
Once again, science supports what your grandmother told you: A good night's sleep helps your body fight a cold.
People who averaged fewer than seven hours of sleep per   1  in the weeks before being exposed to the cold virus were nearly three times   2  likely to get sick as those who   3  eight hours or more, a new study found.
Researchers used frequent telephone   4  to track the sleep   5  of more than 150 men and women aged 21 to 55 over the course of a few weeks. Then they   6  the subjects to the virus, quarantined them for five days and kept   7  of who got sick.
  8  sleeping more, sleeping better also seemed to   9  the body fight illness: Patients who fared better on a measure   10  as 'sleep efficiency' - the percentage of time in bed that you're actually sleeping - were also   11  likely to get sick.
The results held   12  even after researchers   13  for variables such as body-mass index, age, sex, smoking and pre-existing antibodies to the   14   .
  15  your grandmother, the researchers aren't exactly sure   16  sleeping better makes you less likely to   17  a cold. But they   18   take a stab at the answer: 'Sleep disturbance influences the regulation of proinflammatory cytokines(促炎细胞因子), histamines, and other symptom mediators that are released in response to infection.' In plain English, maybe tossing and turning when you're   19  with the cold virus   20  to the symptoms that define a cold.
The researchers were based at Carnegie Mellon, the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Virginia, and the study was funded by the National Institutes of Health.
(   ) 1. A. day             B. night                C. week                       D. month
(   ) 2. A. more          B. as                    C. less                         D. same
(   ) 3. A. occurred     B. worked             C. averaged                  D. longed
(   ) 4. A. interviews   B. reports             C. announcements         D. demands
(   ) 5. A. hobbies       B. quality             C. progress                  D. habits
(   ) 6. A. exposed      B. placed              C. protected                 D. prayed
(   ) 7. A. touch          B. check                      C. track                       D. reward
(   ) 8. A. Except               B. Besides             C. Within                     D. Through
(   ) 9. A. benefit               B. guard                C. help                             D. assist
(   ) 10. A. known      B. acted                C. appointed                D. classified
(   ) 11. A. more         B. less                  C. far                          D. totally
(  ) 12. A. ideal         B. false              C. actual                     D. true
(   ) 13. A. adopted     B. adjusted            C. enlarged                  D. employed
(   ) 14. A. bodies       B. cells                 C. virus                       D. medicines
(   ) 15. A. Like          B. As                    C. Against                    D. By
