
11.I became lame(瘸的)in both legs in my childhood.I can't stand without the support of two (1)D.Only in my wheelchair can I (2)A.
I still remember the first day at (3)A.When I appeared at the door,(4)C  in the classroom looked at me in surprise.My face turned red.I couldn't help turning back.However,it was the(5)B and sympathy (同情) in their eyes that stopped me doing that.I went shyly towards an empty seat.
Being lame,I didn't(6)Ato walk in front of my classmates.I was afraid that I might be (7)A   at.In those
days I was very sad to see others walking(8)C.
One day,a few students came up to me and asked me to go outside.I was really (9)D.They encouraged me with a friendly smile and(10)B me in my wheelchair from place to place.I was(11)B to them for giving me a chance to see the sights of our lovely school with my own(12)C.
After that we often read,played and talked together.My friends are always(13)B to help me.It made me (14)D I am disabled.
Once they asked me,"What is the most beautiful thing in our school?"Without hesitation (犹豫) I said,"It is the(15)D."


分析 由于身体原因,刚开始上学时"我"很胆怯,总担心会被同学们嘲笑,但是在一次同学们叫"我"一起出去玩之后我的生活发生了改变,同学们让"我"收获了快乐,甚至让"我"忘记了自己是个残疾人.

解答 1-5 DAACB  6-10 AACDB  11-15 BCBDD
1.D 考查句意理解.根据文中句意,作者是一个瘸子,推断走路要用拐杖,stick是"拐杖",所以答案是stick"拐杖",故答案选D.
2.A  考查动词辨析.根据上文"I became lame in both legs in my childhood."及本空前的"Only in my wheelchair"可知,只有在轮椅上,"我"才能走路(walk),故A项正确.
3.A 考查上下文逻辑.根据下文中的"classroom"可知,此处是说"我"在学校(school)的第一天,故A项正确.
4.C 考查上下文逻辑.根据下文中的"their eyes"可知,"我"已出现在门口,教室里的每一个人(everyone)都盯着我,故C项正确.
5.B 考查名词辨析.根据本空后的"sympathy"可知,正是他们目光中流露出的善意(kindness)和同情…,故B项正确.
6.A 考查句意理解,因为我是一个瘸子,所以我不敢在同学们面前走路,害怕被嘲笑,dare动词"敢",所以答案选A.
7.A  考查动词辨析.根据本空前的"…I was afraid that"可知,"我"担心会被同学们嘲笑(laugh at),故A项正确.
8.C  考查副词辨析.根据文章语境可知,那段日子里看到同学们快乐地(happily)走来走去,"我"感到很难过,happily与sad形成对比,故C项正确.
9.D 考查形容词辨析.根据本空前的"…asked me to go outside."可知,同学们叫"我"一起出去玩,这让"我"感到很兴奋(excited),故D项正确
10.B 考查上下文理解.根据本空后的"in my wheelchair from place to place"可知,同学们用轮椅推(push)着"我"走来走去,故B项正确.
11.B  考查形容词辨析.根据本空后的"giving me a chance"可知,"我"很感激(grateful)他们给了"我"一个…的机会,故B项正确
12.C 考查句意理解,根据前文to see the sights of our lovely school 看我们学校的美丽的风景,所以应该是用眼睛看,故答案选C.
13.B  考查形容词辨析.根据本空前的"After that we often read,played and talked together."可知,自从那次同学们推"我"出去玩以后,他们总是准备好了(be ready to)帮助"我",故B项正确.
14.D 考查动词辨析.根据文章情境可知,同学们的帮助让"我"忘记(forget)了自己是个残疾人,故D项正确.
15.D 考查名词辨析.此处总结全文,根据文章内容可知,同学们让"我"收获了快乐,甚至让"我"忘记了自己是个残疾人,"我"认为友谊(friendship)是学校里最美好的东西,故D项正确

点评 近几年高考试题中的完形填空有新的变化,试题所涉及的知识面不断拓宽,综合难度不断提高.做完型填空首先要通读全文,了解大意.一篇完形填空的文章有许多空格,所以,必须先通读一至两遍,才能大概了解文章的内容.千万不要看一句,做一句.其次要逐句分析,前后一致.选择答案时,要考虑整个句子的内容,包括搭配、时态、语法等. 答案全部填完后,再通读一遍文章,检查是否通顺流畅了,用词得当,意思正确.

