
18."If we can set it up so you can't unlock your phone unless you've got the right fingerprint(指纹),"Barack Obama asked last Tuesday,"why can't we do the same thing for our guns?"For this reasonable-sounding question,the president was applauded throughout the media.
As it happens,though,there is a good answer to this question:there is no market for guns that work just some of the time.Guns are simple things designed to operate as easily and reliably as possible.The introduction of electronics eats away this simplicity,and to a degree that is absolutely unacceptable to the consumer.As President Obama well knows,the fingerprint software on his phone works rather erratically:Often it takes a user two or three tries to log in; occasionally,it falls asleep deeply and obeys the password.When this happens on an phone,the user is mildly inconvenienced.If this were to happen on a gun,the user would be dead.There is a reason that modern smartphones put the camera function outside of the authentication(认证) process.
How could we possibly think that guns are the same as other commercial products?It is true that,say,cars have become considerably safer over the last few decades; true,too,that"research"has contributed to this improvement.But it matters enormously that a car is not intended to hurt people,and that in a perfect world nobody would ever be injured by one.Can we say the same of guns?Of course not.Guns are killing machines,designed explicitly to do damage to living things.In fact,they have no other purpose.As such,the salient question before any free people is not"are guns dangerous?",they are,but"who gets them,and why?"
This is not to say that nothing at all can be done to improve public safety.On an individual level,gun owners should do everything to ensure that their guns are kept away from children,and,where possible,they should train themselves in case they are ever called upon to shoot in anger.At the national level,the combination of better policing and economic growth can help to reduce crime-and,indeed,it has.In 1993,gun crime was more than twice as common as it is now,and there were many fewer guns in circulation.Ugly as it is in its own right,that we have reached the point at which two-thirds of all guns-related deaths are deliberately self-inflicted is a small victory.
How to address those deaths that remain?That is a tricky one.I do not know the answer,and nor,frankly,does anybody else.But selling fantasies to the ignorant is not going to cut it.
67.What does the writer mainly argue in this passage?B
A.Gun crime has been greatly reduced.
B.The idea of smart guns is not realistic.
C.Gun control will not succeed in America.
D.Guns-related deaths deserve public attention.
68The underlined word"erratically"in Paragraph 2probably meansC.
A.with effectiveness 
B.with passion and energy
C.in an unpredictable manner
D.in a reasonable and fair way
69.The writer supports his ideas in Paragraphs 2and 3mainly byD.
A.analyzing statistics
B.presenting problems and solutions
C.quoting the authorities
D.making comparisons and contrasts
70.Which of the following might the writer NOT agree with?A
A.Few know how to deal with guns-related deaths.
B.Efforts to improve public safety have partly paid off.
C.The nature of guns distinguishes them from other products.
D.Guns using fingerprint software can risk the lives of the users.

分析 本文主要讲述了奥巴马提出使用指纹识别技术来控制枪支,作者在本文中对于这一做法提出自己的观点,认为这一建议并不实用.

解答 67.B 推理判断题.根据第二段Often it takes a user two or three tries to log in; occasionally,it falls asleep deeply and obeys the password.When this happens on an phone,the user is mildly inconvenienced.If this were to happen on a gun,the user would be dead.如果指纹识别技术有时候会失灵,要多次尝试,不会给人带来生命危险.但是如果控制枪支的识别技巧出现了问题,就会导致人们死亡.可知作者认为通过指纹智能控制枪支的做法并不现实.故B正确.
68.C 词义猜测题.根据划线词后一句Often it takes a user two or three tries to log in; occasionally,it falls asleep deeply and obeys the password.有时候手机用户会多次尝试指纹识别才能使用手机,有时候手机还会死机,需要使用密码开机.也就是说指纹识别的方法有难以预测的问题.所以该词指C项含义.
69.D 写作手法题.作者在第二段中把指纹识别使用手机的方法与控制枪支的进行对比和比较,提出奥巴马的建议并不实用.故D正确.
70.A 细节理解题.根据第二段Guns are simple things designed to operate as easily and reliably as possible.The introduction of electronics eats away this simplicity,and to a degree that is absolutely unacceptable to the consumer.可知C项说法正确.根据第二段When this happens on an phone,the user is mildly inconvenienced.If this were to happen on a gun,the user would be dead可知D项正确;根据倒数第二段In 1993,gun crime was more than twice as common as it is now,and there were fewer guns in circulation.可知B项正确;根据最后一句But selling fantasies to the ignorant is not going to cut it.可知不要把枪卖给那些对于使用枪支无知的人是控枪很重要的方法,这也是很多人都知道的.故A项说法错误.

