Today our lives are changing faster than at any time in history. Here we report on three important changes that will have a big impact on our everyday lives in the future.
The cashless society 
Cash and bank-notes will disappear almost completely. They will be replaced by smart cards, namely plastic cards: microchip(微芯片)processors(处理器)loaded with some money. When we pay for goods,the shop assistant will put our smart card into a payment terminal(终端)and money will come into his card from our card. When all the money is used up,we will be able to reloadit by putting it into a telephone,dialing our bank account and money will be put into the card from the account.
Interactive telephones 
Talking computers will play an important part. They will recognize speech, ask us what information we need, look through a database,and put the information into speech.If we want to book a flight or pay a bill by phone, we will interact with a talking computer to do so. Human telephone operators will be used only for more complex operations such as dealing with complaints or solving special problems.
Traffic jams in cities will be reduced because drivers will use electronic route maps to find the quickest route to their destination. Electronic systems will start changing motorists for driving in cities.As soon as motorists have to pay to drive in cities, they will stop using their cars and use public transport instead. Speed control systems will be built into cars. These systems will automatically(自动地)regulate the speed of the car to take account of traffic and weather conditions and prevent accidents. It will be many years before these changes bring results but when they do,there will be a titanic improvement in road safety.
With the development of science and technology, more and more advanced things will be invented or created. Life in the future is undoubtedly different from that at the present.
【小题1】Cash and bank-note will disappear because         .

A.they will be out of use sooner or later
B.they will be replaced by plastic cards convenient to use
C.we can load money from the bank
D.they will be rejected by payment terminals
【小题2】What will you do if the money in your card is used up?
A.Go to the bank to deposit some money.
B.Put the card into a telephone and dial the bank account.
C.Buy a new card.
D.We don’t know.
【小题3】Which of the following would be the best subtitle for the fourth paragraph?
A.Future cars B.Speed control systemsC.Intelligent carsD.Traffic jams
【小题4】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.When we buy tickets for flying somewhere else, we can have a talk with the computer.
B.If you make a complaint, you can use human telephone operation.
C.Drivers will stop using their cars and use public transport in order to prevent accidents.
D.The help of electronic route maps will decrease traffic jams.
【小题5】The underlined word “titanic” in Paragraph 4 means        .
A.huge and greatB.the name of a shipC.slightD.increasing

Driving to a friend’s house on a recent evening, I was attracted by the sight of the full moon rising just above my friend’s rooftop. I stopped to watch it for a few moments, thinking about what a pity it is that most city people --- myself included --- usually miss sights like this because we spend most of our lives indoors.

   My friend had also seen it. He grew up living in a forest in Europe, and the moon meant a lot to him then. It had touched much of his life.

   I know the feeling. Last December I took my seven-year-old daughter to the mountainous jungle of northern India with some friends. We stayed in a forest rest house with no electricity or running hot water. Our group had campfires outside every night, and indoors when it was too cold outside. The moon grew to its fullest during our trip. Between me and the high mountains lay three or four valleys. Not a light shone in them and not a sound could be heard. It was one of the quietest places I have ever known, a bottomless well of silence. And above me was the full moon, which struck me deeply.

   Today our lives are filled with glass, metal, plastic and fiber-glass. We have television, cell phones, pagers, electricity, heaters and ovens and air-conditioners, cars, computers.

   Struggling through traffic that evening at the end of a tiring day, most of it spent indoors, I thought, “Before long, I would like to live in a small cottage. There I will grow vegetables and read books and walk in the mountains. And perhaps write, but not in anger. I may become an old man there, and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons. But I will be able to walk outside on a cold silent night and touched the moon.”

1.The best title for the passage would be _________.

A. Touched by the Moon

B. The Pleasures of Modern Life

C. A Bottomless well of Silence

D. Break away from Modern life

2.The writer felt sorry for himself because __________.

A. there was too much pollution.               

B. he failed to see the fullest moon.

C. he didn’t adapt to modern inventions   

D. there were too many accidents on the road.

3.What impressed the writer most in the mountainous jungle of northern India?

A. No modern equipment.

B. Complete silence.

C. The nice moon.

D. The high mountain.

4.Modern things are mentioned mainly to ___________.

A. show that the writer likes city life very much.

B. tell us that people greatly benefit from modern life.

C. explain that people have less chances to enjoy nature.

D. show that we can also enjoy nature at home through them.

5.The author wrote the passage to __________.

A. express the feeling of returning to nature.   

B. show the love for the moonlight.

C. advise modern people to learn to live.                    

D. want to communicate longing for modern life.


We can’t live without food. Today our knowledge of food and what it does for our bodies is far more advanced than____1_____of the old times. Now we know____2___vitamins and how each kind of vitamins__3_____in the growth of a special part of our body._____4____ on the market all kinds of vitamins which we can take to______5____our lack of certain important things which are needed for good health.____6____ if we eat well and properly, the food that we eat will ___7____ our bodies and so there is no____8_____to take any kind of vitamins ____9____ our doctors tell us that our bodies are_____10____of something which can be supplied by it. Generally speaking, everything we eat ____11____ some good to our bodies, but if we eat ____12____ of one kind of food and pay______13____attention to others, we may have too much of one kind and not____14____ of others. Then we may be ____15___ trouble. We are often told___16_____ we must eat some meat every day in order to get the necessary proteins. That is only____17____true, for proteins are not found only in meat. We can also get them___18____some vegetables. The best advice about ____19___ to eat is that we should eat all kinds of food____20__ never too much of one kind.

