

Planning a September trip to France

September is one of the very best months to visit France.Not only will you enjoy plenty of sunshine and warm weather, but the tourist season is beginning to wind down-which means cheaper airfares, lower prices at hotels, and fewer crowds.1.

●Go wine tasting

2. And there are plenty of wine-related events and festivals around the country.So September is a great time to visit the vineyards around the country and go wine tasting.The Bordeaux, Loire and Burgundy regions are all lovely and great places to visit vineyards.Besides that, going to the castles of the Loire region in between visiting vineyards on such warm and Sunny days is also very enjoyable.


The temperatures are slightly lower,but plenty of sunshine makes for perfect conditions to enjoy a barge cruise on the canals of France.With such comfortable weather and beautiful scenery at this time of year, nothing equals hanging out on the deck of a barge.

●Visit the museums

Many museums in France have extended opening hours during the summer to accommodate the extra tourists and locals. And some museums also have extended opening hours into September.Wandering around the Louvre will take you into a wonder world,where you can enjoy the world-famous art. 4.

Besides the above,riding a bike through France’s villages is also a welcome activity for young visitors in September.You call shop for the most fashionable clothes or goods here.You can see the beautiful and fantastic scenery along the road. 5.

A.Take a barge cruise.

B.Enjoy the music concerts.

C.So, don’t hesitate and start to plan your September trip to France flow!

D.France is a beautiful country.

E.September is the beginning of the grape harvest season in France.

F.Going out of the Louvre, you can walk to the modern and fashionable Champs Elysees to do some shopping.

G.If this is your first trip to France, here is some handy information to help you get started planning your vacation!


Here are the comments on CRI (China Radio International) given by people from different countries on the Internet.



Yingtian Hu

Guangzhou, China 

This is the first time that I participate in CRI. And I like it very much. I hope its website will become the most excellent one with the foreign languages. And I choose the important news which I think has a great influence on our society and our lives. In the end, I hope that more and more persons join in CRI and make it perfect!


Select city, Nepal

I am both a regular listener of CRI and visitor of its wonderful Website. First of all, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to CRI for its great efforts to keep the listeners up-to-date during the year 2008. We, the listeners, are greatly grateful to CRI for its praise-worthy efforts to quench the thirst of its dear listeners. During the Year 2008, I found all of your programs quite interesting, informative and educational. Once again, thanks a lot for offering lots of information, news, entertainment and many items which have indeed broaden the horizons of our knowledge and understanding as well.




With CRI, I was impressed by China’s rapid development in all spheres. But I felt so sorry to get to know about the snowstorms in China and Wenchuan earthquake. CRI and CCTV play a great role in introducing China to the world! Kudos! My friends and I wish CRI all the best!

Mike Thatcher,


My family and I are all keen on Chinese Culture, especially the beautiful Chinese folk music. Various interesting programs by CRI just open a window for us foreigners, through which we can know more about China and have a better understanding of the Chinese culture. Best wishes to CRI! Best wishes to China!

1.Which of the following benefits of CRI is NOT mentioned above?

A. CRI helps to keep its listeners up-to-date.

B. CRI helps its listeners to better understand China.

C. CRI helps its listeners to practice and improve foreign languages.

D. CRI helps its listeners broaden their knowledge with its rich contents.

2.The underlined phrase “quench the thirst” refers to _____.

A. satisfy one’s need

B. supply drinks

C. take care of

D. keep in touch with

3.What can be concluded from the four comments?

A. CRI has a great influence on our society and lives.

B. Wonderful though CRI is, there are still many weaknesses.

C. CRI plays an important role in introducing the world to China.

D. CRI has made great efforts to make itself better and gained popularity.

完形填空,阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I went to a group activity, “Sensitivity Sunday” which was to make us more ________ the problem faced by disabled people. We were asked to “ ________ a disability” for several hours one Sunday. Some member ________ chose the wheel chair. Other wore sound-blocking earplugs (耳塞) or blindfolds (眼罩).

Just sitting in the wheelchair was a ________ experience, I had never considered before how ________ it would be to use one. As soon as I sat down my ________ made the chair begin to roll. Its wheel were not ________ . Then I wondered where to put my________ , It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into ________ , I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of ________ for several hours. For disabled people, “adopting a wheelchair” is not a temporary(临时的) ________ .

