
根据下列句子语境、所给单词首字母及中文提示, 在横线上写出正确的单词及形式。

He was asked to d____________ evening dresses for many movie stars.

The two tables are too close to each other. Would you please get them a_________.

My____________(以前的 ) English teacher has gone to the USA.

Have you seen the house which b___________ to Mr Green?

P_____________ health is more important than anything else.

There is something wrong with the old machine, so it must be r___________ at once.

A_____________ are training hard for the coming sports match.

The use of high science and t____________ leads to fast development of economy.

Anyone who wants to be a_____ to the famous company must take an intelligence test.

I have to hand it to him ______________( 亲自).

I need a friend to share my h___________ and sadness in my life.













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