
    请根据以下提示,以“节约-- 从身边做起”(Save In Everyday Life) 为题写一篇关于
创建节 约型社会的短文。要求100 词左右。
why how
资源有限:水、石油、森林等……环境恶化:灾害性天气频繁,空气、水污染,水土流失等…… 节约:食物、纸、水、电……乘公共汽车,拒绝使用方便筷、塑料袋……
One possible version:
                                Save In Everyday Life
      As a middle school student,we should take an active part in creating
a society that saves.
     On the one hand,the natural resources are limited. We don't have
enough water,oil or forest in many places.
     On the other hand,people keep cutting down more trees and letting
out more carbon dioxide. At the same time,everyone can see that the
environment is getting worse. People suffer from more typhoons and
tornados nowadays. What's worse, air and water pollution is becoming
more and more serious.
      In my opinion,we students should do something to stop wasting. We
can save food, water, paper, electricity, etc. in our daily life. Meanwhile,
we should take buses instead of cars,refuse to use chopsticks which are
only used once and don't use plastic bags.

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