点评 本文是一个人生感悟类阅读理解,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

8.Owls are equipped with highly developed stealth technology (隐形技术) that helps them charge towards prey-an animal hunted and eaten by another-undetected,a study has shown.
Owls have flight feathers that absorb aerodynamic sound and control the vibrations (振动) that occur when a bird beats its wings.The result is perfect silence as it approaches a mouse or other prey.
Scientists used lasers and high-speed cameras to analyze and compare long-eared owl,eagle and pigeon feathers during flight.While differing in size,all three birds have a similar wing-beat style.
Professor Jinkui Chu led the research.He said,"Many owls have a unique and fascinating ability to fly so silently that they are out of their prey's hearing range,due to their feather structure."
This behaviour has long been of interest to engineers,as we seek to apply the owls'noise-reduction mechanisms (机制) to other purposes and situations that benefit society.
Now,however,we know the owls'silent flight ability is even better than we thought.Of all birds the owl is the king of acoustic stealth.It not only manages to prevent aerodynamic noise when gliding,but also mechanical noise caused by vibration during flying.
This is remarkable,considering the sudden jumping,bending and twisting the wings are subjected to when flapping and the noise that is created by other birds.
In the scientific world,the process used to remove this mechanical noise is called'damping',which means the removal of mechanical energy from a vibrating system usually by changing it into heat and allowing it to remain steady.
"Our research showed the long-eared owl has superior damping skill,meaning it can remain amazingly stable and remove mechanical noise caused by the movement of its feathers-quite an impressive achievement of engineering.99
He added,"This study will hopefully provide further insight into the owls'silent flight mechanism and help engineers develop ideas for special materials or structures,such as on-shore wind turbines,where similar noise removal can be applied."

29.What can be true about owls according to the text?B
A.They are active during the day.
B.They attract much attention from engineers.
C.They have similar wings to eagles.
D.They beat wings without vibrations.
30.By saying"the owl is the king of acoustic stealth"in Paragraph 6,Jinkui Chu means owlsD.
A.are good at capturing prey
B.have a good sense of hearing
C.are good at jumping and twisting
D.have silent flight ability
31.What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 8refer to?C
A.Mechanical noise.
B.The vibrating system.
C.Mechanical energy.
D.The removal of mechanical energy.
6.It was the second time that I have been to the hospital.(41)Cit was a weekday,there were still lots of people there,which (42)Dme at first.Most of us live healthy lives,so perhaps we never realize that there are so many people(43)Bpain and torment.
As I walked along the hallway,I saw a variety of people and felt many things(44)Athrough my mind.I heard a small laugh of joy and(45)Bmy head to see what had happened.
A woman was standing in the hallway,saying to her husband beside:"(46)Dis okay!Your baby is moving around like always in my belly(肚子)."The man smiled and said:"Our child must have a(47)Clike mine."They smiled at each other and walked(48)Baway.A small new (49)Amakes so many people so happy.
I was(50)Dwhy my parents always looked so(51)Cwhen I told them that I felt unwell.Parents(52)Btheir children's lives more dearly than their own.
Another noise.I heard a nurse say:"We are (53)Cthe operation.Don't worry."An operation is something that I have feared ever since (54)A.I fear the (55)Dof it.If an operation is(56)B,everybody is happy.But if not,the world seems to(57)A.After all,we know the people around us will leave our world (58)C.
Facing the forces of life and death,we are as (59)Das drops of water in an ocean,only there to be pushed back and forth.
I felt myself (60)Ain that exact moment and place,in my deepest thoughts.
43.A.going forB.going throughC.going overD.going into 
60.A.grow upB.rise upC.grow oldD.grow crazy
7.Scientists have discovered a special biological behavior in dolphins(海豚) that could lead to a treatment for late-onset diabetes(晚发的糖尿病) in humans.Studies on dolphins found that healthy dolphins switch into a diabetic-like state overnight when they are not feeding,but return to normal when they eat the following morning.
The extraordinary finding has led scientists to suggest that dolphins have"genetic switch"that allows them to imitate diabetes while they arenot feeding for a night,without suffering any ill effect.
If researchers can identify a similar genetic pathway in human,they may be able to develop drugs to effectively switch off diabetes.Some 2.2million people in Britain have type 2(or late-onset) diabetes,a figure that is expected to reach 4million by 2025as a consequence of rising levels of obesity(肥胖).
The tissuesof people with type 2diabetes have become resistant to insulin(胰岛素)so they lose the ability to control sugar levels in their blood.The condition can damage the heart,eyes,kidneys(肾脏) and nerves and contribute to 5% of all deaths,according to the World Healthy Organisation.
Dolphins appear to imitate diabetes to keep high levels of blood sugar when food is rare.Like humans,dolphins need some sugar in their blood for their brains to function normally.Venn-Watson's team analysed 1,000blood samples(样本) from 52dolphins while theydidn't eat anything overnight and fed in the morning.At night time,the dolphins'metabolism(新陈代谢)changed greatly and showed similar characteristics to that seen in people with type 2diabetes.
"It is our hope that this discovery can lead to new ways to prevent,treat and maybe even cure diabetes in humans,"said Stephanie Venn-Watson,director of clinical research at the National Marine Foundation in San Diego.
72.What's the main idea of the passage?A
A.Humans get some ideaoftreatingdiabetes from dolphins.
B.Dolphins can switch into a diabetic-like state overnight.
C.Humans can suffer the same disease as dolphins.
D.Dolphins should be fed regularly to avoid diabetes.
73.The key to applying the finding to curing human diabetes lies inC.
A.producing insulin in a larger amount
B.developing drugs from healthy dolphins
C.identifying a similar genetic pathway in human
D.analysingmore blood samples from hungrydolphins
74.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?B
A.Scientists have found a similar genetic switch in humans.
B.More British people will suffer type 2diabetes due to obesity.
C.2.2million people with type 2diabetes die in Britain every year.
D.Dolphins imitate diabetes to avoid a high blood sugar level.
75.What will happen to dolphins if not fed for a night according to Venn-Watson?D
A.Their metabolism breaks down.
B.They become resistant to insulin.
C.Their heart and kidneys are damaged.
D.They keep high levels of blood sugar.

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