
________ in Delhi yesterday, the Indian Premier said:“We believe that economic progress in India is in everyone's interest and not just in the interest of Indians.”

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
    To speak

We know almost half the world is urban(都市的) now – but what will our world look like in the year 2100?
It took about a million years for the global human population to come up to 1 billion in 1800. In the next 200 years, it came up to 6 billion, and it will take only about 20 more years to add another billion. By 2100, the United Nations estimates that the global population will attain more than 10 billion.
By the end of 2008, slightly less than 50 percent of the global population lived in cities. If economic development proceeds at today’s pace, over the next century or so it is highly likely that 8 billion people will live in urban centers, up from today’s roughly 3.3 billion. Yes, the world will indeed be able to hold so many people. The major reason is urbanization(城市化). There will be many more new cities in the year 2100, and some of today’s large cities will become super cities, including Beijing, Delhi, Mumbai, Sao Paulo, Shanghai and so on. At the same time, recent advances in agriculture, energy, and water technologies suggest that human creations will keep up with population growth. Rural areas will return to an agrarian (农业的)centre to feed the growing cities. Languages will drop from the current 7,000 across the globe to less than a few hundred. English will be the primary language of the world.
As we compress(压缩) people into the urban center, and as we leave behind the rural areas to feed us – will we really live a happy life at that time? We will have to live together in large buildings in cities and save on energy and services delivery cost. There will be few chances for us to get close to nature. We really need to think about the effect of the things we have done and are doing now!
1. The underlined word “attain” in the second paragraph probably has the same meaning as “________”
A. increase      B. gain     C. reach     D. limit
2.  With the development of urbanization, people in 2100 will have to      .
A. stay in urban areas and have no chance to get close to nature
B. develop industry rather than agriculture to create job opportunities
C. live a poor and unhappy life because there will be less energy to use.
D. make more creations in agriculture, energy, and water technologies
3.  What is the author’s attitude towards urbanization?
A. supportive    B. disappointed   C. surprised    D. worried
4.  What is the best title for this passage?
A. Global urbanization in the year 2100
B. The primary language in the future
C. Reasons for the rapid increase of population
D. The development of agriculture in 2100

We know almost half the world is urban(都市的) now – but what will our world look like in the year 2100?

It took about a million years for the global human population to come up to 1 billion in 1800. In the next 200 years, it came up to 6 billion, and it will take only about 20 more years to add another billion. By 2100, the United Nations estimates that the global population will attain more than 10 billion.

By the end of 2008, slightly less than 50 percent of the global population lived in cities. If economic development proceeds at today’s pace, over the next century or so it is highly likely that 8 billion people will live in urban centers, up from today’s roughly 3.3 billion. Yes, the world will indeed be able to hold so many people. The major reason is urbanization(城市化). There will be many more new cities in the year 2100, and some of today’s large cities will become super cities, including Beijing, Delhi, Mumbai, Sao Paulo, Shanghai and so on. At the same time, recent advances in agriculture, energy, and water technologies suggest that human creations will keep up with population growth. Rural areas will return to an agrarian (农业的)centre to feed the growing cities. Languages will drop from the current 7,000 across the globe to less than a few hundred. English will be the primary language of the world.

As we compress(压缩) people into the urban center, and as we leave behind the rural areas to feed us – will we really live a happy life at that time? We will have to live together in large buildings in cities and save on energy and services delivery cost. There will be few chances for us to get close to nature. We really need to think about the effect of the things we have done and are doing now!

1. The underlined word “attain” in the second paragraph probably has the same meaning as “________”

A. increase      B. gain     C. reach     D. limit

2.  With the development of urbanization, people in 2100 will have to      .

A. stay in urban areas and have no chance to get close to nature

B. develop industry rather than agriculture to create job opportunities

C. live a poor and unhappy life because there will be less energy to use.

D. make more creations in agriculture, energy, and water technologies

3.  What is the author’s attitude towards urbanization?

A. supportive    B. disappointed   C. surprised    D. worried

4.  What is the best title for this passage?

A. Global urbanization in the year 2100

B. The primary language in the future

C. Reasons for the rapid increase of population

D. The development of agriculture in 2100


We know almost half the world is urban(都市的) now – but what will our world look like in the year 2100?

