
How many articles are there about making money online? Thousands?  Millions? Enough? Probably. But too many of them are just sales pitches(托辞)to convince you to sign up for some seminar(研讨班), webinar(在线会议), training session or some other way to become an online millionaire. 1.. But there are legitimate(合法的;正当的)ways to make money online. And you’ve got to work from home or turn an idea into a business.

Many are real jobs that require you to put in hours if you want to get paid. 2. :

Take it seriously. You can do the work in your underwear, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a “real job”. You must treat it seriously, or they aren’t going to treat you as a serious candidate. You aren’t the only one who wants to work in their underwear.  3..

Be professional.4.. Write in complete sentences with proper grammar. Of course, there will be exceptions, but if so, you must keep it professional. You’re building their view of you.

Give some, but not all. Whether you’re providing writing

samples, a photography portfolio(文件夹) or links to your work, give them enough examples, but not so many that they don’t even know where to start. Make sure everything you send to a co mpany, whether a résumé, an email or a portfolio, is good to go. Double check your grammar and wording. 5.. Don’t spell their name wrong and be sure to type it how they type it.

A. I’m going to tell you about some legitimate ways to make money online

B. Here are some tips for actually getting the job

C. This is especially important when it comes to the company’s name

D. When you submit a résumé, don’t type it in ALL CAPS

E. They really give online money making a bad name

F. They also require real work

G. In fact, the competition online is likely higher than it is in your local area


Amazon is breaking into physical retail in a new way. The online retail giant revealed a new kind of physical store concept in a video published on Monday.

The store, called Amazon Go, doesn't work like a typical Walmart or supermarket. Instead, it's designed so that shoppers will use an app, also called Amazon Go, to automatically add the products that they plan to buy to a digital shopping cart by scanning a QR code(二维码). They can then walk out of the building without waiting in a checkout line because Amazon will charge their Amazon account and send them a receipt.

The first Amazon Go store is located in Seattle, where Amazon is headquartered. For years, there have been rumors the e-commerce company would expand its dominance from digital to physical shopping. Amazon began experimenting with physical bookstores a year ago, but Amazon Go may mark its boldest bet on physical ones yet. By removing much of the staff needed to operate a store, Amazon keeps costs lower than traditional competitors. It's also in a strong position to bring together data on its customers' shopping habits online and offline to make better suggestions in all situations.

However, Amazon's move deeper into physical retail shops comes in a sensitive political climate. The company could be perceived as being a threat to some of the 3.4 million Americans who work as cashiers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. On the campaign trail, Donald Trump repeatedly criticized Amazon and its founder Jeff Bezos for “getting away with murder tax-wise” and having “a huge antitrust(反垄断) problem.” Will the President& shy; elect add “job killer” to the list of criticisms?

Amazon's effort to launch a new kind of retail store predates(在……之前) the rise of Donald Trump. “Four years ago we asked ourselves: what if we could create a shopping experience with no lines and no checkout? Could we push the boundaries of computer vision and machine learning to create a store where customers could simply take what they want and go?” The company says on an informational page about Amazon Go. For now, Amazon is starting slow. The Amazon Go is only open to Amazon employees in our Beta program, and is scheduled to open to the public in early 2017.

1.In Amazon Go, people can ________ .

A. buy products by paying cash

B. buy carts without scanning a QR code

C. have no bother to check out and queue

D. use an app to wait in a checkout line

2.What can we infer from the third paragraph?

A. Amazon has dominated the physical bookstores.

B. Amazon can contribute to reducing the cost of staff.

C. Amazon manages to take the place of physical shopping.

D. Amazon can ignore each customer's advice in all situations.

3.The reason why Donald Trump repeatedly criticized Amazon Go is that Amazon Go ________ .

A. would result in a political crisis

B. would threaten the career of cashiers

C. may result in a huge antitrust

D. is No.1 job killer in the list of criticisms

4.The main purpose of writing the passage is ________ .

A. to introduce the Amazon Go store

B. to explain how Amazon Go works

C. to arouse people's interest in Amazon

D. to indicate Trump's attitude to Amazon

Over the years I have received many Christmas gifts. However, the best one I’ve ever received was presented by a________ I never knew his name and I only had______with him for less than 60 seconds, but the moment changed the_______I think about people and Christmas.

