
 All of us like to eat bananasBananas are good food for manThe fruit has a thick, soft skinThe flesh is fragrant(芳香的).That's why we call it 香蕉in ChineseBanana plants grow in our southern provinces

 The banana plant is called a tree, but it is not like our common treesScientifically speaking, it is a tree-like herb(草木植物).Each tree bears one bunch(串)of bananasThe fruit grows in clusters(一丛).Each cluster is called a handin English, and the fruit is called the fingerSome bunches have ten hands or more

 The banana blossom(花)is as large as a man's fist(拳).It is bright-coloured and very beautifulThe new plants grow from the roots of the old plantsThe banana plants bear no seeds

 Bananas go bad quicklyThey must be cut from the trees when they are greenThey ripen(成熟)on the wayIt is possible to keep them fresh in transportation

 A large banana leaf is sometimes a foot wide and eight feet longPeople in the south use them for roofs and for bedding

(1) Why do we call bananas香蕉in Chinese?   

[  ]

ABecause everyone enjoys eating them

BBecause they smell fragrant

CBecause they're good food for us

DBecause they have a thick, soft skin

(2) In fact the banana plant is ______.   

[  ]

Aa kind of tree

Ba kind of wood

Ca kind of grass

Da kind of flower

(3) Banana plants grow best ______.   

[  ]

Ain cool places

Bin dry places

Cin hot places where it seldom rains

Din warm places where it rains often

(4) Which of the following is not true?   

[  ]

ABanana plants bloom every year

BBanana plants have excellent blossom

CBanana plants have no seeds and never bloom at all

DThe new shoots of banana plants come up from the roots of the old ones every year

(5) Bananas must be cut from the trees when they are green because ______

[  ]

Ait's impossible for bananas to ripen on the trees

Bbananas can ripen only on the way

Cpeople don't like to eat ripe bananas

Dbananas get over-ripe easily

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