Longer Conversations
Directions: In Part B, you will hear two longer conversations. After each conversation, you will be asked two question. The conversations will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in you paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions 1 and 2 are based on the following conversation:
1.A To a rock and mineral show. B To an opera at the concert hall.
C To a movie at the student center. D To a popular music concert.
2.A She gets a student's discount. B Bob doesn't have very much money.
C She lost a bet and owes Bob money. D Bob left his wallet at home.
Questions 3 and 4 are based on the following conversation:
3.A In a classroom. B In a snack bar C In the dormitory. D In a camera shop.
4. A He worked for a radio station. B He lived in a dormitory.
C He took a long trip. D He visited the man's family.
1.C 2. C 3.B 4.A
M: Hey, Ellen, how are you?
W: I'm fine, Bob. Aren't you glad that semester's over?
M: Yep. Are you going to the rock concert Friday night?
W: I haven't thought much about it . Are you?
M: Sure. Would you like to go with me ?
W: Sounds like fun!
M: You'll have to buy your own ticket, though.
W: Are you broke again? Let me treat you !
M: Wow, where did you come into so much cash?
W: You know I am a waitress at the Student Center. Anyway, now that the final exams are almost over, I'd love a night out.
M: Since you've been so great about buying the tickets, why don't I take us out to dinner?/
W: You've got a deal. Let's buy the tickets now.
1. Where do Bob and Ellen want to go ?
2. Why is Ellen buying the tickets?
M: Let's go in here and order some coffee while we look at your pictures.
W: Good idea. We'd both like coffee, please. OK, here's one of Ed's , my roommate. I took this picture right after we had arrived at the school this fall. We had just met, in fact. And this was our room of the dormitory while we were unpacking all our things. What a mess!
M: You certainly had a lot of boxes. How did you ever find room for everything?
W: In the beginning we thought we'd never get all arranged but now we are very comfortable. Lucky for me, Ed keeps his things neat.
M: Do you like living in the dormitory?
W: It's not bad. Sometimes Ed turns his radio up too loud and makes too much noise. Then I get angry. Sometimes I leave my books lying around and he gets angry. But usually we get along. Here's a picture of him taken when we went to visit my family during vacation.
M: And this last one?
W: That's my dog Spot.
3. Where is this conversation most probably taking place?
4. Why does the man sometimes get angry at Ed?