1.                   B.those          C.that  D.this


2.                A.of             B.about          C./    D.for


3.                A.does           B.makes          C.helps


4.                A.There have      B.There are       C.They are  D.They have


5.                A.have for        B.make for        C.get for   D.make up for


6.                A.Of course       B.Then           C.But  D.And


7.                A.attend         B.take care of      C.look for attention to


8.                A.worry          B.possibility       C.need D.chance


9.                A.when          B.if              C.unless    D.until


10.               A.short          B.lost            C.part  D.full


11.               A.has               C.makes D.does


12.               A.too much       B.too little        C.too few   D.too many


13.               A.too little        B.too much       C.a little too  D.much too


14.               A.a little          B.little           C.many D.enough


15.               A.into        D.out of


16.               A.when          B.that   D.where


17.               A.likely          B.partly          C.hardly D.really


18.               A.from           B.for            C.of    D.into


19.               A.what           B.whether        C.why  D.which


20.               A.even          B.or             C.and  D.but



Driving to a friend’s house on a recent evening, I was attracted by the sight of the full moon rising just above my friend’s rooftop. I stopped to watch it for a few moments, thinking about what a pity it is that most city people --- myself included --- usually miss sights like this because we spend most of our lives indoors.

My friend had also seen it. He grew up living in a forest in Europe, and the moon meant a lot to him then. It had touched much of his life.

I know the feeling. Last December I took my seven-year-old daughter to the mountainous jungle of northern India with some friends. We stayed in a forest rest house with no electricity or running hot water. Our group had campfires outside every night, and indoors when it was too cold outside. The moon grew to its fullest during our trip. Between me and the high mountains lay three or four valleys. Not a light shone in them and not a sound could be heard. It was one of the quietest places I have ever known, a bottomless well of silence. And above me was the full moon, which struck me deeply.

Today our lives are filled with glass, metal, plastic and fiber-glass. We have television,

cell phones, pagers, electricity, heaters and ovens and air-conditioners, cars, computers.

Struggling through traffic that evening at the end of a tiring day, most of it spent indoors, I thought, “Before long, I would like to live in a small cottage. There I will grow vegetables and read books and walk in the mountains. And perhaps write, but not in anger. I may become an old man there, and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons. But I will be able to walk outside on a cold silent night and touched the moon.”

1.The best title for the passage would be _________.

A.Touched by the Moon                    B.The Pleasures of Modern Life

C.A Bottomless well of Silence               D.Break away from Modern life

2.The writer felt sorry for himself because __________.

A.there was too much pollution.

B.he failed to see the fullest moon.

C.he didn’t adapt to modern inventions

D.there were too many accidents on the road.

3.What impressed the writer most in the mountainous jungle of northern India?

A.No modern equipment.                   B.Complete silence.

C.The nice moon.                         D.The high mountain.

4.Modern things are mentioned mainly to ___________. that the writer likes city life very much.

B.tell us that people greatly benefit from modern life.

C.explain that people have less chances to enjoy nature. that we can also enjoy nature at home through them.

5.The author wrote the passage to __________. the feeling of returning to nature. the love for the moonlight.

C.advise modern people to learn to live.

D.want to communicate longing for modern life.


Driving to a friend's house on a recent evening, I was attracted by the sight of the full moon rising just above my friend’s rooftops. I stopped to watch it for a few moments, thinking about what a pity it was that most city people? Myself included? Usually miss sights like this because we spend most of our lives indoors.  

My friend had also seen it. He grew up living in a forest in Europe, and the moon meant a lot to him then. It had touched much of his life.

I know the feeling. Last December I took my seven-year-old daughter to the mountainous jungle of northern India with some friends. We stayed in a forest rest-house with no electricity or running hot water. Our group had campfires outside every night, and indoors when it was too cold outside. The moon grew to its fullest during our trip. Between me and the high mountains lay three or four valleys. Not a light shone in them and not a sound could be heard. It was one of the quietest places I have ever known, a bottomless well of silence. And above me was the full moon, which struck me deeply.    

Today our lives are filled with glass, metal, plastic and fibre-glass. We have televisions, cell phones, pagers, electricity, heaters and ovens and air-conditioners, cars, computers.

Struggling through traffic that evening at the end of a tiring day, most of it spent indoors, I thought: before long, I would like to live in a small cottage. There I will grow vegetables and read books and walk in the mountains And perhaps write, but not in anger. I may become an old man there, and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons. But I will be able to walk outside on a cold silent night and touch the moon.

1.The best title for the passage would be______.

A. Touched by the moon        B. The pleasures of modern life

C. A bottomless well of silence   D. Break away from modern life

2. What impressed the writer most in the mountainous jungle of northern India?

A. No modern equipment       B. Complete silence.

C. The nice moonlight          D. The high mountains

3.Modern things (Paragraph 4) are mentioned mainly to______.

A. show that the writer likes city life very much

B. tell us that people greatly benefit from modern life

C. explain that people have less chances to enjoy nature

D. show that we can also enjoy nature at home through them

4.The author wrote the passage to_______.

A. express the feeling of returning to nature

B. show the love for the moonlight

C. advise modern people to learn to live[来源:Z&xx&k.Com]

D. want to communicate longing for modern life


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