
16.Your smart phone may have hurt you before you realize it.Don't be addicted to it.Put your phone away,OK?
1.Cyber Sickness
Also called"digital motion sickness",symptoms that range from headaches to woozy feelings can occur when you quickly scroll on your smart phone or watch action packed video on your screen.(56)B.Your sense of balance is different from other senses in that it has lots of inputs.When those inputs don't agree,that's when you feel dizziness and sickness.
2.Text Claw
It is the unofficial term for soreness and muscle contraction felt in the finger,wrist and forearm after heavy smart phone use.(57)F.So if you're always on your phone,it makes sense to feel discomfort in your hands and forearms.
3.Eye Strain
Do you stare at a screen for hours on end?If you're reading this,you very well might.(58)G.Staring at your digital devices for a long time can lead to dry eyes,headaches and tiredness,which can decrease your productivity.Experts suggest taking screen breaks every 20minutes.
4.Text Neck
Similar to the claw,text neck---discomfort in the neck and spine happens when you spend a long time looking down at your smart phone.(59)DBeing mindful of how far your neck bends when you're on your phone----and bending it back to an upright position can help reduce the risk of text neck.
5.Pedestrian safety
Pedestrian deaths are on the rise because too many smart phone users engage in distracted walking.While focused on the cyber world,many of us can lose reality of the physical one.Elemental pedestrian safety knowledge is compromised by technology,and the risks are scary.(60)E

A.We should taking breaks for a while.
B.The sensation results from a mismatch between sensory inputs.
C.Remember that pedestrian safety is more important than smart phone.
D.The habit may lead to people requiring medical spine care at a younger age.
E.To avoid injury or worse,put your phone away until you've reached a safe spot.
F.Any specific motor activity can cause pain in the tendons (筋) and muscles when done repeatedly.
G.Any activity that requires active use of your eyes---driving and reading included---can cause eye tiredness.

分析 本文是一篇选句填空阅读,属于说明文,在你意识到你的智能手机可能伤害你之前.别沉溺于它,拿开你的电话,好吗?本文以此展开谈论,主要讲述了使用手机给我们的健康等方面带来的伤害,建议我们不要过度使用手机.

解答 56.答案:B 根据后一句Your sense of balance is different from other senses in that it has lots of inputs.可知这两句都在讲input."感觉与输入信息不匹配造成人体不适".故B正确.故选B.
57.答案:F 后一句So if you're always on your phone,it makes sense to feel discomfort in your hands and forearms.和when done repeatedly相符合."重复性的肌肉运动会造成手部不适".故选F.
58.答案:G 根据后一句Staring at your digital devices for a long time can lead to dry eyes,headaches and tiredness讲的"过度使用电子产品对眼部造成的危害",故G项符合上下文.故选G.
59.答案:D 后一句Being mindful of how far yo ur neck bends when you're on your phone----and bending it back to an upright position can help reduce the risk of text neck.中的neck bends以及保护颈椎的建议可知,D项正确.故选D.
60.答案:E 本句属于中心思想句,根据本段的中心词Pedestrian safety以及本段大意可知E项"To avoid injury or worse,put your phone away until you've reached a safe spot.把手机拿开直到你到了安全地点."符合段落大意.故选E.

点评 本文是一篇说明文,属于选句填空,题目主要考查文章内容理解以及文章上下文联系.学生在做题时应仔细阅读原文内容,把握文章大意,联系文章上下文内容及所给选项含义,从而得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

5.Mr White with his wife(41)Bnow living at a small Italian hotel,(42)Athey had stayed in Italy for months on (43)A.One night he went out for a walk(44)C.It was(45)C.The small street was dark and(46)D.Suddenly he heard(47)Dbehind him.He(48)Chis head and saw a middle-aged man(49)Dwild hair,who quickly walked(50)Ahim.The man was nearly out of sight when Mr White suddenly found that his watch(51). He thought it was the(52)Aman who had taken his watch,so he ran quickly after him and soon caught up with him.As he knew(53)BItalian,Mr White had to ask the man(54)Cthe watch in another way.He showed the man his strong arms and(55)Ato his watch pocket.The man thought a while and gave(56)Cwatch to Mr White.
Mr.White returned(57)Cand told his wife(58)Ahad happened.He was greatly surprised(59)BMrs.White pointed to the watch on the table.Now he found it was(60)Athat had taken the Italian's watch.
43.A.holidayB.a farmC.dutyD.watch
51.A.had lostB.goneC.was missingD.had gone
53.A.muchB.noC.enoughD.little of
54.A.to lendB.to tellC.to returnD.return
56.A.hisB.the otherC.theD.another
57.A.backB.his houseC.homeD.his wife
60.A.he himselfB.himC.himselfD.herself.
7.During recent years,floods and flash floods have caused billions of dollars in damage each year.They are among the most common and widespread of all natural disasters.Even more importantly,they're No.1weather-related killer.A flood can happen anywhere along the Mississippi,in New England,even in the desert.
The following are some fascinating facts about floods and flash floods.
A flood(commonly called river flood)is high flow of water from a river or similar body of water,happening over a period of time too long to be considered a flash flood.Flooding is caused in many ways.Winter or spring rains,together with melting snows,can fill rivers too quickly.Heavy rains from hurricanes or other tropical(热带的)systems can also produce river flooding.The Mississippi River Flood of 1993was caused by repeated heavy rain from thunderstorms over a period of weeks.
Flash floods are quickly-rising floods which are usually the result of heavy rains over a short period of time,often only several hours or even less.They can also be caused by ice jams(冰塞)on rivers related to a winter or spring melting,or occasionally even a dam break.The constant influx(汇集) of water finally caused a great overflow to begin,powerful enough to sweep vehicles away,roll big stones into roadways,uproot trees,level(夷平) buildings,and knock bridges down.The speed of the rising of water is the most frightening.
Do remember:Move to higher ground and stay away from low areas during heavy rain.Stay out of flooded areas.Never allow children especially to play or walk in flowing water.Never drive your car into water of unknown depths.