I______Black Friday sales. It’s often lots of people______the shops merely to pick up bargains. Their intentions are completely unrelated to the______time of year.

It was one Black Friday morning several years ago______my wife and I went to the local department store to purchase a child’s______for our son. W e stood with a very large crowd,_____ for the manage to blow the whistle. On hearing the______, people were all scrambling(争先恐后)to get the bargains. I______my opportunity and lifted one of the boxes containing bikes_______I felt some mild resistance. I looked______to see one of the largest gentlemen I’d ever seen in my life. “Frightening” was not the world to_______his presence. I unwillingly______the box but, to my surprise, he gently pushed it back in______direction. Our eyes made contact and he gave me a ____smile, saying, “Merry Christmas.” My wife and I went to the______and paid for the bike. All the way home I was thinking that this moment was much the best Christmas gift I’d ever received. A simple______of kindness from a stranger______all stereotypes(成见)and prejudices I may have had. I’ll never forget it.

1.A. friend B. colleague C. stranger D. brother

2.A. fun B. argument C. conversation D. contact

3.A. way B. habit C. attitude D. pattern

4.A. enjoy B. forget C. hate D. expect

5.A. breaking into B. crowding C. getting into D. wandering

6.A. joyful B. discouraging C. annoying D. busy

7.A. since B. when C. before D. until

8.A. toy B. book C. box D. bike

9.A. preparing B. looking C. waiting D. crying

10.A. whistle B. bell C. screams D. cheers

11.A. missed B. saw C. offered D. quitted

12.A. Gradually B. Immediately C. Occasionally D. Suddenly

13.A. down B. up C. through D. forward

14.A. introduce B. state C. describe D. say

15.A. take away B. take down C. put away D. put down

16.A. his B. its C. my D. another

17.A. friendly B. regretful C. frightening D. special

18.A. exit B. checkout C. store D. stand

19.A. act B. behavior C. word D. movement

20.A. deepened B. replaced C. cleaned D. removed

You're riding in the car on this family vacation. Suddenly your dad slows down. And you may see the following:

1. Bubblegum Alley

San Luis Obispo, California

Some call it art; others call it just plain gross. Bubblegum Alley is covered from top to bottom with wads of chewed gum, a tradition that was started mysteriously by locals in the 1950s. Some artists even created images of funny faces and the American flag.

2. Blue Whale

Catoosa, Oklahoma

Not ready to dive the depths of the ocean to see a blue whale? No problem. Just visit this 80-foot-long cement beast, which even has a slide and diving board so visitors can take a dip in the pond. When the artist died, the whale fell into disrepair. Neighbors couldn't stand to see the grinning whale fall apart, so they fixed it and now keep it bright with gallons of blue paint.

3. Lonesome Legs

Amarillo, Texas

Just what are these large legs doing in a cow pasture? According to artist Lightnin' McDuff, they represent a poem about a traveler who finds a bodiless statue of an Egyptian pharaoh (法老) called Ozymandias. Using concrete over a steel frame, McDuff constructed the legs to appear as if they were made of weathered sandstone. And the socks? A prankster (恶作剧的人) keeps adding them—even though McDuff always removes the unwanted addition.

4. Giant Penguin

Cut Bank, Montana

Bundle up (使……穿暖)when you visit this statue, because temperatures here can get as low as 47 degrees below zero. As a nod to the frosty conditions, a local businessman built the 27-foot-tall penguin out of 10,000 pounds of concrete. The creator left for warmer weather, but the statue—7 times the height of a real emperor penguin—still stands, welcoming visitors to its chilly home.

1.What led to the formation of the Bubblegum Alley?

A. Artists made it by creating images of funny faces and the American flag.

B. It’s covered with pieces of chewed gum.

C. It spread for some unknown reason.

D. Artists guided this trend.

2.The following are descriptions about these sites, which is TRUE?

①The Blue Whale has been ruined.

②Visitors can entertain in the whale.

③The socks were added by the designer.

④The legs were made of weathered sandstone.

⑤The penguin is located in a very cold area.

⑥The statue of penguin is 6 times higher than a real emperor penguin.

A. ①②③

B. ④⑤⑥

C. ①④⑤

D. ②⑤⑥

3.What impression of these sites does the author give you?