I tried to find a ________position and thought it might be restful, ________ kind of nice to be ________ around for a while. Looking around, I________ would have to handle the thing myself! My hands started to ache as I ________ the heavy wheels, I came to know that controlling the ________ of the wheelchair as not going to be ________ task, My wheelchair experiment was soon ________ . It made a deep impression on me. A few hours of “disability” gave me only a taste of the ________, both physical and mental, that disabled people must overcome.

1.A. curious about B. aware of C. interested in D. careful with

2.A. cure B. adopt C. prevent D. analyze

3.A. inserted B. strangely C. as usual D. like me

4.A. learning B. working C. satisfying D. relaxing

5.A. convenient B. awkward C. boring D. exciting

6.A. height B. force C. skill D. weight

7.A. locked B. repaired C. powered D. grasped

8.A. hands B. feet C. keys D. handles

9.A. place B. action C. play D. effect

10.A. operation B. communication C. transportation D. production

11.A. exploration B. education C. experiment D. entertainment

12.A. flexible B. safe C. starting D. comfortable

13.A. yet B. just C. still D. even

14.A. shown B. pushed C. driven D. guided

15.A. realized B. suggested C. agreed D. admitted

16.A. lifted B. turned C. pressed D. seized

17.A. path B. position C. direction D. way

18.A. easy B. heavy C. major D. extra

19.A. forgotten B. repeated C. conducted D. finished

20.A. weaknesses B. anxieties C. challenges D. illnesses

Think about the last time you felt afraid.Was it a fear of height?Did you oversleep on a weekday and fear you’d get into trouble at the office?In any case,you know what it feels like to feel fear.

But one woman doesn’t.The woman,code-named“UM”,gave her first-ever interview after years of being studied by a team of researchers.The woman is given a code name because the researchers want to protect her from anyone who would take advantage of her inability to feel afraid.

UM can’t tell you what fear is because she’s never experienced it.“I wonder what it’s like to actually be afraid of something,”she said.The formal name for the disease is Urbach-Wieth disease,which is characterized by a hoarse(粗哑的)voice,small bumps around the eyes,and calcium deposits(钙沉积的)in the brain.

In the case of UM,the disease has transformed the part of her brain that controls the human response to fear.In the interview,UM talks about an event in her life where she was held at knifepoint and gunpoint,“I was walking to the store,and I saw a man on a park bench.He said.‘Come here,please,’so I went over to him.He grabbed me by the shirt,put a knife to my throat and told me he was going to cut me.I told him,‘Go ahead and cut me,’I wasn’t afraid at a11.And for some reason,he let me go.”

Doctors who have been studying UM’s condition for years have been trying different things that could strike fear into her.They finally figured something out—increasing UM’s carbon dioxide levels.Extra carbon dioxide concentration in the blood is known to cause fear and panic in health individuals.Increasing UM’s carbon dioxide levels did manage to give her a fright.

1.The text starts by_______.

A.challenging the reader B.solving daily problems

C.1isting situations D.giving explanations

2.Why is the woman with Urbach-Wieth disease given a code name?

A.To tell her case from other patients.

B.To respect her privacy.

C.To meet the researchers’demands.

D.To ensure her safety.

3.From UM’s case,we can know that Urbach-Wieth disease may________.

A.stop the brain from functioning normally

B.1ead to a decrease in calcium deposits

C.stop the brain from responding quickly

D.1ead to an increase in carbon dioxide

4.What will probably happen to UM?

A.Dying of the Urbach-Wieth disease.

B.Getting the sense of panic.

C.Experiencing another danger.

D.Speaking with a hoarse voice.

Caffeine not only gives us a daily jump start, but new research suggests it also can strengthen long-term memory.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration, nearly 90 percent of people worldwide consume about 200 milligrams of caffeine each day. That' s equivalent to about one strong cup of coffee a day. Writing in " Nature Neuroscience" , Johns Hopkins University researchers say their findings show that caffeine strengthens certain memories for up to 24 hours after being taken in.

