
III.阅读理解 阅读下面四篇短文,从每题后所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)

  A few days ago I asked my sons’ governess(女家庭教师)Julia to come into my study. “Be seated, Julia, ”I said, “Let’s settle our accounts. I guess you most likely need some money, but maybe you’re too polite to mention it. Now then, we agreed on thirty dollars a month...”


  “No, thirty. I made a note of it. I always pay our governess thirty. Well, um, you’ve been here two months, so...”

  “Two months and five days.”

  “Exactly two months. I made a special note of it. That means you have sixty dollars coming to you. Take off nine Sundays... you know you didn’t work with Tom on Sundays, you only took walks. And three holidays... ”Julia was biting her finger nail nervously, her face red, but - not a word.

  “Three holidays, therefore take off twelve dollars. Four days Tom was sick and there were no lessons, as you were occupied only with Dick. Three days you had a toothache and my wife gave you permission not to work after lunch. Twelve and seven - nineteen. Take nineteen off ... that leaves. hmm.... forty one dollars. Correct?”

  Julia’s left eye reddened with tears welling up. Her chin trembled; she coughed nervously and blew her nose, but - still not a word.

  “Around New Year’s Day you broke a teacup and a saucer; take off two dollars. The cup cost more, it was a treasure of the family, but- forget it. When didn’t I take a loss! Then, due to your neglect (疏忽), Tom climbed a tree and tore his jacket; take away ten. Also due to your carelessness the maid stole Dick’s shoes. You ought to watch everything! You get paid for it. So, that means five more dollars off. The tenth of January I gave ten dollars.”

  “You didn’t. ”sobbed Julia.

  “But I made a note of it.”

  “Well... if you say so.”

  “Take twenty seven from forty one -that leaves fourteen.”

  Both her eyes were filled with tears. Beads of sweat stood on the thin pretty little nose. Poor girl!

  “Only once was I given any money,” she whispered, her voice trembling, “and that was by your wife. Three dollars, nothing more.”

  “Really? You see now, and I didn’t know that! Take three from fourteen.. leaves eleven. Here’s your money, my dear. Three, three, three, one and one. Here it is !”

  I handed her eleven dollars. She took them and pocketed them.

  “Merci (法语: 谢谢),”she whispered.

  I jumped to my feet and started pacing the room. I was overcome with anger. “For what, this - ‘merci’?” I asked.

  “For the money. ”

  “But you know I’ve cheated you - robbed you ! I have actually stolen from you ! Why this‘merci’?”

  “In my other places they didn’t give me anything at all.”

  “They didn’t give you anything? No wonder! I played a little joke on you, a cruel lesson, just to teach you... I m going to give you all the eighty dollars! Here they are in the envelope all ready for you... Is it really possible to be so spineless (懦弱)?Why didn’t you protest? Why were you silent? Is it possible in this world to be without teeth and claws(爪)—to be such a fool?”

  Embarrassed, she smiled. And I could read her expression,“It is possible.”

  I asked her pardon for the cruel lesson and, to her great surprise, gave her the eighty dollars. She murmured her little“merci”several times and went out. I looked after her and thought,“How easy it is to crush the weak in this world !”

41.While talking to Julia, the wrier expected from her ________.

  A. a protest      B. gratitude    C. obedience(顺从)    D. an explanation

42.What shocked the writer was Julia’s ________.

  A. nervousness in front of her boss                B. acceptance of injustice

  C. shyness when talking about money     D. reluctance to express herself

43.The writer said, “Is it possible in this world to be without teeth and claws?” He was actually telling the governess ________.

  A. to be more aggressive                B. to be more careful in her work

  C. to protect her right             D. to live independently

44.At the end of the story, the writer said,“ How easy it is to crush the weak in this world!”to show ____.

  A. his understanding of Julia’s anxiety

  B. his worry about Julia’s future

  C. his concern on the living condition of working - class people

  D. his sympathy for the mental state of those exploited

45.From the story, we can tell that Julia’s employer was ________.

  A. greedy but honest               B. ill - tempered but warm - hearted

  C. strict but forgiving             D. none of the above







When a new Harry Potter book hits the shelves, kids aren’t the only people who are happy.Doctors are happy, too.

Doctors in England recently reported that when the last two Harry Potter books came out,the number of kids in the hospital emergency room(急诊室)fell.

Dr.Stephen Gwilym studied the number of kids aged from 5 to 15 who were in the hospital emergency room after the latest Harty Potter books came out.They focused on two weekends:after Order of the Phoenix came out in 2003 and after Half-Blood Prince arrived in stores in the end of 2004.

During the non-Harry Potter weekends,an average(平均)of 67.4 children visited the emergency room.On Harry Potter weekends,that number was 36.5.

Kids were so interested in the books that they would not go outside to play those weekends.Once Dr Stephen Gwilym saw a child sitting peacefully for hours while reading Harry Potter.

