
We will offer a ________ of ten thousand dollars for information about the case.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


  A bill passed by the U. S. Senate(参议院)shows that limiting student visas(签证)may affect the admission of international students at colleges across the nation. The bill was passed with an unanimous(一致) vote by the senate and now awaits President George W. Bush's approval before becoming law. The Congressional measure puts restrictions(限制)on visas to students from Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan and North Korea countries. The bill does not restrict regular immigrants from those countries. The bill was put forward when it was discovered that one of the hijackers(劫机犯)had cane to the U. S. on a student visa. This man, who was not a national of any of the seven countries on the State Department list, never actually arrived on his college campus.

  John Pearson, Director of the International Center: background checks will be carried out for anyone from these countries. My hope is that there won't be a full-out denial of visas, just the background checks. The objective now is to reach a compromise (折中)whereby students from these countries won't be denied entry if they have undergone and passed sufficient background checks. It is unclear what the final process will be for determining visa issuance to students from the seven countries. There won't be a visa denial for students from these countries, the process will just take longer. I don't like this word-tracking system to report data on all foreign students. If the bill becomes law, universities will be asked to report foreign students not showing up for classes to immigration authorities.

  John Hennessy, University President: Since several departments accept a number of students from these countries, some of our programs will be significantly weakened if these students can no longer enter the country, The University will offer its support for students already here from these seven countries. We will, of course, try to continue to work with students here to ensure that they will be able to continue their studies.

1.The bill was passed to ________.

[  ]

A.refuse international students

B.check the background of international students

C.to turn down students from the seven countries

D.restrict students visas

2.The senate passed the bill with an unanimous vote because of ________.

[  ]

A.too many immigrants

B.Sept. 11th attack

C.too many international students

D.political reasons

3.What is the result of the bill?

[  ]

A.It will become law.

B.It is going to come into effect.

C.It will be denied.

D.The passage doesn't give us definite answer.

4.John Pearson thinks ________.

[  ]

A.all the students from the seven countries should not be given background checks

B.all the students from the seven countries should not be turned away

C.universities should report students not turning up for classes to the government

D.the bill is sure to become law

5.From what John Hennessy said, we can infer ________.

[  ]

A.there are some students from the seven countries in his university

B.they will help those students to continue their studies

C.they will suffer some loss if those students no longer cane

D.students from those countries will be sent back home


A long time ago, there was an Emperor who told his horseman that if he could ride on his horse and cover as much land area as he liked, then Emperor would give him the area of land he had covered. Sure enough, the horseman__36__ jumped onto his horse and rode as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could.He__37__ riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible. When he was   38__ or tired, he did not stop   39__ he wanted to cover as much area as possible. He came to a   40__ when he had covered a great area and he was very tired and was   41__. Then he asked himself, “Why did I  42__ myself so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only   43__ a very small area to bury myself.”

The above story is   44_  to the journey of our   45__. We push very hard every

day to make more _ 46__ to live a better life. We _ 47__ our health and time with our family to_ 48__ the surrounding beauty and the   49__ we love to do. One day   50__ we look back we will   51__ that we don’t really need that much, but then we cannot turn back time for what we have  52__.

Life is not about making money. Life is   53__ not about work! Work is only   54__ to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and   55__ of life.