(   ) 16. A. What               B. When               C. Where                     D. Why
(   ) 17. A. develop     B. form                C. fight                       D. prevent
(   ) 18. A. did           B. often                C. do                           D. never
(   ) 19. A. infected     B. surrounded       C. limited                    D. attached
(   ) 20. A. pulls         B. promotes          C. speeds                     D. contributes
1. B检测名词的含义辨析及在语言逻辑方面的准确应用。联系日常生活中的常识,经过分析,语意是:那些平均每晚睡七个小时还少的人比平均每晚睡八个小时还多的人在面临感冒病毒时多将近两倍的可能患上感冒。我们容易推理出此空应该填上表示晚上之意的名词,也即是B项,而其余ABD项依次分别所表达的意思是:白天,一周,一月,这些意思都不符合此处的上下文之间语言逻辑,故B项为准确答案。
2. B检测介词词组的含义的准确记忆与理解。由上一题的分析我们不难看出此处应该填上表示和…..一样之意的介词和下一个as一起构成固定短语as……as……,很明显其余ACD项无法这样,故B项为准确答案。
3. C 考查动词的含义辨析及在语言逻辑方面的准确应用。由上一题的分析我们不难看出此处应该填上表示平均之意的名词动,这四个词中只有C项有这样的意思。而其余ABD项依次分别所表达的意思是:发生,工作,盼望,很显然,这些意思在这儿都不符合此处的上下文之间语言逻辑,故B项为准确答案。
4. A检测名词的含义辨析及在语言逻辑方面的准确应用。我们容易推理出这一句的语境是:研究人员通过经常性的电话访问跟踪了150多名21-55岁年龄段的人(有男有女)几周内的睡眠习惯。看出此处应该填上表示采访之意的名词,BCD项依次分别所表达的意思是:报告,通知,要求,这些词语所表示的意思都和这儿的语言逻辑不相契合,只有A项有这样的意思,故A项最佳。
5. D 检测形容词的含义的准确记忆与理解。由上一题的分析我们不难看出此处应该填上表示习惯之意的名词,这四个词中只有D项有这样的意思,而其余ABC项依次分别所表达的意思是:嗜好,质量,进步,这些意思在这儿都不符合此处的上下文之间语言逻辑,故D项为准确答案。
6. A 检测动词的含义的准确记忆与理解。联系上下文的语境,经过分析,语意是:。然后让这些研究对象接触感冒病毒,隔离5天之后,看看哪些人患上了感冒。这里的接触就是让他们暴露于的意思,这四个词中只有A项有这样的意思,而其余BCD项依次分别所表达的意思是:放置,保护,恳求,这些意思都不符合此处的上下文之间语言逻辑,故A项为准确答案。
7. C 检测名词的含义辨析。由上一题的分析我们不难看出此处应该和keep一起构成短语表示看看,也就是跟踪之意,这四个词中只有C项有这样的用法,而其余ABD项依次分别所表达的意思是:联系,核对,报答,这些意思和keep搭配之后的意思都不符合此处的上下文之间语言逻辑,故C项为准确答案。
8. B检测介词的含义辨析及在语言逻辑方面的准确应用。联系上下文的语境,及日常生活中的常识,我们容易推理出这一句的语境是:除延长睡眠时间外,提高睡眠质量看起来也有助于人体抵抗疾病。我们不难看出此处应该填上表示除了…..之外还有…..之意的介词,ACD项依次分别所表达的意思是:除掉,在……之内,通过,这些意思很明显都不符合此处的上下文之间语言逻辑,故B项为准确答案。
9. C 考查动词的含义辨析及在语言逻辑方面的准确应用。由上一题的分析我们不难看出此处应该填上表示有助于之意的动词,也即是C项,而其余ABD项依次分别所表达的意思是:使……受益(其后不能跟复合宾语即是不能用作benefit sb./sth. do sth.),保卫(其后往往跟sb./sth.from/against sth.),帮助(其后也不能跟复合宾语即是不能用作assist sb./sth. do sth.),故C项最佳。
10. A考查动词过去分词的含义辨析及在语言逻辑方面的准确应用。我们容易推理出这一句的语境是:那些在人们所知的名叫“睡眠效率”评测中表现较好的病人患病的几率也较低。我们不难看出此处应该填上表示人们所知的之意的词,这四个词中只有A项有这样的意思,而其余BCD项依次分别所表达的意思是:扮演,指定,分类,虽然都和as搭配,但是这些意思很明显都不符合此处的上下文之间语言逻辑,故A项为准确答案。
11. B 检测形容词比较级的含义的准确记忆与理解。由上一题的分析我们不难看出此处应该填上表示较小的之意的形容词比较级,也即是B项,而其余ACD项依次分别所表达的意思是:较多的,远的,总共的,非常显然,这些意思在这儿都不符合此处的上下文之间语言逻辑和语境语意,故B项为准确答案。
12. D检测形容词的含义的准确记忆与理解。经过分析,语意是:即便是在研究人员将身高体重指数(BMI)、年龄、性别、是否吸烟以及是否早有病毒抗体等因素考虑进来进行调整之后,这个结论仍然真实可靠。我们容易推理出这一空应该填上表示真实的之意的形容词,ABC项依次分别所表达的意思是:理想的,假的,事实上的,很明显放在这儿都不是这样的意思,不能使句意通顺,只有D项有真实的意思,故D项最佳。
13. B 检测动词的含义的准确记忆与理解应用。由上一题的分析我们不难看出此处应该填上表示进行调整之意的动词,这四个词中只有B项(调整,调节)有这样的意思,而其余ACD项依次分别所表达的意思是:收养,扩大,雇佣,非常清楚,这些意思在都能是语意顺畅,不符合此处的上下文之间语言逻辑,故B项为准确答案。
14. C 检测名词的含义辨析及在语言逻辑方面的准确应用。联系上下文的语境,及日常生活中的常识,由上一题的分析我们不难看出此处应该填上表示病毒之意的名词,也即是C项,而ABD项这些词语所表示的意思身体,细胞,药品等等都和这儿的语言逻辑不相契合,故我们选择C项为最佳答案。
15. A 检测介词的含义的准确记忆与理解应用。联系上下文的语境,我们容易推理出这一句的语境是:和老祖母们一样,研究人员也不能肯定为什么睡得好能降低患感冒的几率。经过分析,我们不难确定此处应该填上表示像……一样之意的介词,只有A项有这样的意思,能使句意通顺,而其余BCD项依次分别所表达的意思是:作为,反对,经过,很明显放在这儿都不符合上下文之间语言逻辑,故我们选择A项为最佳答案。
16. D 检测连词的含义辨析及在语言逻辑方面在引导宾语从句时的准确应用。由上一题的分析我们不难看出此处应该填上表示为什么之意的词来引导宾语从句,很明显ABC项依次分别所表达的意思:什么,何时,何地,放在这儿都不能使句意通顺,故D项为准确答案。