69.Why were the doctors happy when the Harry Potter books came out?

A.Because they could read the books.

B.Because there would be fewer injuries in hospital.

C.Because they found the children peacefully reading books.

D.Because they could make the study.

70.What is the name of the last Harry Potter book?

A.Harry Potter                                             B.Order of the Phoenix

C.Half-Blood Prince                                          D.Dr.Stephen Gwilym

71.The sentence“…an average of 67.4 children visited the emergency room’’means“…an average

of 67.4 children                          .”

A.were injured and went to see the doctor

B.read Harry Potter in the emergency room

C.went to see the emergency room

D.stayed at the emergency room to be studied

72.The phrase “hit the shelves” in the passage means        .

A.break the shelves                                           B.begin to be sold

C.become very popular                                       D.become ill

III.阅读 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


A little under one-third of U.S. families have no Internet access and do not plan to get it, with most of the holdouts seeing little use for it in their lives, according to a survey released on Friday.

Park Associates, a Dallas-based technology market research firm, said 29 percent of U.S. families, or 31 million homes, do not have Internet access and do not intend to subscribe(预订) to an Internet service over the next 12 months. The second annual National Technology Scan conducted by Park found that the main reason why potential customers say they do not subscribe to the Internet is because of the low value to their daily lives rather than concerns over cost.

Forty-four percent of these families say they are not interested in anything on the Internet, versus just 22 percent who say they cannot afford a computer or the cost of Internet service, the survey showed. The answer "I'm not sure how to use the Internet" came from 17 percent of participants who do not subscribe. The response "I do all my e-commerce shopping and YouTube-watching at work" was cited by 14 percent of Internet-access refuseniks. Three percent said the Internet doesn't reach their homes.

The study found U.S. broadband adoption grew to 52 percent over 2006, up from 42 percent in 2005. Roughly half of new subscribers converted(转变) from slower-speed, dial-up Internet access while the other half of families had no prior access.

"The industry continues to chip (击破)away at the core of non-subscribers, but has a long way to go," said John Barrett, director of research at Parks Associates. "Entertainment applications will be the key. If anything will pull in the holdouts, it's going to be applications that make the Internet more similar to pay-TV," he predicted.

41. What does the underlined word “holdouts” in the first paragraph most probably mean?

A. some American families      

B. those who hold out one’s opinions

C. those who have been surveyed    

D. those who still haven’t access to the Internet currently

42. Many potential customers refuse to subscribe to the Internet mainly because __________.

A. they show too much concern about the cost

B. they can find little value of it

C. they do most YouTube-watching at work

D. the Internet doesn’t reach their homes

43. From the passage we can infer that _____________.

A. It is not an easy job to transform those holdouts into the Internet users

B. people will adopt dial-up Internet access no more

C. many Americans enjoy doing e-commerce shopping at home

D. more than half of the population are using the Internet in 2005

44. According to John Barrett, what is the key to attracting more U.S. families to broadband service?

A. making the Internet look more similar to TV set

B. applying the Internet more to entertainment

C. providing more pay-TV programs

D. chipping away at the core of non-subscribers

45. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Web develops with technology

B. The present situation of web

C. Many Americans see little point to web

D. It is urgent to promote web service

II 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分35分)



The Voice of America began during World WarⅡ. When Germany was broadcasting a radio program to get international   21  , American officials believed they should   22   the German broadcast with words that they thought were the facts of world events. The first VOA news report began with words in German. “The news may be good or bad, but we shall tell you the truth.” Within a week, other VOA   23   were broadcasting in Italian, French and English.

After World WarⅡended in 1945, some Americans felt VOA’s   24   had to be changed, considering the Soviet Union became the enemy of America.They wanted to   25    Soviet listeners. Then VOA began broadcasting in Russian.

In the early years VOA began adding something new to its broadcast that was   26___  “ Music USA”. Another new idea came along in 1959.VOA knew that many listeners did not know enough English to completely understand its   27   English broadcast. So VOA   28___   a simpler kind of English, which uses about 1,500 words and is spoken slowly of course, it is special English.

In the opinion of most VOA listeners, the most important program is the news report. News from around the world   29   into the VOA news rooms in Washington 24 hours a day. It comes from VOA reporters in major cities and also from other broadcasts like BBC.VOA writers and editors use these materials to   30   news reports, which are being broadcast in 43 languages.

21. A.business        B.culture          C.support             D.information

22.   A.reply        B.answer         C.join                D.interrupt

23. A.stations         B.news                C.announcers          D.officials

24. A.home           B.position             C.purpose            D.results

25. A.reach           B.satisfy       C.attack              D.support

26. A.known          B.reported       C.called             D.printed

27. A.normal         B.fast           C.good               D.exact

28. A.invented        B.discovered      C.taught               D.stopped

29. A.flies             B.sends           C.delivers            D.pasts

30. A.broadcast        B.announce            C.translate            D.prepare

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