How lucky we are today that we can protect ourselves  56  many  57  that once   58  death to thousands of people. This is because of work of a famous French scientist who suffered a great deal in his own life so that others might  59  .

Louis Pasteur was a bright boy,  60  his teachers said he was  61  . The reason for this was simple. Louis was very  62  with everything he did. He wanted to understand all and he asked many questions."Listen," shouted an angry teacher one day. "You are supposed to answer the question  63  asking them!"

However, he never stopped asking questions. There was one   64  question he asked:  65  what was illness caused? In time he discovered the answers that have helped men  66  since ever. He worked very hard to keep  67  going on. When the silkworms began  68  ,France's silk-makers   69  money. They turned to Pasteur for   70  .

He found out the answer: certain tiny living things called germs attacked the silkworm eggs. Pasteur found a way of   71  these germs, or  72  like them. The whole country   73  , but during his years of work three  74  died. Even  75  he believed that other children's lives could be saved if he could stop germs from spreading.

56. A. against B. through C. without D. away

57. A. enemies B. illnesses C. wars D. dangers

58. A. permitted B. suffered C. meant D. took

59. A. live B. work C. suffer D. die

60. A. even B. though C. and D. so

61. A. slow B. fool C. foolishly D. clever

62. A. careless B. careful C. satisfied D. unsatisfied

63. A. instead of B. but C. not D. and

64. A. common B. simple C. funny D. special

65. A. from B. by C. since D. though

66. A. to live longer B. to be saved from death C. never to die D. to live

67. A. life B. lives C. persons D. animals

68. A. losing B. dead C. die D. dying

69. A. got B. spent C. made D. lost

70. A. money B. silkworms C. living D. help

71. A. getting rid of B. completing C. separating D. ending

72. A. something B. thing C. creatures D. ones

73. A. were sad B. were silent C. was thankful D. was sorry

74. A. children of the country B. children of his own C. silk-makers D. silkworm eggs

75. A. in the trouble B. in anger C. in his sorrow D. in his joy

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