32.What is the best title for the passage?B
A.The power of floods                 B.The facts about floods
C.The occurrence of floods            D.The damage of floods
33.The last paragraph is mainly aboutB.
A.the reasons for floods              B.flood safety tips
C.the waste water systems             D.the swift flood waters
34.According to the passage,people are afraid ofA most during flash floods.
A.the quick rising water
B.the sudden occurrence of flash floods
C.the constant influx of water
D.the great damage of flash floods
35.According to the passage,flash floods areD.
A.great floods resulted from heavy rains in a short time
B.floods happening over a long time
C.quickly-rising floods in a long time
D.floods rising quickly from heavy rains in a short time.
11.(16)E One of the best things you can possibly do is to start you own club. It's great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels there's never anything to do during the school holidays.
The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club.(17)D Pets,clothes,pop music or dancing groups,sports,making things?The list is endless.
Next you need some friends to be in your club with you.(18)A All you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same thing as you.
(19)FYou should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up. That'll keep you busy for ages.
At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. And the first rule should be no grown-ups or little/big brothers or sisters!The best clubs are always secret!
Now you have just about everything you need,except membership cards. These are very important and again you can speed a lot of time making them.(20)G       Why not leave some space for a photo of yourself?That will make the membership card really look like it.
So there you are,get clubbing!Once you get started you'll think of loads of more interesting things to do!

A.That's easy.
B.Enjoy your own club!
C.Invite a designer to join you.
D.What are you interest in?
E.Summer vacation is just around the corner.
F.Then you need to pick a name for your club.
G.Use a bright thick pen to make a special design.
1.Sharks have been swimming in the ocean for millions of years.They were on Earth even before dinosaurs!At the top of the world's ocean's food chain,sharks help keep the population of other ocean animals in balance.A large drop in the number of sharks can cause(引起) serious problems for all ocean animals.Saving sharks makes sense!
Many people are afraid of sharks.But most sharks are harmless.Only a small percentage of sharks are known to attack humans.It adapt(适应) well to new habitats and eat whatever is available.However,today,sharks are in trouble.Nearly one-third of the 400 shark species are in danger of extinction,largely due to over-fishing.Each year,tens of millions of sharks are caught and killed just for their fins(鳍).The fins are used to make shark fin soup.
Humane Society International (HSI) joined with the Jane Goodall Institute's Roots and Shoots program and Beijing Zoo to protect sharks.An exhibit(展览) at the zoo,"the Price Behind the Taste-----Protect Sharks.Don't Eat Shark Fins",was designed to tell people that shark finning is cruel and unnecessary.It's hoped that the activity will help put an end to the practice.
Shark fin soup is also eaten in the United States.In fact,the numbers of some shark species in US waters have dropped 90 percen t in the last 30 years.To slow the fall,laws against the sale of shark fins have been passed in several states,including Hawaii,Oregon,Washington,and Cali fornia.
24.What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?B
A.Ocean animals are at the top of the food chain.
B.Sharks play an important role in the ocean
C.Sharks are an old species in the ocean.
D.Sharks are being caught and killed.
25.According to paragraph 2,sharks are in trouble becauseC.
A.they often attack humans.
B.their food is being polluted.
C.they are being caught for food.
D.their habitat is being destroyed.
26.The underlined part"the practice"in Paragraph 3 refers toA.
A.shark finning        B.shark protection
C.the program of HIS   D.the exhibit at Beijing Zoo
27.What do we know from the text?B
A.There are 400 shark species in the United States.
B.It's illegal to eat shark fin soup in the United States.
C.Most sharks are not interested in a human for dinner.
D.Sharks are very particular about their habitats and food.
8.A few years ago I decided to grow vegetables in the backyard.I'm an organic(有机的) gardener.I helped run the three-generation-old family vegetables and fruit farm,so I believed I knew much about gardening.
Believing a small amount of manure(粪肥) world work,I made a few phone calls and the truck was soon on its way.It was a big truck."Excuse me but there must be a mistake.I only ordered a small amount of it,but…"Obviously,I didn't have a choice as he put it down in my backyard.
As the manure was being put down I could hardly breathe.When the truck left,I realized that the small was really terrible and it was drifting(飘落).Soon,for blocks,everyone knew there was a terrible accident somewhere.
After days of hard work,I had tried everything I could find to get rid of it,but there was still a pile(堆) left.In the middle of the night I woke with a brilliant idea.I would put a sign on the pile and see what would happen.
I laughed so hard because within hours of putting up the sign,people came from blocks away.They brought baskets,bags,and some really funny containers.I don't know how they heard so fast that I was trying to get rid of the manure.I was so absorbed(全神贯注) in watching that I forgot to take pictures of them all.The whole pile was gone in less than an hour.
21.The author seemed to be very experienced inA.
A.gardening       B.marketing C.performing            D.designing
22.In Paragraph 3,the author mainly meant toC.
A.explain why she had so much manure
B.explain how to use manure
C.show how terrible the smell was
D.share her knowledge about manure
23.What can we learn about the author?D
A.She was good at selling manure.
B.She needed a lot of manure for her garden.
C.She grew vegetables without using manure.
D.She was proud of her way of getting rid of the manure.
24.Where does this text probably come from?B
A.A science magazine.
B.A personal diary.
C.A short novel.
D.A health report.

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