完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5分,共30分)

If you think you are sick, you are sick no matter what   41  says.   42  , if you believe in your doctor, and if he tells that you are going to feel better, you probably will. The   43   of the mind on the body does exist and sometimes can be powerful. It exists whether one is 44  of it or not.

Take the  45    of Mrs. Green, for example. She was unable to get to sleep at night and was too tired during the day to do some simple things that she   46   enjoy doing. She had headaches more often which   47   her from reading or watching TV. The more she thought about her conditions,  48   she felt. At last she went to   49  her doctor, whom she had known for years. The doctor listened to her and gave her a very   50   examination. Then he said to her, “ There is nothing  51   wrong with you physically, but I accept the fact   52   you don’t feel well. I’m going to give you some pills that should help. I want you to   53   one after dinner and one half an hour   54   you go to bed tonight. Call me tomorrow and tell me   55   you feel.

 56   Mrs. Green telephoned, “Doctor, I had the first   57  night’s sleep in two months. What is in this pills   58  ?” The doctor said, “It is an old formula(配方) I have   59  for years. Just   60   taking them for a week.” Turning to the nurse, he said, “It’s wonderful what a little baking soda(苏打) can do.”

A. everyone else  B. anyone else    C. nobody else      D. someone else

A. On the other hand              B. As a matter of fact

C. More often than not             D. In other words

A. result           B. cause         C. reason         D. effect

A. aware           B. fond          C. sure           D. full

A. care            B. cut           C. case           D. call

A. would          B. could         C. might          D. used to

A. benefit          B. allowed       C. prevented      D. forbade

A. the more         B. the better      C. the worse      D. the less

A. hear             B. see           C. watch         D. ask

A. thorough        B. basic          C. general        D. main

A. serious          B. special        C. specially      D. seriously

A. that             B. which         C. 不填         D. why

A. eat              B. take          C. drink          D. chew

A. when            B. since         C. after           D. before

A. what do          B. what         C. how do         D. how

A. The next day      B. Later         C. Shortly         D. Tomorrow

A. bad              B. terrible       C. good           D. right

A. at all            B. on earth       C. by the way      D. for ever

A. sold             B. written        C. read           D. used

A. keep up          B. keep off       C. keep on        D. keep away

完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
I was standing on stage before 200 people, dressed up as George Washington. I had the lead role in my sixth grade  36  and, for the past two months, I had walked back and forth in my room  37  to say my lines.
Now it was time to give a  38  , and my heart was beating rapidly. At my  39 , I began to speak smoothly and clearly, but then it  40  : I stuttered(口吃). I knew I would, and I did.
From that moment on, I  41  that my role in that play would be my first and my last. My speech problem affected  42  .
As a child, I struggled to say a full sentence, repeatedly hearing the  43  comments of my parents. “Take a deep breath and think about what you’re going to say.” I was too  44 to admit I had a problem.
 45  my school career progressed my speech problem became less noticeable, but it never 46  . It held me back.
After realizing that class officers had to speak in front of the entire student body, I  47 running in class elections . I feared reading aloud and meeting new people.
I would  48  sit in my room and cry, imagining what it would be like to be  49 , like everyone else.
Finally, I came to my senses. I read articles about famous people who 50  their speech problems. I  51  the fact that I do have a problem that will always be with me.
It has made me a 52  person and, with time, I know I’ll gain the confidence to stand up and 53  to myself that it will never hold me back.  54  , I know that I’m not the only one who  55 , because nobody is perfect.

A.play B.game C.danceD.concert
A.desiring B.waiting C.strugglingD.hesitating
A.sightB.angleC.news D.turn
A.urgedB.promised C.admitted D.repeated
A.nothing B.somethingC.everythingD.anything
A.excitingB.surprisingC.puzzling D.annoying
A.ashamed B.willingC.weak D.eager
A.insisted on B.put offC.approved ofD.gave up
A.neverB.seldomC.sometime D.constantly
A.normalB.special C.usualD.alive
A.realizedB.refusedC.overcame D.avoided
A.On the contrary B.On the other handC.Above allD.At most
A.attempts B.arguesC.suffers D.risks

