
Artificial intelligence,or AI,has been applied in a wide range of fields to perform specific tasks,including education,finance,heavy industry,transportation,and so on.


There are a number of companies that create robots to teach subjects to children ranging from biology to computer science,though such tools have not become widespread yet.Advancements in natural language processing, combined with machine learning,have also enabled automatic grading of assignments.AI has also led to an explosion in popularity of MOOCs,or Massive Open Online Courses,which allows students from around the world to take classes online.


Use of AI in banking can be tracked back to 1987.Banks use artificial intelligence systems to organize operations,maintain book-keeping,invest in stocks,and manage properties.Also,systems are being developed,like Arria,to translate complex data into simple and personable language.There are also wallets,like Wallet AI,which monitor an individual's spending habits and provides ways to improve them.

Heavy industry

Robots have become common in many industries and are often given jobs that are considered dangerous to humans.Robots have proven effective in jobs that are very repetitive which may lead to mistakes or accidents due to failure in concentration and other jobs which humans may find degrading.


Today's cars can have AI-based driver assist features such as self-parking and advanced cruise controls.AI in transportation is expected to provide safe,efficient,and reliable transportation while minimizing the impact on the environment and communities.

Toys and games

Companies like Mattel have been creating AI-enabled toys for kids as young as age three.Using proprietary AI engines and speech recognition tools,they are able to understand conversations,give intelligent responses and learn quickly.AI has also been applied to video games,for example video game bots,which are designed to stand in as opponents where humans aren't available or desired.

1.Which is true about AI and education?

A. Robots have been widely used to teach children.

B. AI has been used to grade students’ homework.

C. AI has enabled more students to receive education at school.

D. Education was the first field where AI was used.

2.Which can be inferred from the passage?

A. Arria can help people understand complex data.

B. Wallet AI can help people make more money.

C. Robots’ jobs are considered dangerous to humans.

D. Robots can help people concentrate.

3.From the last two paragraphs we can know that_______.

A. Today’s drivers needn’t learn to park their cars

B. AI ensures safe,efficient,and reliable transportation

C. AI-enabled toys is designed to improve kids’ intelligence

D. Video game bots can fight against you in video games

4.What is the passage mainly about ?

A. The latest progress in AI. B. AI is of great use.

C. Some applications of AI. D. AI is used in all fields.


It was 3:21 a.m. when nine-year-old Glenn Kreamer awoke to the smell of burning. Except for the cracking(爆烈声) of flames somewhere below there was not a sound in the two-storey house at Baldwin Long Island.

With his father away on night duty at a local factory, Glenn was worried about the safety of his mother, his sister Karen, 14 and his 12-year-old brother Todd. He ran downstairs through the smoke-filled house to push and pull at Karen and Todd until they sat up. Then he helped each one through the house to the safety of the garden. There, his sister and brother, taking short and quick breaths and coughing, fell down onto the lawn.

The nine-year-old boy raced back into the house and upstairs to his mother's room. He found it impossible to wake her up. Mrs. Kreamer, a victim of the smoke, was unconscious(昏厥的), and there was nobody to help Glenn carry her to the garden. But the boy remained calm and, as a fireman said later, "acted with all the self-control of a trained adult."

On the bedroom telephone, luckily still working, Glenn called his father and, leaving Mr. Kreamer to telephone the fire brigade and ambulance service, got on with the task of saving his mother.

First he filled a bucket with water from the bathroom and threw water over his mother and her bed. Then, with a wet cloth around his head he went back to the garden.

He could hear the fire engine coming up, but how would the firemen find his mother in the smoke-filled house where flames had almost swallowed up the ground floor?

Grasping firmly a ball of string(线) from the garage, Glenn raced back into the house and dashed upstairs to his mother's room. Tying one end of the string to her hand, he ran back, laying out the string as he went, through the hall and back out into the garden.

Minutes later he was telling fire chief John Coughlan, "The string will lead you to mother." Mrs. Kreamer was carried to safety as the flames were breaking through her bedroom floor.

1.Why did Glenn run downstairs first?

A. He wanted to find out what was happening.

B. He was worried about his mother's safety.

C. He wanted to save his sister and brother.

D. He went to see if his father had come back from work.

2.Who called the fire brigade and ambulance service?

A. Glenn. B. Glenn's father.

C. Glenn's sister. D. Glenn's neighbor.

3.Glenn saved his family because _______.

