
  I am a big peacemaker. I would much rather take the blame for just about anything

than get into an____36_____.

  However, Lose-Win(委曲求全)is weak. It's easy to get____37_____.on and easy to

gtve tn.

  My____38_____with my mom all started one day when she said to me sarcastically(挖

苦),“Wow,you're sure___39____today.”I took it so seriously that I decided to_____40_____,

myself off from her and never talk back to her. So every time she would say something,

____41_____I disagreed with her I would just say,“Okay,_____42_____you want,Mom"

  But I_____43___got cold quickly. One night I just_____44_____talking to my mom about

the school homework and she said,“‘Oh,that's 45  ”and then went back to mop

the floor.

  “Don’t you ever_____46____?”I thought.  But I didn't say anything and stormed off.

She had no idea I was even____47_____.She would have been willing to____48_____to me had I

told her how important it was to me.

  _____49____,I just blew up.“Mom,this has got to____50______.You tell me everything

you want me to do and I just do i‘because it's______51____than quarrelling. Well,I’m sick

of it.”This all came as a   52  to her.

  After my blowup,we felt like we were starting all over in our 53  .But it's

getting better all the time. We discuss things now and I always  54  my feelings with her.

  If you adopt Lose-Win as your basic attitude toward life,you'll be  55  your

true feelings deep inside. And that’s not healthy.

36. A. apology       B. argument  C. emergency    D. enemy

37. A. held         B. focused  C. moved      D. stepped

38. A. fights        B. problems  C. quarrels     D. talks

39. A. lucky        B. polite   C. troublesome   D. clever

40. A. close        B. cut    C. set       D. take

41. A. as if        B. as long as  C. even though  D. so that

42. A. something      B. whatever   C. nothing    D. too much

43. A. really        B. even    C: eagerly    D. maybe

44. A. finished       B. kept     C. avoided    D. remembered

45. A. true         B. impossible  C. nice      D. fair

46. A. agree        B. promise   C. scold     D. care

47. A. impatient  B. frightened  C. sure     D. upset

48. A. talk     B. explain   C. come     D. get

49. A. Anyway    B. After a while  C. At last  D. Once again

50. A, happen    B. change     C. last    D. stop

51. A. worse    B, easier     C. more    D. safer

52. A, surprise   B. pleasure    C. gift    D. harm

53. A. hardship   B. relationship  C. faith   D. life

54. A. share    B. have      C. discuss  D. express

55. A. hurting   B. leaving     C. storing  D. hiding

36---40 BDBCA 41---45 CBAAC 46---50 DDACB 51---55 BABAD



Working Wives

  Last week, we published an article about modern marriage.A recent survey showed that in England 51 percent of married women go out to work.People were asked what they thought of “working wives”.The results were as follows:

  We asked readers to write and tell us their opinions.Here are some of the hundreds of letters we received.?

  I’m a(woman)photographer.I make plenty of money, travel a lot, and meet a lot of people.I enjoy my work, and would hate to stay at home.I would never marry a man who wanted me to give up my work.


  At present there are over 1,000,000 unemployed men in Britain.If a woman gets a job, she puts one more man out of work.Perhaps that man has a wife and twelve children to support.Let women stay at home where they belong to.

  Ted Stubbs

  I am a mother of twelve children.When I go to work, my husband looks after the children.He is very good with the children and enjoys staying at home with them.And I enjoy my job as a bus driver.

  Boot Battersea

  We are twin sisters, who both got married recently.One of us(Doreen)kept her job.The other(Doris)gave up her jobs.But Doris gets bored staying at home, and Doreen gets bored going out to work.So now Doreen works for a week, while Doris stays at home.Then Doris does Doreen’s job for a week, while Doreen stays at home.At work, they never know if it’s Doreen who’s working today!

  Doris & Doreen Bean Hendon


Last week we published an article about _________.

[  ]


marriage nowadays


working women


working wives


a strange marriage


The woman photographer would not marry a man who _________.

[  ]


has less money than her


likes staying at home


is not very gentle


wants her to stay at home


Ted Stubbs thought that women going out to work _________.

[  ]


would make men lose chances for work


would be better than men


would weaken the right of the husband at home


would be meaningless


When the bus driver goes to work, _________.

