Recently a professor of philosophy(哲学)in the United States has written a book called Money and the Meaning of Life. He has discovered that how we deal with money in our day to day life has more meaning than we usually think. One of the exercises he has asked his students to do is to keep a record of every penny they spend for a week. From the way they spend their money, they can see what they really value(重视)in life.
The professor says our relation with others often becomes clearly defined(明确)when money enters the picture. You might have wonderful friendship with somebody and you think that you are very good friends. But you will know him only when you ask him to lend you some money.If he does,it brings something to the relationship that seems stronger than ever before. Otherwise it can suddenly weaken the relationship if he doesn’t.
Since money is so important to us, we consider those who are rich to be very important. The professor interviews some rich people in his research for his book.
Question:  What is the most surprising thing you have discovered about being rich?
Answer :  The most surprising thing is why people give me so much respect(尊重). I am nothing.I don’t know much.All I am is rich.
People just have an idea of making more and more money, but what is it for? How much money do I need for any given purpose in my life? In his book,the professor uncovered an important need in modern society:to bring back the idea that money is a tool rather than the end.Money plays an important role in the material world,but expecting money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life.
The students are asked to keep a record of every penny they spend to______.

A.learn how to spend money B.learn how to make more money
C.know what to write in a recordD.know what is important in life
In the second paragraph, the professor mainly tells us ________.
A.never to borrow money from a friend
B.friendship disappears when it comes to money can influence friendship can weaken friendship
.Through his book,the professor seems to tell us is very important in the material world
B.the purpose of our life is to make money does not surely mean happiness
D.we should value money in our life
We consider rich people important because         
A.they have a meaningful lifeB.they are successful people
C.we sometimes borrow money from them D.we think money is important in life
Which of the following might the author disagree?
A.Money is important in modern society.
B.The meaning of life does not completely lie in money.
C.Wealth will surely bring the owner happiness.
D.Happiness is not necessarily the result of wealth.

To be sure, only children experienced some things differently from those with sisters and brothers. Many feel more pressure to succeed. In the absence of brothers and sisters, only children also tend to look more exclusively to their parents as role models.

In India, 10-year-old Saviraj Sankpal founded a support group for the tiny minority of only children. Among other things, the group does volunteer work to counter the myth that they are not responsible. “People think we’re treated too kindly and ruined,” says Sankpal, a computer engineering student. “But I’d like to remind them how lonely it can get.”

Most only children, however, say they wish for sisters or brothers only when it comes to caring for aging, unhealthy parents. Britain’s David Emerson, coauthor of the book The Only Child, says that such a person bears a terrible burden in having to make all the decisions alone. Emerson knows from experience: After his father died, he chose to move his elderly mother from their family home, where she was vulnerable(易受攻击的) to house breakers, to a new one with more security. “The move was quite hard on her, and she might feel that I pushed her into it,” he says. “After all, I am left with that responsibility.”

In the future, more and more only children will likely face similar choices. With working mothers increasingly the rule, many families are finding they simply don’t have the time, money or energy to have more than one child. As only children become common, perhaps the world will realize that the charge made against them is unjust.

1.It can be inferred from the passage that the author’s attitude towards only children is    

A. critical          B. objective       C. hostile     D. unjust

2.It can be inferred from the passage that only children’s parents should    .

A. find a support group for their only children

B. do volunteer work to help their only children

C. let their only children make all the decision alone

D. set good examples for their only children

3.Emerson decided to move his elderly mother to a new house because he    .

A. is the only one who cares about her

B. doesn’t want to leave her alone

C. wants to share the responsibility with her

D. is worried about her safety

4.It is quite usual now for a working mother to    .

A. spend all her time and money on her only child

B. be responsible for bringing up her only child

C. have and bring up only one child

D. devote all her energy to her job


Recently, a  professor of philosophy in the United States has written a book called MoneyandtheMeaningofLife. He has discovered that how we deal with money in our day­to­day life has more meaning than we usually think. One of the exercises he asked his students to do is to keep a record of every penny they spend for a week. From the way they spend their money, they can see what they really value in life.

He says that our relation with others often becomes clearly defined when money enters the picture. You might have wonderful friendship with somebody and you think that you have a very good friend. But you will know him only when you ask him to lend you some money. If he does, it brings something to the relationship that seems stronger than ever before. Or it can suddenly weaken the relationship if he doesn't. This person may say that he has a certain feeling, but if it is not carried out in the money world, there is something less real about it.

Since money is so important to us, we consider those who possess a lot of it to be very important. The author interviewed some millionaires in researching his book.

Question: What is the most surprising thing you have discovered about being rich?

Answer: The most surprising thing is why people give me so much respect. I am nothing. I do not know much. All I am is rich.

People just have an idea of making more and more money, but what is it for? In his book, the professor uncovered an important need in modern society: to bring back the idea that money is an instrument rather than the end. Money plays an important role in the material world, but expecting money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life.

