
                                                         Shelter(避难所) for the Homeless   
     Last summer I was a volunteer at a shelter for the homeless, a place for homeless people to sleep at night. I
wasn't working that summer and was 36 only two classes in summer school, so I had some 37 time.   
     Three nights a week, I 38 in the kitchen of the shelter along with four other volunteers. We planned and 39
for 45 people hot meals 40 vegetables, chicken, fish and fruit. The homeless people 41 this good food because
many of them usually didn't eat well.   
     I 42 this volunteer work, making 43 with the four volunteers in the kitchen. One was a very nice elderly
housewife, one a movie actor, another a young teacher, and the other a college student, 44 me.   
     I talked to a lot of the homeless people at the shelter. Their life stories 45 me with sympathy (同情). Some of
them had 46 with alcohol (酒) or drugs while others only had bad 47. One woman worked for almost 30 years
for a small company, and 48 she lost her job. She looked for a 49 job, but couldn't find one, for she was too 50 . She could do nothing but sell her furniture - sofas, chairs, and tables 51 she could pay for her food. The woman
52 on job hunting, but she 53 couldn't find one. She had no money for her 54 and had to sleep in her car. Then
she had to sell her car. Alone, 55 , and homeless, she finally came to the shelter.
(     )1. A. studying  
(     )2. A. full    
(     )3. A. helped   
(     )4. A. ordered  
(     )5. A. with    
(     )6. A. handled  
(     )7. A. wanted   
(     )8. A. decisions
(     )9. A. as     
(     )10. A. struck  
(     )11. A. habits  
(     )12. A. luck   
(     )13. A. so    
(     )14. A. good   
(     )15. A. old    
(     )16. A. if    
(     )17. A. went   
(     )18. A. also   
(     )19. A. block   
(     )20. A. afraid  

B. planning  
B. free     
B. waited 
B. bought   
B. from  
B. needed  
B. had    
B. wishes
B. like  
B. filled
B. worries
B. pain     
B. again  
B. fresh   
B. poor    
B. because
B. moved   
B. still   
B. cottage   
B. shy   

C. holding      
C. extra              
C. appeared        
C. cooked      
C. by                
C. collected           
C. owned          
C. friends       
C. except            
C. seized           
C. difficulties     
C. experience   
C. then                
C. skilled          
C. sick            
C. so that            
C. came           
C. almost          
C. building        
C. shocked   
D. taking     
D. long       
D. washed     
D. finished   
D. in         
D. relaxed    
D. enjoyed    
D. changes    
D. besides    
D. provided    
D. problems    
D. loss       
D. thus       
D. new        
D. dull       
D. in case    
D. worked     
D. even       
D. flat       
D. mad        
1-5:  DBACA 6-10: BDCBB 11-15:  DACDA 16-20:  CABDA
     I am a sales representative and  travel all over England to visit my customers. One cold  February
morning I was due  to  visit a  store  at  9  am. I   1    my  car, bundled  my  scarf  around  me  and   2  
up  the  street towards his shop front.
     The Street where his store  was    3   was partially  blocked  by two   large, ruddy  faced  workmen
who  were  tearing  up  the  concrete. I prepared  myself for the    4   cat calls (起哄). I was up  early,
out in  the  cold, and  probably  to  be  seen  as a  funny  scene  by  two  men  I didn't  even   5 .
     Then   I  stopped   and    6    my   own father. Both he  and   my grandfather   had   7   much   of
their  early  careers  working  outside   in     similar   jobs  before    they    8   and   became   engineers.     I  recalled  how  hard  Dad  worked, in all kinds of   9   -;how  he'd  come  home  with  sunburn  or frost
nip (冻伤).  I  realized  that  if  was  cold  then  these   two   guys  were   probably   10  , given  that it
looked  as though  they'd  already  been  11  for  hours.
      My customer's   shop  wasn't open yet  but I was beyond  being  annoyed  at his   12  . I Went  to  
a coffee   sh、op   around  the   comer,    13    myself  a  hot chocolate, then  two   more   with 
 whipped  cream .I made  my  14    down  the Street to wards the  workmen. One  of  them  turned  to 
 me with   a wide  smile and   15    me   with   a joking   "Oh   lovey, you   shouldn't have!"   To his   16 ,
I passed him  the   tray with   the   two   17    chocolates. I   replied," Maybe   not.    18   it's   too  
cold   to   be   working   outside today."          
      I got two   looks   of genuine   (真诚的)  19  , and   a   timely   reminder   that it's  as easy  to  be
   20    as it is to pre-judge-but the former is so much nicer!  
(     )1. A. drove    
(     )2. A. wandered  
(     )3. A. locate    
(     )4. A. cheering  
(     )5. A. see      
(     )6. A. met      
(     )7. A. wasted    
(     )8. A. retired  
(     )9. A. weather  
(     )10. A. hungry  
(     )11. A. waiting  
(     )12. A. rudeness
(     )13. A. ordered  
(     )14. A. promise  
(     )15. A. caught  
(     )16. As hame    
(     )17. A. cold    
(     )18. A. So      
(     )19. A. thanks  
(     )20. A. shy      
B. parked    
B. traveled  
B. served    
B. expected  
B. notice    
B. called    
B. spent    
B. reded    
B. streets  
B. freezing  
B. playing  
B. coldness  
B  looked    
B. decision  
B. greeted  
B. honor    
B. hot      
B. or        
B. surprise  
B. careful  
C. stopped    
C. stopped    
C. laid      
C. pleasant  
C. find      
C. remembered
C. spared    
C. qualified  
C. pressure  
C. excited    
C. chatting  
C. lateness  
C. filled    
C. way        
C. suggested.
C. sorrow    
C. special    
C. But        
C. trust      
C. grateful  
D. pulled        
D. pulled        
D. stationed    
D. interesting  
D. know          
D. asked        
D. kept          
D. aged          
D. stores        
D. thirsty      
D. working      
D. disappearance
D. poured        
D. choice        
D. warned        
D. shock        
D. soft          
D. And          
D. upset        
D. kind          

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