
12.-What about the services in the hotel?
-They are at least as good as,if not superior to,        in yours.(  )

分析 ---这家旅馆的服务怎么样?

解答 答案选A
those表示复数在此处替代the services;that替代单数可数名词或不可数名词;one只替代单数的可数名词;which作为关系代词,一般用于定语从句.故选A

点评 做此类题时,要弄清代词替代的内容以及指示代词的意义.本题替代的内容为the services.

2.Big Brothers Big Sisters is based on the simplicity and power of friendship.It is a program which provides friendship and fun by matching vulnerable young people(ages 7-17)with a volunteer adult who can be both a role model and a supportive friend.
Volunteer tutors come from all walks of life-married,single,with or without children.Big Brothers and Big Sisters are not replacement parents or social workers.They are tutors:someone to trust,to have fun with,to talk and go to when needed.
A Big Sister and Little Sister will generally spend between one and four hours together three or four times each month for at least twelve months.They enjoy simple activities such as a picnic at a park,cooking,playing sport or going to a football match.These activities improve the friendship and help the young person develop positive self-respect,confidence and life direction.
Big Brothers Big Sisters organizations exist throughout the world.It is the largest and most well-known provider of tutor services internationally and has been operating for 25years.
Emily and Sarah have been matched since 2008.Emily is a 10-year-old girl who has experienced some difficulties being accepted by her schoolmates at school."I was pretty sure there was something wrong with me."
Emily's mum came across Big Brothers Big Sisters and thought it would be of benefit to Emily by"providing different feedback (反馈) about herself other than just relying on schoolmates to measure her self-worth.
Sarah wanted to get involved in a volunteer program."I googled it and found out how to be a part of it.I thought it would be fun for me to get involved in making time to do something because sometimes it is all work and no play."
Big Brothers Big Sisters has been of great benefit and enjoyment to both Emily and Sarah.They love and look forward to their time together and the partnership has certainly helped Emily be more comfortable in being the wonderful,happy and unique girl she is!

66.What is the aim of Big Brothers Big Sisters?D
A.To offer students public services.
B.To help students improve their grades.
C.To organize sport activities for young people.
D.To provide partnership and fun for young people.
67.A volunteer is usually expected to work within a year for at leastB.
A.24hours         B.36hours        C.48hours           D.72hours
68.According to Emily's mother,this program may provide Emily withB.
A.advice from her teachers
B.a new way to assess herself
C.a new way to judge her schoolmates
D.more comments from her schoolmates
69.Why did Sarah want to get involved in the program?B
A.She used to be a volunteer.
B.She needed a part-time job.
C.She felt a bit bored with her life.
D.She wanted to get a challenging job.
70.According to the passage,"vulnerable young people"are probably those who areC.
A.popular at school
B.rather weak physically
C.easily hurt emotionally
D.confident in themselves.
6.Exploit your parking space
An unused parking space or garage can make money.If you live near a city center or an airport,you could make anything up to£200or£300a week.Put an advertisement(广告)for free on Letpark or Atmyhousepark.
Rent(出租)a room
Spare room?Not only will a lodger(房客)earn you an income,but also,thanks to the government-backed"rent a room"program,45you won't have to pay any tax on the first£4500you make per year.Try advertising your room on Roomspare or Roommateeasy.
Make money during special events
Don't want a full-time lodger?Then rent on a short-term basis.If you live in the capital,renting a room out during the Olympics or other big events could bring in money.Grashpadder can advertise your space.
Live on set
Renting your home out as a"film set"could earn you hundreds of pounds a day,depending on the film production company and how long your home is needed.A quick search on the Internet will bring up dozens of online companies that allow you to register your home for free-but you will be charged if your home gets picked.
Use your roof
You need the right kind of roof,but some energy companies pay the cost of fixing solar equipment (around£14,000),and let you use the energy produced for nothing.In return,they get paid for unused energy fed back into the National Grid.However,you have to sign a 25-year agreement with the supplier,which could prevent you from changing the roof.

45.If you earn£5000from renting a room in one year,the tax you need to pay will be based onB.
A.£800         B.£500      C.£4500    D.£5000
46.Where can you put an advertisement to rent out a room during a big event?C
A.On Letpark.
B.On Roomspare.
C.On Grashpadder.
D.On Roommateeasy.
47.If you want to use energy free,you have toD.
A.sign an agreement with the government
B.pay around£14,000for the equipment
C.sell the roof to some energy companies
D.keep the roof unchanged for within 25years
48.For whom the text most probably written?C
C.House owners.
D.Online companies.

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