17. A 检测动词的含义的准确记忆与理解应用。由第15题的分析我们不难看出此处应该填上表示患上之意的动词,这四个词中只有A项有这样的意思,而其余BCD项依次分别所表达的意思是:形成,斗争,预防,这些意思在这儿都不符合此处的上下文之间语言逻辑,故B项为准确答案。
18. C考查动词do用来表示强调的应用。经过分析,语意是:不过他们的确猜中了原因是:睡眠不良会影响人体对促炎细胞因子、组胺和其他为应对病毒感染而释放的症状调节因子的调节。这四个词中只有C项有的确这样的意思,而其余ABD项没有这的用法,故我们选择C项为最佳答案。
19. A 检测形容词的含义的准确记忆与理解。联系上下文的语境,及日常生活中的常识,我们容易推理出这一句的语境是:说白了,就是染上感冒病毒后睡觉时的辗转反侧可能是造成感冒症状的原因之一。经过分析,我们不难看出此处应该填上表示感染之意的动词,这四个词中只有A项有这样的意思,而其余ABD项依次分别所表达的意思是:包围,限制,附加,很明显放在这儿都不能使句意通顺,故A项最佳。
20. D 考查动词的含义辨析及在语言逻辑方面的准确应用。由上一题的分析我们不难看出此处应该填上表示造成之意的动词,ABC项依次分别所表达的意思是:拉,推广,加快速度,和这儿的语言逻辑不相契合,而D项和to搭配之后的意思就是造成,句意通顺,故D项最佳。

There is no doubt that watching television and can influence the way that people behave. Moreover, it seems that people are spending more and more time watching some sort of visual entertainment, whether it is television, a video tape or a DVD. Therefore, the effects of visual media cannot be ignored.
One obvious effect of the these media is that watching them induces people to buy certain products. television advertising is widespread and, nowadays, even movie theaters permit advertisements. Another way TV and the movies affect people is that they give people either a broader view of the world or a distorted(扭曲的) one, depending on what type of program they watch. Those who watch news and educational program can learn many new things while those who watch primarily entertainment shows may come to believe that most people in the world possess great wealth and good looks. It may make them become dissatisfied with their own lives. Finally, perhaps the most susceptible(易受影响的)viewers are children, who may be unable to tell fact from fiction and may try to imitate acts that they see on TV or in the movies.
With the every-increasing popularity of video entertainment, society must pay attention to these effects. Television and movies, while entertaining and informative, cannot take the place of real experience.
10.From the passage, we know that watching television and movies can ________.
A. make people live better                                        B. make people feel pleased
C. make people change their way of life                           D. make people live worse
11 The writer holds the view that _______.
A.people may take no notice of the effects of the visual media
B.people must pay attention to the effects of the visual media
C.the effects of the visual media make the world changed greatly
D.the visual media only affect young people
12. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Those who watch news and educational programs can earn a lot of money and become very pretty.
B. The reason why most people possess great wealth and good looks is that they often watch television advertising.
C. People buy products only when they are induced by television advertising.
D. People who watch primarily entertainment shows may come to believe that most people in the world are rich and beautiful.
13.What would be the best title for the text?
