
A Shelter for the Homeless
Last summer I was a volunteer (志愿者) at a shelter for the homeless, a place for homeless people to sleep at night. I wasn’t working that summer and was1only two classes in summer school, so I had some2time.
Three nights a week, I 3in the kitchen of the shelter along with four other volunteers. We planned and 4for 45 people hot meals 5vegetables, chicken, fish and fruit. The homeless people 6this good food because many of them usually didn’t eat well.
I 7this volunteer work, making 8with the four volunteers in the kitchen. One was a very nice elderly housewife, one a movie actor, another a young teacher, and the other a college student, 9me.
I talked to a lot of the homeless people at the shelter. Their life stories 10me with sympathy (同情). Some of them had 11with alcohol (酒) or drugs while others only had bad12. One woman worked for almost 30 years for a small company, and 13she lost her job. She looked for a 14job,but couldn’t find one, for she was too 15. She could do nothing but sell her furniture — sofas, chairs, and tables16 she could pay for her food.The woman 17on job hunting, but she18couldn’t find one.She had no money for her 19and had to sleep in her car. Then she had to sell her car. Alone, 20, and homeless, she finally came to the shelter.

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1.D 词义辨析。 A学习B计划C拿着,抓着D这里表上课 句意:我在那个夏天不工作,在学校也只有2门课。 故选D
2.B 词义和上下文辨析。 A全,满的B空余的C额外的D长的 根据上文I wasn’t working that summer and was  36   only two classes in summer school,可推出此处句意:我有很多空余时间。故选B
3.A 词义辨析。A帮忙B等待C出现D洗 句意:我和其他志愿者一起在厨房里帮忙。故选A
4.C 词义和上下文辨析。A订购B购买C做饭D完成 由上文“我们”在厨房,可知此处句意:我们为45个人作饭。故选C
5.A 介词辨析。句意:我们为45个人做了一份热餐,包括:蔬菜,鸡肉,鱼肉,水果。此处with表附属关系。 From来自。。。by通过。。。in在。。。里  故选A
6.B 词义和上下文辨析。A要求B需要C收集D要求 句意:无家可归的人需要这好的食物因为他们中的许多真的吃的不好。 故选B
7.D 词义辨析。A想要B拥有C拥有D喜欢,享受 句意:我很喜欢我的志愿者工作。故选D
8.C 短语义辨析。A make decision with 与。。做决定B make wish with 许愿。。。C make friends with 与。。做朋友 D make changes with 做。。的改变 句意:与厨房里的志愿者做朋友。故选C
9.B 词义辨析。A按照B比如,像C除了D除此以外 句意:一个是善良的老年妇女,一个是电影明星,一个是老师,其余是学生,比如我。 故选B
10.B 词义辨析。A受阻的B被填满的C被控制的D被提供的 句意:他们的故事让我充满了同情  B 在此处意为充满了。。  故选B
11.D 词义辨析。A习惯B担忧C困难D问题 句意:他们中有一些有酒瘾  酒瘾即与酒有问题。故选D
12.A 词义和上下文辨析。A幸运B痛苦C经历D失去 由上文的while然而,可知,前后应是转折。句意:其他人只是运气不好  故选A
13.C 副词词义辨析。A因此B再,又C然后D于是 句意:一个妇女为一家小公司工作了30年,接着,她失业了 故选C
14.D 词义和上下文辨析。A好的B新鲜的C有技术的D新的  句意:她想找个新工作但找不到 故选D
15.A 词义和上下文辨析。A 老的B穷的C病的D笨的 由上文她已经工作了30年,并且失业了,可以推出,她找不到工作,是因为她很老了。 故选A
16.C 连词辨析。 A如果B因为C以便于D以防万一 句意:她什么都做不了除了变卖家具来换钱买食物。故选C
17.A 短语辨析。Go on 继续。。。 move on移动 come on 过来 work on 工作于 句意:她继续在找工作。故选A
18.B 连词辨析。A也B还C几乎D甚至 由“but”转折可知她还在找工作。故选B
19.D 词义和上下文辨析。A街道B小屋,村舍C大楼D公寓 由下文她“睡在车里”可知,她把公寓卖了。故选D
20.A 词义辨析。A恐惧B害羞C震惊D疯狂 句意:孤独,恐惧,无家可归,她最终来到了这里。故选A

Have you ever dreamed of visiting a planet in the Milk Way? While the trip sounds exciting, it would take years and years to reach your destination. So in the future, bedtime for astronauts may be more than a few hours of regular shut-eye. They would have to sleep for years.

European researchers are now conducting hibernation experiments. The study may help them understand whether humans could ever sleep through the years it would take for a space flight to distant planets. "If there was an effective technology, it could make deep-space travel a reality," said Mark Ayre of the European Space Agency last month.

What seems like science fiction is not completely unlikely. Researchers have been able to use chemicals to put living cells into a sleep-like state where they don't age. They have now moved on to small, non-hibernating mammals like rats. The results will be out by the end of 2004.