5.If we want to deal with the association(社交) between boys and girls properly,here are some"dos and don'ts"for you to follow.
Keep a normal and healthy state of mind.Our schools and classes are made up of boys and girls.It is very nature for the boys and girls to make friends with each other.We should make as many friends as possible.We should keep in touch with the other sex in public instead of in secret.
Don't be too nervous or too shy.If you are a shy person,you can also find a way out.You can make friends with the students who have the same interest and hobby as you.As both of you have much in common,you may have much to talk about.If you keep doing like that,little by little,you will gladly find you are also as free to express yourself as others.
Don't fall into the ditch of early love.The boys and girls at a adolescence (青春期) are rich in feeling.They are easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love and fall in love with each other at an early age.In my opinion,early love is a green apple that can't be eaten.An apple won't taste sweet until it is full ripe.Boys and girls at middle school are too young to carry the heavy duty of love.Do keep out of early love.
8.We should keep in touch with the other sex in following ways EXCEPTD.
A.with a good state of mind            
B.in real friendship
C.in public                         
D.in secret
9.If you are a shy person,you canA.
A.find friends with the same interest and hobby
B.only have a few friends of the same sex
C.not make friends with the other sex
D.not fall in love with other students easily
10.What does the underlined sentence probably mean?C
A.Don't get into the habit of early love.
B.Don't be addicted to early love.
C.Don't be trapped in early love.
D.Don't be confused by early love.
11.The main idea of the passage is toB.
A.tell students to keep away from early love
B.give some advice on how to associate between boys and girls
C.tell students how to make friends
D.teach boys how to talk with girls.
6.Sir Edmund Hillary was born in 1919and grew up in Auckland.Hillary was educated at Tuakau Primary School and then Auckland Grammar School.He finished primary school two years early and at high school achieved average marks.He was smaller than his classmates there and was very shy so he buried himself in his books and daydreams of a life filled with adventure.At 16his interest in climbing started during a school trip to Mount Ruapehu.
Edmund Hillary joined in Everest reconnaissance (勘测) in 1951and again in 1952,as well as an unsuccessful act of trying to climb Cho Oyu in 1952.The New Zealander made history when he succeeded in climbing Mount Everest with his Nepalese partner in May 1953.He was the first man to climb the world's tallest mountain.
After climbing the 8,850meter peak,Hillary led a number of expeditions (探险) to the South Pole and devoted his life to helping the Sherpa people of Nepal's Khumbu region.He spent two years in India,and founded the Himalayan Trust in 1964.The Trust helped build hospitals and schools.He was made an honorary Nepalese citizen in 2003.
At home in New Zealand,the famous explorer was a simple beekeeper.Speaking in 2003,he said he was just an ordinary man who did not deserve celebrity (名人) status."I never permitted the climb of Everest to make me regard myself as a heroic figure,"he said."I knew I was no heroic figure."
The explorer,one of the 20th century's greatest adventurers died in an Auckland hospital of a heart attack after a long illness.The death prompted an outpouring of sympathy,with messages of condolence (哀悼) flooding in from around the world.
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard said the explorer was an inspiration to generations."Sir Edmund's name is in connection with adventure,with achievement,with dreaming and then making those dreams come true,"she said."I'm sure there will be many Australians today who reflect on his death. It was obviously a long life and well lived."
New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark said Hillary was a heroic figure and said all New Zealanders would deeply mourn his passing.
Hillary was honored with a state funeral.

