

1.Many of Charles Dickens’s novels were (起初) published in serial form in magazines.

2.How long will the (注册)trade-mark remain valid?

3.Research is also advanced by (经常的)conference to exchange experience.

4. Owing to his good performance in the match, he was (任命)captain of the team.

5.The boy is clever, but he won’t make great acheivements because of his lack of (抱负).

6. Women are still struggling for true e with men in many countries.

7.C the strength of the opposition, we did very well to score two goals.

8.I don’t want to become a b to my children when I’m old.

9.Kate is very modest, always saying that she o her success to teamwork.

10. In t of fast-train technology, China stands out above other countries in the world.


























When I was a young teenager, about 14, I was already ready to work. My father was a dairy man and he had been working his entire life. For him, getting up at 5 a.m. and working a couple of hours before I went to school, and then more after school until there was not enough to see, were normal.

My father considered putting good work ethics in me to be very . He began to show me these, not through , but through his actions. He would not a job until it was done. He put his all into everything he did. However, he showed me this not just in working, but in everything. Like when I was in soccer, I wanted to a game once, and he explained to me that I had made a and that even if I just skipped one game, then I did not to play the rest of the games.

So the day I started my first job at the age of 14, I was to show my father that I could do it well, and that I was not going to . My entire was to make my father proud of me. I knew that I did, he would not say it in words, but he would show it. My first job was doing for a company. As most of you know, construction is not an easy job, especially being so . When someone as young as I started working, they would either or get stronger. I got stronger. I worked the I had been taught and I gave that day everything I had. In the end, my boss was . He even called to tell my parents what a good worker I was, and my parents’ eyes . From that day on I have worked every job to my full , because that day defined(界定) my life. It defined how I was going to work, and I will always stick to it in the rest of my life.

1.A. goingB. workingC. learningD. playing

2.A. timeB. chanceC. lightD. strength

3.A. ridiculousB. easyC. absoluteD. important

4.A. factsB. wordsC. practiceD. assessment

5.A. quitB. findC. doD. finish

6.A. mightB. wouldC. couldD. should

7.A. enjoyB. defeatC. skipD. take

8.A. commitmentB. improvement C. devotionD. compromise

9.A. decideB. submitC. resistD. deserve

10.A. preparedB. shockedC. delightedD. interested

11.A. stickB. leaveC. failD. play

12.A. problemB. worldC. trickD. goal

13.A. in caseB. now thatC. even ifD. as though

14.A. regulation B. construction C. communication D. reception

15.A. weakB. poorC. delicateD. young

16.A. breakB. struggleC. pauseD. object

17. A. mannerB. momentC. wayD. method

18.A. impressedB. surprisedC. inspiredD. excited

19.A. staredB. shoneC. liftedD.opened

20.A. occupationB. potentialC. spiritD. skill


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