A major challenge is the fact that cells can be very simple systems, whereas body organs are far more complex.

"It's like moving from a simple Apple computer to a supercomputer," said Marco Biggiogera, a hibernation researcher at Italy's University of Pavia.

Just like bears and frogs, the hibernation of human beings would cause a person's metabolism (新陈代谢) to lower so they would need less energy.

Medical research, however, is just half of a space flight hibernation system.

There is the challenge of designing a suitable protective shelter. Such a shelter would provide the proper environment for hibernation, such as the proper temperature. It would also have to monitor (监控) life functions and serve the physiological needs of the hibernator.

According to Ayre, the six-person Human Outer Planets Exploration Mission to Jupiter's moon (木星的卫星) Callisto, could be an opportunity to use human hibernation. The mission aims to send six humans on a five-year flight to Callisto, where they will spend 30 days, in 2045.

9. European researchers are conducting hibernation experiments to ________.

A. ensure astronauts to get a complete sleep  B. find the secret of some creatures

C. make preparations for the journey to Jupiter’s moon Callisto

D. know if man can sleep for years

 10. The sentence “What seems like science fiction is not completely unlikely” means ______.

A. Science fiction is people’s imagination.

B. Science fiction is imaginative, but it can be realized.

C. Things seem impossible may come true.

D. Things described in science fiction are sure to become true.

11. The passage is implied but doesn’t states that ________.

A. putting living cells into a sleep-like state is full of failure

B. Biggiogera is confident with the experiment

C. human’s hibernation needs no energy

D. medical research is the key to space flight hibernation system

12. By designing a suitable protective shelter, astronauts can ________.

A. have a good hibernation        B. lessen the pressure of traveling in space

C. feed themselves in spaceship    D. moinitor their body changes

13. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Six humans to fly to Callisto  B. Human hibernation improves health

C. Space travel attracts people   D. Deep sleep for deep space travel

Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a book-lover or only there to buy a book as a present. You may even have entered the shop just to find a shelter from a sudden shower. Whatever the reason, you can soon totally unaware of your surroundings. You soon become interested in some books or others, and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spent too much time there and have to rush off to keep some forgotten appointment.

This chance to escape the realities of everyday life is the main attraction of a bookshop. A music shop is very much like a bookshop. You can walk around such a place to your heart's content. If it is a good shop, no assistant will come up to you with the greeting "Can I help you?" You needn't buy anything you don't want. In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the background until you have finished reading. Then, and only then, are his services necessary.

Once a medical student had to read a textbook which was far too expensive for him to buy. He couldn't borrow it from the library and the only copy he could find was in a certain bookshop. Every afternoon, therefore, he would go along to the shop and read a little of the book at a time. One day, however, he was disappointed to find the book missing from his usual place. He was about to leave, when he noticed the owner of the shop beckoning to him. Expecting to be told off, he went towards him. To his surprise, the owner pointed to the book which was tucked away in a corner. "I put it there in case anyone tries to buy it !"He said, and left the delighted student continuing his reading.

According to the passage the main attraction of a bookshop is that ________.

A. people can learn something from books    

B. it can be a shelter from a sudden rain

C. it is the surrounding of new knowledge   

D. it offers a chance to get free from realities

The writer thinks that the assistant in a good bookshop should ________.

A. always greet customers pleasantly and warmly   

B. help the readers to find what they want to read

C. not say a word to the customers while they read   

D. not stand behind the bookshelf all the time

The underlined word "beckoning" in the last paragraph means ________.

A. waving somebody to come up      B. laughing at a person openly

C. shouting at somebody angrily     D. shaking one's head to show disagreement

The purpose of the writer in writing the third paragraph is to ________.

A. tell us a story that happened in a bookshop   

B. support his idea of what a good bookshop is like

C. teach us how to read in a shop without buying books

D. advise us to help other people whenever we can

Homelessness is a huge problem all over the world. It’s said that each day there are about 1 million people living on the streets in the US. It is a serious problem which should be dealt with effectively.
There are two main reasons for people leaving their homes: poverty and less affordable houses due to bad economic conditions. Other reasons include: domestic violence, divorce, and mental illness. Living without a home makes people main targets of violence activities and besides, these homeless people have to face the following difficulties on a daily basis.
They have to move about, carrying their belongings, which makes it difficult for the charity and the government to help them. They have limited access to bathrooms and restrooms and are forced to live in dirty conditions, making them easy to be attacked by diseases. They have limited access to health-care facilities in case of emergency, and almost no access to education as they have no money. They are often ill-treated by society, which makes them unfriendly, often ending up being involved in activities connected with crime like selling drugs or guns.
Homelessness is not something that happened overnight --- it has been in the country for decades. The society usually believes those living on the street to be mentally unstable. This belief is partially true. Most of them are normal people just like you and me.
The federal government is doing all it can to help but it is not enough, so the ordinary citizens have to stand up and try to help whenever it’s possible. There are various organizations, such as charity organizations that are working constantly to make sure that homeless people find a shelter to live in. the united efforts have helped millions of people return to their normal lifestyle. However, there is still a long way to go before a better situation is created for all the homeless.
【小题1】Homeless people suffer from all the following except __________.

