
How do apology languages work? Have you ever tried to apologize, only to be refused? It may be that you were offering a partial apology in a “language”, that was foreign to your listener. The five languages of apology include:
Apology Language 1: “I am sorry.”
List the hurtful effects of your action. Not “I am sorry if …”, but “I am sorry that…”. You might ask if they want to add any points that you have not recognized.
Apology Language 2:“I was wrong.”
Name your mistake and accept fault. Note that it is easier to say “You are right” than “ I am wrong”, but the latter carries more weight.
Apology Language 3: “What can I do to make it right?”
How are you now? How shall I make amends(弥补) to you? How can I restore your confidence that I love you— even though I was so hurtful to you?
Apology Language 4: “I’ll try not to do that again.”
Engage in problem-solving. Don’t make excuses for yourself such as, “Well, my day was just so…” Instead, offer what you will change to prevent yourself from putting them in the same bad situation again.
Apology Language 5: “Will you please forgive me?”
Be patient in seeking forgiveness. They may need some time or greater clarification(澄清) of your input from Apology Languages 1-4.
Finally, your apology may not be accepted, but at least you know that you have been faithful in offering a sincere olive branch(橄榄枝) of peace.
【小题1】The passage mainly talks about___________

A.5 tips for apologies that workB.5 ways of refusing apologies
C.the function of apology languagesD.the importance of apology languages
【小题2】According to Paragraph 1, your apology may be refused mainly because________
A.your listeners can’t understand your dialect.
B.your listeners can’t hear what you said clearly.
C.your apology is not sincere.
D.your apology is not expressed well enough.
【小题3】When offering an apology, which of the following does the author prefer?
A.“You are right”B.“I am sorry if …”
C.“I was wrong.”D.“Well, my day was just so…”
【小题4】In the last paragraph, the author tells us even if your apology may not be accepted, at least ___________.
A.It’s your fault any moreB.your mind will be at peace
C.your friend will make peace with you.D.your apology is true to your heart


【小题1】A 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段Have you ever tried to apologize, only to be refused? It may be that you were offering a partial apology in a “language”, that was foreign to your listener. The five languages of apology include:可知本文是关于5中道歉的建议使用方式。故A正确。
【小题2】D 细节题。根据第一段It may be that you were offering a partial apology in a “language”, that was foreign to your listener.可知也许是因为你的道歉的方式不正确,导致别人不能接受。故D正确,
【小题3】C 推理题。根据Name your mistake and accept fault. Note that it is easier to say “You are right” than “ I am wrong”, but the latter carries more weight.说明“ I am wrong”道歉的语气最重,自然也就效果最好,也是作者所推荐的道歉方法。故C正确。
【小题4】D 细节题。根据文章最后一段  Finally, your apology may not be accepted, but at least you know that you have been faithful in offering a sincere olive branch(橄榄枝) of peace.可知即使你的道歉没有被对方接受,但是你的内心获得了宁静和平衡,毕竟你做出了努力。故D正确。


Read the following passage and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph.  There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A. Promise behaviors

B. Attitude beats experience

C. Job-winning qualities

D. Employer and employee relation

E. Stable career choices

F. Importance of teamwork skills

Despite the economy, experts advise students to major in what interests them.

Aware of the worst job market in more than 25 years, many students enrolling in colleges and universities this fall are considering majors that they believe will land them stable career. 

Students with degrees in nursing, health care, accounting, computer, general science and engineering report the most success in finding jobs. Those with degrees in finance, journalism, graphic design, and international relations have had tougher times, liberal arts graduates also struggle.

Still career experts say students should major in whatever area most interests them, even if it’s a less specialized liberal arts field, such as Chinese and or sociology. In a national survey, communication, followed closely by a strong work ethic and team work skills, was rated at the most important qualities sought by employers. “Liberal arts teaches us how to learn. When we go out into the world of work, we are going to have to continue to learn,” said Dan Naegeli, director of the university of North Texas career center.

Texas Health Resources uses a wide range of workers at its 14 hospitals and other sites. The 18,000 employees company hires about 2000 people a year. It looks for candidates with “promise (有前途的) behaviors,” human resource director Justin Clem said.

     “The resume is great… Education is wonderful,” Clem said. “But when we interview, we really want to look at situations they were put into the past, what actions they took, and what were the results. Do these results really support treating other people with courtesy dignity and respect? And communicating clearly and earning people’s trust? And thinking before they act?”

The company also looks for people who have record of providing service, said Janaelle Nowne, vice president of human resource. If a student mowed lawns or worked at a fast-food restaurant, she said, “ the things that we would want to hear is how you attended to providing service to people that you were working with and how you were attending to the quality of the products that you have. ”

“Experience is always helpful, but it is not always the guarantee that person is going to get the job,” she added. “We look at the behaviors and the attitude they bring in and their willingness to be a part of the team.”

Lockheed Martin has all sorts of jobs in all sorts of fields. One of the skills recruiters consider is the ability to work in teams.

“Most of what we do is problem solving, and you get people with different kinds of skills together to solve the problem,” said Norman Robbins, senior manager community relations. “If you are real bright but you can’t get along with anybody, you’re not going to be as successful as you will be if you can work in teams.”

A week ago, I had the great pleasure of reading an e-book, When Money Talks, Listen! By Rich Ezzo.It took only about an hour to read.

   When I first received a copy, I thought it was a Get Rich Quick type of publication.Nothing is wrong with Get Rich Quick, but my mind just doesn’t chase after dreams of wealth.I think that if God ever wants me to be rich, he knows where to find my purse.

   When I began reading When Money Talks, Listen!, I was overjoyed to find that Rich Ezzo isn’t money hungry either.He, too, is hungry far more important than money.

Since I love this e-book so much, why wait a week to write the review? Simple.I wanted to see if the effect it had on me was a keeper.After reading the last word of the e-book, I totally agreed with the subtitle which promised to forever change the way we thought about money.I had so many thoughts running around my mind that I had to install(安装) a stoplight to stop some while others made their way into the picture, then I yielded(让路) them as a few ones arrived in town.I had a mental traffic jam, which only goes to show how slow the traffic usually is

   It has been a week and the effect is the same.I truly do look at money differently and have even done a few things differently this week.This is an e-book you’ll want to read, I promise.I often recommend books to my daughter, and this is one that I didn’t just “suggest”---I left it open at the bottom of the computer and told each one, “Read it, you’ll love it.”

   I would never point someone in a direction I wouldn’t go myself.I urge you to visit the author’s website, Myster Money, and to download the e-book.You won’t regret it.

The author wrote this passage to _________ 

       A.strongly recommend an e-book.

     B.show the author's attitude to money.

     C.introduce the general idea of an e-book.

     D.point out Rich Ezzo isn't money hungry.

According to the passage, a Get Rich Quick type of publication ______.

       A.is what the author really cares for

       B.deals with how to make money

       C.is also an e-book written by Rich Ezzo

       D.is more popular than e-books

The author didn't write the review as soon as he finished reading the book because________.

     A.he was too excited to write anything

     B.he was not sure whether he did well

     C.he had to wait for Rich Ezzo's permission

     D.he wondered if the book would have long influence on him

By saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4, the author probably __________.

     A.shows that the book brought him many new thoughts

     B.shows how bad the traffic is in town

     C.describes the difficulty in understanding the book

     D.explains it's hard to change one's attitude to money

Which of the following is supported by the passage?

      A.The author had known Rich Ezzo before.

     B.The author hasn't dreamed of getting rich immediately.

     C.The author always prefers e-books to paper books.

     D.The author likes Get Rich Quick-type of publications.

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