
【题目】 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友George不久前去美国留学,他给你写信说很不适应那里的生活。请你根据以下提示用英语给他写一封回信,鼓励他勇敢面对。

要点:1. 尊重当地的风俗习惯; 2. 与美国学生多交流; 3. 积极参加户外活动; 4. 注意与人交往的礼仪。

注意: 1.短文须写在答题卡的指定区域;







Dear George,

How nice to hear from you again! I think it is natural for you not to get used to the life there. Here I have some suggestions for you.

First of all, you should respect the local customs there and try to involve yourself in the natives’ lives. Just as the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as Romans do.” Secondly, don’t be afraid to communicate with American students and make friends with them. Friendship will bring you happiness. What’s more, it is better for you to join in more outdoor activities with your friends, which may help you relax and have fun. Finally, mind your own manners and remain modest and honest when getting along with your friends.

I do hope my suggestions will help. May you adapt to your new life and enjoy your stay there.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


试题解析:这是一篇书信写作。主要是让你给不适应美国生活的同学一些建议,题目已经给定大致内容,写作时要注意适当增加内容,以保证文章的连贯性。文章第一段简要介绍了自己写信的目的,第二段给出自己的建议,第三段写了自己对朋友的美好祝愿。文章结构清晰,条理清楚。在第二段中使用了First of all,Secondly, What’s more,Finally,等使文章更有层次感,并且运用了祈使句,形式主语,定语从句等句子结构使文章句子看起来更高级,句型更加的丰富多彩。除此之外还用了一系列的词组如try to do sth,get along with sb,have fun,adapt to等使文章句子表达通顺且生动形象,句意更加清晰,不失为一篇佳作。


【题目】Some inventions are so useful, but seem so simple, that we wonder why no one thought of them long ago.

Post-it Notes were invented about twenty years ago by Art Fry, a scientist at 3M Company. The idea for the product came from an awful experience he often had while singing in his church choir. Fry used pieces of paper as bookmarks to mark the places in his book of songs, but these bookmarks were always falling out. Around that time, Fry heard about a new adhesive (粘合剂) that a colleague, Dr. Spence Silver, had created. This adhesive was special because it was strong enough to hold papers together, but not strong enough to tear the paper when it was removed.

A short time later, Fry realized that his new invention had even more uses than being a great bookmark. He came to this realization when he wrote a note on one of his new bookmarks and attached it to a report he was going to give to a colleague. Soon, co-workers were asking Fry for more of his invention so that they could use the new type of notes themselves.

Fry and some other people at 3M believed so much in the new product that they asked the company to give away thousands of the sticky pieces of paper for trial use. When some salespeople at 3M went to offices and showed workers just how helpful the new type of notes could be, they immediately received many orders. As more and more people discovered how useful Post-it Notes could be, the product took off.

【1How did Dr. Spence help Art Fry?

A. His adhesive made Arts invention possible.

B. He offered the new adhesive to Art.

C. He created the Post-it Notes.

D. He often worked and discussed science with Art.

【2Which of the following is a possible use of Post-it Notes?

A. A postcard from abroad.

B. An ad in a newspaper.

C. A note on a friends door.

D. An e-mail to a friend.

【3Which of the following shows the proper order of the events?

a. The company gave away many sticky pieces of paper for people to try.

b. Dr. Spence created a new adhesive.

c. Many orders were received and the Post-it Notes became successful.

d. Fry invented Post-it Notes.

e. His colleagues began to use the new types of notes themselves.

A. d b a e c B. b a e d c

C. b d e a c D. d e a b c

【4In which column of a newspaper can we read this passage?

A. Economy B. Recreation C. Culture D. Science

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