
【题目】________ by what the teacher said, tears came to his eyes.

A. Deeply moved B. As he was deeply moved

C. Deeply moving D. Being deeply moved



试题分析:考查非谓语和主从句用法辨析。句意:因为对老师所说的一番话深受感动, 他眼含泪水。选项A,C,D是非谓语结构,但主句的主语是tears,故A,C,D不正确,因此用一个连词as引导原因状语从句,使之成为主从复合句,故选B。


【题目】Many families take their children on vacation. They will usually travel for a few days or weeks during school breaks. But Julie and Tim Rivenbark planned a longer vacation with their two childrenthe Rivenbark family is on a one-year trip around the world. They plan to visit 30 countries in all.

Right now, the four travellers are about halfway through their trip. Ms. Rivenbark says they are trying to see as much of the world as they can. She says “we have been through Europe, southern Africa, now we are kind of working our way through Asia. So we have been to a bunch of big cities, like Dubai, Johannesburg, Rome and Bangkok.”

The family has also spent time floating in kayaks(long narrow boats) in Italy, flying in hot air balloons in Myanmar, hiking to the Everest Base Camp in Nepal and going on a journey to see or hunt animals in South Africa.

Mr. Rivenbark says the family has also ridden on ostrich birds, elephants, and camels. But, he says, one of the most interesting experiences of the trip has been meeting new people.

People have been extremely friendly, very welcoming and love our kids—interacting with them and their reaction to see our kids enjoying themselves in their country.”

Eleven-year old Tyler says he has enjoyed learning about the people they have met. “I learned in Africa that people have very different lifestyles compared to Americans.” His sister, 9-year-old Kara, discovered that she liked Thai food.

Ms. Rivenbark says that the extended trip teaches the children a lot more than short visits would have. “I think that the longer we travel, the more impact it has on how they see the world. I can see them changing more than they can see themselves.”

It took the family a year to prepare for the trip. They had to sell their house and cars. Ms. Rivenbark quit her job and her husband is using unpaid leave. They carry small bags filled with lightweight clothing and whatever else they need. Ms. Rivenbark says she enjoys being able to carry everything she needs on her back. She says she does not miss the things she has back home. “What has become more important is making these memories as a family and taking those with us instead.” Tyler and Kara each have iPads so they can communicate with teachers to stay current with their schoolwork. Tyler is also creating a 365-day video blog.

The Rivenbarks will continue to head east for the next six months. They plan to visit Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China and Australia. To follow their adventures, visit their website: earthtrekkers.com.

【1】What makes the Rivenbarks different from other families is that _____.

A. they have their family trips during the children’s holidays

B. they have carefully planned their family trips for holidays

C. they plan to have a tour around the world without their children

D. they tour around the world with their kids not going to class

【2】During the travel, _____ impressed the kids as well as the parents most.

A. floating in kayaks in Italy

B. hiking to the Everest Base Camp in Nepal

C. interacting with different people

D. riding on elephants and camels

【3】The underlined word in Paragraph 7 extended is closest in meaning to _____.

A. expandedB. contented

C. shortenedD. intended

【4】We can infer from the passage that _____.

A. It will take the family one year to prepare and finish their travel

B. The kids are finishing their current study with the help of the Internet

C. The family are likely to stay in Asia for the second part of their trip

D. To afford such a trip around the world is really something easy for the family

【5】The passage is meant to _____.

A. share with the readers an extraordinary family trip

B. introduce some great parents and their jobs

C. remind us of the pleasure of getting close to nature

D. inform us of the benefits of travelling around the world

【题目】For the rest of the week, Joe practiced kicking football hard, concentrating on his each kicking. Sometimes Joe hit the ball straight. Sometimes it went wide again. But it seemed that the more he believed he could do it, the easier it was.

I’m not a joke now,” thought Joe. “Not a joke at all!” But a practice wasn’t like a real match and his boots were still not giving him enough power.

He should have told his mum and dad about it straight away but, of course, he didn’t. He was always shy to ask for things.

Finally, late on the night before the match, he could hold himself back no longer.

Dad, I haven’t got any proper football boots …” he said.