A. his father had taught him to do so on the phone

B. he had learned something about first aid

C. he had dealt with the emergency(突发事件) calmly and wisely

D. he had followed his mother's instructions

When I first got an e-mail account ten years ago, I received communications only from family, friends, and colleagues. Now it seems that every time I check my e-mail, I have an endless series of advertisements and other correspondence that do not interest me at all. If we want e-mail to continue to be useful, we need specific laws that make spamming(发送垃圾邮件) a crime.

If lawmakers do not do something soon to prohibit spam, the problem will certainly get much worse. Computer programs allow spammers to send hundreds of millions of e-mails almost instantly. As more and more advertisers turn to spam to sell their products, individual e-mail boxes are often flooded with spam e-mails. Would people continue to use e-mail if they had to deal with an annoying amount of spam each time?

This problem is troubling for individuals and companies as well. Many spam e-mails contain computer viruses that can shut down the entire network of a company. Companies rely on e-mail for their employees to communicate with each other. Spam frequently causes failures in their local communications networks, and their employees are thus unable to communicate effectively. Such a situation results in a loss of productivity and requires companies to repeatedly repair their networks. These computer problems raise production costs of companies, which are, in the end, passes on to the consumer.

For these reasons, I believe that lawmakers need to legislate (立法) against spam. Spammers should be fined, and perhaps sent to prison if they continue to disturb people. E-mail is a tool which helps people all over the world to communicate conveniently, but spam is destroying this convenience.

1.What does the underlined word “correspondence” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. messages B. ideas

C. connections D. programs

2.According to the text, what is the major cause of the flooding spam?

A. Companies rely on e-mail for communications.

B. More people in the world communicate by e-mail.

C. Many computer viruses contain spam e-mail.

D. More advertisers begin to promote sales through spam.

3.According to the author, who is the final victim of spam?

A. The business B. The advertiser

C. The employee D. The consumer

4.What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform B. To educate

C. To persuade D. To instruct

The following is a father's advice to his son or daughter, who has just graduated from high school:

First of all, congratulations on your graduation!Graduation from high school means that a new stage of life is ahead of you.At the beginning of this new stage, I have some advice for you.

Clean your own room and do your own laundry(洗衣物的活). After you have messed up(弄乱)something, you should learn to clean it up yourself.Cleanliness is indeed close to godliness(信奉上帝).

Don't mistake knowledge for wisdom. No matter how much information or knowledge you have gained, you'll never make sound(正确的)judgments if you don't have wisdom. Wisdom comes from imagination and reflection(反省).If you can imagine the possible future outcomes of your present decisions and actions, you can avoid mistakes.And if you can reflect on the mistakes you have made, you can avoid making the same mistakes again and again.Such is wisdom.

Don't complain.When you take up a job, do your best to carry it out.Don't waste time complaining about it, no matter how difficult and boring it is.

Finally, be an early bird.If you get up earlier than the sun, you can watch it rising up slowly into the sky.And the sight of the rising sun will warm your heart and give you energy for the day ahead.Besides, being an early bird, you have plenty of time to take exercise or do a lot of work.

1.The father wants to give his daughter some advice, because ___

A. the father is a philosopher(哲学家)

B. another period of life lies ahead of him/her

C. he/she does not know how to behave himself/herself

D. the teacher is disappointed at his son's/daughter's performance

2.According to the father, wisdom enables one to ________.

A. avoid one's responsibilities B. acquire(获得)a lot of knowledge

C. complain about many things D. evaluate(评价)situations correctly

3.In the opinion of the father, complaining ________.

A. gets you nowhere B. is a pleasant thing

C. usually leads to success D. can be appreciated by people

4.The father says that being an early bird makes one ________.

A. sleepy and tired B. clean and happy

C. hungry and angry D. energetic and efficient(高效的)

It is 1971.Sally with Josh and Martin,her two brothers,discovers a massive whale stranded (搁浅) on the beach near their home.The three children________their sweaters into the cold sea water and rush back to wet the________ animal.Realizing the urgency,Josh runs for help and people gather to________.Though they do all they can,it becomes clear that their efforts are________Sitting by the whale,Sally tells him he’s ________ and beautiful, and that she will________him no matter what happens next.As Sally talks to him,the animal lets out “a deep_________like the wind off the ocean” and dies.

The Stranded Whale is a ________book for children carrying a(n)________life lesson about accepting the ________ of one's power.

Master storyteller Yolen and illustrator (插画家) Cataldo have________an honest picture of human weakness that is moving.Yolen________sets her story in 1971,when the lack of cell phones would delay the________of both helpers and broadcasters.This adds to the________because so much time is lost.Cataldo's paintings________ gentle and soft colors,providing vast________ views and conveying the children’s helplessness.

