
Glacier Bay is one of the most famous parks in America, located in the state of Alaska. This park in the southeastern part of the state covers more than 1 million hectares of Alaskan wilderness. It includes mountains, glaciers (冰川), bays, and even rainforests. Glacier Bay supports hundreds of kinds of animals, including many species of birds, fish, bears, whales and sea lions.

As its name suggests, much of Glacier Bay National Park is covered by glaciers. A glacier is a large area of ice that moves slowly down a slope (斜坡) or valley, or over a wide area of land. Glaciers cover more than 5,000 square kilometers of the park.

Glacial ice has shaped the land over the last seven million years. The glaciers found in the park today are what remains from an ice advance known as the Little Ice Age. That period began about 4,000 years ago.

During the Little Ice Age, the cold weather caused the ice to grow and advance. That situation continued until about 1,700s, when the climate began to warm. The higher temperatures caused the ice to start melting. That melting led the huge glacier to separate into more than 1,000 different glaciers.

The extremely tall and jagged (参差不齐的) mountains seen in Glacier Bay National Park were formed by the ice advancing and then melting over time. The melting of the ice also created water that filled in and created the many fjords (峡湾) within the park. Fjords are narrow parts of the ocean that sit between cliffs or mountains.

The huge amount of water from the melted ice killed off many kinds of plants. Vegetation returned to the area over the next 200 years. The regrowth in plants also brought back many animals to the land. This return of life to Glacier Bay is why it is sometimes called “a land reborn” by people.

1.What is mentioned in Paragraph 1?

A. The function of Glacier Bay.

B. The climate of Glacier Bay.

C. The area of Alaskan wilderness.

D. The number of animals in Glacier Bay.

2.What happened to Glacier Bay during the Little Ice Age?

A. Many slopes or valleys came into being.

B. The glaciers grew and advanced.

C. Different glaciers became a whole one.

D. The fjords became narrow.

3.What is mainly discussed in the last paragraph?

A. How the water killed off the plants.

B. When vegetation returned to Glacier Bay.

C. What the relationship between plants and animals is.

D. Why Glacier Bay is sometimes called “a land reborn”.


Most parents and teachers want children to be happy. To that end, parents find themselves doing things for kids to make them happy, like buying gifts, taking them for ice cream, playing games together, or helping with homework.

Teachers are constantly doing things for children, too, like bringing treats to class, planning fun trips, and supporting students in other immeasurable ways.

Do acts of kindness toward children make us happier parents and teachers? Of course they do.

Unfortunately, we don’t make children happy by simply enabling them to be receivers of kindness. We increase their feelings of happiness and well-being by teaching them to be givers of kindness.

The truth is that children are born to be altruistic. But somewhere between birth and 4th grade, they are socialized to think more about themselves than others.

How do we change this and improve children’s well-being?

A recent study, Kindness Counts, conducted by researchers from the University of British Columbia and the University of California, broke new ground by showing the benefits gained by teens when they were taught happiness-increasing skills.

For a month, several hundred 9-11-year-olds performed and recorded three acts of kindness each week for anyone they wished. Another several hundred kept track of three pleasant places they visited during the week.

Not surprisingly, the results were consistent with adult studies. When kids performed acts of kindness or took notice of the pleasant places they visited during the week, they significantly increased feelings of happiness and satisfaction.

But hose who performed acts of kindness received an additional benefit. Measuring how well children were liked or accepted by their peers(同伴), the study showed those who performed acts of kindness gained an average of 1.5 friends during the four-week period ---- good support for the idea that “nice guys finish first.”

1.What do most parents and teachers do to make children happy?

A. Do good deeds for them.

B. Take them to see funny things.

C. Teach them the secret of happiness.

D. Develop their happiness-increasing skills.

2.The underlined word “altruistic” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “ ”.

A. optimistic B. energetic

C. curious D. generous

3.What can be concluded from the study?

A. Children can change their attitude easily.

B. Happy people are likely to do good deeds.

C. Acts of kindness are the key to happiness.

D. Visits to places lead to much more happiness.

4.What does the underlined part “additional benefit” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. Winning support from teachers.