Ah,” said Dad, “I might be able to help you there.”

At the words, Joe was excited. New boots! He thought. “He’s got me some new boots! He must have got me them for Christmas,” thought Joe, “But now that I’m in an important match, he’s giving them to me early. Wonderful!”

Dad went upstairs. Joe excitedly tried to watch the football preview on TV. He wasn’t playing for Manchester United or Liverpool, of course, but he was part of it all now; part of the thrill. His legs twitched with every kick on the screen. His head shook with every centre. And all the time, his mind was racing ahead to his own great game the next morning, in his super new boots.

It was ages before his dad came downstairs again. He put a large pair of shiny black boots in front of Joe.

As he stared at them, the boy felt as if someone had poured ice into his brain. The boots were awful!

Good, eh?” said his dad.

Joe found it hard to speak. He had never seen anything like them before.

They weren’t low-cut, soft or…. They had big, hard square toes, great big long studs and they were high at the ankle. They were his dad’s old rugby boots, polished up.

Joe was filled with disappointment. They had been good boots, quality boots. And they were his size. Joe’s feet were enormous for his age. But he could imagine what everyone at school would say.

…,” he finally gasped, “ should be exactly my size.”

At least I won’t slip,” he thought, “the studs are like sharks’ teeth!” Then he couldn’t help thinking about those in Ashton’s windows, which he had been longing to get.

That night, he went to bed early but he didn’t sleep much because he was so terrified of being late. He woke at 1.17, 2.49, 3.37, 3.43, 4.55. The numbers jumped off the big face of his digital clock. Then 10.40!


He jumped out of bed. He seized the clock. 6.03! 10.40 had been only a dream. At eight, breakfast time, it was raining like mad.

Might get called off, Joe,” suggested his mum.

Never, Mother. …will not be like cricket,” said his dad. “Will take a lot to stop football.”

Joe checked everything for the tenth time. He put his boots at the very bottom of his large bag, well out of sight. He had decided to put them on when nearly everyone had left the changing room. Then his classmates wouldn’t make fun of him. Soon, it was time to set out.

Good luck!” said his mum, giving him a kiss.

His dad had his coat on, ready for his morning deliveries. “Want a lift to school?” he said. “I hope to get down to watch you when I’ve done the trip to Eccles.”

Okay,” said Joe.

As Dad’s van carried him down the hill to school, Joe was thinking about the boots. If only … but no, he had to stop that kind of thinking. It doesn’t matter about the boots, he told himself.

【1】From the first two paragraphs, we can learn that _____.

A. Joe had been confident about himself in playing football

B. Joe had been laughed at for his poor football skills

C. Joe had been playing football greatly

D. Joe had not looked forward to joining in the football game

【2】You can read the disappointment of Joe from the following sentences except _____.

A. …, the boy felt as if someone had poured ice into his brain.

B. “ …,” he finally gasped, “should be exactly my size.”

C. He could imagine what everyone at school would say.

D. “At least I won’t slip,” he thought, “the studs are like sharks’ teeth!”

【3】The night before the football match, how many times did Joe wake up before he jumped out of bed finally?

A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six

【4】You can put They at the beginning of the sentence _____

A. “_____ might get called off, Joe,” suggested his mum.

B. “_____,” he finally gasped, “ should be exactly my size.”

C. “Never, Mother. _____ will not be like cricket,” said his dad.

D. “ _____will take a lot to stop football.”

【5】rom the story, we can infer that Joes father is likely to be a(n) _____.

A. dentistB. engineerC. rugby playerD. milkman

【6】What can be the best title of the story?

A. Joe’s footballB. Joe’s football team

C. Joe’s football bootsD. Joe’s dream

【题目】Ask anybody out there, what is the most important thing in his life Fame, Fortune and Money, and there is a chance that he is going to say, money, because with that, fame and fortune comes quite easily. On the other hand, if you add “family” to these three choices given above, there is a chance that 99% of the people are going to put their family first, especially if they happen to be ladies!

The main reason is because nature has created a woman to be the cherisher and the nurturer (哺育者) of the family, while the man is the hunter and protector of his little family. That is the natural rule which has come down through thousands of years. Even if a person happens to be a comparatively worldly-wise person and has no idea of taking on the responsibility of a family, he has a picture of a tight little loving unit in his subconscious (潜意识).

