
1. Full Time Secretary Position Available

   Applicants should have at least 2 years’ experience and be able to type 60 words a minute. No computer skills required. Apply in person at United Business Dep, 17 Browning Street, Leeds.

2. Part-time Job

   We require three part-time shop assistants to work during the evening. No experience required, applicants should be between 18 and 26 years old. Call 0115-765643 for more information.

3. Computer Trained Secretaries

   Do you have experience of working with computers? Would you like a full time position working in an exciting new company? If you want to know more about us, call 0457-896754.

4. Teaching Assistants Needed

   Hania’s Playschool needs 2 young teaching assistants to help with classes from 9 am to 3 pm. Applicants should have references. For more information please visit www.haniaplayschool.co.uk.

5. Weekend Work Available

   We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part time on weekends for Rubberlast Group Ltd. Duties include answering the telephone and giving customers' information. For more information call us at 0113 - 6741326.

6. University Positions Open

    The University of Bristol is looking for 4 teaching assistants to help with homework correction. Applicants should have a degree in one of the following: Political Science, English, Economies or History. Please call the University of Bristol for more information.

7. Home Delivery Representative

    We are looking for someone who has excellent customer communication skills, a sales background with at least one year's experience and is a good team player with creative ideas. In return we offer a starting salary of 20,000 and 25 days paid holiday per year. For more information please call Direct Delivery Team of Yorkshire Post at 0113- 2388325 or 0113 - 2388318.

Which position is most suitable for a retired person?

A. Part-time Shop Assistant.

B. Teaching Assistant at Hania's Playschool.

C. Weekend Work in Rubberlast Group Ltd.

D. Teaching Assistant in the University of Bristol.

If you have good computer skills and recently graduated from university(English degree), which jobs can you apply for?

A. Job 1 and 7. B. Job 3 and 4. C. Job 4 and 7. D. Job 2 and 5.

Which is the ONLY position that has a formal educational requirement?

A. Full Time Secretary at United Business Hd.

B. Home Delivery Representative for Yorkshire Post.

C. Teaching Assistant at Hania's Playschool.

D. University Positions at the University of Bristol.

How can you get more information if you are interested in the position of a full-time computer trained secretary?

A. By telephone. B. By letter. C. By Internet. D. In person.











A daughter’s duty? Adult daughters are often expected to caregiver for older parents. In 2007, Jorjan Sarich and her dad moved from California to Idaho. It was where he wanted to live his rest time.

“I left my occupation, I left my friends; he did the same thing,” said Sarich, who bought a house with her father, George Snyder, in the China Gardens neighborhood of Hailey after his health began to decline. Though a graduate student struggling to finish her dissertation(论文), Sarich chose to be her dad’s full-time caregiver.

“It’s only now, several years later, that I’m realizing how much work it was. It’s the kind of exhaustion(疲惫)that sleep doesn’t cure,” she said.

About 6 million Americans provide care to elderly relatives or friends living outside of nursing homes. Laurel Kennedy, author of “The Daughter Trap” (Thomas Dunne Books, $25.95), says that women bear a disproportionate(不成比例的)share of the burden — about 70 percent of hands-on care giving such as bathing.

“I want to be clear: Women don’t hate this,” Kennedy said. “What they hate is that everyone just assumes they’ll do it.”

Kennedy is calling for a social revolution equal to the rise of affordable child care and day care: Employers should help working caregivers by offering accommodations. Men should step up more often. It’s unfair that women are always chosen to provide care for an elderly family member.

Despite the hard work it took on Sarich — interrupted sleep and the knowledge that his 2009 death was the end game, she would do it again. Since about half a century had gone by, she wasn’t the person he remembered, and he wasn’t the person she remembered either. Caring for her father changed how each saw the other.

Why did Jorjan Sarich caregiver for her father?

   A. It was a very easy job.                          B. She had no work to do.

   C. It was the social practice.                         D. She lived with her father.

What can we infer from the book “The Daughter Trap”?

   A. Daughters don’t like care giving.

   B. Daughters devote a lot to care giving.

   C. Care giving is daughters’ duty.

   D. Care giving should be sons’ duty.

What does the underlined phrase “a social revolution” refer to?

   A. The child care revolution.                            B. The reform in day care.

   C. The social development.                              D. The change in care giving.

How many years did Jorjan Sarich work as her father’s full-time caregiver?

   A. Five years.          B. Only one year.          C. Four years.        D. Two years.

In her care giving, Jorjan Sarich _____.

