

There are quite a few advantages of wearing school uniforms. The idea may seem disagreeable at first, but considering all the positive effective coming from wearing uniforms you would be more likely to enjoy them.

Teachers love school uniforms because it helps provide an orderly learning environment. Having students dressed in uniforms may teach them how to present themselves in a neat(整洁的)and professional manner. It gives students the opportunity to learn how to dress like young ladies and gentleman. And they can focus their attention on academics rather than style.

Purchasing school uniforms is easy and needs less hesitation(犹豫) and consideration. No matter what the school’ s policy is, there are only specific essential(基本的) pieces to the wardrobe(服装) that are necessary, so it won’t break the bank. A few wardrobe items can last a long time. Parents could also enjoy an easy morning, as it will take less time to choose a set of clothes for the school day.

Students wearing uniforms will feel less pressure about what to wear or not to wear when their classmates are dressed similarly. Getting dressed before school becomes less of a chore when students are limited in their choices, so there shouldn’t be any trouble about choosing an outfit for the day and getting ready quickly. Some students may not like the lack of individuality(个性) with a uniform, but some school dress code policies may offer them the opportunities to show their unique styles.

Uniforms today are also becoming trendier and can be seen in many areas of pop culture. Celebrities and fashion designers are using uniforms as inspiration for new looks which also appeal to students.

1.What would be the best title for the text?

A. How to dress properly.

B. The history of school uniforms.

C. The advantages of school uniforms.

D. How to deal with pressure in school.

2.Teachers think that wearing school uniforms ________________.

A. is just a tradition that students should follow

B. makes students feel less pressure in study

C. helps students put more effort into their studies

D. makes students lose their independence and identity

3.The underlined part “it won’t break the bank” in Paragraph 3 probably means “___________”.

A. a school uniform doesn’t cost a lot of money

B. a school uniform should be worn every day

C. parents will have to go to the bank many times

D. parents who work in a bank can afford the uniform

4.We can infer from the text that school uniforms _________.

A. are not popular with fashion designers

B. were not accepted by parents in the past

C. will be designed by students themselves

D. will be more fashionable in the future

5.The author’s attitude towards students’ wearing school uniforms is ___________.

A. negative    B. supportive     C. doubtful     D. unclear



        Getting to Now: How to Beat the Procrastination Habit

  I am a procrastinator(拖拉者). I always have been. I've tried all sorts of things to beat the habit. Here are some techniques I've been using to try to force myself to get to now:

  Set aside blocks of time to do things. When I was talking with my wellness coach earlier this year, she asked me why I didn't exercise more often. “ 1. ,” I said. “Something always comes up.” She wasn’t impressed. “J.D.,” she said, “You have to make time. Make an appointment with yourself to run or to go for a bike ride.” The same principle applies to other things you might procrastinate.

   2. . Often I’ll be sitting on the back porch reading a book, and it will occur to me that some chore needs to be done — mending the fence, for example. “ 3. ,” I tell myself. Wrong! What usually happens is that I forget to write it down, and even if I do, I just look at the list and procrastinate for weeks on end. The best move is to actually do the chore when I think of it. (Assuming, of course, that I have the time at that moment,which I usually do.)

  Use a timer to bring you back to reality. Part of the reason I procrastinate is that I'm a daydreamer.   4. . One way to keep on track is to use a timer. I use the Ultrak Jumbo Countdown Timer, but not as often as I should. I set it for 48 minutes. When it goes off,   5. : Am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing?

  Do not multitask. I often start many things at once, but I never actually do any of them. In order for me to get something done, I need to focus my attention on it. Trying to do several things at once is a sure way to be sure they'll all be unfinished tomorrow.

  A. I’m always lost in thought

  B. it brings me back to reality

  C. If it comes to mind, then do it

  D. I don’t have the time

  E. it serves as an instant reality check

  F. Do it right away if you are asked to do something

  G. I need to write that down so I can remember it


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