They tell a story about a successful millionaire businessman who died and the whole city came to pay its respects. One of his business competitors, met the son and said, “We are really going to miss your father. You see, I knew your father well.” And the son replied, “You happen to be really lucky there, because I never did.” So, you might be an extremely successful person in your own right upon Wall Street, but if your little child fails to come running out to welcome his daddy at the end of the day to be swung up in his father’s arms and held there lovingly and protectively, you come in the “nothing” category in the business of life.

Many people are under the impression that taking on the responsibility of the family is quite tiresome, but they do not know what it takes to be a parent. It is very easy to be a biological father or a biological mother, but the real mother and the real father is that person who stays awake all night when the baby is teething, teaches him right from wrong, is there to hold him when he takes his first steps, and in every way shows that he is there to cherish (珍惜) and protect the little one from harm.

There was a man who did not believe in family, because of an unhappy childhood. But he found a faithful woman to love him unconditionally. The moment he picked up his little baby, he said, “Well son, welcome to the world! I am here to teach you what your mama has taught me, and we shall both protect you, when you need our help. I will teach you to be a good, just and fair man.”

1The writer writes Para.1 to _________.

A. introduce the topic B. raise a question

C. present the survey D. make a comparison

2What does the underlined expression “loving unit” ( Para.2) most probably refer to ?

A. Lover. B. Family. C. Child. D. Life.

3In the writer’s view, the millionaire businessman ________.

A. won respect from the whole city

B. was fortunate to have a loving son

C. achieved great success in his life

D. was a failure in the business of life

4It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

A. men care little about their families

B. a happy childhood shapes a good man

C. family responsibility means a great deal

D. a faithful wife makes a family complete

5What might be the title for the passage?

A. What More Could a Family Be About

B. How Should We Parent a Child

C. How to Take on Your Responsibility

D. What Contributes to One’s Success

【题目】As a single mother, I had to do two jobs, which kept me very busy.

Two months ago, I went to a with Alice. Since I went out with her, she seemed very happy. Many parents were there with their children. I sat down on a bench, Alice playing with other children. About half an hour later, a man of about forty years old came and beside me. As I had to go back to work, I stood up and told Alice that we had to .

"Can I stay here a little longer?” Alice pleaded.

"No, we must go now, " I said, Alice just didn't move.

"Just ten more minutes, " she pleaded again, and I became .

"Go now, " I , and Alice started to cry. that, the man sitting on the stood up and came to us.

"Why don't you just let her ten more minutes?" he asked. Then he told me a . He used to be very busy, too. Every time his little son wanted to go out and play, he told him he was . One day, his son went out and played , and he didn't come back again—he was hit by a driver of a car. The father regretted what he had done to his son, but he never had the 31 to play with him again. Hearing the story, I . 1 knelt down and said o Alice, "OK, ten more minutes, and Mom will play you. "

is all about making priorities (优先). What are your priorities? Give someone you 35 ten more minutes of your time today.

【1】A. park B. school C. sea D. cinema

【2】A. sometimes B. often C. usually D. hardly

【3】A. keeping B. hearing C. finding D. watching

【4】A. got off B. sat down C. broke in D. turned up

【5】A. go B. shop C. change D. eat

【6】A. because B. as C. but D. so

【7】A. sad B. pleased C. angry D. excited

【8】A. whispered B. wished C. begged D. shouted

【9】A. Knowing B. Seeing C. Hoping D. Thinking

【10】A. ground B. chair C. bench D. stone

【11】A. run B. play C. do D. laugh

【12】A. story B. joke C. way D. lie

【13】A. busy B. lonely C. boring D. ill

【14】A. suddenly B. alone C. happily D. crazily

【15】A. blind B. kind C. drunken D. good

【16】A. energy B. interest C. heart D. chance

【17】A. stayed up B. took part C. calmed down D. came back

【18】A. behind B. with C. for D. under

【19】A. Choice B. Joy C. Work D. Life

【20】A. appreciate B. dislike C. admire D. love

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