   A. got along well with her father                  B. was a little tired of her father

   C. changed her father in every way            D. felt it was unfair to do so

LONDON — Life for Cathy Hagner and her three children is set to permanent(永久的) fast-forward.

Their full school day and her job as a lawyer's assistant are busy enough. But Hanger also has to take the two boys to soccer or hockey or basketball while dropping off her daughter at piano lessons or Girl Scout Club.

Often, the exhausted family doesn't get home until 7 pm. There is just time for a quick supper before homework. In today's world, middle-class American and British parents treat their children as if they are competitors racing for some finishing line.

Parents take their children from activity to activity in order to make their future bright. It seems that raising a genius has become a more important goal than raising a happy and well-balanced child.

“Doctors across the country are reporting a growing number of children suffering from stomachaches and headaches due to exhaustion and stress,” says child expert William Doherty of the University of Minnesota.

Teachers are dealing with exhausted kids in the classroom. It's a very serious problem. Many children attend after-school clubs by necessity. But competitive pressures also create an explosion of activities. They include sports, language, music and math classes for children as young as four.

“There is a new parenting trend(趋势) under way which says that you have to tap all your child’s potential(潜能) at a young age; otherwise you will let him down,” says Terry Apter, a Cambridge-based child and adolescent psychiatrist(青少年精神病专家).

“It isn't entirely new: there have always been pushy parents. But what was previously(以前) seen as strange behaviour is now well accepted.”

1. From the second paragraph of this passage we can find that _______.

A. Hagner wastes much time helping her children's lessons

B. Hagner doesn't spend much time on her full-time job

C. Hagner is interested in sports and music

D. Hagner busies herself by following a trend

2. British parents, as the writer described in this passage, _______.

A. treat their children as sports players

B. pay no attention to their children's lessons

C. bring up their children in a simple way

D. give their children little time to develop freely

3. The writer's opinion about after-school clubs is that ________.

A. activities in the country are too competitive

B. children should attend four clubs at a time

C. some clubs result in competitive pressures

D. clubs should have more subjects for school children

4. The last paragraph tells us that in Britain _______.

A. parents used to take their children to every club

B. parents used to be wise on how to raise children

C. parents have all benefited from children’s clubs

D. parents have come to know the standard of education

“A thousand-mile journey begins with a single step,” as the saying goes. However,  36 it doesn’t tell us is that once the journey is started, it might be hard to stop.

That’s the  37 for Tang Renli, a senior at Nanjing University of Technology, who has backpacked to more than 200 cities in China during four years of college. To  38 his experiences, Tang has hosted a photo exhibition Play Hooky, Go Travel at the Beijing 798 Art Zone. On  __39_ are over 300 photos of his travels. The 22-year-old never  40 going to so many places when he   41  his first trip to Yangzhou during the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday in his freshman year. _42  he was hooked on travel. You may  43 how Tang could find the time, being a full-time college student. Did he really skip classes to go travel, like the  44 of his exhibition suggests? “I gave myself one to two weeks every month for travel. But I always took care of my class and  45__ first,” Tang said. Tang, who is a city planning major, has never  ___46_ a compulsory course at college.

“I spent more time and effort on my study,  47 during the finals’ weeks,” Tang said. Schoolwork was not the only  48 Tang had to face. His travel budget was  49 so Tang had to  50 what he had. He usually took the cheapest form of transport and stayed at youth hostels  ___51 less than 50 yuan per night. There were also times when he walked, hitchhiked, and slept in train stations, police offices and vans.

“Sometimes I felt  52 , helpless and even found myself in  _53 ,” Tang said. “But now that I look back, these setbacks  _54 my journey, and my life. Don’t think too much about the  ___55 because you’ll cross that bridge when you get to it. And once you take your first step, the feeling is amazing and addictive.”

1.                A.which          B.what           C.that  D.it


2.                A.case           B.excuse         C.motto    D.dream


3.                A.test            B.gain            C.share D.identify


4.                A.purpose        B.performance     C.discovery D.display


5.                A.thought of      B.spoke to        C.worried about D.turned out


6.                A.competed       B.completed      C.compromised  D.complained


7.                A.Up to now       B.Until then       C.From then on  D.In the end


8.                A.wonder        B.puzzle          C.surprise  D.trouble


9.                A.sentence       B.title            C.project   D.object


10.               A.comments      B.revision        C.achievements   D.assignments


11.               A.failed          B.succeeded      C. reached D.missed


12.               A.impatiently      B.increasingly     C.especially  D.anxiously


13.               A.excitement      B.mixture        C.expression D.obstacle


14.               A.limited         B.granted        C.applied    D.wasted


15.                                A.pay much attention to  B.take no notice of

C.put an end to                     D.make the most of


16.               A.losing          B.costing         C.offering   D.cheating


17.               A.alone          B.lively          C.lonely D.alive


18.               A.horror         B.anger          C.sorrow    D.danger


19.               A.enjoyed        B.enriched       C.engaged   D.endured


20.               A.importance     B.necessities      C.uncertainties   D.significance




A. Needed: Full time secretary position available. Applicants should have at least 2 years experience and be able to type 60 words a minute. No computer skills required. Apply in person at United Business Ltd., 17 Browning Street.

