
During Nelson Mandela’s 19 years in the prison on Robben Island, one particular commanding officer, Badenhorst, was the cruelest of them all:

“A few days before Badenhorst’s leaving the prison, I was called to the main office. General Steyn was visiting the island and wanted to know if we had any complaints. Badenhorst was there as I went through a list of demands. When I had finished, Badenhorst spoke to me directly.

He told me he would be leaving the island and added: ‘I just want to wish you people good luck’. I do not know if I looked dumbfounded (目瞪口呆的), but I was amazed. He spoke these words like a human being and showed a side of himself we had never seen before. I thanked him for his good wishes and wished him good luck too.

I thought about this moment for a long time afterwards. Badenhorst had perhaps been the most cold–blooded and cruelest commanding officer we had had on Robben Island. But that day in the office, he had showed that there was another side to his nature, a side that had been hidden but still existed.

It was obvious that all men, even the most seemingly cold-blooded, have a heart of kindness and that, if their hearts are touched, they are able to change. Actually, Badenhorst was not evil; his inhumanity (不人道) had been encouraged by an inhuman system. He behaved cruelly because he was rewarded for cruel behavior.”

1.When did the story happen?

A. Before Badenhorst left the prison.

B. Before Mandela gave demands.

C. After General Steyn took over the prison.

D. Just when Mandela was set free.

2.How did Mandela feel at what Badenhorst said?

A. Awkward. B. Surprised. C. Angry. D. Upset.

3.Why did Badenhorst become the cruelest according to Mandela?

A. He was born evil.

B. He seemed cold-blooded.

C. He was easily changed.

D. His cruelty was rewarded.

4. Which could be the best title of the passage?

A. Hide oneself or express oneself?

B. Hard to change or easy to change?

C. Cruel by name or cruel by nature?

D. To be a prisoner or to be a commander?


Many kids don't drink enough water daily, according to a new study. The study's lead author, Erica Kenney, at first planned to look into the amount of sugary drinks kids were drinking in schools. However, during her research she found that many kids were simply not drinking enough water.

Kenney and her team examined data from a group of 4,000 children, aged 6 to19, between the years of 2009 and 2012. The data was taken from the National Health and Nutrition Survey,a study on the health of children in the United States conducted each year by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention..

While looking through the survey results, she noticed that more than half of the kids who took part in the study were dehydrated (脱水的). Of' that group, boys were 76% more likely than girls not to have enough water in their system. Nearly one quarter of the kids in the survey reported drinking no plain water at all.

“These findings highlight(突出) a possible health issue that wasn't given a lot of attention in the past," Kenney said in a statement. “Even though for most of these kids this is not an immediate and great health threat, this is an issue that could really be reducing quality of life and well-being for many children and youth."

The United States-National Agriculture Library says average kids need between 10 to 14 cups of water every day. This water can come from a mix of drinks and foods that contain high amounts of water, such as celery, melons or tomatoes. It is also recommended that fluids(液体)come from water instead of sugary drinks that are high in calories and can lead to weight problems.

1.What was Erica Kenney's purpose in doing the study?

A. To study if kids drink enough water daily :

B. To prove that sugary drinks are harmful to kids

C. To show what kind of sugary drinks kids love.

D. To find out how many sugary drinks kids drink at school.

2.According to the findings of Erica Kenney's study, we know that ________.

A. school kids cannot find drinkable water easily

B. boys are more likely to get dehydrated than girls

C. sugary drinks are very popular with school kids

D. most kids know the importance of drinking plain water .

3.From the last paragraph we learn that kids________.

A. should drink plain water to lose weight

B. can try to take in water from sugary drinks .

C. can eat celery, melons and tomatoes for water .

D. should drink no more than 10 cups of water every day

4.The text mainly tells us that many kids_____________

A. don ' t like drinking water

B. prefer sugary drinks to water

C. are at risk of health problems

D. don ' t drink enough water daily


Ebola is a dangerous virus that can cause people to get very sick and even die. The virus is causing the biggest problems in western Africa, where it has spread quickly.

1. But it can get worse and cause life-threatening symptoms, such as bleeding and trouble breathing.


Ebola does not spread like colds or the flu because it does not float through the air. Ebola also doesn’t spread through food or water, like some other viruses. Instead, Ebola spreads when someone touches the body fluids (such as spit) of a sick person.


An outbreak is when many people are getting sick with the same illness around the same time. You may have heard of a flu outbreak, which is when lots of people get sick from the same types of flu virus. When an outbreak happens because of a virus, more people could get sick because there is a lot of that virus around.