A. The Influence of Television and Movies
B. The Reason Why People Watch Television and Movies
C. Television and Movies Induce People
D. The Importance of Television and Movies.
Winter depression (or winter blues) is a common affliction (折磨) for those who live in our northern climate. Its clinical name is seasonal affective disorder (or SAD) and up to 5% of the population (especially in northern states) may suffer from it. Seasonal affective disorder is characterized by feelings of sadness and depression that occur in the winter months when the temperatures drop and the days grow short . The depression is often associated with excessive eating or sleeping and weight gain. Women are twice to three times more likely to suffer from the winter blues than men.
There are many effective treatments for winter depression, some of which you can do to help yourself. Increasing your daily exposure to as much natural light as possible can be helpful to many. Any time that you have the opportunity to gain access to more sunlight in the winter months, you should try to do so. Taking walks throughout the day (even if you don’t normally do so), sitting next to a south-facing window at your office, in a classroom, or at home will increase your sunlight exposure. Exercising next to a window or outdoors (when possible) is another activity that can help.
Although it may be difficult to do, maintaining your schedule and lifestyle will help to keep the depression at bay. A regular pattern of sleep is the most important thing to maintain. It may be helpful, for instance, to have your bedroom lights on a timer to turn on a half-hour before you wake. This may help in waking at a regular time every morning, when it is still dark outside in the winter months.
Light therapy has shown to be an effective treatment for seasonal affective disorder. While you can purchase expensive, specialized light therapy lighting fixtures for your home or office, some inexpensive alternatives are also available. Another lighting technique to try is to replace commonly used light bulbs in your home with brighter full spectrum (also known as broad spectrum) light bulbs. While more expensive than regular light bulbs, these bulbs provide light that is similar to natural sunlight.
If none of these techniques seem to help your depressive symptoms, you should consider consulting your family physician or a mental health professional. The winter blues are a form of depression and can be readily treated w ith medications or psychotherapy when other self-help methods aren’t effective. Don’t be afraid to talk about this condition with a professional; it’s nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. With a little effort, the winter blues can be beaten
小题1: What do we know about winter depression?
A.It is very common where the weather is cold.
B.It may lead to weight gain.
C.It occurs when the temperatures drop.
D.It seldom affects men.
小题2:What is the most important factor in the therapy introduced in the second paragraph?
A.Exposure to natural light.
B.Sports in winter months.
C.Outdoor activities.
D.Sunlight through the window.
小题3:What does “to keep the depression at bay” mean in the third paragraph?
A.To shorten the duration of the depression.
B.To use light to resist the depression.
C.To keep the depression manageable and minimal.
D.To delay the occurrence of the depression.
小题4: For winter depression, light therapy ___________.
A.is much more effective than other kinds of therapy
B.is so expensive that some may not be able to afford it
C.encourages people to do outdoor exercises
D.needs specialized bulbs to replace ordinary ones
小题5:We can infer from the passage that __________.
A.self-help methods do not work 100% of the time
B.medications or psychotherapy is much more effective
C.mental health professionals don’t recommend self- help methods
D.most people prefer self-help methods to medications
Elderly people who drink several cups of green tea a day are less likely to suffer from depression, probably due to a "feel good" chemical found in this type of tea, Japanese researchers said.
Several studies have    1 drinking green tea to lessening psychological problems and Kaijun Niu, of Tohoku University Graduate School, and colleagues found people    2  70 and older who drank four or more cups of green tea daily were 44 percent   3    likely to experience depression.
Green tea is widely  4   in many Asian countries, 5   China and Japan.
Niu's team  6    1,058 relatively healthy elderly men and women. About 34 percent of the men and 39 percent of the women had symptoms of    7  , according to the study that was  8     in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
A total of 488 participants said they    9   four or more cups of green tea a day, 284 said they downed two to three cups    10  and the rest reported having one or fewer cups daily.
According to the researchers, the    11   effect of drinking more    12   tea on alleviating symptoms of depression did not    13  after they factored in social and economic status, gender, diet, history of medical problems and       14 of antidepressants.
There was no   15   between consumption of black or oolong tea, or coffee, and   16    symptoms of depression.
A green tea component, the amino acid thiamine(硫胺素), which is  17   to have a tranquilizing(镇静的)  18  on the brain, may 19  the "potentially beneficial effect" shown in the current study, Niu noted,   20  that more study is needed.