B. Broadening their social circle.

C. Showing respect for others.

D. Getting higher test scores.



During my PE class I met a girl, who was in a grade younger than me. She was always 1 on the playground and I wondered why she had 2 to talk to. I was kind of a quiet girl myself, too, but I still had a few 3 . Over the whole year I would say "Hi" to her 4 sometimes she came to me and we 5 whatever sports we liked most.

Whenever she came over I made it my 6 to make her laugh. I paid most of my 7 to her and not to my other friends because I saw them playing together 8 over there. Then, the 9 day of school year came around, I walked with her on the playground. I asked her why she was so quiet. She told me her father left her 10 and her. Her mother was always crying at home. 11 this, I said nothing for a while. Then what I could do was 12 her to forget unhappiness and believe tomorrow is 13 . One day I told her I was leaving for high school. Hearing this she asked me not to 14 her. She told me that she had no other friends and I was her only one. Then, she told me that she would 15 me if I was in the high school. I 16 that I would go back to see her twice a week. Hearing my promise, her face 17 with smiles.

People lose friends all the time but wise people know how to 18 the friendship. So don’t ruin the 19 as time passed by. Remember that you are 20 to have a good friend.

1.A. happy B. sad C. shy D. quiet

2.A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody

3.A. classmates B. schoolmates C. friends D. parents

4.A. and B. but C. so D. then

5.A. played B. watched C. talked D. studied

6.A. rule B. goal C. dream D. way

7.A. strength B. decision C. attention D. time

8.A. equally B. happily C. suddenly D. regularly

9.A. usual B. middle C. first D. last

10.A. mother B. brother C. sister D. family

11.A. Fixing B. Hearing C. Seeing D. Understanding

12.A. order B. force C. advice D. allow

13.A. newer B. greater C. sooner D. better

14.A. forget B. stop C. ask D. mind

15.A. help B. miss C. greet D. invite

16.A. realized B. guessed C. promised D. hoped

17.A. turned away B. gave off C. started out D. lit up

18.A. change B. see C. appreciate D. treasure

19.A. success B. question C. friendship D. agreement

20.A. lucky B. important C. right D. free













In1973, I was teaching elementary school. Each day, 27 kids 41 "The Thinking Laboratory." That was the __42__ students voted for after deciding that "Room 104" was too 43 .

Freddy was an average 44 ,but not an average person. He had the rare balance of fun and compassion(同情). He would 45 the loudest over fun and be the saddest over anyone’ 46 .

Before the school year 47 , I gave the kids a special 48 , T-shirts with the words "Verbs Are Your __49__" on them. I had advised the kids that while verbs(动词)may seem dull, most of the 50 things they do throughout their lives will be verbs.

Through the years, I’d run into former students who would provide 51 on old classmates. I learned that Freddy did several jobs after his 52 from high school and remained the same 53 person I met forty years before. Once, while working overnight at a store, he let a homeless man 54 in his truck. Another time, he __55__ a friend money to buy a house.

Just last year, I was 56 a workshop when someone knocked at the classroom door. A woman __57__ the interruption and handed me an envelope. I stopped teaching and 58 it up. Inside were the "Verbs" shirt and a __58__ from Freddy’s mother. "Freddy passed away on Thanksgiving. He wanted you to have this."

I told the story to the class. As sad as it was, I couldn’t help smiling. Although Freddy was taken from us, we all 60 something from Freddy.

