
If they       what I was saying, they'd know what I was talking about

A.took the trouble to listen to    B.had trouble listening to

C.take the trouble to listen to             D.have trouble listening to





试题分析:考查时态和虚拟语气:句意:如果他们不怕麻烦听我说的话,他们就会知道我说的是什么了。take the trouble to不怕麻烦去做;have trouble (in) doing是“做…有困难”,所以排除BD,而且主句是would do是虚拟语气,从句用过去时表示虚拟,选A。




Pushing children too hard is a really big social problem that seems to be getting worse.Now we have 6-month-olds in music classes and swimming classes.Parents fear that if other children are attending these classes,they will be holding their own children back if they do not enroll,too.

    The other extreme,simply taking a laissez-faire approach and letting children do—or refuse to do—whatever they want,is not the answer either,of course.

    Dr Taylor emphasizes that parents need to push their children based on what is best for the children,not what is best for themselves.If children understand that an activity is in their best interests,then they will accept it, he finds.

    Dr Taylor and other family experts remain pessimistic about the possibilities for widespread social change.“The force of our popular culture,driven by money and superficial(表面上的) values,cannot be resisted,” he says.But change can take place at a“micro-level,” in families and schools.

    When changes do occur,the rewards can benefit everyone in the family.One mother supporting this new approach toward parenting mentions the advantages her family experienced after her children cut back on activities.“The biggest thing is that since we have done this,we are rested,” she says.“Not only are our kids rested,because they're not in a ton of stuff, but my husband and I are rested,because we're not driving them everywhere.We weren’t living in the moment when we were always busy.We were living by the schedule.The return on our investment of spending time together has been enormous.”

One of the reasons why parents push children so hard is that they__________.

   A. believe in early development in children

   B. are too busy to take care of their children

   C. don't want their children to lag behindw(w w.ks&5 u.c*o m

   D. want to repeat what their parents did to them

The phrase“a laissez-faire approach”(in Line 1,Paragraph 2)most probably refers to      .

   A. denying them what they need

   B. controlling children in a flexible way

   C. developing a keen interest in children

   D. letting children do whatever they want

The best way to encourage children to work hard is           .

   A. to make them believe it’s in their best interests

   B. to consider the matter from parents' standpointw(w w.ks&5 u.c*o m

   C. to emphasize the importance of hard work from time to time

   D. to make it interesting and enjoyable to them

What the author doesn’t approve of in the essay is _______.

   A. achieving a balance between pushing the children too hard and leaving them alone

   B. going from one extreme of pushing children too hard to the other of leaving them alone

   C. involving children in activity that will probably contribute to their development

   D. enrolling them in music and swimming classes at the very early age

The new approach toward parenting mentioned in the passage most likely refers to _______.

   A. relieving children’s hard work and unnecessary activity

   B. resisting the superficial values of pop culture

   C. reducing more activity off their school schedule

   D. spending more time with their children

The fact that blind people can see things using parts of their bodies apart from their eyes may help us to understand our feelings about color.If they can sense color differences, then perhaps we, too, are affected by color without knowing it.Salesmen have discovered by experience over a long period of time that sugar sells badly in green wrappings, that blue foods are considered not agreeable to the taste, and that cosmetics(化妆品) should never be packed in brown.These discoveries have grown into a whole subject of color psychology.
Some of our preferences are clearly psychological.Dark blue is the color of the night sky and therefore connected with calm, while yellow is a day color connected with energy and encouragement.Experiments have shown that colors, partly because they are connected with psychology, also have a direct effect on people's mind.People in bright red surroundings show an increase in breathing speed, heartbeat and blood pressure.Red is exciting.Pure blue has exactly the opposite effect; it is a calming color.Being exciting, red was chosen as the signal for danger, but a closer study shows that a bright yellow can produce a more basic state of alarm, so fire engines in some advanced areas are now rushing around in bright yellow colors that stop buses, trucks and cars.
【小题1】The passage tells us that salesmen have____ .

A.tried colors on blind people
B.found out that colors affect sales
C.developed a special subject of color psychology
D.discovered the relationship between color and psychology
【小题2】It can be inferred from the passage that__ _.
A.blind people cannot sense color differences
B.foods sell well in green or blue wrappings
C.w hat color we prefer depends on our state of mind
D.a bright color has exactly the opposite effect to red
【小题3】The most effective color in the passage for warning people is____.
A.red B.dark blueC.greenD.bright yellow
【小题4】If someone is in an angry mood, which color is better for him to become quiet?
A.Red.B.Dark blue.C.Brown.D.Bright yellow
【小题5】Which of the following do you think is the best title for the passage?
A.Colors and Feelings
B.Colors and Sales
C.The Blind and Colors
D.Preferences for Colors

When I was growing up in America, I was ashamed of my mother’s Chinese English. Because of her English, she was often treated unfairly. People in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously ,did not give her good service ,pretended not to understand her ,or even acted as if they did not hear her .W_w w.k*s*5 u.c@o m
My mother has realized the limitations of her English as well. When I was fifteen, she used to have me call people on phone to pretend I was she . I was forced to ask for information or even to yell at people who had been rude to her. One time I had to call her stockbroker (股票经纪人).I said in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing, “This is Mrs.Tan..”
And my mother was standing beside me ,whispering loudly, “Why he don’t send me cheek already two week late.”
And then , in perfect English I said : “I’m getting rather concerned .You agreed to send the check two weeks ago, but it hasn’t arrived.”
Then she talked more loudly. “What he want? I come to New York tell him front of his boss.” And so I turned to the stockbroker again, “I can’t tolerate any more excuse. If I don’t receive the check immediately , I am going to have to speak to your manager when I am in New York next week.”
The next week we ended up in New York. While I was sitting there red-faced, my mother, the real Mrs.Tan, was shouting to his boss in her broken English.
When I was a teenager, my mother’s broken English embarrassed me. But now, I see it differently. To me, my mother’s English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It is my mother tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, and full of observation and wisdom. It was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed ideas, and made sense of the world.
【小题1】Why was the author’s mother poorly served?w_w w. k#s5_u.c o*m