58.What was Hillary's nationality?B
A.Australian.B.New Zealander.C.Nepalese.D.Indian.
59.What does the underlined sentence"It was obviously a long life and well lived."mean?C
A.Hillary lived a simple life.B.Hillary lived a hard life.
C.Hillary lived a meaningful life.D.Hillary lived a happy life.
60.How is the article mainly developed?D
A.By giving examples.B.By making comparisons.
C.By analyzing causes.D.By following the order of time.
3.You might think that Western students are less shy when it comes to getting on with the opposite sex,but the truth is that pupils in the UK can feel just as awkward.British are actually quite reserved (保守的) and being at university can make them feel out of their comfort zone.Everyone finds it difficult to talk to the opposite sex on campus.
However,there is a way of dealing with this shyness in Britain,and it is called"Freshers Week"."Freshers Week"is designed to help people socialize and lose their reservation.It is a one-week long party for first year students to welcome them before lectures and lessons begin.
I remember my first week at university-it was terrifying.I looked at the schedule for"Freshers Week"and was amazed at how much was planned.Every hall where students live organizes its own events to help students become friends with the people they live with.My hall was called"Goldney Hall"and the week ahead included a talent show,a comedy night,and themed parties,including one for which we had to dress up as golfers.
The first event I went to was a school kid's party at which everyone dressed up as if they were in school.This party encouraged me to talk to all the people on my floor.One boy,who lived opposite my room,was very handsome and I felt nervous speaking to him at first.But when we met at the party dressed in silly school clothes,I felt a lot more relaxed speaking to him.
It sounds strange,but dressing up seems to be how British overcome their shyness at university.My"Freshers Week"was terrifying,but I managed to forget how scared I was.
40.What does the underlined word"awkward"in the first paragraph mean?D
A.confident     B.unfortunate     C.amazed      D.uncomfortable
41.Why is there a Freshers Week before the university begins?C
A.To enjoy the university life.
B.To show the talent of students.
C.To help students become friends.
D.To know the lectures and lessons better.
42.What happened in the author's first week in university?A
A.She made many friends in the parties.
B.A lot of school kids came to the party.
C.There were many activities including parties.
D.She felt lucky when she met the handsome boy at the party.
43.In the author's opinion,Freshers Week isB.
A.strange       B.good           C.funny        D.boring.
20.Sleeping on the Job
I love sleeping.It's something I'm good at.There's nothing better than nodding off on the sofa in front of the TV and when my head hits the pillow at night,I have no problem falling into a deep sleep within minutes.There is one place where I never snooze and that's at work--but new research suggests I should!
The idea of you and your colleagues heading off for a lie-down in the afternoon may seem odd,but some companies such as Google and The Huffington Post actually encourage it.
This isn't because their employees are insomniacs-people who struggle to get to sleep at night-but because it's thought that a power-nap (小睡) makes them more refreshed and more awake,and this in turn makes them more productive.But will this idea catch on?
An Australian health writer called Thea O'Connor is a founder of a campaign called Nap Now which is trying to make sleeping at work more acceptable.She calls herself a"naptivist"!She says,"I think that our culture is a bit crazy not to embrace (accept) it…it's time to change the
present work practices which are all about working longer and harder."
So should we all be taking a sleeping bag and pillow to work with us?A few years ago,research by the East of England Development Agency found 30% of people have their best ideas in bed compared to just 11% who have them at their desk.That suggests people are more creative when they are relaxed-and the agency has called for companies to put beds in the workplace.
A nap in the afternoon is nothing new.In certain hot countries,such as Spain,a short rest or sleep in the afternoon-called a siesta-is perfectly normal.But my problem with having 40winks (眨眼) in the afternoon is that I usually fall into a deep sleep.
But maybe we should break from the traditional nine-to-five work culture and embrace the siesta.The UK's Sleep Council claims that the nine-to-five working day does not fit into the natural sleeping pattern of the human race and says that bosses need to introduce a more sleep-friendly working day.
What do you think?Would you feel comfortable going to sleep in the office-or do you secretly do it already?
39.What is the writer's attitude toward sleeping at work?D
40.Why do Google and The Huffington Post encourage people to sleep in the office?B
A.People will be more accepting of work.
B.People will be more productive at work.
C.People won't suffer from sleeping trouble.
D.People won't make serious mistakes at work.
41.According to the UK's Sleep Council,the normal working dayA.
A.does not match people's normal sleep cycle
B.does not affect people's normal sleep cycle
C.improves people's normal sleep cycle
D.builds people's normal sleep cycle
42.The writer's main purpose in the passage is toC.
A.reason and evaluate                     
B.examine and persuade
C.inform and suggest                      
D.argue and discuss.
1.The chimp didn't feel well.She fell over,ignoring the other wild chimps.Finally,the sick chimp crawled over to a bush,picked some leaves and swallowed them.By the next afternoon,the chimp was as good as new!
       Biologists watching the chimp were surprised.Somehow,the plant had cured the chimp!Did the chimp know the plant would make her feel better?Or was it just a lucky accident?
       Many scientists don't think it has anything to do with luck.They're discovering that some animals seem to use plants to cure themselves.And these animals are leading scientists to new plants that could cure humans!
       Dr.Richard Wrangham,an anthropologist at Harvard University,agrees that animals may know something we don't know about forest plants.
       Wrangham got to know chimps and their diets while studying them for three years in Tanzania."You must know a lot about an animal's feeding habits to know what it doesn't consider food,"Wrangham explains.Every morning,he saw that most chimps ate fruit near their nests.Later on,they ate on leaves.
       When he noticed chimps eating the leaves of a plant they usually ignored,Wrangham thought something interesting was going on---especially when he saw that they'd sometimes walk for 20 minutes to find the plant.Another strange thing that caught his eye was how they ate the bitter leaves.
"They swallowed the leaves whole,"explains Wrangham,noting that chimps usually chew their food well."They seemed to rub(摩擦)the leaves around the roofs of their mouths.They closed their eyes,wrinkled their noses and swallowed slowly."
       Wrangham wondered what could be so good about something tasting so bad.He had a chemist analyze the leaves.He discovered that the leaves contain a red oil that kills different viruses(病毒).Later tests showed that the oil might even fight cancer and the AIDS virus!
Why don't the chimps chew the leaves?"Rubbing the leaves between the tongue and the inside of the mouth might allow the chemicals to enter the bloodstream directly,"he suggests,"instead of going to the stomach,where they might get destroyed by acids.The chimps seem to know what they're doing."

67.We can learn from the passage thatA.
A.chemicals in plants help cure animals
B.chimps cure themselves by chewing plants
C.scientists live with chimps to study their diets
D.Dr.Wrangham knows a lot about forest plants
68.How can Dr.Wrangham tell which plants are medicine for chimps?C
A.By talking with the biologists.
B.By analyzing the chimps'favorite food.
C.By studying the chimps'feeding habits.
D.By comparing other scientists'discoveries.
69.The author wrote the passage toA.
A.present a finding                         B.test a theory
C.provide a solution                        D.describe an experiment
70.What does the passage mainly talk about?B
A.Forest plants
B.Animal doctors.
C.Chimp's diets
D.A cure for cancer.

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