(   ) 1. A. linked              B. taken         C. considered               D. regarded
(   ) 2. A. aging                      B. aged          C. years                D. age
(   ) 3. A. more                B. little          C. less                  D. much
(    ) 4. A. sold                 B. planted      C. spread               D. consumed
(    ) 5. A. including          B. concluding C. containing               D. considering
(    ) 6. A. looked for               B. checked     C. investigated      D. asked
(    ) 7. A. optimism          B. happiness   C. bitterness          D. depression
(    ) 8. A. published         B. come out   C. appeared           D. showed
(    ) 9. A. ate                   B. drank               C. swallowed               D. chewed
(    ) 10. A. weekly           B. daily          C. monthly           D. yearly
(    ) 11. A. apparent         B. light          C. huge                D. gentle
(    ) 12. A. black                     B. oolong      C. coffee              D. green
(    ) 13. A. fade                      B. disappear   C. run                  D. decease
(   ) 14. A. influence               B. effect               C. use                   D. result
(    ) 15. A. association      B. use            C. comparison       D. difference
(    ) 16. A. lower             B. increase     C. strengthen         D. cause
(    ) 17. A. assumed          B. thought     C. imaged              D. hoped
(    ) 18. A. effect             B. affect               C. effort                      D. outcome
(    ) 19. A. report             B. confirm     C. complete          D. explain
(    ) 20. A. adding            B. addressing        C. speaking           D. saying
I came to live here where I am now between Wounded Knee Greek and Grass Greek。Others came too, and we made these little grey houses of logs that you see, and they are square. It is a bad way to live, for there can be no power in a square.
You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in a circle, and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round. In the old days when we were strong and happy people, all our power came to us from the respectful circle of the nation, and so long as the circle was unbroken, the people were getting rich. The flowering tree was the living center of the circle, and the circle of the four quarters nursed it. The east gave peace and light, the south gave warmth, the west gave rain, and the north with its cold and strong wind gave strength and continuous power.
This knowledge came to us from the outer world with our brief. Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle. The sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. Birds make their nests in circle, for theirs are the same as ours. The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the same, and both are round. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves.
Our places were like the nests of birds, and these were always set in a circle, the nation’s circle, a nest of many nests, where the Great Spirit meant for us to nurse our children.
But the “white people” have put us in these square boxes. Our power is gone and we are dying, for the power is not in us any more. You can look at our boys and see how it is with us. Where we were living by the power of the circle in the way we should, boys were men at twelve or thirteen years of age. But now it takes them very much longer to grow up.
小题1:According to the passage, the Indians _______.
A.don’t have modern instruments in their homes
B.refused to move from round places
C.lived in round places, but were forced to live in square houses
D.lived in round places, but then decided to move into square houses
小题2:Two things being compared in the passage are _______.
A.the Indians’ past and present living conditions
B.the Indians’ past and modern beliefs
C.the Indians’ old and new power
D.people and nature
小题3:In the second paragraph “the four quarters” refers to _______.
A.the four rooms of the Indian’s house
B.the four kinds of natural power
C.the four seasons
D.the four directions
小题4:According to the author, once the Indians moved into square houses, _______.
A.they had to move to other houses
B.boys took more time to grow into men
C.they forgot the old way of life
D.everyone was not happy
Interpersonal Distance
With the outbreak of SARS,everyone tried to avoid coming into close contact with each other.In those days,interpersonal distance increased,“close contact” almost became synonymous with “danger”,and even children couldn’t have close contact with their mothers.Now SARS has disappeared,and we return back to normal living again.Then,how can we do handle interpersonal distance in our everyday lives?
Studies show that interpersonal distance can be divided into 4 different types:intimate distance,personal distance,social distance,and public distance.
Intimate distance is the interpersonal distance of a person with the people closest to him or her.It ranges from 0 to 45 cm.When a stranger comes within this distance,a person will have strong negative reaction.In crowded buses,strangers usually maintain rigid poses and try to avoid body contact,but couples,lovers,children and their mothers usually lean close to each other.Intimates who aren’t able to live close together for a long time can become alienated.Also,touching is also very important.A contrast test shows that the nervous systems of babies who are often caressed by their mothers develop much faster and their weight increases faster,by 47%,than that of other babies.