1.A. built B. entered C. decorated D. ran

2. A. name B. rule C. brand D. plan

3.A. small B. dark C. strange D. dull

4. A. scholar B. student C. citizen D. worker

5.A. speak B. sing C. question D. laugh

6.A. misfortune B. disbelief C. dishonesty D. mistake

7.A. changed B. approached C. returned D. ended

8. A. lesson B. gift C. report D. message

9.A. Friends B. Awards C. Masters D. Tasks

10.A. simple B. unique C. fun D. clever

11.A. assessments B. comments C. instructions D. updates

12.A. graduation B. retirement C. separation D. resignation

13. A. daring B. modest C. caring D. smart

14.A. wait B. sleep C. study D. live

15.A. paid B. charged C. lent D. owed

16. A. observing B. preparing C. designing D. conducting

17.A. regretted B. avoided C. excused D. ignored

18.A. opened B. packed C. gave D. held

19. A. picture B. bill C. note D. diary

20.A. chose B. took C. expected D. borrowed

It happened to be a beautiful summer afternoon, and Mr. Phillip was taking a walk in the downtown area of Paris, capital of France.

When he turned to a street corner, he heard the voice of a lovely French singer coming from a nearby restaurant. The sweet music attracted him, so he went into the restaurant to hear it better. Mr. Phillip sat down quietly at a table near the door. Noticing the waiter come over, he ordered a glass of French wine.

The waiter returned with the glass of wine and put it on the table. Mr. Phillip started drinking the wine slowly and watching other people in the restaurant. There were three customers sitting at a table near him. He could tell by their accents that one of them was an American, one an Englishman and the third man was a funny-looking stranger. The polite waiter served each of the three men a glass of beer. By chance, each glass had a fly in it.

Out of curiosity, Mr. Phillip watched carefully what they were going to do. To his amusement, he found that each of them took a quite different attitude. The American picked up his glass, took a hard look at the fly, and then poured the fly and half of his beer on the floor. The Englishman looked into the glass, noticed the fly and reached for a spoon, with which he took the fly out of the beer and drank the rest of it. And the stranger noticed the fly in the beer, picked it with his fingers, squeezed (挤压) it carefully in order to save every drop of beer, then drank it up.

1.Mr. Phillip went into the restaurant to _____.

A. have something to eat after the walk B. wait for a friend there

C. meet his three friends there D. enjoy the pleasant music

2.The restaurant where Mr. Phillip had a drink must be _____.

A. a first-class one B. a rather dirty place

C. expensive and comfortable D. a place where only beer was served

3.Of all the three customers at the table, _____.

A. the stranger drank the most from the glass

B. the Englishman wasted half of his beer

C. the stranger was the cleverest

D. the American liked the beer best

Americans drove more miles in 2015 than any year since the U.S. government started keeping records 45 years ago. The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDT) recently reported that Americans drove a record of 3.148 trillion miles last year. In case you are wondering, that is enough to take 337 round trips from Earth to Pluto.

There are a number of reasons why Americans are driving more miles. The social experts agree that the first is the price of gas, which has dropped to the level of the year 2004 in the past year. The American Automobile Association (AAA) said that the average price of gas was just $1.71 a gallon. That could be the lowest price since 2004.

P.J. Sriraj, a director of the Urban Transportation Center at the University of Chicago, notes that the lower cost to fill up a car is just one reason. Another reason is that more Americans are back to work after the 2008 economic recession, and they drive to their jobs.

Besides, more Americans have to travel a long distance every day between home and the office. There are a lot of Americans who must travel more than 45 miles per day for their jobs. And as for many, there is not enough public transportation.

Because of the heavy traffic, roads are becoming more and more crowded. While modern cars are more fuel-efficient, the improvement is not enough to offset more cars on the road. “There is no doubt that driving more will make the air dirtier,” said P.J. Sriraj. And many Americans showed a great concern in a recent survey.

1.The USDT report shows that in 2015 ________.

A. Americans drove record-breaking miles

B. Americans drove 3.148 trillion miles a day

C. Travel to Pluto was popular with Americans

D. The government began to record driving miles

2.P.J. Sriraj thinks the reason why Americans drove more miles is ________.

A. the low prices of gas and cars B. the 2008 economic depression

C. the Urban Transportation Center D. more people’s coming back to work

3.What makes many Americans worried?

A. Having to drive far to work. B. Having no public transportation.

C. Too many cars’ pollution of the air. D. Small improvement of modern cars.

4.How is the whole passage developed?

A. By explaining causes. B. By giving examples.

C. By following time order. D. By making comparison.

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