
【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Beyond Mobile Money: The Future of Asia’s FinTech

Mobilemoney has been the hottest part in financial technology for the last few years.But FinTech is more than just how people store money and transact(交易)--the space is much more horizontal, short cutting how we create, share, and protect value.

The latest product of FinTech companies to 1 in Asia Pacific illustrates the many ways the space can help consumers beyond just their mobile wallet. It is important for all businesspersons to be aware of these trends, as their success opens up all sorts of possibilities for companies to 2 with them. And, on a much deeper level, new FinTechs may 3 consumer expectations in even other tech industries.

The Smart-phone Emerges a Credit -Scoring Standard

With close to half a billion 4 consumers in Southeast Asia alone, there is an entire industry of FinTechs devoted to finding ways to accurately determine their credit - worthiness to give them 5 to finance. Unfortunately, since they don’t have bank accounts, such FinTechs cannot rely on 6 financial information or credit card payments.

Onecredit scoring source emerging as a new standard in the field is smart-phone-based credit scoring. It has 7 broad global support, including from the likes of the World-Bank. In one of its reports, the Asian Development Bank even stated that mobile data was a key to financial 8, as it could improve customer recording, and, in turn, get an access to credit.

AI Combines with the Wisdom of the Crowd

The most common slogan in today’s tech headlines is the “artificial intelligence.”Readers are fascinated with how AI has the 9 to transform every consumer and enterprise(企业)industry. While such focus is appropriate that AI will 10 change the world, it leaves out a crucialelement that will go hand - in - hand with its rise: the wisdom of the crowd.















2考查动词。句意:对于所有的商人来说,了解这些趋势是很重要的,因为他们的成功为公司与他们合作提供了各种可能性。空前的to为不定式符号,此处需要填动词原形,partner with表示“与……合伙、合作”。故填E


4考查形容词。句意:仅在东南亚就有近5亿没有银行账户的消费者,整个金融科技行业都在致力于寻找准确确定他们信用价值的方法,以便让他们获得融资。修饰名词consumers用形容词,根据下文中的“since they don’t have bank accounts,”可知此处表示“无银行账户的”,故填K

5考查名词。句意同上,作动词give的宾语用名词,access to表示“进入、有权使用”,故填A

6考查形容词。句意:不幸的是,由于他们没有银行账户,这些金融技术不能依靠传统的金融信息或信用卡支付。修饰名词financial information 用形容词,此处是新方式与传统方式的比较,因此此处表示“传统的”,故填J


8考查名词。句意:亚洲开发银行在其一份报告中甚至表示,移动数据是财务附件的关键,因为它可以改进客户记录,进而获得信贷。作介词to的宾语用名词,financial attachment表示“财务附件”,故填C

9考查名词。句意:读者对人工智能如何有潜力改变每一个消费者和企业行业感到着迷。此处缺少名词作动词has的宾语,potential to do表示“做……的潜力”,故填F



【题目】Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

How do Cigarettes Affect the Body?

Cigarettes aren’t good for us. But how exactly do cigarettes harm us? Let’s look at what happens as their ingredients make their way through our bodies, and how we benefit 1 when we finally give up smoking.

Inside the airways and lungs, smoke increases the 2 of infections as well as long - lasting diseases. It does this by damaging the tiny hair - like tissues which keep the airways clean. That’s one of the reasons smoking can lead to oxygen loss and 3 of breath.

Within about 10 seconds, the bloodstream carries a stimulant called nicotine to the brain, creating the 4 sensations which make smoking highly addictive. Nicotine and other chemicals from the cigarette, at the same time, cause tightness of blood tubes, restricting blood flow. These effects on blood tubes lead to 5 of blood tube walls, increasing the possibility of heart attacks and strokes.

Many of the chemicals inside cigarettes can activate dangerous 6 in the body’s DNA that make cancers form. In fact, about one of every three cancer deaths in the United States is caused by smoking. And it’s not just lung cancer. Smoking can cause cancer in multiple tissues and organs, as well as damaged eyesight and 7 bones. It makes it harder for women to get pregnant. And in men, it can cause long-term damages of body functions.

But for those who quit smoking, there’s a huge positive upside with almost 8 and long-lasting physical benefits. A day after ceasing, heart attack risk begins to decrease as blood pressure and heart rates 9. Lungs become healthier after about one month, with less coughing. After ten years, the chances of developing fatal lung cancer go down by 50%, probably because the body’s ability to repair DNA is once again restored.

There’s no point pretending this is all easy to achieve. Quitting can lead to anxiety and depression. But fortunately, such effects are usually 10. Advice and support groups and moderate intensity exercise also help smokers stay cigarette - free. That’s good news, since quitting puts you and your body on the path back to health.

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