" We've always known that caffeine has cognitive-enhancing effects (促智效果) , but its particular effects on strengthening memories and making them resistant to forgetting has never been examined in detail in humans, " said senior author of the paper Michael Yassa. " We re- port for the first time a specific effect of caffeine on reducing forgetting over 24 hours. " Conducting a double-blind trial, the researchers worked with a test group of people who didn't regularly consume caffeinated products. Five minutes after studying a series of images, the test subjects were given either a placebo(无效对照剂) or a 200-milligram caffeine tablet.

To check the caffeine levels of their test subjects, the research team took saliva samples (唾液样品) from them before they took their tablets and again one, three and 24 hours afterwards.

Both groups of test participants ( those who took the placebo and those who took the caffeine tablet) were tested the following day to see if they could recognize the images they' d seen the previous day.

The test included showing the test subjects another series of images that included some new images , those that were shown the previous day, as well as other images that were similar, but not the same as those they had viewed earlier.

The researchers found that more members of the group who were given the caffeine tablets were able to correctly identify some of the new images as " similar" to previously viewed images rather than incorrectly identifying them as the same.

"We also know that caffeine is associated with health and longevity(长寿) and may have some protective effects from cognitive decline like Alzheimer' s disease (阿尔茨海默症). " said Yassa.

1.The purpose of the new research is ____________.

A.to examine caffeine ' s memory-strengthening effects in detail

B.to write the paper " Nature Neuroscience"

C.to prove caffeine has cognitive-enhancing effects

D.to survey how much caffeine people consume a day

2. During the research , the researchers did the following things EXCEPT ________.

A.giving the test subjects placebos or caffeine tablets

B.checking the caffeine levels of the test subjects

C.showing the test subjects series of images

D.encouraging the test subjects to drink more coffee

3. How did the test subjects show the caffeine ' s memory-strengthening effects?

A.By taking the caffeine tablets instead of placebos.

B.By recognizing images they ' d seen the previous day.

C.By identifying the new images as the same.

D.By telling the differences between new images.

4.What will the next part of the text possibly talk about?

A.Ways to achieve health and longevity.

B.The harmful effects of cognitive decline.

C.The treatment for Alzheimer' s disease.

D.The effects caffeine has on health.

Here is some must-know information from a handbook on how people behave in doing business in some countries.

In Brazil

Brazilians are warm and friendly. They often stand close when talking and it is common for them to touch the person on the shoulder. People often greet each other (particularly women) with light cheek kisses. Schedules tend to be flexible, with business meetings sometimes starting later than planned. But to be safe, be on time. Meals can last for hours—there’s no such thing as rushing a meal in Brazil.

In Singapore

Singaporeans shake hands when they meet and often also greet each other with a small, polite bow. Arriving late is considered disrespectful. So be on time. Efficiency (效率) is the goal, so meetings are fast-paced. Singaporeans are direct in their discussions, even when the subject is about money. Rank is important and authority is respected. People avoid disagreeing outright with someone with a higher rank.

In the United Arab Emirates

In the UAE, status is important, so the most senior or oldest should be greeted first with their titles. The handshake seems to be longer than elsewhere. So, do not pull away the handshake. People do not avoid entertaining in their homes, but they also hold business meals at restaurants. Touching or passing food or eating with your left hand is to be avoided.

In Switzerland

The Swiss tend to be formal and address each other by last name. They also are respectful of private lives. You should be careful not to ask about personal topics. Punctuality (守时) is important, so arrive at any meeting or event a few minutes early to be safe. The Swiss follow formal table manners. They also keep their hands visible at the table and their elbows(肘部) off the table. It is polite to finish the food on your plate.

1.The passage mainly deals with ________.

A. various types of communication

B. the atmosphere in workplace

C. living conditions and standards

D. customs and social manners

2.Why do Singaporeans avoid arguing with their boss?

A. They regard efficiency as the most important.

B. They dislike face-to-face communication.

C. They are supposed to obey the person of a higher rank.

D. They are used to having a fast-paced and direct talk.

3.In which country do people care about where to put their hands at the dinner table?

A. In Brazil. B. In Singapore.

C. In the United Arab Emirate. D. In Switzerland.

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