
Both are so much related to each other. And both are so dissimilar! What are the differences between friendship and love? Is platonic(理想的) friendship possible between persons of opposite sex? Let us try and understand.

What is friendship? Why do we call a person our friend? When do we call someone a very good friend? If we care for a person, if we are always ready to help that person and if we share most of our thoughts with a person, they are our good friends. We can always count upon our good friends in an emergency. We are always sure that our friend will understand why we acted in a certain way. We need not explain anything to our very good friends. The friendship is so deep and the relationship is so close, that most of the things are automatically understood by our friends.

What about love? In a relationship of deep love, all the sharing that we discussed above are taken for granted. But love transcends(胜过,超越) all these. During love, we are attached with a particular person, while in friendship, one may have many friends. A loving relationship makes one so much attached to the other, that one gets pained if his/her beloved is hurt! Love also involves a physical element. Friendship does not have that. This is a vital difference. Nature gives us love so that the species can go forward. Nature does not give us friendship.

Your heart beats will never increase in expectation of meeting your friend. You will not lie awake at night thinking about your friend. You will not feel totally lost, if you don't meet your friend for a few days. You will not have dreams in your eyes thinking about your friend. But in love, you will do all these and much more. Indeed, there is no comparison between love and friendship.

1.What's the function of the first passage?

A.To come up with the question for the further discussion.

B.To explain the main idea of the following passage.

C.To tell us the whole meaning of the passage.

D.To advise us to make friends in different way.

2.How do you do to make real friends?

A.You should give others your everything.

B.You should share, help and understand each other.

C.You should have the same interests in everything.

D.Friend in need is a friend indeed.

3.If you are friends, you'll ________.

A.dream of him at night

B.lie awake at night and think your friend

C.feel you don't meet him for a long time

D.never feel excited meeting your friend

4.The writer gives us the article to ________.

A.tell us the meaning of love and friendship.

B.tell us relationship between friends and relatives.

C.tell us the difference between love and friendship.

D.tell us how to get friendship and love.




A special lady lived on a farm in Grace, Idaho. To overcome every ________ or struggle that came her way, she went far beyond the call of duty. She was a widow (寡妇) with 9 children. Instead of ________ of her hard life, she accepted her fate (命运) and ________ the ordinary into the extraordinary.

No matter how serious things seemed to be, she found a(n) ________ side and a ray of hope. She taught her family the ________ of hard work and the importance of education, ________ she only went as far as fourth grade.

Her children didn’t have material ________, but they certainly received the necessary and ________ things in life: love, spiritual guidance, concern for others, appreciation for a table filled with food, and ________ for the law. She was truly a(n) ________ of all that is good.

I remember as a young man sitting at her feet while she ________ me. “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” And she said, “I’ll ________ throw upon the floor a crust (面包皮) I cannot eat, for many a hungry one would think it quite a ________. Willful waste brings willful want, and I may live to say, ‘Oh, I wish I had that crust that once I ________.’”

This extremely courageous and ________ woman is my grandmother. My mother is a lot like her mother. Many times, my mother went ________ a new dress just so we could buy some great football shoes. Many times, my mother ________ that we should stay home instead of going on a summer vacation, just so we could ________ on a baseball all-star team. My mother is the greatest cook on Earth, a spiritual ________, a church and community servant, and the very best mom who ever lived. I’ve never ________ her complain about her difficulties, heartache, and pain. My dear, sweet mother truly is a perfect example. It’s the way it was and still should be.

1.A. successB. taskC. challengeD. job

2.A. thinkingB. complainingC. talkingD. dreaming

3.A. sentB. putC. cheatedD. changed

4.A. oppositeB. positiveC. wrongD. dark

5.A. valueB. ideaC. painD. result

6.A. ifB. althoughC. unlessD. since

7.A. needsB. comfortsC. wealthD. hope

8.A. importantB. interestingC. strangeD. natural

9.A. fearB. loveC. demandD. respect

10.A. userB. speakerC. exampleD. corrector

11.A. taughtB. chargedC. encouragedD. judged

12.A. usuallyB. neverC. evenD. also

13.A. pleasureB. beautyC. rewardD. treat

14.A. gave upB. picked upC. threw awayD. took away

15.A. strongB. curiousC. intelligentD. attractive

16.A. inB. beyondC. forD. without

17.A. insistedB. warnedC. remindedD. persuaded

18.A. goB. performC. exchangeD. play

19.A. engineerB. dancerC. guideD. worker

20.A. noticedB. heardC. discussedD. forgotten

Experts recently suggested that teens should start adopting early bedtimes. Before you dismiss it as a habit suited only for young kids, consider that there are serious advantages in being well-rested. And now, even more research suggests that putting phones away before going to sleep is important to teens’ well-being.