Personal distance ranges from 45 cm to 1 m.People can converse genially at this distance without invading each other’s personal space.When friends and acquaintances meet on the street,they usually greet and converse at this distance.
Social distance generally ranges from 1 m to 3 m.Among this range,1-2 m is usually the distance in which people deal with private affairs in social activities.For example,when you get money from banks,in order to protect your privacy,other customers are required to stand at least 1 m away from you.2-3.5 m is a farther social distance.Business talks usually occur at this distance.Besides talking,proper eye contact is also indispensable.Otherwise,each side will feel disrespected.
Public distance is usually used in public gatherings.It generally ranges from 3.5 m to about 7 m.Beyond this range,people can’t communicate using a normal voice.In classrooms,experienced teachers usually leave their lecture platforms to enhance their teaching.
Under different cultural contexts,the interpersonal distance differs slightly,but its basic laws are the same.When conversing,people in love lean very close to each other,acquaintances lean closer than strangers,females lean closer than males,and extraverts lean closer than introverts.In life,harmonious interpersonal relationships are set upon proper interpersonal distances,and some conflicts start from improper interpersonal distances.
小题1:According to the text,the strangers standing close to each other in a crowded bus may_________.
A.try to keep a distance awayB.feel uneasy
C.feel nervousD.be rude to each other
小题2:The distance between a teacher and students in class belongs to _________.
A.intimate distance                                           C.personal distance
C.social distance                                               D.public distance
小题3:The interpersonal distance between two people is mainly determined by _________.
A.how familiar they are with each otherB.their relationship in a special activity
C.their charactersD.their cultural background
小题4:To keep proper interpersonal distance is important because _________.
A.it makes people feel respected or loved
B.it helps to protect privacy
C.wrong interpersonal distance may result in misunderstanding
D.improper interpersonal distance may hurt others
Wine drinkers tend to buy healthier food than beer drinkers, according to a Danish study published on Tuesday on the website of a weekly medical magazine.
People who bought wine at the store were also more likely to buy fruit, vegetables, fish, lean meat (瘦肉) and milk than beer buyers did, said the study.
Beer buyers were more likely to buy frozen dinners, cold cuts, pork, sugary products, and soft drinks.
The study was conducted by four researchers from the National Institute of Public Health over the course of six months.
Alcohol researchers Erik Schulenburg and Marten Greenback and two other doctors collected 3.5 million receipts from 98 stores. The customers at the stores represented a large number of Danish people, they said.
“Our results confirm international studies which show that wine drinkers tend to eat more fruit, vegetables and fish and rarely eat fats, compared to those who like other kinds of alcoholic drinks,” they concluded.
Wine buyers also tended to have higher education levels, higher earnings and be in better mental health, they added.
Their interest in consumers’ shopping bags followed a series of studies in the Danish media. The studies suggested that wine drinkers ran a lower risk of cardiovascular (心血管的) disease and some types of cancer than beer drinkers.
小题1:The passage mainly tells us that wine drinkers ______.
A.eat more vegetables than beer drinkers
B.usually buy healthier food than beer drinkers
C.are mostly healthier than beer drinkers
D.run a lower risk of diseases than beer drinkers
小题2:According to the passage, beer buyers are less likely to buy ______.
A.cold cutsB.porkC.soft drinksD.vegetables
小题3:The researchers did the study mainly by means of ______.
A.handing out papers with a list of questions
B.collecting receipts from stores
C.watching what customers bought at stores
D.visiting some families throughout the country
小题4:Which of the following is NOT a feature of wine drinkers according to the passage?
A.Rarely eating fats.B.Being in better mental health.
C.Exercising more.D.Having higher education levels.

A Brown University sleep researcher has some advice for people who run high schools: Don’t start classes so early in the morning. It may not be that the students who nod off at their desks are lazy. And it may not be that their parents have failed to enforce (确保) bedtime. Instead, it may be that biologically these sleepyhead students aren’t used to the early hour.
“Maybe these kids are being asked to rise at the wrong time for their bodies,” says Mary Carskadon, a professor looking at problem of adolescent  (青春期的) sleep at Brown’s School of Medicine.