It took about a million years for the global human population to come up to 1 billion in 1800. In the next 200 years, it came up to 6 billion, and it will take only about 20 more years to add another billion. By 2100, the United Nations estimates that the global population will attain more than 10 billion.

By the end of 2008, slightly less than 50 percent of the global population lived in cities. If economic development proceeds at today’s pace, over the next century or so it is highly likely that 8 billion people will live in urban centers, up from today’s roughly 3.3 billion. Yes, the world will indeed be able to hold so many people. The major reason is urbanization(城市化). There will be many more new cities in the year 2100, and some of today’s large cities will become super cities, including Beijing, Delhi, Mumbai, Sao Paulo, Shanghai and so on. At the same time, recent advances in agriculture, energy, and water technologies suggest that human creations will keep up with population growth. Rural areas will return to an agrarian (农业的)centre to feed the growing cities. Languages will drop from the current 7,000 across the globe to less than a few hundred. English will be the primary language of the world.

As we compress(压缩) people into the urban center, and as we leave behind the rural areas to feed us – will we really live a happy life at that time? We will have to live together in large buildings in cities and save on energy and services delivery cost. There will be few chances for us to get close to nature. We really need to think about the effect of the things we have done and are doing now!

1. The underlined word “attain” in the second paragraph probably has the same meaning as “________”

    A. increase      B. gain     C. reach     D. limit

2.  With the development of urbanization, people in 2100 will have to      .

A. stay in urban areas and have no chance to get close to nature

B. develop industry rather than agriculture to create job opportunities

C. live a poor and unhappy life because there will be less energy to use.

D. make more creations in agriculture, energy, and water technologies

3.  What is the author’s attitude towards urbanization?

    A. supportive    B. disappointed   C. surprised    D. worried

4.  What is the best title for this passage?

    A. Global urbanization in the year 2100

B. The primary language in the future

C. Reasons for the rapid increase of population

D. The development of agriculture in 2100

Chris Jones recently finished a very unusual journey. Our reporter Mary Owen met him at his home in south London and he told her all about the trip.

Reporter: What gave you the idea to travel around India on an elephant, Chris?

Chris: Well, it all started 2 years ago when I was planning a trip to India. I visited a photographic exhibition of elephants and I realized that the only way to travel is on an elephant.

Reporter: What did you do next?

Chris: I flew to New Delhi and started looking for an elephant. I needed an elephant trained to    carry people. I didn’t know anything about elephants, so I asked an expert for help. He taught me how to ride an elephant. He also helped me find an elephant.

Reporter: Can you tell me about the journey?

Chris: Well. I bought a female elephant called Tara for about $ 6000. We set off from New Delhi a week later. We were heading to Sonepur in northern India where there is a big elephant market and I could sell Tara easily. And what a ride! Elephants can travel at about 6 miles an hour and Sonepur was more than 1,200 kim away. The journey took us 64 days!

Reporter: Did you have any problems on your journey?

Chris: Yes, a few. But nothing serious. On the third day, Tara hurt her foot. But that got better quickly. Also there was a log of heavy rain during the first week and we got very wet!

Reporter: What happened when you reached Sonepur?

Chris: My plan was to sell Tara. But by now I was very fond of her. I couldn’t take her back to Britain and I didn’t want to sell her at the market. By chance,I met some people who wanted an elephant for their national park. I knew that Tara would be safe with them, so I gave her to them. I was very sad to say goodbye.


49. Chris got the idea to travel around India on an elephant from_____ .

A. a visit to an Indian zoo                           B. an elephant expert from India

C. some photos of elephants                       D. an old friend who lived in India

50. The elephant expert told Chris _________.

A. how much an elephant cost                    B. how to keep the elephant

C. where to sell his elephant                        D. how to ride an elephant

51. Chris decided to travel to Sonepur because_________.

A. it is a very interesting place

B. elephants can’t be sold anywhere else

C. he would be able to sell Tara there easily

D. it would only take 64 days to travel there

52. When Chris arrived at Sonepur market, he_______ .

A. realized that he didn’t really want to sell Tara

B. visited a national park

C. sold Tara to a national park

D. decided to take Tara home with him

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