A new study from Seton Hall University School of Health and Medicine Science found that 62 percent of kids used their smart phones before bed, and it’s causing less sleep and poor performance in school.

Those teens who text(发短信) before bedtime tend to go to sleep later, and get up later in the morning. Such behavior can be associated with mental health issues like depression or anxiety. Besides, once teens do receive a text, experts found, they tend to respond right away. Then the text conversation continues — resulting in an even later bedtime.

The study’s co-author Dr. Peter Polos says this leads to excessive stimulation(过度刺激) at night. Light from electronic devices can block the secretion(分泌) of melatonin — a hormone(荷尔蒙) that promotes sleep, which makes sleep difficult in the face of overuse of smart phones at night. It’s true! More screen time means less sleep time; other studies have suggested the same idea.

As for a final piece of advice, Dr. Sushanth Bhat says, since getting the proper amount of sleep is very important for brain development and learning in the teenage years, our study should encourage parents and guardians (监护人) to limit adolescent smart phone usage at night. Keep in mind that teens aren’t the only ones addicted to their phones! Adults can also benefit from setting a tech curfew(宵禁) for themselves. After all, kids learn by example!

1.What is the text mainly about?

A. How to promote sleep.

B. How kids learn from their parents.

C. The advantages of going to bed early.

D. The disadvantages of phone usage before bed.

2.Who are likely to go to sleep later according to the text?

A. Kids having text conversations before bed.

B. Kids putting their phones away at night.

C. Kids studying their lessons hard at school.

D. Kids exercising with friends after school.

3.Melatonin can ________.

A. make sleep difficult B. lead to later bedtimes

C. help people fall asleep D. wake people from a sleep

4.The author advises parents to ________.

A. learn from their kids

B. get rid of smart phones

C. set a good example to their kids

D. try to benefit from hi-tech development


It was a very cold evening. The old man’s beard was almost icy. He was waiting for a ________ across the river. The wait seemed ________. The old man sat on the ground waiting for quite a long time.

________, he saw several horsemen coming. He watched them silently and let the first one pass by without even asking. Another passed by, and then another, till the last rider came near the old man. The old man caught the rider’s ________ and said, “Sir, would you ________ giving me a ride to the other side?”

________ his horse, the rider replied, “Of course not.” But it was so cold that the old man’s body was almost ________. He could not get ________the ground. The horseman helped the old man onto his horse. He took the old man not just across the river, ________ to the old man’s home.

As they ________ the old man’s house, the horseman asked, “Sir, you let several other riders pass by without even asking. Then I ________ and you asked me for a ride at once. Why? ________ I had said ‘no’ and left you there?”

The old man looked the rider straight in the eye, and said, “I looked ________ the eyes of the other riders. I quickly saw that they didn’t ________. It would be ________ even asking them for a ride. But in your eye I saw ________. I knew that you would help me.”

The words ________ the rider deeply. “Thank you for what you’ve said,” he told the old man. “I hope I will never leave others ________ simply because I’m busy, and every American citizen does ________ in my heart.”

With that, Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the US, turned his horse around and made his ________ back to the White House.