Where did Ebola come from?

Scientists aren’t sure how the first person gets Ebola at the start of an outbreak. 4.. Tropical animals in Africa believed to carry the virus include great apes, chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys, fruit bats, porcupines, and forest antelope.

What do kids need to do about Ebola?

Ebola is making many people sick in Africa, but no matter where you live, it’s always a good idea to wash your hands well and often. 5.

A. What is Ebola?

B. What is an outbreak?

C. How do people catch Ebola?

D. Ebola symptoms can start with fever and headache, kind of like the flu.

E. But they think that people may pick up the virus by touching or eating infected animals.

F. It’s very important that infected people get treatment right away.

G. Keeping your hands clean can help protect you from common illnesses like colds and the flu.



I am the only person who has reached senior middle school in my family. So, I am the “best educated”. But I also used to be the most ________ because I never thought about my manners. As a busy ________ , I always come home from school late. When I get home at ________ , it is time for my meal. After eating, I go to school again. But one day, when I was ready to go to school after lunch as usual, Dad stopped me. “Could you ________ me some time?” he asked, “just one ________ .” I looked at the time and found I didn’t have much time left. “OK, Dad, but please make it ________ .” “All right, I know you are ________ , so I will just ask you two questions. Could you ________ how many things you have done for our ________ ? And, could you tell me how often you say hello to your family members when you get home?”

That day, when I was at ________ , I thought about the questions without understanding why Dad had ________asked them. Then, my friend, a girl from a rich family, asked me what was ________ me. I told her. After listening, she laughed. “Hey! That’s nothing ________ ! You know, I never do anything or say hello to anybody when I am at home, either.” Then she added, “As far as I know, 90 percent of our ________ have never done these things.” Really? At that moment, I ________ why my dad had asked me those questions. It was because it is good ________ to say hello to your family. However, most of us students don’t know, or even ________ this. How sad we are! I finally realized how I should answer my dad’s questions. First, I would do all those things that are called good manners. Second, I would ________ my classmates to be aware of their manners as soon as possible. That night I told these things to Dad. “Good,” he said, “Better late than never.” The next afternoon, when I got home, I saw Mum in the kitchen cooking. “Hi, Mum, I’m ________ ,” I said. She looked at me and gave me a big ________ .

1.A. shy B. impolite C. angry D. anxious

2.A. senior student B. shop assistant C. school teacher D. housewife

3.A. time B. night C. noon D. spare time

4.A. spend B. take C. spare D. lend

5.A. thing B. hour C. question D. minute

6.A. easy B. happy C. quick D. simple

7.A. impolite B. polite C. patient D. busy

8.A. look about B. make sure C. find out D. take out

9.A. family B. members C. house D. promise

10.A. bed B. school C. table D. home

11.A. suddenly B. obviously C. clearly D. simply

12.A. surprising B. paining C. puzzling D. delighting

13.A. dangerous B. normal C. valuable D. important

14.A. family B. class C. neighbor D. town

15.A. wondered B. understood C. knew D. noticed

16.A. way B. exercise C. chance D. manners

17.A. think about B. care about C. call for D. hunt for

18.A. force B. remind C. allow D. ask

19.A. home B. late C. sorry D. hungry

20.A. cake B. suggestion C. smile D. chance


When you visit Paris, you don't have to spend all of your time on museums and monuments,which are certainly worth visiting. 1. And you’11 find it beautiful.

Take a walk along the Seine River. 2. Lie on your back on the green grass.When you need Borne food and drink, try coffee and cakes at a sidewalk cafe. Have a conversation with a Parisian. This isn't always easy, though. With such a large international population living in Paris, true natives are hard to find these days.

3. You may hear music from an outdoor concert :nearby: classical, jazz, opera or those French folk songs. Parisians love their music. Don' t miss the highlight of Paris evening:eating out. Parisians are proud of their cooking. You need a special guidebook to help you choose one of the hundreds of excellent restaurants. 4. The cook likes to show his best dishes there. Remember, you haven't tasted the true French food until you've dined at a French restaurant in Paris.

Your visit in Paris has only just begun. You've just started to discover the charm of this old city. May the rest of your jotarney be unforgettable. When it is time to leave, you will go unwillingly. 5.

A. You will say, "See you again, Paris.”

B. Spend some time in a quiet park relaxing on an old bench.

C. If you don't know what to order, ask for the suggested menu.

D. As evening comes to Paris, excitement rises over the river.

E .You can take some time to look around and experience life in Paris.

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