36. A. quickly            B. carefully          C. simply            D. finally

37. A. kept on            B. asked for          C. gave up         D. succeeded in

38. A. sad               B. excited            C. tense             D. hungry

39. A. but               B. so                C. because           D. if

40. A. house             B. point              C. sea              D. hospital

41. A. sleeping           B. arguing            C. dying            D. smiling

42. A. push              B. control            C. punish            D. prove

43. A. need              B. destroy            C. find              D. show

44. A. useful             B. precious           C. similar            D. special

45. A. future             B. progress           C. history            D. life

46. A. friends            B. products           C. discoveries         D. money

47. A. forget             B. consider           C. want              D. doubt

48. A. describe          B. admire            C. protect             D. appreciate

49. A. jobs              B. things             C. lessons             D. sports

50. A. before            B. when              C. unless              D. since

51. A. realize            B. regret             C. apologize           D. explain

52. A. saved             B. missed            C. valued             D. won

53. A. hardly           B. probably           C. absolutely          D. extremely

54. A. practical          B. attractive           C. necessary          D. particular

55. A. pleasures         B. dreams             C. stories             D. secrets

Officials in the Midwestern U. S. town of Joplin, Missouri, say the death from Sundays’ big tornado reaches 116 and that search efforts continue for possible survivors trapped in rubble (碎石). Search and rescue teams are conducting their third sweep through the nearly 10 kilometer – long and one – kilometer wide area of destruction left by the tornado. They are working as quickly as possible while weather conditions remain relatively stable. More storms are forecast for the erea.
Joplin Fire Chief Mitch Randles said there are areas with large piles of rubble that might hold survivors. “We are still finding individuals. We did rescue seven individuals from underneath rubble yesterday and , of course, we are also finding dead folks as well.” Said mre folks and that is why we are doing these searches. We want to make every opportunity that we can to find everybody that is in the rubble and that has survived to this point.”
Randles said the current sweep involves a slower pace that previous searches and that he plans a fourth search, possibly on Wednesday, using specially trained dogs. “We are searching every structure that has been damaged or destroyed in a more in-depth manner, “he said.” I have dogs and dog handlers coming from all over the country do help us in that effort.”
Joplin City Manager Mark Rohr said the Red Cross and other volunteer organizations are helping people who were left homeless by the tornado and that the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is on hand to help. “Joplin is a great city. We have suffered a great loss, “said Rohr.” We will recover and we will recover strongly and we have a lot of help and a lot of volunteers to make that easier.”
The tornado that struck Joplin was classified by the Natioonal Weather Service as an F – 4, with winds of more than 300 kilometers per hour. It lasted only  20 minutes, but it killed more that 100 people, injured more than 400 others, and destroyed or heavily damaged some 2,000 homes, businesses, churches and a hospital. Authorities have registered more than 1,700 calls about missing people and they hope to resolve most of those cases soon, as victims are identified and survivors come forth and reunite with loved ones.
This was the worst tornado to strike the United States in 60 years. It was the latest in a wave of violent storms that have swept Midwestern and southern states in recent weeks, leaving more than 300 people dead an causing more than $2 billion dollars in damage.
【小题1】The best headline for this newspaper article would be          .

A.Difficulties in the Rescue
B.The Great Loss Brought by the Tornado
C.Search for Survivors After the Disaster
D.Worst Tornado in the USA
【小题2】The word “resolve” in Para 5 probably means         .
【小题3】The number of death caused by the tornado that struck Joplin reached more than       .
【小题4】From the text, it can be inferred that           .
A.many victims might be under the ruins
B.it was impossible to find out surviors
C.the tornado lasted several weeks
D.the bad weather influenced the rescue greatly

Have you heard of the scandal that happened in one of Great Britain’s biggest supermarket chains called Tesco? The British love Tesco as it sells very cheap products and it can be found on almost every corner of a British city or town.

On January 15th 2013 food inspectors discovered 30 % horsemeat in a certain brand of frozen beefburgers that were mostly sold by Tesco in the UK and Ireland.

In times of social media like Facebook and Twitter the news has spread fast and customers have been very concerned about what the food they buy actually contains. Tesco said it had taken away the burgers from the shop shelves immediately, and apologized to their customers. They also promised that they would find out what exactly happened and that they would work harder than ever so this would never happen again. Customers are also able to return the beefburgers and get a refund, that is, their money back.

However, it will be hard for Tesco to get the people’s trust back. Just imagine buying lovely beefburgers that you fry at home and suddenly you find out that you have actually eaten horsemeat! In this case not only horse lovers will be upset!

By the way, why are British people so shocked about eating horsemeat? In history, horses have played great roles as working animals and as an important means of transport. When Britons of today think of horses, they think of majestic animals or cute pets rather than meat.

But this is not the only reason for the protest: Customers also want to be sure that the products they buy contain what it says on the label. Hopefully, supermarkets can avoid mistakes like that in the future. Maybe there should be stricter regulations and more controls of our food? Otherwise we will soon find ourselves eating panda meat instead of pork and parrot instead of chicken. So the next time you are in a supermarket maybe check the ingredients of your food before you buy it or you could get a nasty surprise …

1.What is the scandal?

A. Tesco’s products were much more expensive than they are supposed to be.

B. Tesco didn’t react immediately to a food quality issue.

C. Tesco sold expired food.

D. Horsemeat was found in burgers sold in Tesco.

2.What didn’t Tesco do in response to the scandal?

A. It withdrew the beefburgers.

B. It made an apology to the public.

C. It investigated and found out the cause and effect of the scandal.

D. It returned money to customers who bought the beefburgers.

3.Which statement isn’t among the reasons why customers are furious?

A. People trusted Tesco so much that they never expected a scandal like this.

B. Everyone can call himself or herself a horse lover in the UK.

C. Sellers shouldn’t cheat customers.

D. The horse is humans’ friend.


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