Dear sir,
Thank you very much for your letter£®I pleased to hear 1£®
about your holiday and the people you meet in Rome£®It 2£®
sounds great fun and how I wish I could have been with 3£®
you£®Thank you also for the stamps you sent them to me 4£®
for my collection£®Most of them were those what I had 5£®
been expecting for long£®You said by your letter that 6£®
you wish to have some photos of me£®Sorry to tell you£¬ 7£®
I have little photos good enough to send to others£® 8£®
Yet I will send you a photo of your family£®Please 9£®
write soon and tell me what you arc getting on with 10£®
your college life£®
1£®Iºó¼Óam 2.meet¡úmet 3.¡Ì 4.È¥µôthem 5.what¡úthat»òÈ¥µôthose
6.by¡úin 7.wish¡úwished 8.little¡úfew 9.your¡úmy 10.what¡úhow