A successful businessman was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor(继任者)to take over the business. ___36__ choosing one of his children,he decided to do something different,He ___37____ all the young executives(主管)In hs company together, and said,"l will give each one of you a(n)____38____  today.l want you to plant the seed,water it, and ___39___ here one year form today with what you have grown from the seed,l will then ___40____ your plants,and the one I choose will be the next CEO."
Jim was ___41___ that day and he also received a seed.He went home ___42___,and got a pot,some soil and planted the seed.Everday,he watered it and __43___ to see if it had grown,___44__ nothing ever grew.
Time flew,and it was time to __45__ their plants to the boss.When Jim arrived,he was
___46__ the variety of plant gsrown by the other executives.They were all__47__ in all shapes and sizes.
When the old CEO arrived,he __48__ the room and greeted his young execytuves.
"___49__ ! What great plants,trees,and flowers you have grown."All of a sudden, the CEO___50__ Jim at the back of the room With his___51___ pot.He asked him what had happened to his seed一Jim told him his ____52____.
The CEO looked at Jim,and then ____53___to the young executives,"Now we have the nestChlef Executlve Office—his name is Jim!"
Nobody Could ___54___ it,including Jim himself.Then the CEO said,"One year ago the seeds I gave everyone were all boiled seeds; it was not ___55___for them to grow.Remember everyone,if you plant honesty,you will reap(收获)trust."
36. A.Because of                 B.In additlon to     C.Apart from          D.Instead of
37. A.took                B.called         C.left                  D.kept
38. A.Order              B.plant          C.seed                D.appointment
39. A.come back           B.get off         C.forget about       D.walk around
40. A.colect               B.buy                 C.sell                 D.judge
41. A.absent               B.late           C.there                D.out
41. A.excitedly            B.nervously      C.carefully          D.angrily
43. A.declared             B.remained      C.watched              D.intended
44. A.so                 B.since          C.but                 D.if
45. A.dig out             B.pack up        C.meet with            D.bring back
46. A.disappointed at        B.amazed at     C.satisfied with             D.cautious about
47. A.green               B.beautiful      C.depressing            D.dying
48. A.scanned             B.found                C.searched             D.inspected
49. A.Your               B.His           C.Her                D.My
50. A.told                B.spotted       C.praised               D.blamed
51. A.empty              B.broken        C.big                 D.expensive
52. A.secret                B.story          C.cause               D.doubt
53.A.explained               B.suggested           C.announced          D.introduced
54.A.hear                   B.know           C.realize                  D.believe
55.A.necessary               B.important     C.possible            D.practical

What kind of life do you seek for? One that is frustrating and full of complaints every day? Or one that is filled with thankfulness, gratefulness and a positive mind?
The moment we open our eyes each day, we should be grateful that we are still alive.We are given a brand-new day.We are given another day to love.We are given another day of hope.We are given another chance to do whatever we have failed to accomplish.Those who have chosen to leave this place do not have any second chance.
We should be grateful every day.By being grateful, we will treasure the things around us.We will learn to appreciate life in a better way.Treat others better and find ourselves in a better mood every day.When we are thankful and grateful for the things we have, the universe tends to give us more.
By being thankful and grateful for our personal health, we will focus our attention on it and we would want to have a better well-being for our health.We will want to eat healthier food to nourish our body.After all, the body is the temple of our soul.We have to treat it well so that it can carry us a longer journey in life.
When we face problems in life, be thankful and grateful too.They are designed specifically for us so that we will be stronger and wiser.We are like a strong oak tree, facing the harsh weathers time to time.After each storm, we will grow stronger and strengthen our foundations for the next harsh weather.
The year 2010 has come to an end.Have you achieved what you aimed for in the past year? Be grateful for those you have achieved and especially for those you have not—both successes and failures.Failures and mistakes will give you valuable lessons.So, pick yourself up and try again this year.Good luck!
【小题1】According to the text, how many kinds of life are mentioned?

【小题2】What does the word "harsh" underlined in the text refer to?
【小题3】According to the text, the life filled with thankfulness should be the following except that we       .
A.learn to enjoy our life in a better way
B.face problems in life and choose to leave
C.focus our attention on our health
D.treat others better and find ourselves in a better mood
【小题4】The sentence "We are like a strong oak tree…" in the fifth paragraph, we can see that the author used the writing technique of ____.
A.telling a fairy storyB.stating facts
C.discussing mattersD.imitating things
【小题5】What would be the best title for the text?
A.Kinds of LifeB.Be Positive
C.Be Grateful Every DayD.Pick Yourself Up

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