
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 
          2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
When I was a senior in a high school, I had a teacher calling Mrs Smith. She taught English
and she has an important effect on me. She was fill of love for us. She had our class to make
posters and hang it around the school. She taught us that one kindly act can go long way. Well,
Mrs smith passed away just a couple of year ago after a long battle with the breast cancer. I'll
never forget how a wonderful and sweet lady she was. I am truly blessed to have been known
her. I am going to be a teacher like her and I'll always remember her kindness.
     When I was a senior in a high school, I had a teacher calling Mrs. Smith. She taught English and she has
                                                                                1. called                                                     2. had
an important effect on me. She was fill of love for us. She had our class to make posters and hang it around
                                                  3. full                                        4. 去掉to                         5. them
the school. She taught us that one kindly act can go∧long way. Well, Mrs. smith passed away just a couple
                                                6. kind              7. a
of year ago after a long battle with the breast cancer. I'll never forget how a wonderful and sweet lady she 
 8. years                                                                                     9. what
was. I am truly blessed to have been known her. I am going to be a teacher like her and I'll always remember
                                         10. 去掉been
her kindness.
     Hello, everyone. The bus is leaving in a few minute. So I'd just like go over some of our safe rules
before we set off. Firstly, you mustn't get out of the bus with my permission. Remember that you're
safe inside the bus. If you get out of on your own, you could be attacked. Secondly, you all must stay
closely to me. We really have to stay together even in the special reserve areas. Now thirdly, we all
have to sign in this insurance declaration, saying that you're taking responsibility for your own safety.
I'll just pass around for you all to sign. Finally, I want to remind you we're going to a nature reserve.
All the animals are wild and they don't like disturbed. But when we are walking, we must try to keep as
quiet as possible. Now, any questions?

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