A.violent activitiesB.disease attack C.moving a lotD.heavy work
【小题2】The homeless are usually treated as __________.
A.having mental problems B.a danger to society
C.physically disabled peopleD.being too lazy to do anything
【小题3】Which of the following are mentioned to help solve the problem of the homeless?
① the government ② homeless people ③ charity organizations ④ the ordinary citizens
【小题4】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Most homeless people died of hunger and cold.
B.The homeless should work hard to change their own situation.
C.The homeless problem is a serious problem that need solving effectively.
D.The homeless people have nothing to take when they move about.

This is a true story of how my car got stuck in water and how a stranger helped me during the worst rain storm.

Last Sunday, the sky was grey when I woke up. The weather report said rain was coming, but I couldn’t stay home just because of rain.

Around 8:00 am I had a doctor’s appointment. It wasn’t raining then. At 9:00 I left the doctor’s office to drive to work, and it was raining hard. I just had to go about 5-6 miles down one main road to get to a nearby school, where I could stay until the rain ended. Unfortunately, the road in front of the school was flooded, and my car stopped in the middle.

“Who is going to save me?” I wondered. I shut off the engine and turned on my flashers (车灯). I called 911. They were not helpful. I called my husband, even though he couldn’t come and help me. I was also very close to a police station. But I never saw even one police car. I decided to get out of the car, since it was still pouring.

My best decision of the day had been to wear rain boots. I took my umbrella and quickly got out and ran across the street to a shelter.

Before long, a tow truck(拖车) happened to pass by the street. The driver kindly offered to help me. At that moment, I really needed car pulled out quickly, so I trusted the stranger. He pulled my car and drove me home. After he had dropped my car off, he also helped me check the engine. He said the engine was most likely flooded, but fortunately there was no water inside the car.

Although many years have passed, I still remember that stormy day and the warm-hearted stranger clearly.

1.How was the weather when the author got up?

A. Rainy.                                B. Cloudy.                    C. Windy.                     D. Sunny.

2.Which of the following is the correct order about the things that the author did?

① Drove to work.                                                  ② Drove to the doctor’s office.

③ Ran to a shelter.                                             ④ Called 911 for help.

A. ②①④③                        B. ②③①④                        C. ①②④③                        D. ①③②④

3.What did the author do after her car had got stuck in the water?

A. She turned off her flashers.

B. She tried to restart the engine.

C. She went to the police station nearby.

D. She got out of her car.

4.How did the stranger help the author?

A. He lent his car to her.                     

B. He pulled her car out of the water.

C. He drove her to school.                  

D. He helped her fix her engine.


This is a true story of how my car got stuck in water and how a stranger helped me during the worst rain storm.

Last Sunday, the sky was grey when I woke up. The weather report said rain was coming, but I couldn’t stay home just because of rain.

Around 8:00 am I had a doctor’s appointment. It wasn’t raining then. At 9:00 I left the doctor’s office to drive to work, and it was raining hard. I just had to go about 5-6 miles down one main road to get to a nearby school, where I could stay until the rain ended. Unfortunately, the road in front of the school was flooded, and my car stopped in the middle.

“Who is going to save me?” I wondered. I shut off the engine and turned on my flashers (车灯). I called 911. They were not helpful. I called my husband, even though he couldn’t come and help me. I was also very close to a police station. But I never saw even one police car. I decided to get out of the car, since it was still pouring.

My best decision of the day had been to wear rain boots. I took my umbrella and quickly got out and ran across the street to a shelter.

Before long, a tow truck(拖车) happened to pass by the street. The driver kindly offered to help me. At that moment, I really needed car pulled out quickly, so I trusted the stranger. He pulled my car and drove me home. After he had dropped my car off, he also helped me check the engine. He said the engine was most likely flooded, but fortunately there was no water inside the car.

Although many years have passed, I still remember that stormy day and the warm-hearted stranger clearly.

1.How was the weather when the author got up?

A. Rainy.                                B. Cloudy.                    C. Windy.                     D. Sunny.

2.Which of the following is the correct order about the things that the author did?

① Drove to work.                                                  ② Drove to the doctor’s office.

③ Ran to a shelter.                                             ④ Called 911 for help.

A. ②①④③                        B. ②③①④                        C. ①②④③                        D. ①③②④

3.What did the author do after her car had got stuck in the water?

A. She turned off her flashers.

B. She tried to restart the engine.

C. She went to the police station nearby.

D. She got out of her car.

4.How did the stranger help the author?

A. He lent his car to her.                     

B. He pulled her car out of the water.

C. He drove her to school.                  

D. He helped her fix her engine.


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