A.She was unable to speak good English.
B.She was often misunderstood.
C.She was not clearly heard.
D.She was not very polite.W_w w.k*s*5 u.c@o m
【小题2】From Paragraph 2, we know that the author was ________ .
A.good at pretendingB.rude to the stockbroker
C.ready to help her motherD.unwilling to phone for her mother
【小题3】After the author made the phone call, _______.
A.they forgave the stockbroker
B.they went to New York immediately
C.they failed to get the check
D.they spoke to their boss at once
【小题4】What does the author think of her mother’s English now?
A.It confuses her.
B.It embarrasses her.
C.It helps her understand the world.
D.It helps her tolerate rude people.
【小题5】We can infer from the passage that Chinese English ________.w_w w. k#s5_u.c o*m
A.is clear and natural to non-native speakers
B.is vivid and direct to non-native speakers
C.has a very bad reputation in America
D.may bring inconvenience in America

The fact that blind people can see things using parts of their bodies apart from their eyes may help us to understand our feelings about color.If they can sense color differences, then perhaps we, too, are affected by color without knowing it.Salesmen have discovered by experience over a long period of time that sugar sells badly in green wrappings, that blue foods are considered not agreeable to the taste, and that cosmetics(化妆品) should never be packed in brown.These discoveries have grown into a whole subject of color psychology.

Some of our preferences are clearly psychological.Dark blue is the color of the night sky and therefore connected with calm, while yellow is a day color connected with energy and encouragement.Experiments have shown that colors, partly because they are connected with psychology, also have a direct effect on people's mind.People in bright red surroundings show an increase in breathing speed, heartbeat and blood pressure.Red is exciting.Pure blue has exactly the opposite effect; it is a calming color.Being exciting, red was chosen as the signal for danger, but a closer study shows that a bright yellow can produce a more basic state of alarm, so fire engines in some advanced areas are now rushing around in bright yellow colors that stop buses, trucks and cars.

1.The passage tells us that salesmen have____ .

A.tried colors on blind people

B.found out that colors affect sales

C.developed a special subject of color psychology

D.discovered the relationship between color and psychology

2.It can be inferred from the passage that__ _.

A.blind people cannot sense color differences

B.foods sell well in green or blue wrappings

C.w hat color we prefer depends on our state of mind

D.a bright color has exactly the opposite effect to red

3.The most effective color in the passage for warning people is____.


B.dark blue


D.bright yellow

4.If someone is in an angry mood, which color is better for him to become quiet?


B.Dark blue.


D.Bright yellow

5.Which of the following do you think is the best title for the passage?

A.Colors and Feelings

B.Colors and Sales

C.The Blind and Colors

D.Preferences for Colors


If you live in a city where everyone rushes, realize that you don't have to be like everyone else.You can be different.

I can't give you a step-by-step guide to moving slower, but here are some things to consider and perhaps adopt, if they work for your life.

1.Do less

Cut back on your projects, on your task list, on how much you try to do each day.Focus not on quantity but on quality.Pick 2 or 3 important things-or even just one important thing- and work on those first.

2.Have fewer meetings

Meetings are usually a big waste of time and make you rush.Try to have blocks of time with no interruptions, so you don't have to rush from one meeting to another.

3.Give yourself time to get ready and get there

If you're constantly rushing to appointments or other places you have to be, it's because you don't allot(分配) enough time in your schedule for preparing and for traveling.Pad your schedule to allow time for this stuff.If you think it only takes you 10 minutes to get ready for work or a date, perhaps give yourself 30 to 45 minutes so you don't have to shave in a rush or put on makeup in the car.

4.Practice being comfortable with sitting doing nothing

When people have to wait, they become impatient or uncomfortable.Try standing in a line and just watching and listening w people around you.It takes practice, but after a while, you’ll do it with a smile.

5.Realize that if it doesn't get done, that's Ok.

There's always tomorrow.And yes, I know that's a frustrating attitude for some of you who don't like laziness or living without firm deadlines, but it's also reality.The world likely won't end if you don't get that task done today.Your boss might get mad, but the company won't collapse and the life will inevitably go on.

Try these things out.Life is better when unrushed.

Remember the quote: If nature can get everything done without rushing, so can you.

1.Which can be the best title of the passage?

A.How not to hurry in our life?

B. How to give out our life?

C.What to do with our life?

D.How to change our life?

2.If you think you need 10 minutes to get ready for the date with your boyfriend, ______.

A.you don't have to put on makeup

B.you'd better squeeze about 35 minutes out for it

C.you should arrange 10 minutes for it

D.you should rush there

3.According to the passage, we can know_______.

A.even if we do as we're told by the author, we can't change anything

B.if we follow the author's advice, our life will be better

C.we should try to do all the things better on our task list

D.there's always tomorrow, so we can put off the thing that must be done today till tomorrow

4.The underlined word "collapse" has the similar meaning to "______".

A.develop rapidly

B.pay enough

C.fail completely

D.drop suddenly


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