1.A. helpB. rideC. tripD. drive

2.A. usefulB. boringC. fortunateD. endless

3.A. GraduallyB. FinallyC. SadlyD. Surprisingly

4.A. eyesB. handC. backD. face

5.A. likeB. thinkC. offerD. mind

6.A. SpeedingB. RidingC. StoppingD. Leaving

7.A. shockedB. stuckC. frozenD. injured

8.A. downB. onC. inD. off

9.A. onlyB. butC. soD. then

10.A. nearedB. visitedC. passedD. missed

11.A. came onB. came inC. came upD. came out

12.A. Even ifB. What ifC. As ifD. Only if

13.A. outB. forC. intoD. up

14.A. tryB. waitC. askD. care

15.A. uselessB. riskyC. dangerousD. foolish

16.A. braveryB. loyaltyC. ambitionD. kindness

17.A. attractedB. comfortedC. touchedD. occupied

18.A. aloneB. outC. awayD. over

19.A. desireB. liveC. countD. advance

20.A. choiceB. livingC. mindD. way


阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

A few years ago the company I work for sent my wife and me to live in New York for a year. I’ve always loved ________ in the morning, so I was really ________ when I found out the house they had bought for us was next to Central Park. This meant that every ________ I could go for a run before I went to work.

________ a lot of people had told me to be careful of robbers(抢劫者) in the park, I didn’t usually take anything with me. How could they ________ me if I didn’t have anything? But this one morning my wife asked me to ________ some bread on the way home so I put a $10 note in my back pocket.

While I was running through the ________, another runner nearly knocked me over. He apologized and ________ running. I thought it was a little ________ so I checked my ________ and found that the money was missing. I ________ started to run after him. I ________ caught up and caught him by the arm. I started ________ and demanding(要求) that he give me the $10. I’m not ________ a hot-headed person but I really lost my temper(脾气) that day. This seemed to ________ him and he quickly put his hand into his pocket and ________ me the money. Then he ran away as ________ as he could.

I bought the ________ and went home. As soon as I got there I began to tell my wife my ________ “You won’t believe what happened to me,” I started. She immediately ________ me, “I know, you left the money for the bread on the kitchen table.”

1.A. studying B. working C. running D. reading

2.A. proud B. nervous C. sad D. happy

3.A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night

4.A. Unless B. Though C. If D. Because

5.A. find B. believe C. rob D. cheat

6.A. borrow B. taste C. eat D. buy

7.A. school B. park C. office D. house

8.A. continued B. practiced C. stopped D. started

9.A. different B. strange C. dangerous D. harmful

10.A. hat B. purse C. pocket D. bag

11.A. suddenly B. immediately C. generally D. calmly

12.A. finally B. nearly C. possibly D. hopefully

13.A. smelling B. shouting C. explaining D. asking

14.A. simply B. secretly C. usually D. especially

15.A. anger B. surprise C. hurt D. frighten

16.A. paid B. lent C. showed D. gave

17.A. fast B. early C. far D. safely

18.A. clothes B. milk C. bread D. newspaper

19.A. meeting B. story C. job D. holiday

20.A. disturbed B. trusted C. understood D. accepted


You often find somebody who works around you complaining all the time, don’t you? 1.About 70% of Americans say being around nonstop complainers sometimes has a bad influence on them. Luckily, here are 4 tips to help form positive patterns.

1. Self-awareness

When a negative thought pops into your mind, immediately correct it. Instead of telling yourself “That’s a nice shirt, but I can’t afford it,” change the message to “That will look great with my black pants when I can afford it.”2.

Of course, everyone complains sometimes. But the less frequently you complain, the better you will feel.

2. Distance yourself

3. Excuse yourself and go somewhere quiet, somewhere outdoors in the fresh air. Think of something pleasant before returning. You have to take this seriously because negative people can and will pull you into the quicksand(困境).

3. Don’t try to change complainers

If you find yourself trapped in a group of complainers in a meeting or at a social event, simply choose silence. Let their words bounce off you while you think of something else. Attempting to stop the complaining can make you a target. 4. If someone says, “I hate Mondays, weekends are too short,” try to think, “I’m glad I rested up over the weekend, so I’m ready to make some improvement on that big project.”


When someone is shouting at you angrily, throw the responsibility back at them by asking, “So what do you intend to do about it” In most cases, complainers don’t really want a solution. They just want to speak them out. If you make them aware that they themselves have to find the solutions, they will leave you alone and find someone else to complain to. If so, you will be happy.

A. Find solutions

B. Change responsibility

C. You have got a lot of company.

D. By doing this, it will lead to positive behaviors.

E. But you can redirect the discussion in your own mind.

F. Whenever possible, escape from negative conversations.

G. You will never know what they are going to talk about.

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