The ending is________.Sally expresses the irony to herself when________with a medal by the community. “So,the whale died and we were heroes.”________they have made great efforts to rescue the whale,Sally and her brothers learn that not all living creatures can be saved.This is an important truth for ________.

1.A. squeeze B. dip C. throw D. dive

2.A. dangerous B. deserted C. dying D. deadly

3.A. respond B. fight C. witness D. charge

4.A. worthwhile B. in vain C. at loss D. awarded

5.A. patient B. considerate C. strong D. cautious

6.A. save B. pity C. understand D. miss

7.A. sigh B. cough C. scream D. yawn

8.A. drawing B. picture C. reference D. writing

9.A. easy B. bitter C. strict D. strange

10.A. failures B. mistakes C. limits D. shortcomings

11.A. foresaw B. made up C. took up D. created

12.A. wisely B. especially C. randomly D. usually

13.A. message B. transfer C. arrival D. protection

14.A. sorrow B. fun C. excitement D. tension

15.A. avoid B. adjust C. compare D. employ

16.A. seashore B. island C. country D. outdoor

17.A. touched B. realistic C. abstract D. comforting

18.A. replied B. provided C. presented D. related

19.A. As long as B. As though C. If only D. Even though

20.A. children B. animals C. writers D. illustrators

Once there was a very poor villager.He found it difficult even to support his family. 1. He walked about in the streets, but he did not get a job.One day, he met a rich businessman, who gave him the job of cleaning the office.The villager began his work and he even started reading and writing in his spare time.

One day,the businessman saw that the villager was writing something.He said,“You can also read and write!Your handwriting is very good.”2.The villager began to do this job as best as he could.

Later,the businessman learnt that the villager was good at accounting, and he made him his shop accountant(会计).The other accountants were very jealous of the villager’s abilities.They told the businessman that the villager had a small room where he hid the money stolen from him. 3.

One day,they had their chance.They saw the villager going into “that” room. 4. When they came back and opened the door, there was nothing in that room except an ordinary box.

The villager was ordered to open the box with his own hands.And there was only a pair of dirty shoes and some old clothes. 5.At the same time, he was so angry with the jealous accountants that he fired (解雇) them at once.The villager was made the only accountant for his office.

A.He came to a big city hoping to find a job.

B.They closed the door behind him and ran to the businessman.

C.So the businessman decided to give the villager a good lesson.

D.Seeing this, the businessman was moved by what he had seen.

E.So the villager was given the work of writing business letters for him.

F.The villager wished that some kind people might give him a good job.

G.But the businessman refused to believe them unless he had seen it with his own eyes.

Saturday, 22 April , 2017

We are currently on a camp-site near Calais, on our way to the UK, and it is pouring with rain. As if gods want to prepare us for the UK at all costs. As if we don't know what rain is... Our ferry to the green isles will leave tomorrow at 10.30 and despite the rain, I am really looking forward to it.

It has taken us a while to get here, as we already left El Chorro on 4 April. After rushing through Spain in two days, however, we came to an inevitable slow-down when we entered France. Inevitable, as France has simply too much to offer for us. So as soon as we crossed the Pyrenees, our driving sequence became something like driving a few kilometres, visiting a castle, driving a few kilometres, taking pictures of a nice church, driving a few kilometres, having a quick peek at a fleas market, driving a few kilometres, visiting a museum etc. When we entered Brittany the real sightseeing started, in Vannes, in Lorient, in Brest and then on to Normandy: Le Mont St Michel, Bayeux and finally, finally the D-Day beaches. I always wanted to visit these, for obvious reasons I would say, but my father, realistic as he was, calculated the chances that it would rain a considerable amount of days of a three-week holiday and always decided against it. But a few days ago I finally stepped onto Gold Beach (where the Brits landed) and I was greeted by the Norman sun. A beautiful day.

1.It was _____ when the writer was on his way to the UK.

A. pouring B. foggy

C. snowy D. sunny

2.According to the passage, the Pyrenees must be a place in_____.

A. Spain B. France

C. Netherland D. Normandy

3.Which of the following statement is NOT true?

A. They spent 2 days in Spain traveling.

B. The writer thought France has a lot of places to visit.

C. The writer thought the real sightseeing was in E1 Chorro, and in Brest.

D. The writer’s father was a realistic person.

4.The passage probably comes from _______.

A. a travel journal B. a science fiction

C. a news report D. a film review

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