
【题目】Failure often occurs in our life. Keep ______ about the future, and you will achieve the goal you set sooner or later.

A. thankful B. skeptical

C. optimistic D. successful


【解析】A. thankful感谢的; B. sceptical怀疑的; C. optimistic乐观的; D. successful成功的;根据题意:失败在生活中经常发生,所以应该乐观的对待。选C。


【题目】Microsoft has a problem:It desperately wants the remaining Windows XP users to upgrade to a newer version of the operating system but a good many of them still haven’t started.The latest numbers from NetMarket show that Windows XP still accounts for around 29.5%of all desktops in use even though Microsoft is due to end support for the l3-Year-old platform on April 8th.ZDNet reports that Microsoft plans to force remaining XP users to start next week by sending them notices reminding them again that it will end XP support within a month.

However, as Computerworld reports,Microsoft may have a tough time convincing some Windows XP users to upgrade because it's trying to sell them on Windows 8,the newest operating system that has angered many longtime PC users by removing the traditional Start menu and by adding the interface(界面)a special feature.Computerworld writes that many Windows users expressed anger last month when Microsoft asked them to help switch as many people as they could from Windows XP to Windows 8 partly because Microsoft hasn’t offered any sort of discount for Windows XP users making the switch.

This is particularly tiresome, these users said,because switching from XP to Windows 8 won’t just require a software upgrade but will instead likely force them to buy new machines capable(能够)of running Microsoft’s new operating system.Some users were also annoyed that Microsoft only mentioned Windows 8 and not Windows 7 as upgrade possibilities.

In the end,it looks like when Microsoft ends support for Windows XP next month there will still be a large part of the desktop PC world using the platform.Hackers who have been saving up all their best new malware(恶意软件)for the day when Windows XP support ends are about to have a field day

【1】What problem does Microsoft have now?

A.Windows XP is out of date and needs improvement.

B.Windows 8 runs worse than Windows XP.

C.No people like to upgrade their operating system.

D.Lots of users refuse to switch from XP to Windows 8.

【2】How will Microsoft remind users of the stop of XP support?

A.By sending them notices.

B.By sending them daily emails.

C.By adding the interface a special feature.

D.By removing the traditional Start menu.

【3】Which is probably one of the reasons why users dislike Window 8?

A.Microsoft hasn’t offered any discount for it.

B.They like Window 7 more than Window 8.

C.Microsoft refuses to offer them a new machine.

D.It’s impossible for them to use the new operating system.

【4】What does the underlined phrase “have a field day” probably mean in the last paragraph?

A.Show up without warning.

B.Make rapid progress.

C.Make full use of the opportunity.

D.Come to an end completely.

【5】What can be inferred from the text?

A.Windows XP will completely be out of use in a month.

B.Windows XP will still be in use for a period of time.

C.Windows 8 will have a longer history than Windows XP.

D.Windows 7 will easily be attacked by Hackers.

【题目】There is one word that is on the lips of Americans , day and night -"Sorry."

Once as I was walling on the street, a young man ran by ,brushing against my handbag. Even as he continued on his .way, he back and said "sorry" to me. Even in a rush, he didn't forget to apologize.

One day, after I bought some apples, the salesman was giving me the change, but I wasn't ready for it And a dropped on the ground. "I'm sorry," he said while bending down to pick it up. I was -why would he apologize when it was my .

Another time ,I stepped a man's foot in a lift At the same time, we both said "sorry".I thought it interesting at first - was it really for him to apologize?

Later on, an American friend o me that according to the American ideas, the lift is a place everyone should be able to stand in. After someone occupies a position in the lift, making it for someone else to find a place to stand in ,isn't it necessary to an apologize?

During my stay in America ,I gradually that when friction(摩擦)happen in daily life, Americans don't care much about who is responsible. Someone is troubled, a "sorry" is always necessary. The "sorry would cool tempers the other person is hurt. Perhaps this is why I saw anyone quarreling on the buses, subways or street in America.

【1】A. excitedly B. hurriedly C. happily D. hopefully

【2】A. drove B. held C. watched D. turned

【3】A. coin B. handbag C. wallet D. bill.

【4】A. impressed B. moved C. annoyed D. puzzled

【5】A. duty B. attitude C. fault D. business

【6】A. over B. on C. in D. at

【7】A. necessary B. important C. surprising D. polite

【8】A. lied B. explained C. pointed D. admitted

【9】A. crowded B. common C. public D. free

【10】A. unfit B. impossible C. narrow D. difficult

【11】A. express B. receive C .expect D. tell

【12】A. realized B.remembered C . agreed D. meant

【13】A. Although B. What C. Unless D. If

【14】A. as if B. even if C. as soon as D. before

【15】A. always B. often C. never D. sometimes

【题目】Pinnawella Elephant Orphanage

Pinnawella is an orphanage for baby elephants that have been found abandoned in the wild.There are 60 small elephants on the site and they are fed, trained and cared for by the orphanage. If you visit Pinnawella during feeding time, you may be given the opportunity to bottle-feed an elephant during your Sri Lanka holiday. Bathing time is also popular with visitors and accompanying a baby elephant to a nearby river is a wonderful experience.

Colombo Zoo

After seeing an elephant in the wild, seeing one in the zoo may seem a little uninspiring; however this is one for the children.The Colombo Zoo is famous for its elephant shows,where six Indian elephants do all kinds of tricks,from playing the music instruments to shooting basketballs with their trunks.

Wasgamuwa National Park

Wasgamuwa National Park is located in the town of Mahiyangana, an ancient city and important site in the Buddhist religion.It is one of the best places to see wild elephants in their natural habitats(栖息地)and is closest to six other national parks.The park and nearby area also provide ample bird watching opportunities.

Yala National Park

Yala is the largest national park in Sri Lanka and home to the majority of the islands wildlife,including Indian elephants and rare leopards.Arranging a tour here is the best way to spot an elephant,and if you're particularly lucky you may also spy a leopard lying lazily around on an overhanging tree branch.

Maduruoya National Park

This Park has a huge reservoir and if you get up before sunrise,you may spot some elephants playing about in the large expanse of water. You can also ride an elephant through the dense forests, which is perhaps one of the strangest forms of transportation to use on your Sri Lanka holidays.

【1】Which place should visitors go to if they want to have closer contact with elephants?

A.Maduruoya National Park

B.Wasgamuwa National Park

C.Colombo Zoo

D.Pinnawella Elephant Orphanage

【2】According to the author,Colombo Zoo________.

A.actually causes harm to elephants

B.can bring pleasure to children

C.has a good way to protect elephants

D.is not inspiring at all

【3】It can be inferred from the passage that________.

A.Wasgamuwa National Park is the best place to watch birds

B.Yala National Park has nothing special to watch

C.visitors can watch birds in Yala National Park

D.a leopard can climb up trees and stay there

【4】What may cause the tourists' curiosity in Maduruoya National Park?

A.The huge reservoir which has a large expanse of water.

B.The beautiful and charming scene of sunrise.

C.Riding elephants through the dense forests.

D.A group of elephants playing in the water.

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