[  ]


her children take care of themselves


a nurse looks after her children instead of her


her husband looks after the children


she has to have everything ready for the children


        Getting to Now: How to Beat the Procrastination Habit

  I am a procrastinator(拖拉者). I always have been. I've tried all sorts of things to beat the habit. Here are some techniques I've been using to try to force myself to get to now:

  Set aside blocks of time to do things. When I was talking with my wellness coach earlier this year, she asked me why I didn't exercise more often. “  ,” I said. “Something always comes up.” She wasn’t impressed. “J.D.,” she said, “You have to make time. Make an appointment with yourself to run or to go for a bike ride.” The same principle applies to other things you might procrastinate.

    . Often I’ll be sitting on the back porch reading a book, and it will occur to me that some chore needs to be done — mending the fence, for example. “  ,” I tell myself. Wrong! What usually happens is that I forget to write it down, and even if I do, I just look at the list and procrastinate for weeks on end. The best move is to actually do the chore when I think of it. (Assuming, of course, that I have the time at that moment,which I usually do.)

  Use a timer to bring you back to reality. Part of the reason I procrastinate is that I'm a daydreamer.    . One way to keep on track is to use a timer. I use the Ultrak Jumbo Countdown Timer, but not as often as I should. I set it for 48 minutes. When it goes off,    : Am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing?

  Do not multitask. I often start many things at once, but I never actually do any of them. In order for me to get something done, I need to focus my attention on it. Trying to do several things at once is a sure way to be sure they'll all be unfinished tomorrow.

  A. I’m always lost in thought

  B. it brings me back to reality

  C. If it comes to mind, then do it

  D. I don’t have the time

  E. it serves as an instant reality check

  F. Do it right away if you are asked to do something

  G. I need to write that down so I can remember it

  I am a man who has been egoistic(以自我为中心的) and I have had a lack of respect for myself and others around me.I participated in various transformation workshops, 36 ,it made no differece.I remained 37 in my life.As a result,I became 38 from my family and reached rock 39 in my life.Having reached there,I resisted transforming myself.
  After some time,I thought to myself: start believing in yourself and it will make a 40 in your life.I first started loing 41 and then all those around me.I started respecting myself and then others around me.My 42 increased.
  Sangeeta is my workmate.She's transparent, 43 and respectful.She's very 44 and has a large family to support.In addition,her husband doesn't hold a regular job.In short,she's struggling in life.
  On a cold winter morning,when she came to work,I found her 45 .I asked whether she had a pullover(毛线套衫). She didn't reply.I had my 46 .The next day when she came to work again,I gave her the money to buy a 47 for herself.The expression of 48 in her eyes was something that would remain with me for a long time.
  A few weeks ago,she was 49 and didn't come to work.Instead,she sent her friend to do her work.The moment I 50 Sangeeta was sick,I gave 51 the money to buy medicines for her treatment. I took Sangeeta some time to recover 52 her illness.The first thing I 53 was whether she needed any more help of any kind. And she said,"Sir, you've done enough for me.I'm grateful to you."
  That was the moment 54 I realized that I'm walking my path.Sometimes,I still fall down,but I get up and start walking again 55 I may have hurt myself in the process.
  36.A.fortunately     B.however        C.gradually       D.obviously
  37.A.stuck          B.engaged        C.caught         D.made
  38.A.independent     B.separated       C.prevented      D.locked
  39.A.top            B.turning         C.bottom        D.exit
  40.A.progress        B.deal           C.decision        D.difference
  41.A.others          B.life            C.myself         D.friends
  42.A.self - worth      B.self - control    C.self - service     D.self - defense
  43.A.imaginative      B.fascinating     C.honest          D.good - looking
  44.A.poor            B.healthy        C.patient          D.disappointed
  45.A.exciting         B.singing        C.confusing        D.shaking
  46.A.idea            B.promise        C.performance     D.answer
  47.A.bike            B.pullover        C.ticket          D.drink
  48.A.thankfulness    B.guilty          C.pity            D.shock
  49.A.away           B.ill             C.late            D.missing
  50.A.puzzled         B.considered      C.realized        D.admitted
  51.A.her husband     B.her family       C.Sangeeta       D.her friend
  52.A.from           B.of              C.off           D.for
  53.A.looked into      B.took down       C.cared about    D.called on
  54.A.that            B.which           C.how          D.when
  55.A.as if           B.even though      C.so that        D.if only


        Getting to Now: How to Beat the Procrastination Habit

  I am a procrastinator(拖拉者). I always have been. I've tried all sorts of things to beat the habit. Here are some techniques I've been using to try to force myself to get to now:

  Set aside blocks of time to do things. When I was talking with my wellness coach earlier this year, she asked me why I didn't exercise more often. “ 1. ,” I said. “Something always comes up.” She wasn’t impressed. “J.D.,” she said, “You have to make time. Make an appointment with yourself to run or to go for a bike ride.” The same principle applies to other things you might procrastinate.

