Koeler took special notice of the tall woman who was nicely dressed, but she was wearing ugly, thick-soled(厚底) shoes.
  Now the woman was taken to a room for questioning. There it was found that the soles of the shoes were hollow(中空的). They were opened. Some diamonds fell out on the floor. Their total weight was 3377 carats(克拉).
  The young woman broke down in tears. Then she told her story. For years she had dreamed of coming to live in America, she said. At last she had managed to get the papers she needed to come to the U.S. Then a strange man called on her. He said he would pay for her trip and give her one hundred dollars. All she had to do was to smuggle the diamonds past the U.S. Customs. The man gave her the shoes and also bought her a plane ticket. Just before she got on the plane, he gave her an envelope. He said that it was the hundred dollars he had promised.
  The weeping woman handed the envelope to Koeler. He tore it open. There was only eighteen dollars. She was cheated. In the end the woman was trialed and sentenced to eighteen months in prison for her part in the smuggling.
60. Where did the story happen?
A. At an airport.                           B. At a police station.
C. At a railway station.                     D. In a custom office in China.
61. The underlined word “smuggling ” in this passage most probably means_____.
A. 偷税              B. 盗窃          C. 走私                         D. 交换
62. The woman had agreed to smuggle the diamonds______.
A. in order to get the papers she needed                           B. in hope of selling them
C. in return for some money and a free trip D. so as to share them with the man
63. Which is the right order of the events(事件)given in the passage?
a. She wanted to live in the U.S.
b. She arrived in the U.S.
c. She was given an envelope.
d. She was given a plane ticket.
e. She was found out.
f. She was put into prison.
A. a, d, c, b, e, f      B. a, b, c, e, f, d 
C. a, c, d, b, e, f                    D. a, b, d, c, e, f

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
Most American colleges and universities take a spring break. Students might go home to their families -- or spend a week partying on a warm beach with no parents around. That is the popular image, at least.
In the United States, the lawful age to drink alcohol is twenty-one -- one of the highest in the world. Americans debate whether it should be lowered, or whether young drinkers would only drink more. In parts of Europe, the lawful drinking age for beer, and sometimes hard liquor, is sixteen. Yet France may raise the age limit for beer and wine sales to eighteen, the same as for hard liquor there.
Rules on alcohol differ from college to college in the United States. Many schools require all first-year students to take an alcohol prevention and education program, often given online. Some have a “zero tolerance” policy where alcohol is banned from all buildings. Parents are informed of violations and students may be suspended(停学).
At the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, permission is needed to serve alcohol at any event on campus. But alcohol is banned in first-year dorms---where most students are under twenty-one anyway.
Susan Davis, a university lawyer, says campus police and local police report underage drinking violations(违反)to the committee that decides punishments on a case by case basis. For example, the committee might suspend or expel(开除)a student. It might require an alcohol education program. Or it might just give a warning.
Jon Zug is a lawyer in Albemarle County, where the university is located. He says international students would face the same punishment as American citizens for underage drinking in Virginia. That includes a punishment of five hundred dollars or fifty hours of community service. But first law-breakers might be given a chance to complete an alcohol education program instead.
Schools have to report unlawful violations by international students to the Department of Homeland Security. International adviser Richard Tanson at the University of Virginia says even minor violations stay on a student’s permanent immigration record. He says international students should know that this can affect them in the future if they try to re-enter the United States.
1. What does the underlined phrase “by case basis” mean?
A. Depending on the seriousness of the case itself.
B. According to the report of the campus and local police.
C. Depending on the judgment of the committee.
D. According to the former cases in store.
2. To international students, which of the following may be intolerable once they have drinking violations?
A. A punishment of $500 or 50 hours of community service.
B. Being given a warning of being suspended or expelled.
C. Having the violations kept on their permanent immigration record.
D. Receiving an alcohol education program.
3. The passage probably appears in_________.
A. an advertisement                                              B. a local newspaper  
C. a university guide book                                        D. a popular magazine
4. The passage mainly talks about_________.
A. alcohol problems on the U.S. campus    
B. alcohol policy on U.S. campus
C. U.S. universities---zero tolerance to alcohol
D. the punishment to the university alcohol drinkers

Surprises often come in boxes. Birthday presents wrapped in colorful paper, brown paper packages mailed from a friend. No matter what kind of box it is, people like to open it up and see what's inside. In America, and in many other countries, one special kind of box contains the future. It's called a ballot box. What people put into the box on election day can change the course of history.

