

1.The speaker talked about sports in general and about football ________.

2.Don’t forget to ________ the mud on your shoes before you go into the house.

3.________ I am to blame, but it was not all my fault.

4.She thinks only of herself; she never ________ other people.

5.The letters UN ________ the United Nations.

6.Every time she tried to argue with her husband she ________ crying her eyes out.

7.We should think up a good way to ________ these used empty boxes instead of just throwing them away.

8.She grow up in a small village and naturally she ________ that place and longs to go back to see how it is now.

9.His whole mind ________ one thing only-how to protect the crops from the great storm.

10.I don’t think the sentence ________, for I don’t understand it at all, or rather, it says nothing!


1.in particular 2.wipe off 3.To some extent 4.cares about 5.stand for 6.ended up 7.make use of 8.is attached to 9.was concentrated on 10.makes(any)sense



1.The news that so many miners died of the disaster _________(使惊讶)us greatly.

2.The _________(摇摆)of the ship made many passengers seasick.

3.We should be satisfied with our own life when comparing with those who are _________(穷的).

4.Those with a _________(感觉)of humour are popular everywhere.

5.Her _________(特殊的;特别的)way of smiling left a good impression on me.

6.The learners of a second language have many obstacles to _________(克服).

7.It is also believed that playing firecrackers will bring good _________(运气)in the coming year.

8.A lot of funny jokes are _________(有趣的)and can make us relaxed.

9.Yuan Longping are invited to travel _________(遍及)the world circulating the growing of the super hybrid rice.

10.It’s not allowed to talk in the library, even to _________(日语).

11.The clothes are so _________(穿旧的)that they must be thrown away.

12.Mr.Johnson is easy to _________(挑出)among the crowds, for he is as tall as two meters.

13.When shopping in the mall, I _________(撞上, 碰见)a childhood classmate.

14.Some people are never _________(满足的)with their life and are always thinking of gaining wealth.

15.Having been _________(切断;断绝)with the outside world for fifty years, he doesn’t know about the modern life.

16.He _________(咀嚼)over the problem for several days before making his decision.

17.Li An _________(导演)the film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.


1.Technically, the building is a _________, but few people like it.

2.The logs _________ down the river.

3.She _________ bitter tears over her lost youth.

4.This essay _________ a considerable improvement on your recent work.

5.The play was badly acted, _________ being far too long.

6.The cruel man _________ his wife and child.

7.The experts are _________ every part of the island.

8.I can’t move this piano without _________.

9.Both sides still refuse to come to the _________ table.

10.He _________ his wife and children.

11.Many items in daily use _________ plastic.

12._________ is enough, never again.

13.The tournament is open to amateurs _________ professionals.

14.He _________ himself entirely to music.

15.The governor sent us to the colleges and universities to do some head hunting.We hope we will find some young _________.

16.They _________ visit a friend of theirs.

17.When I was ill I completely lost my _________.

18.He _________ to the hospital suffering from burns.

19.It is love that/which makes the world _________.

20.You can _________ the unimportant details.

21.The mother _________ candy among children.

22.The competition is open to both amateur and professional _________.

23.I met him on a _________ winter evening.

24.We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is _________.

25.I was _________ to find her there.

26.The frontier _________ from the northern hills to the southern coast.

27.His _________ makes him stand out in the crowd.

28.Our price has already been closely _________.There is no room for reduction.

29.His _________ jokes gave everybody the pip.

30.The time is approaching when we must _________ buying a new house.

31.She is raring to _________ her new skates.

32.He _________ his pen in the ink.

33.A novelist _________ characters and a plot.

34.He _________ having stolen the car.

35.I wanted to tell her, but the words _________ in my throat.

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