   2. . Often I’ll be sitting on the back porch reading a book, and it will occur to me that some chore needs to be done — mending the fence, for example. “ 3. ,” I tell myself. Wrong! What usually happens is that I forget to write it down, and even if I do, I just look at the list and procrastinate for weeks on end. The best move is to actually do the chore when I think of it. (Assuming, of course, that I have the time at that moment,which I usually do.)

  Use a timer to bring you back to reality. Part of the reason I procrastinate is that I'm a daydreamer.   4. . One way to keep on track is to use a timer. I use the Ultrak Jumbo Countdown Timer, but not as often as I should. I set it for 48 minutes. When it goes off,   5. : Am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing?

  Do not multitask. I often start many things at once, but I never actually do any of them. In order for me to get something done, I need to focus my attention on it. Trying to do several things at once is a sure way to be sure they'll all be unfinished tomorrow.

  A. I’m always lost in thought

  B. it brings me back to reality

  C. If it comes to mind, then do it

  D. I don’t have the time

  E. it serves as an instant reality check

  F. Do it right away if you are asked to do something

  G. I need to write that down so I can remember it




  I am a man who has been egoistic(以自我为中心的) and I have had a lack of respect for myself and others around me.I participated in various transformation workshops, 36 ,it made no differece.I remained 37 in my life.As a result,I became 38 from my family and reached rock 39 in my life.Having reached there,I resisted transforming myself.

  After some time,I thought to myself: start believing in yourself and it will make a 40 in your life.I first started loing 41 and then all those around me.I started respecting myself and then others around me.My 42 increased.

  Sangeeta is my workmate.She's transparent, 43 and respectful.She's very 44 and has a large family to support.In addition,her husband doesn't hold a regular job.In short,she's struggling in life.

  On a cold winter morning,when she came to work,I found her 45 .I asked whether she had a pullover(毛线套衫). She didn't reply.I had my 46 .The next day when she came to work again,I gave her the money to buy a 47 for herself.The expression of 48 in her eyes was something that would remain with me for a long time.

  A few weeks ago,she was 49 and didn't come to work.Instead,she sent her friend to do her work.The moment I 50 Sangeeta was sick,I gave 51 the money to buy medicines for her treatment. I took Sangeeta some time to recover 52 her illness.The first thing I 53 was whether she needed any more help of any kind. And she said,"Sir, you've done enough for me.I'm grateful to you."

  That was the moment 54 I realized that I'm walking my path.Sometimes,I still fall down,but I get up and start walking again 55 I may have hurt myself in the process.

  36.A.fortunately     B.however        C.gradually       D.obviously

  37.A.stuck          B.engaged        C.caught         D.made

  38.A.independent     B.separated       C.prevented      D.locked

  39.A.top            B.turning         C.bottom        D.exit

  40.A.progress        B.deal           C.decision        D.difference

  41.A.others          B.life            C.myself         D.friends

  42.A.self - worth      B.self - control    C.self - service     D.self - defense

  43.A.imaginative      B.fascinating     C.honest          D.good - looking

  44.A.poor            B.healthy        C.patient          D.disappointed

  45.A.exciting         B.singing        C.confusing        D.shaking

  46.A.idea            B.promise        C.performance     D.answer

  47.A.bike            B.pullover        C.ticket          D.drink

  48.A.thankfulness    B.guilty          C.pity            D.shock

  49.A.away           B.ill             C.late            D.missing

  50.A.puzzled         B.considered      C.realized        D.admitted

  51.A.her husband     B.her family       C.Sangeeta       D.her friend

  52.A.from           B.of              C.off           D.for

  53.A.looked into      B.took down       C.cared about    D.called on

  54.A.that            B.which           C.how          D.when

  55.A.as if           B.even though      C.so that        D.if only


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