Elections are the lifeblood of a democracy. The word democracy literally means "the people rule," an important concept in American history. In the mid-1700s, England began passing laws that made the American colonies angry. The colonists had to pay more and more taxes and enjoyed less and less freedom. They felt the government of England didn't represent their interests. On July 4, 1776, the colonies declared their independence from England. They wanted to establish a democracy where people could have a voice in government.

An effective democracy holds regular elections. In America, elections are held every two years for members of Congress. In these elections, all seats in the House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate seats are up for grabs. In addition, every four years, voters go to the polls to elect the nation's president and vice-president. Voters also regularly cast their ballots for state and city government leaders and local school board members. Sometimes they also have to vote on a proposed law.

In the American electoral system, people don't really vote for presidential candidates. Instead, voters cast their ballots for "electors" who support each candidate. Each state has as many electors as the total number of its representatives in Congress. This equals two senators per state plus the number of its representatives in the House (which is based on the state's population). The candidate who has the most votes in a state wins all of the state's electors. To win the presidential election, a candidate must gain at least 270 of the 538 total electoral votes.

Over the years, the U.S. has made a number of election reforms. Some early reforms outlawed cheating, giving bribes and threatening voters. They also limited the amount of money candidates could receive from donors and spend on their campaigns. In 1870, black people gained the right to vote, and in 1920, that right was extended to women. In recent decades, laws against unfair rules for voting have been passed. No longer do people have to pay a special tax or pass a test in order to vote. In 1971, the voting age was lowered to 18. Other reforms made voting easier for the blind, the disabled and people who couldn't read. In some areas, ballots had to be printed in languages besides English.

In November, Americans will again elect those who will represent them in government. Although some citizens aren't even registered to vote--and some registered voters don't bother to go to the polls--most Americans exercise their right to vote. They realize that their future is wrapped up in a special package--the ballot box. It's a package that must definitely be "handled with care."

1.According to the context, what does a “ballot box” mean in Chinese?

A.彩票箱           B.投票箱           C.礼品箱           D.保险箱

2.Democracy means that ____.

A.People couldn’t have a voice in a government.

B.In America, elections are held every four years for members of Congress.

C.Democracy is the lifeblood of elections.

D.Basically “ the people rule”, and it’s very important in American history.

3.How will the votes distributed if Romney got 20 votes while Obama received 17 votes in California in the election?

A.Romney will win 20 votes in California.

B.Obama will win 20 votes in California.

C.Romney will win 37 votes in California.

D.Obama will win 37 votes in California.

4. Which one is RIGHT about election reforms?

A.People have to pay a special tax to vote.

B.There are bribes and threatening in elections now.

C.People above eighteen years old can vote now.

D.The disabled or the blind have tough access to voting.

5. What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.Birthday boxes in the U.S.                 B.Election systems in the U.S.

C.Election reforms in the U.S.                D.Democracy in the U.S.



Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节  阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


A person has to be sixteen to drive, seventeen to see certain movies, and eighteen to vote. People can get terrific discounts on all sorts of stuff-provided they’re over sixty-five. Everywhere we look there are age limits that define what people can and can’t do. But creativity has no boundaries, no limitations. Anyone can invent. And they do. Inventors are popping up at the youngest ages.

Sitting in the car waiting for her mom to return from shopping, Becky decided she might as well try to finish her math homework. But it was growing dark and getting hard to see the paper.

“I didn’t have a flashlight, and I didn’t want to open the car door because then the whole car would light up.” recalled Becky. “So I thought it would be neat to have my paper light up somehow, and that’s when the idea came to me.”

It isn’t every day that a ten-year-old invents a product eagerly sought by several businesses, but that’s exactly what Becky Schroeder did when she created a tool that enabled people to write in the dark. Her invention? The Glo-sheet.

That night Becky went home, trying to imagine different ways of making her paper glow in the dark. She remembered all sorts of glow-in-the-dark toys-like balls and Frisbees-and wondered how they were made. She was determined to find a solution. So they very next day, Beck’s dad took her on an outing to the hardware store. They returned with a pail (桶) of phosphorescent paint. She took the paint and stacks of paper into the darkest room in the house-the bathroom. There, she experimented.