1.The author seems to believe that asking your friend to lend you some money ________. a good way to test your friendship

B.will do harm to your friendship

C.will strengthen your friendship a good way to break off your friendship

2.What can we learn about the millionaire from his answer in the interview?

A.He does not feel that he is well educated.

B.He does not think that he is a very important person.

C.He does not think that being rich is worth so much attention.

D.He does not consider himself to be very successful.

3.What does the American professor of philosophy want to explain in his book?

A.Money is an end.

B.Money is a means.

C.Money is everything.

D.Money is unimportant.

4.Which of the following might the author disagree with?

A.Money is important in modern society.

B.The meaning of life does not completely lie in money.

C.Wealth will surely bring the owner happiness

D.Happiness is not necessarily the result of wealth.


Recently, a professor of philosophy in the United States has written a book called Money and the Meaning of Life.He has discovered that how we deal with money in our day-to-day life has more meaning than we usually think.One of the exercises he asked his students to do is to keep a record of every penny they spend for a week.From the way they spend their money, they can see what they really value in life.

    He says our relation with others often become clearly defined when money enters the picture.You might have wonderful friendship with somebody and you think that you are very good friends.But you’ll know him only when you ask to lend you some money.If he does, it brings something to the relationship that seems stranger than ever before.Or it can suddenly weaken the relationship if he doesn’t.This person may say that he has a certain feeling, but if it is not carried out in the money world, there is something less real about it.

    Since money is important to us, we consider those who possess a lot of it to be very important.The author interviewed some millionaires in researching his book.

    Answer: The most surprising thing is why people give me so much respect.I’m nothing.I don’t know much.All I am is rich.

    People just have an idea of making more and more money, but what is it for? How much do I need for any given purposes in my life? In this book, the professor uncovered an important need in modern society; to bring back the idea that money is an instrument rather than the end.Money plays an important role in the modern world, but expecting money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life.

1.According to the first paragraph, people haven’t realized __________. important money is in their day-to-day life one spends money shows what is important to him

    C.that money is more important than their philosophy of life

    D.that their understanding of life is more important than money

2.What can we learn about the millionaire from his answer in the interview is that          .

    A.he does not feel that he is well -educated

    B.he does not consider himself to be very successful

    C.he does not think that he is a very important person

    D.he does not think being rich deserves so much attention

3.What does the American professor of philosophy want to explain in his book?

    A.Money is a means.                   B.Money is everything.

    C.Money is an end.                    D.Money is unimportant.

4.Which of the following might the author disagree?

    A.Money is important in modern society.

    B.Wealth will surely bring the owner happiness.

    C.The meaning of life doesn’t completely lie in money.

    D.Happiness is not necessarily the result of wealth.


One bitterly cold day, a snowstorm blew into our area. Needing firewood, I quickly set out with my best friend, Bruce, to look for a tree to cut down. I was glad to have Bruce along. Cutting down a tree in a snowstorm can be dangerous. So it was important to have a friend who could warn me of dangers.

When I chose a big 23-meter-tall tree and prepared to cut it down, my best friend suddenly warned me, “Don’t cut down that tree! It’s too close to the power line!” I wasn’t sure about it. So I decided to disregard his warning. I wanted to finish the job quickly and go home. So I began cutting down the tree. When the tree fell, there was no longer any doubt that my friend was right.

The tree caught the power line, bringing it to the ground. I considered cutting the tree off the line. After all, electricity can’t travel through wood, so I could safely remove the tree. As I reached out my finger to touch the tree, pain ran up my arm and through my head. I had been shocked!

After I returned home and told my mother what had happened, she quickly called the power company. Workers from the power company soon arrived on the scene. One of them asked if I had touched the tree, and when I told him I had, his face turned pale.

“You should have been killed,” he said.

So why am I still alive? It was my boots that saved my life.

Within two hours, the workers removed the tree. Soon the snowstorm calmed down—but not my mother.

Even though she was glad I wasn’t hurt, my mother was well serious with me. After all, I shouldn’t have brushed off my friend’s warning.

Through this experience, I learned that it’s important to listen to people who offer a different perspective(观点). Taking the time to listen might actually save a lot of time and trouble. It certainly would have kept me from getting the “shock of my life”.

1.The underlined word “disregard ” in the second paragraph means “________”. no attention to

B.take notice of



2.In spite of Bruce’s warning, the author still cut the tree because ________.

A.he was sure there would be nothing to happen

B.he wasn’t sure whether Bruce was right and was anxious to go home

C.he didn’t hear his friend’s warning at all because of the blowing wind

D.he was angry with his friend and didn’t want to listen to him

3.The author wrote the passage mainly to _______.

A.give an account of one of his terrible experiences

B.make us know it’s important to listen to people who offer a different perspective (观点) through his experience

C.tell us not to cut trees down any more

D.remind us to be careful while working

4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.But for his boots, the writer would have died.

B.The writer regretted having brushed off his friend’s warning.

C.The writer knew nothing about electricity.

D.When the tree was cut down, the writer realized his friend was right


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