A. Funny.

B. Strange.

C. Amazing.

D. Usual.

I took my 9-year-old daughter, Suzan and 5-year-old son, Robbie to the shopping centre. As we got there,we saw a big sign that said, “Petting Zoo”. The kids jumped up and asked, “Daddy, can we go?”

Both my wife and I were out of work. However, I said, “Sure”, giving them a quarter each. They went away, leaving only fifty cents left in my pocket.

A petting zoo is made up of a hundred of little baby animals of all kinds. Kids pay their money and stay in the enclosure(围场)pleased with the little animals while their parents shop.

A few minutes later, I saw Suzan walking along behind me, I was surprised and asked what was wrong.

She said sadly, “Well, Daddy, a ticket for Petting Zoo costs fifty cents. So I gave Robbie my quarter.” Then she said the most beautiful thing I ever heard. She repeated the family motto(座右铭), which is “Love is Action!”

I knew clearly no one loves little animals more than Suzan. She had watched both my wife and me do and say "Love is Action!” for years, and now she had put it into her lifestyle. It had become part of her, because she knew the whole family motto. It’s not only “Love is Action”; it’s “Love is SACRIFICAL(牺牲的) Action!” Love always pays a price...

I was moved. We went back to the Petting Zoo. Suzan stood with her hands and chin(下巴)resting on the fence and just watched Robbie go crazy petting and feeding the animals. I had fifty cents burning a hole in my pocket. I put my hand into my pocket and took out the money. Sure, I must do that!

1.What would be the best headline for this passage? _______.

A. A Petting Zoo. B. Try Your Best to Help Others.

C. An Attractive Shopping Centre. D. Love Is Sacrificial Action!

2.The underlined part “the most beautiful thing” in Paragraph 5 refers to _______.

A. the Petting Zoo B. the family motto

C. their lifestyle D. the ticket for Petting Zoo

3.Which of the following best describes Suzan? _______.

A. Unselfish. B. Healthy.

C. Childish. D. Clever.

4.What might happen next according to the story? _______.

A. The author would buy Suzan some candies.

B. The author would get angry with Robbie.

C. Suzan would play happily with the little animals.

D. The author would play together with Suzan.

Future history books might record that we were robbed of the use of our eyes. In our hurry to get from one place to another, we fail to see anything on the way, Air travel gives you a bird’s eye view of the world ---or even less if the wing of the aircraft happens to get in your way. When you travel by car or train, you are moving so quickly that you do not see the countryside clearly. Car drivers are forever thinking about going on and on. They never want to stop. Is it the great motorways that attract them, or what? And as for sea travel, it hardly deserves mentioning. It is perfectly summed up in the words of the old song: “I joined the navy to see the world, and what did I see? I saw the sea.” You mention the place names in the world like EI Dorado, Kabul and someone is sure to say, “I have been there”, meaning I drove through it at 100 miles an hour on the way to somewhere else.

When you travel at high speeds, the present means nothing: you live mainly in the future because you spend most of your time looking forward to arriving at some other place. But actual arrival, when it is achieved, is meaningless. You want to move on again. By traveling like this, you suspend (中止) all experience; the present stops being a reality: you might just as well be dead.

The traveler on foot, on the other hand, lives constantly in the present. For him traveling and arriving are one and the same thing: he arrives somewhere with every step he makes. H e experiences, the present moment with his eyes, his ears and the whole of his body. At the end of his journey he feels a delicious physical tiredness. Satisfying sleep will be his: the just reward of all true travelers.

1.The underlined words “get in your way” in Paragraph I can be replaced, by ____.

A. block your sights

B. expand your range of vision

C. prevent you from going out of the plane halfway

D. make your travel continue

2.What does the author think of the travelers mentioned in Paragraph 1?

A. They get a good view of the landscape.

B. They make full use of their eyes.

C. They fail to see the scenery with their heart.

D. The y are eager to see everything on the way.

3.Why does “the present”mean “nothing ”when we travel at high speeds?

A. Because we change our aims all the time.

B. Because we are eager to go to another place.

C. Because we are looking forward to the future life.

D. Because we cannot enjoy the experience we have had.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Different travelers B. The use of eyes

C. Ways of traveling D. True traveling

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