“I’d turn on the light, turn it off, turn it on,” said Becky. “My parents remember me running out the room saying ‘It works, it works! I’m writing in the dark!’ ”

She used an acrylic board and coated it with a specific amount of phosphorescent paint. She took a complicated idea and made it work rather simply. When the coated clipboard is exposed to light, it glows. The glowing board then illuminates or lights up the paper that has been placed on top. Two years after her initial inspiration, in 1974, Becky became the youngest female ever to receive a U.S. patent.

She didn’t actively market her Glo-sheet. She didn’t need to. The New York Times wrote an article about an incredible invention-patented by a twelve-year-old, and the inquiries and orders streamed in.

1. From Paragraph 1 , we can draw a conclusion that _________.

A. it is illegal for one to drive under sixteen

B. people enjoy privileges when over sixty-five

C. one is never too old or too young to invent

D. people hate the limitations that define our behavior

2. What caused Becky to invent Glo-sheet?

A. She was trying to do homework when it got dark.

B. She was having trouble with math problems.

C. She was trying to earn some money. 

D. She was working on a school project.

3. What is the meaning of the underlined words “phosphorescent paint” in paragraph 5?

A. paint that acts as a glue                                  B. paint that covers a mark

C. paint that becomes hard                                 D. paint that glows in the dark

4. What does it mean that Beck “didn’t actively market her Glo-sheet” according to paragraph 8?

A. She kept the original one for her own use.

B. Other people came to her for the Glo-sheet.

C. Becky’s father tried to sell the Glo-sheet.

D. She gave away patent to the government.

5. With which statement would Becky most likely agree?

A. Experience is needed to be a good inventor.

B. Only by inventing things can you know what people need.

C. Always try to sell patent rights to large companies. 

D. You never know what you can do unless you try.



第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)

第一节  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

Most American colleges and universities take a spring break. Students might go home to their families -- or spend a week partying on a warm beach with no parents around. That is the popular image, at least.

In the United States, the lawful age to drink alcohol is twenty-one -- one of the highest in the world. Americans debate whether it should be lowered, or whether young drinkers would only drink more. In parts of Europe, the lawful drinking age for beer, and sometimes hard liquor, is sixteen. Yet France may raise the age limit for beer and wine sales to eighteen, the same as for hard liquor there.

Rules on alcohol differ from college to college in the United States. Many schools require all first-year students to take an alcohol prevention and education program, often given online. Some have a “zero tolerance” policy where alcohol is banned from all buildings. Parents are informed of violations and students may be suspended(停学).

At the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, permission is needed to serve alcohol at any event on campus. But alcohol is banned in first-year dorms---where most students are under twenty-one anyway.

Susan Davis, a university lawyer, says campus police and local police report underage drinking violations(违反)to the committee that decides punishments on a case by case basis. For example, the committee might suspend or expel(开除)a student. It might require an alcohol education program. Or it might just give a warning.

Jon Zug is a lawyer in Albemarle County, where the university is located. He says international students would face the same punishment as American citizens for underage drinking in Virginia. That includes a punishment of five hundred dollars or fifty hours of community service. But first law-breakers might be given a chance to complete an alcohol education program instead.

Schools have to report unlawful violations by international students to the Department of Homeland Security. International adviser Richard Tanson at the University of Virginia says even minor violations stay on a student’s permanent immigration record. He says international students should know that this can affect them in the future if they try to re-enter the United States.

1. What does the underlined phrase “by case basis” mean?

A. Depending on the seriousness of the case itself.

B. According to the report of the campus and local police.

C. Depending on the judgment of the committee.

D. According to the former cases in store.

2. To international students, which of the following may be intolerable once they have drinking violations?

A. A punishment of $500 or 50 hours of community service.

B. Being given a warning of being suspended or expelled.

C. Having the violations kept on their permanent immigration record.

D. Receiving an alcohol education program.

3. The passage probably appears in_________.

A. an advertisement                                                              B. a local newspaper  

C. a university guide book                                                       D. a popular magazine

4. The passage mainly talks about_________.

A. alcohol problems on the U.S. campus       

B. alcohol policy on U.S. campus

C. U.S. universities---zero tolerance to alcohol

D. the punishment to the university alcohol drinkers


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