B. Are you looking for a part-time job? We require 3 part-time shop assistants to work during the evening. No experience required. Applicants should be between 18 and 20. Call 366-76564 for more information.

C. Computer trained secretaries: Do you have experience working with computers? Would you like a full time position working in an exciting new company? If your answer is yes, give us a call at 457-896754.

D. Teacher needed: Tommy’s Kindergarten needs 2 teachers/trainers to help with classes from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.. Applicants should have appropriate licenses. For more information visit Tommy’s Kindergarten in Leicester Square No. 56.

E. Part-time work available: We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part time at the weekends. Responsibilities include answering the telephone and giving customers information. For more information contact us by calling 345-674132.

F. University position open: The University of Cumberland is looking for 4 teaching assistants to help with homework correction. Applicants should have a degree in one of the following: Political Science, Religion, Economics or History. Please contact the University of Cumberland for more information.


Jack Anderson. Jack graduated from the University of Trent with a degree in Economics two years ago. He would like an academic position.

Margaret Lillian. Margaret is 19 years old and would like a part-time position to help her pay her university expenses. She can only work in the evenings.

Alice Fingelhamm. Alice was trained as a secretary and has six years of experience. She is an excellent typist but does not know how to use a computer. She is looking for a full time position.

Peter Florian. Peter went to business school and studied computer and secretarial skills. He is looking for his first job and would like a full time position.

Lynne Negata. Lynne, aged 65, once worked in a kindergarten. She is now a housewife, helping her daughter with her housework on weekdays. She is looking for a part-time job.



1.Jack Anderson

2.Margaret Lillian

3.Alice Fingelhamm

4.Peter Florian  

5.Lynne Negata

A.full time secretary

B.part-time shop assistan

C.computer trained secretary

D.kindergarten teacher

E. part-time job at the weekend

F. university teaching assistant


When we hear the words “college students”, we usually think of a young person between 18 and 22 years old. But in the U.S.A today, a college student often is much older. In fact, educators say in the nest few years colleges and universities may have more older part-time students than traditional (传统的) full time younger students.

Educators report a big increase in the number of Americans who attend college and university classes in the evening or at night or weekends. Most of them are older than 25 years old and more have full- time or part- time jobs. Many are in their thirties or forties.

Why are so many people deciding to spend their time and money in order to continue their education? Many are doing it because they believe more education will help them to get a better job. Some are industrial workers whose factories are closed. They are learning new skills to prepare for other kinds of work. Some of the part-time students are not pleased with the jobs they have. They are studying for new ones. Some have retired(退休) and are looking for new kinds of work. Two of every three of the students older than 35 are women. Many of them are returning to school after years of staying at home to care for children.

Are older students good students? Most teachers say yes. They say older students really want to learn. They ask difficult questions and are not pleased with simple answers. They often get high grades.

71. It’s said that in the next few years _________.

A. students in college and universities will be much older.

B. full-time students in college and universities will be even younger.

C. American colleges and universities will take in part-time students equally.

D. the number of older students will be greater than that of the younger ones.

72. Judge which of the following is not true according to the above passage.

A. It’s reported that a large number of Americans attend college or university classes in their spare time.[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]

B. Most of them are over 25.

C. Most of them are without jobs.

D. The number of students in colleges and universities is reported to have gone up greatly.

73. Why are so many people deciding to go on with their education? Because________.

A. most of the Americans enjoy learning something new.

B. most of them believe: more education, better jobs.

C. they have lost their jobs.

D. they are tired of their jobs.

74. “ They often get high grades” means__________.

A. they rise to high grades easily.

B. they often get very good marks.

C. they are more likely to receive a master’s or a doctor’s degree upon graduation.

D. they often win high prize.

75. What does the whole passage mainly tell us?

A. Why does so many older students go to college in America.

B. What older students in college can learn.

C. Older students are mostly good students.

D. Higher education can help you get a good job.


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