Carskadon is trying to understand more about the effects of early school time in adolescents. And, at a more basic level. she and her team are trying to learn more about how the biological changes of adolescence affect sleep needs and patterns.
Carskadon says her work suggests that adolescents may need more sleep than they did at childhood, no less, as commonly thought.
Sleep patterns change during adolescence, as any parent of an adolescent can prove. Most adolescents prefer to stay up later at nigh and sleep later in the morning. But it’s not just a matter of choice –their bodies are going through a change of sleep patters.
All of this makes the transfer from middle school to high school—which may start one hour earlier in the morning  ---- all the more difficult , Carskadon says. With their increased need for sleep and their biological clocks set on the “sleep late, rise late” pattern, adolescent are up against difficulties when it conics to trying to be up by 5 or 6 a.m. for a 7:30 a.m. first hell. A short sleep on a desktop may be their body’s way of saying. “I need a timeout.”
小题1:Carskadon suggests that high schools should not start classes so early in the morning because ________.
A.it is really tough for parents to enforce bedtime
B.it is biologically difficult for students to rise early
C.students work so late at night that they can’t get up early
D.students are so lazy that they don’t like to go to school early
小题2:The underlined phrase “nod off” most probably means “ _______”.
A.turn aroundB.agree with othersC.fall asleepD.refuse to work
小题3:What might be a reason for the hard transfer from middle school to high school?
A.Adolescents depend more on their parents.
B.Adolescents have to choose their sleep patterns.
C.Adolescents sleep better than they did at childhood.
D.Adolescents need more sleep than they used to.
小题4:What is the test mainly about?
A.Adolescent heath care.B.Problems in adolescent learning.
C.Adolescent sleep difficulties.D.Changes in adolescent sleep needs and patterns.

Patients and doctors alike have long believed in the healing (治疗) power of humor. It is claimed that humor not only affects patients’ moods, but can actually help them recover faster.
Several studies seem to support this. Patients in better spirits are known to have higher immune cell counts. Some have even claimed to have healed themselves of serious illnesses by reading comics and watching comedies.
Despite all this, many researchers are not convinced. They point out the fact that many sufferings have been known to disappear naturally, with or without a daily dose of laughter. They also say that while optimism in general does seem to be related to better health, it is hard to tell which comes first.
Humor in times of stress, however, clearly makes us feel better. On one level, it takes our minds off our troubles and relaxes us. On another, it releases powerful endorphins, a chemical produced by your body that reduces pain.
There are cases where the appreciation of a good joke is indeed directly related to a person’s health. It can show, for example, whether a person has suffered damage to one particular area of the brain: the right frontal lobe (额叶).
Scientists confirmed this by having people read jokes and asking them to choose the funniest endings from a list. Subjects with normal brains usually chose endings that were based on a relatively complex synthesis (综合) of ideas. Subjects with specifically located brain damage, however, responded only to slapstick (闹剧) endings, which did not depend on a particular context. When pressed, the brain-damaged subjects saw the logic in the correct endings. They simply did not find them funny.
Of course, humor is largely an individual matter. Next time your friend does not get one of your jokes, there is no need to accuse him of being a lamebrain. However, you might suggest that he lighten up—for the health of it.
63. We can infer from the passage that ________.
A. all researchers have agreed on the healing power of humor
B. people seldom accuse their friends of not understanding jokes
C. the author holds a positive attitude to the healing power of humor
D. reading comics will surely become a popular way of treating diseases
64. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Many researchers are not convinced of the healing power of humor.
B. Patients in bad moods are known to have higher immune cell counts.
C. Optimism in general does seem to be related to better health.
D. People should try their best to cheer up for their good health.
65. Scientists had some people read jokes and asked them to choose the funniest endings from a list to confirm that ________.
A. the brain-damaged people are different from those with normal brains
B. a person with a normal brain usually responds to slapstick endings
C. a person suffering certain brain damage doesn’t appreciate a good joke
D. humor takes our minds off our troubles by releasing powerful endorphins
66. Which would be the best title for the passage?
A. Which comes first, humor or health?             B. Humor can cure different illnesses
C. People need humor in times of stress        D. Humor contributes to good health

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